Page 4 Hortland/O bsetver Thursday, O ctober 12, 1972 POKTl.AM ) OBSERVER Body and Fonder Repair M o s t re a s o n a b le shop in town world of w om en Carlos 2 8 7 -8 5 2 9 Portland, O re g o n Emphysema Country By Janies L . Mack. M J ) „ One cigarette upsets the flow ot a ir and blood in your lungs. Years of smoking are associated with emphysema. And in the last decade, deaths from emphysema almost trip ­ led in this country. To investigate the relation­ ship of smoking and emphy­ sema. two prominent re ­ searchers - D rs .O sca rA u e r- bach and E . C uyler Hammond - studied whole-lung sections from autopsies of 1800 men and women. T h e n they checked the lungs fo r the de­ gree of emphysema thatm ight 1« present. L a te r they found out from relatives the smok­ ing habits of the dead persons. How closely did smoking habits correlate with the ex­ tent of emphysema in the lung Very closely. Of the persons who had nev­ er smoked regularly, do |x*r cent had no emphysema a ta ll. The a ir sacs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are ex­ changed, were not damaged and torn. The walls of (lie sm all blood vessels around the a ir sacs were not abnormally thickened, in contrast, of the persons who smoked 20 or more cigarettes a day fo r years, 99 per cent had some degree of emphysema. And 20 per cent of these smokers had advanced emphysema. T heir School lunches expand Women in the Navy are being assigned to jobs previously considered “ fo r men only.“ Several enlisted women at Pearl Harbor are now performing p e n jo ts form erly handled by th e ir male counterparts. The g irls are assigned as line handlers and coxswain on the tour boats to the USS Arizona memorial and Pearl Harbor. They are responsible fo r piloting the 64-foot pas­ senger barges around the harbor and securing the boats to the p ier. Abortion hearings It’s thoughtful and sensible to pre-arrange funerals,” says Mrs. Jessie Henson. reprrsenung CaliiwelTt Colonial M ortuary. We at Caldw ell's welcome the o p p o rtu n ity to assist fam ilies w ith their funeral plans. CALDWELLS COLONIAL MORTUARY N. E. 14th A Sandy Blvd CALL 2)2-4111 DAY OR NIGHT An Oregon Women’ s T rib u ­ nal on Abortion, Contracept­ ion, and Forced Sterlization w ill be held on Saturday, Oct. 2 i at Portland State U niversi­ ty Ballroom , starting at 12 noon. Any woman who wishes to testify about her experiences with abortion, contraception, o r forced sterilization, orwho wish to help build the Tribunal should contact the Oregon Women's Tribunal Commit­ tee, c/o Women's National A b o r t l o n Action Coalition, Educational A ctivitie s office Portland S t a t e U niversity. Phone 229-4451 Notice The Webfooter Post Card Club members w ill have a dis­ play of modern and old-tim e post cards at Lipm an's down­ town store in th e ir H olday Lane department fo r the en­ tire month of October. Portland Public Schools w ill mark 2e years oi progress in the field of child nutrition next week when it joins in the celebration of National School Lunch Week, October 9-13. M rs . Ruth Smalley, co­ ordinator of cafeterias fo r the school d is tric t, saxi more than 5 m illio n meals are pre­ pared each year fo r Portland children. She said this amounts to about 29,000 meals per day and is jointly financed by the federal g o v e r n m e n t , the school d is tric t, and by meal costs. Federal grants under the National School Lunch Act amount to $1.3 m illio n oi the d is tric t's $3.8 m illio n budget fo r food service fo r 1972-73. Each year Portland schools buy nearly 200 tons of meat and a half m illio n gallons of m ilk fo r school lunches. In addition, M rs . Smalley sakl, Portland school children con- aime more than 800 tons of fresh fru its and vegetables each year. Since 1940, when the Na­ tional School Lunch A ct was enacted. Congress has ac­ celerated expansion of the school lunch program to pro­ vide meals to nearly 25 m illio n school children a day. C urrently about 30 per cent of these lunches ir e served troe o r at reduced prices. In 1968 an amendment to the National School Lunch Act provided special food service p ro g rim s fo r children. This made Federal assistant avail­ able fo r both preschool and school-age children in both public and private institutions. OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS MODERN LIFELIKE CO TO «* & SLEEP for TOOTH EXTRACTIONS. YOU CAN WEAR YOUR NEW DENTURE WHEN YOU WARE SODIUM PENTOTHAL GIVEN BY REGISTERED ANESTHETIST Come in early and we wiN try to deliver your Dent itures the SA M E D A Y Cmnplcto cooperati«« on All Dental ’INSURANCE FLANS o e e OFIN SATURDAYS . . . No Advance Appointment Needed a *» LO N G CREDIT TERMS A V A IL A B L E PRICES ARE Q U O T E D IN A D V A N C E a a a Rarfc Free - A ny Pork 'n Shop Lot HOURS.* Weekdays 8 30 a m to 5 p m — Soturdoy 8 30 o m to I p m DR. JEFFREY BRADY, DENTIST SEMLER BUILDING S.W. 3rd & Morrison St Portland. Oregon Phone: 2 2 8 - 7 5 4 5 1 lO'Z» C o m m e rc ia l fte. M i Toke Elevator to 2nd Floor 3rd St. Entrance - SALEM OFFICE I N. V a n c o u v e r A ve. 2609 The lungs looked lacy, dotted with holes where thousands of a ir sacs had ruptured and broken. Among persons with the same smoking habits, tlie degree of emphysema In th e ir lungs In­ creased w ltli age and the num­ ber of years they had smoked cigarettes. Other studies cited by the L.S . Surgeon General show tie chances of dying from emphy­ sema are 25 times greater fo r people who smoke two (sacks a day than fo r nonsmokers. Find out more about wsys to quit smoking from your lo­ cal tuberculosis and respira­ tory disease association. It's a m atter of life and breath. ^sfjß/New Items Daily! Cà8&ist ----- rïWôUi iiiiii------ 1 LIQUIDATORS 0$ FREIGHT D AM A CI GOODS AND MANUFACTURES CLOSEOUTS INUK5DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 Cornar S to rti • 283-3171 North Killing» worth of Albino »HBI DAY! PCC-OMSI classes including day care centers. More than 2.U00 Portland Portland Community Col­ school children in 40 d is tric t schools also participate In a lege in cooperation with the breakfast program provided Oregon Museum of Science under the Child N utrition Act and Industry (OMSI) w ill again of 1960. o ffe r s c i e n c e classes fo r c h i l d r e n grades one M rs . Smalley said two full tim e dietitians plan school t h r o u g h six, each Saturday meals up to one month in morning, October 14 through advance. She said they are November 11, 9 to 1 1 a. m. at PCC Sylvania. 12tW S.W .49th required to plan meals meet­ \venue, room C4 ST. ing the nutritional needs oi Emphasis w ill be on labora­ school children firs t and then tory activities In basic chem­ they consider popular tastes. is try . Each student w ill have She also said standards re­ the opportunity to explore quire t h a t each noon meal meet one-third the la ily -n u - topics such as indicators, so­ lutions, and the preparation of tritio n requirement of ch il­ gases. Topicgroupingsw ill 1« dren. by age and there w ill bean In­ stru cto r fo r each group. T H E / Í Cost fo r the live-week ser­ ies is $7.50. To e n ro ll contact PCC Community Education, 24-6111, extension 318. FAMILYÄ LAWYER D issenting Opinion News stories about split deci sions by the United Slates Su preme Court must surely be wilder many a reader. What the majority confidently assent in Paragraph One, dissenters just as confidently deny in Paragraph Two. What shall the ordinary citizen make of all this’ If even the ex peris cannot agree on what the law is. how can plain folk be ex peeled to know? O f course, the law is what the majority opinion says it is A dis­ senting opinion has no legal force. Price* good W ednesday Oct. I 1 thru Soturdoy Oct I 4 <ÆE3B> S lo s h e s M Y-TE-FR ESH G r a d e A A Top Spred Large Eggs 20« O P Jr M a rg a rin e 5 S1 00 tw 1 dozen Reg each Reg 39 Fresh Pork Spareribs C o rn Fed Pork 32 oz pkgs 79 Yellow Cling Peaches 67 Reg 98 lb lb Small nze freth rib» Delicious lor barbecue or cook with sauerkraut Avoiloble Meat Section Slice» or Halve» Reg 36 pound 3 ””'8 9 I'/ Avotlqblo Grocery Sortions M Y -T E FIN E Tomatoes Sliced Bacon Reg 89' M Y -T E F IN E Large Vine Ripened Wilson Corn Country In feet, in many countries , dis- the Oregon Slate lia r __ _____ alion. W rilten by W ill Bernard. 4 ( Avotlobi« Grot wry Swrtions Young Hash Browns 1 I 00 A publie servie« feature o f the American Bar Aeeoeialinn 1 lb pkgs pkg» 25 Tolte» good, spreads easily Avotlobi« G rocory Sections Top Frost Frozen sen ling opinions arc simply ___ not allowed. Once a majority deci­ sion is reached, dissenters are ex pected to keep their views to themselves. Hut on our Supreme Court, public dissent has a long and re­ spectable history It has been a regular feature of the Court ever since 1806, when a holdout justice voiced his disagreement with Chief Justice John Marshall. One great virtue of this right of dissent ("the only thing that makes life tolerable," said Justice W illiam O. Douglas) is that it may help shape the law of the future M ajor changes in the law, including even amendments to the Constitution, have had rood in earlier dissenting opinions from the Court. Still, dissents, if overdone, can needlessly weaken both public un­ derstanding and public acceptance of a Court ruling. A t least, say critics, a judge should not dissent merely because of minor disagree­ ment or personal pride. Statistics do show that rela­ tively few of the dissenting opin­ ions even those of Oliver Wendell Holmes, the "Great Dis­ senter” have ever become the law of the land. Is it surprising that dissents oc­ cur so often? Not when one con­ siders the kind of questions the Court must answer. Almost al­ ways, they are questions on which even the wisest and fairest of men may differ The easy ones just never reach the Court at all Food Prices Angel Food Cake 27 Reg. 39' lb For slicing or »aladt. An excellent »ource of vitamin C. Only 22 colorie» in a 3 h oz serving Save 12' per lb Reg 59 Un Iced Pullman A v a ila b le P ro d u c e Section» 39l V a n illa o r C vistarci R ep lace W o rn Decks W ith Fresh O nes Man Power Spray Playing Cards ... 39 W R e g .‘ 2 0 0 F > 4 each Reg 81- j 4oz. t i z e ^ m J F For poker or bridge games Superior brand. Plastic coated Avoiloble Variety Section» Reg >1.19 each Extra strength poin reliever when plain aspirin is not enough Available Drug Sections Bras $1 56 Deodorant 4 99‘ Excedrin 1 0 0 's Q2< Ou, I amous Criss-Cross each Save 54*. Positive protection that help» check wetness and odor Available Cosmetic Sections " Between the cup stretch bonds to define your con to u r a n d s u p p o rt you beautifully Sizes 32 40 A, 8, C cup Standby Automatic Transmission Fluid ig < ■ Jr each Install your own ond savel Type A" for transmissions and power steering .A v a J a b le ^u tO -^jn tjm A vailable A p p u iel Sections Girls Knee Hi's Size 6-7 8-914 Size 10-11 Reg 79 56 Reg 9 9 , w pcll, All Regular stock Girls' Knee Hi's on Sale A vailohlx A pparel S»<|lon< O p e n 9 a m to 10p m d a ily , in clu d in g S u n d ay. A lw ays p len ty o f fre e a n d easy p a rk in g . Fred Mever --- V f« - g ( »a»»,, J M- 1. 1