Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 09, 1972, Image 1

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    m G X»
Thursday N ovem ber 9,1972 1CX per copy
Oregon elects first Black legislator
Democrats have apparently
won control of tl« Oregon
Senate fo r tl« firs t time
since 1959 tut tl« leadership
of tie Oregon House is still
In doubt.
Based on Incomplete elect­
ion returns, tl« Democrats
won 10 Senate »eats and they
have eight holdover senators.
This would give 18 out of 30
member Senate and a m ajority
even if the two Democrats who
joined Republicans to organize
the 1971 Senate vole with t l *
GOP next year.
Ambassador visits Albina
by J Un Kögen
The Honorable J . Monoo.
11« Ghanlan ambassador to
U« United state», »poke Ia n
Saturday at Nero Industries
an Union Avenue, in a lecture
spoil sored by the Nortbweat
Black-Am erican studies of
Portland State Unlveralty.
Ambassador Monoo cen­
tered hla lecture on " t ie
necessity of Increased links
and functional ties between
Africans and Black Am eri­
cana." Monoo, who became
Ghana's ambassador to tl»
United States four months
ago, la presently touring the
Norttiwest and Western states
to Improve understanding and
telatlonshlpa between Black
Africans and Black Am eri­
M r . Monoo said that all
Informed Africans aie favor­
ably impressed and grateful
to those Individual» and o r­
ganizations dial had contrl-
significantly to the
International Black liberation
struggle over die many years
^ J t .B . Dubois and Marcus
Garvey a«''p rim eexam p le»,"
Ambassador Monoo em­
phasized the destructive and
willful distortion of Informa­
tion on African affair» by
white mass-media publica­
tions and Institutions, and 1«
added that tills la one of 0 «
many attempts "by our ene­
m ies" to divide and separate
Africans and Black A m eri­
cana, Monoo added that thia
adverse propaganda prevents
close lies aril contracts be­
tween Black people through-
cut tl« world and also results
In lack of understanding of
the revolutionary movements
In Black A frica.
He sakl
Those elected to the Oregon
House of Representative to
represent the Albina area are:
Stepl«n Kafoury, Democrat,
D is tric t 13; D r . HowardCher-
ry. Democrat, D is tric t 14;
W ally P rie stly, Democrat.
D is tric t 16 and Lloyd Kinsey,
Republican, D is tric t 18.
Judge Deiz
M e re d e s Detz was elected to the C ircuit Court, C ou r t of
Domestic Relations, for Multnomah County. Judge D eIz is cur­
rently a member of the D is tric t Court.
counlr tos
"w hole-t»artedly
tourists and are also In­
terested in accelerating stu­
dent and teacher education
exchange program s." Monoo
added that white Americans
were also welcome to work
In Ghana " i f they do not come
as Im perialistic exploiters or
m issionaries."
Monoo said Ghana is an
active member of 11« O r­
ganization of African Unity
arid contributes to revolu­
groups throughout
A fric a , He added that the
white governments of South
Africa, Angola, South Rlio-
desla and others "have no
right to be In Black Africa
and that there were indica­
tions that they would even-
tua ly be destroyed by re-
Bill McCoy
W illiam McCoy was elected to the Oregon State Housing Re­
presentatives by the people of D istric t #15. A Democrat M c­
Coy w ill take office in January, 1973.
Board of Education
gets Brenda Green
Brenda Green has been ap­
pointed coordinator of M an-
Power Deveopmentand T ra in ­
ing Act (M DTA) fo r the Oregon
Board of Education. She co­
ordinates funds coming to the
Portland metropolitan area
including those for the Con­
centrated Employment P r o ­
gram ,
She is the Oregon
Board of Education represent­
ative to the MDTA Portland
local operations committee
and representative fo r bud­
get and office procedures for
(Please turn to p. 8 col. 3)
the Multnomah County In te r-
Education D is tric t.
staff In-service, interagency
Charles Jordon, Model Cities
D ire c to r.
M rs . Green Is a graduate of
the University ofMaryland and
studied at Seattle U niversity.
She is m arried to Edmund G.
Green. She is a member of
the NAACP, the State In te r-
group Human Relations Com­
mission, Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, American Business­
women's Association and is a
Junior Stewardess of Bethel
A .M .E . Church.
The overall goals of MDTA
are to administer funds and
Jordan goes to City Hall
Charles Jordan, D irecto r
of Model C ities, one of tl«
moat outstanding community
leader» In Portland, moves
his office downtown to start
the ground work for his new
position aa Acting D ire cto r at
tl» Bureau of Human Re­
M r . Jordan sakl
he was "v e ry delighted" with
the job. " I t la a great op­
portunity to help a great
number of people," Jordan
M r . Jordan was named as
Acting D irecto r of the Bureau
Rasuuraea by
M ayor
Nell Gold
The affatile fuhllC official
has been with Model Cutes
for the past two years, serv­
ing is the third D irecto r of
Model Cities.
Close friends of energetlc
M r . . Jordan always teem
amazed at his apparent con­
stant energy. "How can 1»
find the time to attend so many
and keeping so
many social appointments,"
la s remark frequently heard
wherever Charles Jordan ap­
Instant Earnings from Day of Dapoait
per annum compounded daily and paid quarterly
IU‘nj.(ß Franklin
•«**«•• a kaAH aeaa
R oben H H aren. P rê t • 20 Offices ■ Phone 248-1234
H om e O tiles Franklin Bldg Portland. Oregon 0Z2O4
pr » r » al
Before taking on the nqw
position, jordan named Andy
Kauherson as Acting D ire c­
to r of Model C ities. He also
named M rs . Fays Lyday as
co-ordlnator of the tncial
Department succeeding 1r.
C . Watts Yancy
L C. Soul hits airwaves
by Rosemary Allen
You might have had your
firs t experience with M r .
E jC .Soul In tl« same manner
as 1 did.
You turned your
"Brenda Green's reaue •
tlon was a great loss, I t
radio dial one sunny Sunday
Edna Robertson served ,s
afternoon knowing from the
get-go that you would never
M rs . Green's assistant, so
1 feel that Edna Robertson
find real soul music on a
radio In Portland. But, just
w ill do a splendid job,” J o r­
as you reached the end of
dan said. "1 have the utmost
your dial and the end of your
confidence in Edna Robert­
son, so 1 have named her as
patience, there It was; that
Acting Co-crdlnator of C iti­
goal old funky beat. Some
soul music, at last, at last
zen Participation.
Now perhaps you’ re won­
Jordan also named Laurie
dering who the man Is that’s
Model Cities
spinning these funky sounds.
Information Specialist.
The brother is M r . E . C.
Is a graduate of Boston Uni­
Soul. What does E .C . stand
versity, majoring In journa­
I don’t know and E .C .
lism .
refused to tell me; however,
he did Inform me that is 24
Charles Jordan does not
feel that he is leaving Model
years of age, free (unmar­
C ities. He Is a Model d r ie s
ried), and la a form er resi­
dent of Milwaukie, Wisconsin.
home owner; he Is affiliated
M r.
with many organizations In
KGAR’ s broadcasting fa c ili­
Model Cities; he Is t member
ties, he has nothUig to do
of Bethel AME Church, w., h
with tt« radio station itself.
is In the heart of Modei
1 lties.
He pays and maintains t l *
monies for his program.
By now, from what you
Charles Jordan was asked
have read, you know that M r.
If he thought his lx *ing
E . C . Soul is black, young
would cause M tdel Cities to
and- above all Independent.
suffer, J o r d a n
Some rare qualities in this
quickly, "W ith such a ef­
program is
ficient staff and a well o r­
directed toward Black people
ganized board, along with
of all ages for the sole rea­
m a n y conceraedc I t l / e n s .
son of Initiating a basis of
there le no doubt In my mind
for some
the Model Cities w ill con­
how bringing this community
tinue to grow ." Jordan sakl
closer together.
M r . Soul
the Model Cities Board Is
explains, " M y p r'g ra m may
one of the beat boards that
not do tl» whole job, but its
he has worked with. Be fora
a s ta rt,"
\nd M r . Soul’s
coming to Portland, Jotdan
program form at Is on'y a
waa assistant City Manager
start. On November 25, the
at Palm Springs, California.
E .C . Soul show w ill broad­
cast some Black history in­
volving great black heroes
and heroines of the past. He
also plans to bring in some
M r. Soul plans to bring in
community oriented news.
The E . C . Soul show is
broadcasted on Sunday after­
noons from 11 aun. to I pun.;
however, tin « expansion de­
pends upon many of the black
who have not
heeded the call, A black
thing for black people is haio
enough to get off the ground
In itself. But without the du<
response and support of the
community It serves, efforts
become aim less.
from the black community has
teen good; however, some of
black businesses are
judging this program f r o m
past performances of other
black endeavors by other
If there are black
businessmen who are reading
this article, I hope that it
w ill influence you enough so
that you w ill listen to the
E . C . Soul show, groove on
the sounds and then get into
the positive
motion of reaching into your
pockets and putting some
money behind something that
w ill benefit you and the com­
munity. Perhaps M r . Soul’ s
sincere s t a t e m e n t s w ill
what I ’m
trying to 9ay and what the
E ,C . Soul show Is all about.
" In
order to get ahead,
either as a race of people
or on an Individual basis, we
w ill have to stop competing
and get together to help each
Seminar scheduled
The Portland Metropolitan
Steering Committee w ill pre­
sent the 4th and 5th Home
Maintenance and Financing
Seminars on November 27th
through November 30th. The
seminars w ill be held at
7:30 pun. to 10:00 pun. at
the Conference Room of the
Concentrated E m p lo y m e n t
Program , 220 N .E . Russell
residents of North
Portland are Invited to p arti­
cipate free.
register between November
1st and November 20 by tele­
phone o r In person. If you
have any difficulty such as
transportation or babysitting,
you may apply for financial
assistance during p re-reg is­
Topics of the Seminar are:
Home Maintenance (Novem­
27), Home Financing
(November 28), Home Main­
tenance (November 29), and
Home Financing (November
For further information,
contact PMSC at 233-6451,
o r TAAC at 288-8345, or
PACT at 233- 8491.
B renda G reen
M rs . Green was form erly
D ire cto r of Citizens’ P a rtic i­
pation for the Model Cities
Program . A home owner and
resident of the Model Neigh­
borhood, she is still involed
In programs
Secting this
M rs . Green credits much of
her administrative ability and
competence to deal with people
of many different levels to the
two and one-half years she
spent under the supervision of
projects, to .develop and i m ­
plement methods of providing
communication and program
to provide staff
organization and leadership to
implementation of
Oregon M DTA programs.
M rs . Green told the obser­
ver, "M D T A has enabled those
persons are down and out or
who have never before had
practical opportunity to aquire
job skills to help themselves
become independent, self-suf­
ficient w orkers.”
Sickle Cell Clinic
The Portland T ra il Blazers are sponsoring a Sickle Cell
Anemia testing program Saturday. November 11 from 12 noon
to 4 pun. at the Portland Sickle Cell Foundation located at 3620
N . Vancouver Avenue In t l * M o re-F o r-L ess Shopping Center.
Tickets w ill he available for the November 12 game against
Kansas C ity fo r all persons participating.
S e b e e n - S t< »pape»
Volum e i , No. 5 Portland, O regon
n a ts i
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