P o rtla n d /D b sa ve r Thursday, 1 PO RTLAND O RS T RT E R Soul Purpose Religion in the News » Ilh 1 God A Sheltered L ife It J in speculated In a popular ;m»m that God lived a p re tty sheltered life . L iv ­ ing in H is "H o ly iv o ry to w e r'*, how could God id en tify with tie problem s of men? lum anity of His Son, Who lived a life being betrayed in the w o rst ways by m en. L iv ­ ing in human flesh w h ile be­ ing zealous in te llin g o tte r men that there is a better way. Men have w ritte n God off tte ticket with tte thought that G«1 lives a sheltered life . Many who profess C h ris t have b u ilt th e ir iv o ry to­ w ers in large sanctuary and church tu lld ir g s . T h is, toe. gives the im pression tha. God live s a sht ’ered life . Jesus said, " I nave come Into the w o rld to bear w it­ ness to tie tru th ’ (John Jesus came im se lf to spred Good News concerning the tru th s of God. To live as a man. Io suffer the betrayal of frien ds, to su ffe r oppres­ sion at tie hands of a ra c is t m a jo rity , to liv e and then die an execution after an unjust tr ia l and all the tim e w hile He was doing it to share the truth about life with men So that Jesus was the physical m a n ie sta tio n of God. The true and liv in g God Thousands of men, black, w hite, red, brown and yellow were standing at the judge­ ment seat of C h ris t. A Jew­ ish man walked up to God and asked H im what gave Hun the rig h t to judge man. He’d never suffered persecution lik e this man had in a German prison cam p. A black man came forw a rd w ith rope m arks on his neck. H is co m p la in tto God was that God had never suffered execution at the hands of an oppressive m a jo rity . A red man said He'd never had those who He had befriended tu rn th e ir backs on H im . A poverty stricke n whitem an said He'd ne ver lived in p o verty. They a ll com plain­ ed that God had lived a p re t­ ty sheltered life . O * of histo ry*s greatest problem s is m an's id e n tifica ­ tion with God. M an is often so aw e-struck by the d iv in ity of God that they fo rg e t the T here w d l be a special Mass fo r F o rm e rly M a ri ledCatho- llc Men and Women who ate widowed, divorced o r sepera­ ted on Sunday O ctober 15, at Loyola Retreat Chapel, S d i. 4Jrd Avenue at 7:00P .M . To a ll m y frien ds and neigh­ bors your kind ex -.sion of sympathy at the loss of my loving husband Hru. e Locke is deeply appreciated and g ra te fu lly acknowledged. M rs . (Jessie Locke T h a n k s bo you it s w o rk in g . . . r DAY CARE MOTHERS n i i i ♦ ♦ i ♦ » i i ♦ ♦ s» ♦ ♦ ♦ i CARE FOR INFANTS ♦ ♦ IN YOUR HOME. ♦ i ♦ ♦ i t j $ 3 .5 0 a ch ild p e r d a y •<» • «ten ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C o rn e r of 8th Ave snd Skidmore sundav Wors ,,p 11:00 AJM. C h ris t an Youth F ellow ship 6:00 P.M . (2nd 3rd F ourth Sundays) Rev. Thomas Sliayhand. M in iste r -. J A.M . is not the God of the iv o ry tow er. He’ s the L o rd of the harvest. 5 • > A ''T le P rid e and the shame*', an e xh ib it depicting Japanese- A m erican life In the N o rth ­ west, w ill appear (e to b e r •4-2u in 298 Smith M e m o ria l C e nter at P ortland state U n iv e rs ity . I le e xh ib it is on loan from t ie state C apitol Museum of It was constructed in cooper­ ation w ith the Seattle chapter ot t ie Japanese-Am erican C itiz e n s ' League and with funds from t ie National E n- B M te l t c i hi .tie s . Focus ot t ie exbih.it w ill be on tte N ikke i, tirs tg e n e ra tio n Japanese and th e ir struggles from the e a rly 1900’ s; the second generation N is e i and th e ir attempts to open d o o r­ ways fo r achievem ents: and the th ird generation and Sane, seeking out th e ir own identity. The tree standing exh ib it w ill include photographs, a r t i­ facts, models and h is to ric a l docume ts . O th e r topics covered in the presentation w ill le Japaiese im m ig ra tio n , d is c i im ination and Japanese c o m m u n ie s . The term " p r id e ” in the title re fe rs to the accom - plishm ents and s p irits of those im m ig ra tin g to this country, "s h a m e ” re fe rs to the prejudices and d is c r im i­ nation afflicted on m in o ritie s in t ie past. D u ring the exhibition, a collection of A sia n-A m e rican bibillography books w ill he on display in the nearby B row sing Lounge. Vancouver Ave. F irst B a ptist C h urch 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School 9 :0 0 A .M . Morning Worship 1 LOO A M . Dr. O.B. Williams, Pastor "T h e Church W ith A H e a rt-F e lt W elcom e" Methodist r The e xh ib it h is appeared in a dozen Washington state com m unities during 1971-72 but this w ill he us f ir s t ap­ pearance in Oregon. The public is invited. By C a rn e g ie " H a p p y " Pullen . . . in Clackamas. Clark. Multnomah, and Washington Counties. Give your fair share to United Good Neighbors 4 6 3 5 N.E. 9 th 2 8 8 -5 0 9 1 Many m odem , perplexed, alienated, reb ellio us youth agonize in deciding w hetlier God e xists, o r whether there is no God. So many youth) and adults today con­ clude there is no God; that the universe w ith a ll its m arvelous and sast cre a ­ tion ol elaborate con stell­ ations, which harm onize function so exactly accord­ ing to physical, chem ical, astronom ical and biological laws somehow sim p ly evolved; how and out of what they can­ not exp la in. It takes a g re a t­ e r leep of faith to believe this in fin ite and law-obeying creation evolved out of noth­ ing, than to believe a God created it. Jesus C h ris t not only re­ lieved in God, but said He fe lt tlie Infin ite m ira elo us power and presence of God w orking and functioning in and through H im . But ol coure, some skeptics do not even believe C h ris t lived. Even some C h ris tia n s p u re a n d sim p le s o lu tio n .... T o w a rd e n d in g m in d p o llu tio n Plan to attend Clark County Community Congress Workshop No.3 | October 27-29th j At Bowmans Resort $37 TOTAL COST Includes m eals Si lodging ($20 deposit re.julred) REGISTRATION DE ADLIN E: O ct. 18th Registration or inform ation call 6 9 4 -3 3 7 7 -V a n c o u v e r S 8 2 I N.E. 8th A le a Henderson, M inister wonder: Is God re a l, o r is He some vague thing like blind power? Does God re a lly care about people on ea rth , o r has He created this and other habited planets and le ft them to d r if t and get along w ithout H is attention? Has He sim p ly set things going on autom atic pilot? Jesus said, "H e that sent me is w ith me, the F athe r hath not le ft me long, fo r I do always those things that please H im .” John 8:29. God is m ore in tim a te than in tim acy its e lf. He has made our m ost secret p a rts . "H e is nearer than breathing, c lo s e r than hands and fe e t." Again Jesus said, " I speak that which 1 have seen with my F a th e r.” John 6:38. "B e ­ lieve me that I am in the F a th e r, and the F athe r in me ” John 14:11. " . . „ N o w there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of H is d isciples whom Jesus loved. "S im on P e te r therefore beckoned him , that he should ask who it should he of whom He spoke.” (Who would betray H im ), "H e then lying o n je - sus’ breast saith unto H im , L o rd , who is it ? " "J e s u s a n ­ swered, He it is, to whom 1 shall give a sop, when I have dipped it , * ’ John 13:22-26....... "N ow he that betrayed Hun gave them a sign, saying, whom soever I shall kiss, that same Is He: Hold him fast. "A n d fo rth w ith He came to Jesus, and said, H a il M aster; and kissed H im ." M a n . 26: 48-50. . . . Seest thou th is woman? I enteied into thine house, thou gavest me no w a te r fo r my feet: lu t she hath washed my feet w ith tea rs, and wiped them w ith the h a irs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss: hut th is woman since the tim e I came in hath not ceased to kiss my fe e t......W herefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are fo-given; fo r she loved much: hut to whom litt le is forgiven, the same loveth H a le .” Luke 7:36-48. Jesus gave a parable illu s ­ tra tin g how personal God Is, T lie parable was about one aheep of a flock of a hundred that got lo s t. "H ow think ye? If a man have a hundred aheep I ♦ RACE RELATIONS ( 2314 MAIN STREET VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON 9 8 6 6 0 D i re c to r/C o o rd in a tor MN 11 g Zest of Life AM A F a m ily D a y /N ig h t Care Roy H a rris O w e * a rd iMHir PSU exhibits "Pride and Shame’’ Thanks P ie A r t of Safety Church of God, Inc., is tu ild ln g at N . K illin g »worth Avenue. I he church , pa stored by Bishop I I . B . Peterson, is being t u ilt by tlie m em bers of the congre­ gation. Services ate already helng held in the home of tlie new s tru c tu re . Page 5 The Church oí pour Choue I by Chuck Singleton Special mass October E , 1972 ♦ I I ♦ ♦ and one ol them re gone >s- tra y , doth be not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the m ountains, and seeketh that which is gone a s tra y ’ Even so it is not the w ill of your F a th e r which is in Heaven, that one o l these little ones should p e rish .*’ M a n . 16:11-14. When Jesus contemplated the coming pligh t of Jeru sa­ lem , He c r i e d out: "O Jeru salem , Jerusalem , thou that k ille s t the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children toget’e r , even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not.” M a n . 23:37-38. Isaiah, s p e a k in g of the com ing of the Messiah said of Him : "H e shall feed his flock like a shepherd: He shall gather t!« Iambs with his a rm , and c a rry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that a re w ith young." Isa . 40:11 “ When my fathe r and m other forsake me, then the L o rd w ill take me u p ." Ps. 27:10. "T h e re is a frien d that sticketh clo se r than a bro­ t h e r . " P ro v. 18:24. " K is s tlie Son, lest He he a n g ry ." P a J :1 2 . Jesus said: " F o r God so loved the w o rld that He gave H is only begonen Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, hut have eve rla stin g H te.’ ’John 3:16. P a ia iM 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 Edit Caston, Associate M inister Church School M orning W orship W ed Noon — me Hour o f Power W ed Proyer A Clo»» Meeting Nursery Core Provided 9:45 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 7:30 pm W e ere m ekm g our Neighborhood 4 B rotherhood' 'he ,\ieunt Olivet Rapt ist Church John H. Jackson M inuter N E First ond Schuyler Portland, Ore Rev Phone 2 8 4 1954 Sunday School Morn.ng Worship Vesper 9am 11am 5pm b e t u j t r i e r to w ortlup an d depart t o t e n e H H iiiiia iiiH ia a ia i8 iiia ia ia a u iR > > ia i , a - e - - ? — •• M a ra n a th a Church 288-7241 1222 N .E . S k id m o re Church school and B ible class: Sunday m orning w orship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening pra yer: F rid a y W orship Service: IjB R M II\KK1S, Chairman, Trustee Board 9:15 aon. 10:45 a jn . 7:00 p jn . 7:00 p jn . 8:00 p jn . RfiV.JOWI PARKER, Chairman, Elder hoar: