Page 4 Portland/O hserver Thursday November 30. 1972 POH TLA y D OBSERVER Hotline N o ttle a st is a telephone seivice lo r»« In Northeast Portland to receive emergency help, Intnr- niatlon, and |u' * ,on8 gether with the reasons tlw refore. ’ ' * A m er'c«n Judiciary Society. ,o- I he STRONGEST CASE Ever Revealed About The N E. 14th A Sandy Bl»d C ALL « 2 -4 1 11 DAY OR NIGHT CLEANERS * LAUNDERERS AMERICAN JUDICIARY SOCIETY Alpha Publlshng Company P . O. Box 13513 Phoenix, Arizona 85002 pNce“ f ^ , " ,e95 ^ " p y . ' ^ u ^ e r e t a ^ t h - T i n ^ ^ n o r Is worth many times Its cost I may return it within 10 days fL r’ postage. Enclosed is payment fo r my tria l order. V Itta b U th a d 1912 QUALITY DRY CLEANING REASONABLE RATES AND « i f service orv cleaning AVAILABLE Do IL Tours«.! The REPUBLICAN HERITAGE And So*« SS V 00 p a ir V eOch luscious big red cherries c o v e re d w it h m ilk chocolate Section« Meyer 00 In tro d u c to ry o f f e r C O LO N IA L MORTUARY 289-9357 Fresh Corn Fed Pork Family Pack Catsup Steam and Dry 39j ,2oi$ cans ■ |4 oo9‘ 17 Nutritious economy quality, ideal for everyday fam ily meal» Avo.lobl« G rocery S cthont Reg 89 1 Orange Juice i ib M rs . Julia Canter, Mem­ bership Chairman, w ill re­ new delinquent memberships and answer questions of those who wish to affiliate them­ selves with The Council, either as regular orassociate members. There w ill be a s ilv e r offering. • same pz z suer service •? Hour ClfANING SAturoAvs until noon • compute lAUNorv urvice Top Frost Frozen M argarine $1 00 8 E x e c u tiv e s e c re ta rie s a tte n d s e m in a r If training institutes fo r secretaries are expected to be a series of over-crowded lectures in smoke-filled hotel suites, then Portland Community College's Semi­ nar fo r Executive Secretaries is a departure from the ordi­ nary. The PCC Executive Secre­ tary Seminar involves a small group of secretaires who are currently working fo r managers in business and government. They meet from 10 - j n . to I pun. each Tues­ day at PCC’ s Cascade center. 70S N. Kiilingsworth, where they have immediate access to on-the-job training faci­ litie s . The m aterial is pre­ sented in eight weekly ses­ sions to allow better under­ standing and application of new ideas. Originating at the request of the Portland mayor’ s of- Saturday Dec 2 , Holiday Savings by James L . Mack, MP., President of the Oregon Thoracic Society A lot has changed since Cranny’s day. Polluted a ir. Cigarettes, Crammed super­ highways. Rut Christm as is s till beautiful. And so are Christm as Seals. This year’ s Seals sport G ra n n y ’ s double-decker house, glassy skyscrapers, funny old-fashioned trains and sleighs, split-level suburban homes, snowball fights, and lamplight carolers. I he m ix is both modern and tra d i­ tional. one of the changes since Granny’ s day is a people ex­ plosion. Just r>5 years ago, when the firs t Christmas seal was printed to fight tuber­ culosis. there were only 87 n illio n Americans. Today tie figure has sped past 200 m illio n and is headed sky­ ward. In the old days. TB «as a k ille r called tie White Plague which spread like brushflres from person to person. (Hit o! every 11X1,000 people. 174 died from TB In a single year. Today, only two out of the same num ter die from the disease. Modem drugs can treat ami prevent the active disease if it is detected in tim e. Christmas seals s till fight TB because the disease itse lf hasn’t died yet. Last year nearly 40,000 new active cases were found in this country. An unknown number of people have TB without knowing it. Coughing, fa ti­ gue, and weight loss can le suspicious symptoms. And today there’ s a new id le r that s ipes out th t lives of 300,000 Americans every year — cigarettes. G ra n v never heard of emphv ,na because cigarettes were not a deadly national pastime in her day. A little cliewing tobacco d idn't create lung cripples. Today C h ris r ^ a Seals fight emphyv -.a, TB, and a ir pollution because there’ re there. Answer your Christmas Seal le tte r today. And to It; ' out what can be done to tig- . off diseases that affect the lungs, contact your local tuberculosis and iv a rira to ry disease association It’ s a m atter of life and breath. Maybe even yours. 29 » Which gives property rights p rio rity over individual rights. Name Address C ity State Z ip Code ” "" full r e fu iT m c l^ 'i " °k ’ ,nc,u<,,nK rBturn .