Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 05, 1972, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8 Portland/Dbacrver
lliu rJ a y . O ctober 5, I97Ï
Center to
disadvantaged vets
AME registers voters
Remember Attica
by Sidney R. Smith
A special educational pro­
gram to r low-incom e V letnam
era veterans has received a
$¡30,000 grant from HEW's
O ffice of Education.
T ie funds establish
V eteran’ s Educational Cen­
te r of Oregon . one of th e tirs t
pro gra m s in tlie nation design­
ed to meet theducational needs
of veterans now returning
home, esp ecially disadvant­
aged o r m in o rity veterans.
The C enter w ill provide
counseling and tutorin g
veterans who have not yet
gradudated from high school
o r earned th e ir general edu­
cational development (GED»
c e rtific a te , and, also, to those
who have graduated hut are
inadequately prepared
in an academic
situa tion .
Funds were awarded to the
O ffice
of High School Re­
lations of the Oregon x ta te
System ot HigherEducation in
consortium with M t.
Com m unity College Portland
state U niversity and P ro je ct
ot the Multnomah
County Com m unity
Agency. The State system
office, which developed
w ill he fiscal
o ffic e r
fo r
p ro je c t.
M ore than I t per cent
of the Vietnam era veterans
in the Portland m e tro p o li­
tan area do not have
school diplom as, according
to V ete ran's A dm inistra tion
fig u re s.
Individual testing and tu­
to rin g w ill enable p a rtic i­
pants to earn th e ir (GED,
ce rtific a te s , to sample c o ll­
ege courses, o r to prepare
fo r e n try into a re g u la rc o ll-
ege o r u n iv e rs ity o r technical
vocational school. Each of the
M participants w ill receive
free tution, $30 a month in­
centive pay and tra n sp o rta ­
tion costs to schools.
The C enter w ill cooperate
with educational pro gra m s fo r
disadvantaged students, such
as L f» *a rd Bound, and w ill
supplement program s offered
by the V eteran’s A d m in is tra t­
VA and Departm ent o fL a b o r
s ta tis tic s show the need fo r
special assistance to v e te r­
ans, especially those from
m in o rity , low -incom e o r low-
M ore than 12 per cent of
veterans ages 20-24 are un­
employed. T h is sta tistic in­
creases to 25 per cent to r
black veterans in this age
Only one q u a rte r of O re-
gon's veterans used th e ir Gl
educational beneiits in 1971-
72, according to a studv, by
the C enter. I t is believed
special counseling w ill p re -
pare m ore m inoritv
disadvantaged veterans to take
advantage of the regular G1
B U I.
D ire c to r of th e C e n te ris
Ted Lawshe, The tour - man
board ot d ire c to rs consists of
Paul F rar.klin , associate d i­
re c to r of tlie u tfic e ot High
school Relations and c airm an
of the Board fo r the C e n t e r
George Drougas, d ire c to r ot
P ro je c t Return; Roger McDo­
w e ll, associate dean fo r ex­
tension services at M t. Hood
Com m unity College; and D r.
Ron Cease, dean of I nder-
graduate studies at Portland
State I n iv e rs ity .
I tie t en ter is located
2331 N.U . Lovejoy, telephone
P ro je ct Return
which aids veterans w ith jobs,
housing, m edical
and legal
problem s, is also located in
the house as w e ll as a h o tlin e
to tlie drug ward at the Van­
cou ver VA H ospital. Veterans
are encouraged to walk in fo r
w ay
NAACP protests
Chairman elected
E le ctio n
S laver, Chairm an and chiei
executive o ffic e r of the United
Scutes National Bank ot O re­
gon, to die additional post oi
P re sid e n t of the statewide
in stitu tio n was voted today
by the Board of D ire c to rs of
the bank. The action was
taken to f i l l the vacancy
caused by the recent sudden
death of E a rl L . D re s ie r,
P reside nt of the bank.
S laver, who is also C h a ir­
man and chtei executive o l-
fic e r of U',5. Bancorp, ¡« re n t
holding coiniiany oi the bank,
fo rm e rly held the title oi
P re sid e n t of the bank and
was advanced to the c h a ir­
manship on the election of
D re s ie r
P resxlen t in
F e b ru a ry, 1971. D re s ie r was
stricke n by a fatal heart a t­
tack on September 8, 1972,
w hile on a short vacation.
G ild in g
^ {¡’»co
uPP u «y
0»»tO vs
C e n te x
* « love youf
• 1 • —
The N A.ACP Hoard ot D ir ­
e cto rs , at its re g u la r q u a r­
te rly m eeting in New Y ork,
adopted resolutions deploring
the decisions of the In te r­
national O lym pics Com m ittee
fo r what it fe lt was u n fa ir and
a r b itr a r y
three Am erican athletes and
the tragedy of the "M a s s a c re
in M unich” , in which eleven
Is r a e li athletes and five A -
rab g u e rrilla s were k ille d .
M atthews and Wayne C o lle tt,
who finished f ir s t and second
in the fina l 40 0-m e te r dash,
were expelled by the IOC fo r
what it called "d is g u s tin g d is -
play” on the v ic to ry stand.
The two black athletes had ftd -
getBd and chatted on the v ic ­
to ry stand du rin g the playing
of the Star Spangled Banner
a tte r they received th e ir med­
Hurry out for your shore of the
savmgs now! We re way over­
stocked with bankruptcy stock
and discontinued lines, and
we aim to move this merchan­
dise fast! Discover over five
acres of bargains; no frills or
gimmicks, just lower prices.
What you can't find anywhere
else, we probably have a sur­
plus of. So come out and see
us. . . we II save you a bundle.
Building Supply Dites w it Centers, Inc.
M 0 5 R. Vene sever Ave.
across from G .I. Joes call 285-0546
15 1 2 3 S.E. M d a u g k in Blvd.
across from McDonalds call 654-5444
- \ V# J
\V '
¡Building Supply Discount Centers Pre-Inventory Sale!]
See our Door Values
Inside doors . . . * 3 . 5 0 and up; Iron! doors,
from * 1 . 0 0 ; solid cor» Sol«m Oak front
doors . . . * 1 4 . 9 5 ; pr.hung solid cor» front
doors . . * 3 5 ; inside prebungs . . . *1 3 .9 $
to * 1 4 . 9 5 , son»» * 1 1 . 9 5 ; p r» h u » g p lo d
doors . . . 4 — * 1 9 , S'— ’ 3 3 , 6 - *3B ;
mo bo go ny occordton folding doors, reg.
■14 95 now
* 9 .9 5 ; 6 pobo doors
* 4 9 , J . . . ’ 6 5 ; tempered gio»» norm doer»
with Kroon . . . row • 3 4 . 5 0
or Lote« »kyhnt Acryl,c, wh.tt, reg.
*4 95, ro«v ‘ 2 . 9 7 gol Me'»cg« D'-pIti»,
w* »e, rtg *5 95, n o * * 3 . 9 7 g c 1 C'o»b/
Gc d lobet, w * »e, reg *6 45 " o * * 4 . 9 7
gs Crosfcv S e rrd o » ». * ’'•» reg ‘ 9 49,
r c * * 6 . 9 7 ; E«»e' c-
Pa *•♦» 7 g ra d e » ,
• ‘2 97
‘ 3 97
‘ 4 9 7 □ol.
• 5 . 9 7 gc * 6 .9 7 go ‘ 7 . 0 7 gc ‘ B.
1 .97
Plywood 6r Siding
2 0 9 Both Vanities
25-inch walnut with white & gold marble top
. . • 2 9 to » 3 9 : 5 ft cabinet with I -bowl n o n
bU top . . . * 1 0 9 . M any ofXtr l i n t ot b g
saving«. M arti'» top» a Ion», from * 3 0 .
Miscelleneous Savings
Electrical Caodu’t.
. . . 6 * ft : 3/4" . . .
1 0 * f t ; rigid, h * . . . 1 9 * ft; Pot.o Fiber-
gloss, white, 2'xl(Z . . * 2 . 4 9 ; 2 'x l2 ‘ . ,
• 2 . 9 9 ; Camper Windows from . . ‘4 »o
• 1 2 ; Septic Tank», 750 gal cop. ‘ 1 1 5 ;
1000 aol. cop ‘ 1 3 9 ; Concrete M im , 90 lbs.
• 1 . 3 5 ; cement ‘ 1 .4 9 , Caulking Com-
pound. 1 gol cons ‘ 1 .5 0 ; 4x8« 1/8 ' Hord-
boord or Pagboord ‘ 1 .9 5 .
Tubs, Kitchen Sinks
Below Wholesale
3S3 Bath tub» 5 ’, whit» end colon, it»»l and
cost iron from * 1 9
* 3 9 , you. d w ia , tome
o« lo w . ' 9 . 560 I *ch»n onlu, toil»t», »v»ry
•Bohon ’3 .5 0 to *l 1
Pile of tlie m ost radical
changes in out society d u r­
ing this century of radical
change is the overw helming
penetration ot government
into 0 » l i f e of the iw ople.
Government is now the la r ­
gest em ployer ot la bo r ol
a ll
kinds and r a n k s .
Through social secu rity
various re tire m e n t
program s it is o u r
(»erv.isive Insurance com ­
pany. Its prog ram ol public
assistance, and aid tod e-
pendent ch ild re n involves
a m a jo r
d is tn lu iio n ol
money to tlie needy. Re­
search grants m tre itin e n t
and prevention ol disease
constitute another large
outlay. D ire c t grants to
large in du stries and tra n s ­
to r ra ilro a d s,
a irlin e s ami highways In­
volve liuglie sums
m ust le collected in l u e s
trom the people, and should
In nirn provide equ.il op
portum lv l a ll to r se rvice
and em ploym ent.
11« ballot hov is tlie only-
Remember A ttica, tlie p riso n e rs o> injustice
Shot down savagely and nobody got lusted
Rem em ber the de vil who gave the o-k
Ju s t a few w ords, many m en's live s were taken away
Reinem ber the press and th e ir f ir s t w ritte n opinions
You can nevei forget the lies when the tru th is never mentioned
Remember Attica, racism caused this deadly tragedy
A poor m an's rig h t is taken (o r granted in this society
Remember what you saw. rem e m be r what you heard
1 tie president, t ie governor, die m ayor
Speaking about m em o rial services, they d kin ’ t u tte r a word
Remember die fa m ilie s , whose Itved one's lives were taken
D a l these p o litic ia n s give sympathy o r donations
Remember A ttica, and rem em ber it w ell
Because on the outside it's the same old hell
1 rigger happy uevds who get th e ir kicks fro m k illin g
W here is d i ju ris d ic tio n that die law is fu lfillin g
To take a human lite and feel no kind of (win
\ lolence is in tlie nature ot this system
When a poor mar. talks i» i ist never listen
1 he tact is die truth di.it diey don't want to face
ju s tic e and equality lo r a ll the human race
Rei «emher Attica, Remember die k illin g s ot M alcolm . M a rtin
I lie church ui B irm ingham and countless others
F o r t ey are som etim es easy to lo rg e i
When you dunk about how much toot oiten these tragedies occui
And justice never p re v a ils , because in this society
It's die v ic tim s who go to ¡ail, tlie v ic tim s go to die grave
W nai can you expect iro m a system
When tlie c rim in a ls te ll vou how to tehave
T - l - Il ruff»o«n o. g.oo-ed, 4 .8
1 3 . 9 5
*o * 4 . 9 5 » 0 , 5 8
p a - - . Doo'd
* 1 .7 5 ,3 /4
. . * 1 . 9 5 '.,»<«»)
Kitchen Cabinets
5'-6‘ »♦♦» compiate with sink and faucets, fon*
m>co counter tops . . . * 1 7 9 ; mi sc. cabinets 1
to 3 of a k r d • I S to * 2 5
220 olu'^-r'ijm window», »moll or odd »•/•» . .
‘4 »o *9 ; 530 regular » ze» l*o n ‘ 7 . 9 5 »o
•14.95 fo ré x3'
Special Closeouts!
We tiili hove some great volues on Toppon
oppltonces — yours at cott!l Wood Fencing,
8 x4 x4' — 9 0 * o t is. Ceiling Tile, 5000 to.
designs . • • • os is 9 * ft. Morbel-
ft., different
different dragn*
in d Vanity Top« with bvBhin basins, r.g . ‘ 34,
now only * 1 5 . 9 9 .
This week's
Bo’hroor” til« feco'd
*6 per »hoot; prtf<r>
•.*•« *9' 5 0 ’ » oH. cob-not door»
5 0 to ‘ 2 eo . reody rr,< plo»terboord iO*rt
cement, 50 lb»
wo» ‘ 4 95, now * 2 .5 0 ;
fijbbe' boseboord reg 1 5 ” 0 * S' per * 30
n a < Formtco Counter »op», *2 ♦♦ or it»», ¡20
Io-»ot tonk top», your cho'ce * 4 .
2 new carloads of
90 lo» . ,n colo»»,
. . * 3 . 9 5 roll. 40 60 lb.
‘ 1 . 7 5 t o ‘ 3 . 5 0 oil, 15 301b.
F e » t;2 ‘ 1 . 5 O t o ‘ 3 . 2 5 roil.
8 0 Kinds of Paneling
We've got 4 200 pieces of paneling, 30 colon,
woods ond vinyls, decorator deugn» oil ot
c'ose out prices! Oragon Light Walnut . . .
• 1 . 4 9 ; Oregon Medium W a ln u t. . . ‘ 2 . 1 9 ;
Oregon Dork Walnut . . . ‘ 1 .9 9 ; DuHtown
Pecan . . . • 3 . 9 9 , Sp'ina Muf . . . * 3 . 9 9 ;
kaeoldy Wolnuf . . . ‘ 3 . 9 9 , M a rt IV Tu««do
D .'0'O tor Pon.1»
* 4 . 7 9 ; Mark IV $,!»«'
* 4 . 7 9 , O 'l.n 'o l Broni«
‘4 .9 9 ,
G» o '9> o 8ocif< C o l. B-rch .
* 9 . 9 5 ; Si> p
P»"»l» 4 p .«'.s »quol 4«8 she»») 4 for 9 9 ' .
A*o 'able in lin.n , Wo'nut ond Sponah Ook;
1200 Both ond Kuchin pon.lt, M a rla , ond
cth.r famous brand nom»s. lat.sl colors from
• 5 . 9 5 » o , 7 . 9 5 p .r 4 «8 sh»»i.
5 0 % off Panel Mouldings
W» h o w o w . 100,000 ft. of pr»finish»d
wood moulding« to match ony color parwlingl
30 colon and finish»* to choot» froml 4*,9*
9 9 ‘ afo o tfll
The other athlete was Rich
DeM ont, w inne r ol
the 4lX)
m e te r fre e -s ty le swim m ing
meet, whose gold medal w.is
taken away a lte r he ijile ii a
drug test, although it was ex­
plained that he took tlie drug
fo r an asthma condition.
In ts resolutions. theN A \L P
board sefci:
Ihe National Hoard o f llir e c
to rs ot the National Association
to r the Advancement olC o lo re d
People takes o ffic ia l notice of
the tragedy ot te rro ris m at tlie
XX O lym piad
in M unich,
Germany, condeins the in d iv i­
duals and organizations which
endeavored to hold human hos
tages fo r the purpose oi in­
terna tion al b lackm a il, m ourns
the death of Is ra e li athletes,
o ffic ia ls , police and o ile r s ,
and r e - a tfir m s Its hope Hast
the t r a il
fa b ric
oi human
brotherhood may (e
thened by a rew resolve
respect the p rin cip le s of t r ie
sportsm anship and the dignity
ot human life .
T reatm ent of A m erican A th-
lets "W e decry the w illingn ess
of the O lym pic o ffic ia ls to ig -
ignore the understandable pe r­
sonal am bitions and desires ol
our young people, both white and
black, who have devoted them­
selves to th e ir personal and
physical developm ent.
"E x p u ls io n Iro m com petive
a c tiv ity and conliscation of a -
wards are gross im positions on
line young people fo r w liat, at
m oat, are m in o r offenses, if
they are offenses
a ll.
"W b e tte r It was the offense
of a black q u a rte rm ile r who be­
wailed t ie tact that we have not
achieved the ideal of our natlon-
a. anthem, o r a white sw im m er
whose oiiense consisted of tak­
ing m edication to a l eviate his
asthma, o r repeated replay of
basket hall game t ill the A m e ri­
can lean, wasdefeated, M unich
fo r m illio n s of us, w a sad isplay
of the fru s tra tio n s of old men
vented on g if tail young athletes.
"W e urge D lym pic off ic ia ls to
change th e ir ways fo r the te n e fu
of a il oi us.”
(Continued from pg. 1 c o l. 6,
p o litic s and aocioiogy.
The new d ire c to r recently
completed w ork on his edu
cation doctorate In Ad­
m in is tra tio n and A fr o - A m e r i­
can H is to ry at U C LA .
received his BS in h is to ry and
physical education at UCLA
In 1962 and his MA in c u r­
ricu lu m , Instructio n and the
problem s of higher education
fo r the disadvantaged from
C a lifo rn ia State College at
Long Beach.
Thompson directed the Up­
ward Bound U ro gram fo r d is ­
advantaged m in o rity students
at Long Beach State du rin g
W hile
Thompson was a th re e -s p o rt
le tte rm a n and co--.»plained
the 1962 Rose Howl team . He
was also selected to p a r tic i­
pate In both tlie E ast-W est
A ll-S ta r
Thompson is m a rrie d and
has two c h ild re n .
p r o v id e d
by o u r s y s ­
tem to give t ie citize ns a
voice in d ire c tin g th is y ist
power which affect th e ir
liv e s . F a ilu re to use it
w ill mean that .doses w ill
increase u n til Im s tra tio n
fuids outlet m vin le rtf re
c lu rc h the re fore
believes that ui this d rive
to bring anothe r two in ill ion
persons into tlie ¡x ilitic .il
process it is making a real
con tribu tion to a c h ie v in g
tlie sta b ility ol o u r ¡x illtic a l
process which is required
fo r
c o n tin u e d g r o w tl and
Ihe ('Ian c a lls lo r a two
Jay strategy sessionof se­
lected persons (rum
sti ategic centers which a re
now le in g chosen. Many ot
these ¡xji sons have worked
in previous campaigns w ith
« ith SCI C , NAACP, I abor
Unions and otfiei agencies
during the d riv e s in
(<0*s. Using tlie organiza­
tional s tru c tu re of the
church w ith Its Hishopa,
1’ ie sid in g i Id e rs,P a a to ra
and local preuchera, and
its annual d is tr ic t and local
chui ch conferences, an ac­
cred ited re g is tra w ill
¡sit in eve ry congregation,
md in eve ry n e ig h txirfio u l.
I tie d riv e w ill not 1« r e ­
lated to e id e r tie Dem o-
c r .ilic o r Reixihl lean cam ­
paigns, in some places
one p a rty may gain m ore
votes lixun ou r re g istra n ts
than in olhei places tu t we
are ce rta in that this e x­
e rcise in (x u tictp a to i y 3e
in o ci icy w ill le a blessing
lo r all who w o rk in It----
all w e ire hi ought m ore
tu llv into the processes ol
governm ent, and m ost ol
all tie pu blic good ol our
Thursday Night
KPTV Channel 12
immediately following
the nows
Tune in. Moel Miho
Walsh He s Ihe candi
dale lor Congross who
can win Mike has
personally mol and
listened Io thousands
of third district voters
Mike will explain his
stand on an issuo ol
mutual interest
Mike Walsh
Ho II Do More For You
Horo At Home
M ik w W a ith for C o n g r a ts
P O M o t 4 P o rll« ,M l O r a H7?O7
J im I a r p a n la o r 1 'h a n n ta n
M .D . (Jack) Jackson
Agent - Am erican National Insurance Cunipany
AAe , an meet a ll your insurance needs:
I lie Insuiance
Health an«l Accident
K ndownients
Educational Plans
M ongage Insuiance
s e c u rity .
133.’ S .W .
L u s te r I u ive
2 4 6 -8 2 2 7
Jam es E , Sauer, J r „ As­
A d m in is tra to r
P r o v i d e n c e H ospital, w a s
elected president ol t ie P o rt­
land Council ol H ospitals lo r
the forthcom ing ye a r.
succeeds outgoing president
Roger C . I.a rso n , executive
vice -p re sid e n t of Emanuel
H o s p ita l.
The P ortla nd Council ol
H ospitals is a voluntary o r ­
ganization ol a d m in is tra to rs
oi a d m in is tra tiv e o ffic e is ol
P ortland hospitals w itl. (lie
purpose ol prom oting e l ll-
c ie n c y , co ig ie ta lio , and eco
nomy in hospital management
as w ell as to resolve issues
ot m utual in te re st associated
w ith such management.
(Continued from pg. 1 col.2)
that Grand Lodge funds w ill
1« replaced w le n the m em ber
Lodges pay th e ir dues, Hit
that GA1. Ddum p re fe rs to
w a it u n til the Lodges pay. in
the meantim e the fo u r stu­
dents are in school and are
ready to re g is te r. The Grand
C hapter, OES, has prom ised
$300, leaving only $300 lo r
the Grand Lodge to pay.
V ic k e rs feels that GJM.
who was recently
elected to office , has failed
to keep a com m itm ent made
to the students hy tlie Educa­
tion C om m ittee and by the
P rin c e H all Grand Lodge, by
refusing to release the $300
to the students.
20 Cubic-Foot FREEZER
Holds up to 700 lbs. of food • Convenient stor­
age basket • Super-storage door • Defrost
drain system • Power interruption light • Ad­
justable temp control.
W hirlpool Freezers
p r ic e d as lo w aa:
C <
* B
(Model EXV I OD, not shown)
111rH 's
fa n ti
TO «
Til 6 (Cloud Sun I
30th and S. E. D IV IS IO N