Portland/«abserver C l A I HE METRO ELECTRICAL APPREN­ TICESHIP COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES ill \ I \ ii API ¡CATIONS FOR ELEC APPRENTICESHIP S / D epartm ent Se< iv ta ry ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION APPRENTICESHIP ir ic a i S MUSI BI completed ano received in this OLE ICE BY OCT. 31, 1972. APPLICATIONS are available weekdays .it the Metro office from 8:30 a.in. to 5 p.m., 601 NE. Everett, Portland, Ore. For further information call the Metro number, 233-5413. An Equal Opportunity is porvided in rhe I lectrical Aprenticeship Program. A AND WOMEN JANITOR I —»500-572 |>crforin ja n ito r task md make rnlno i re p a irs in County B ldg. M in . qual., I y r . (xj. experience as lam toi . Apply 510 S.W. M ontgom ery before 5 p.m ., I le t. 10, 1972. M u lt­ nomah County C iv il s e r ­ vice Com m . W a n te d A D ra ltsm an LORD L o rd k n e m a tic s , technological leader In v ib ra tio n / shot k/no ise co n tro l, has im m ediate openings In E rie , Pem iaylv.m la, lo r the follow ing: ADVANCED SYSTEMS ENGINEER bsern o r equivalent w ith 10 plus years in conceptualiza­ tio n and design of machines o r mechanism involving om plex dynam ic loadings, m otions and euviornm ents ( e .g „ le irin g s , gears, fasten ers). Design of the folluw uig ol s ie c lflc Intere st: a ir c r a ft oi automotive con tro l linkage and b ra c k e lry , engine m ounting system , reetpro- atlng engines or pumps, Industrie al m achinery and le avy equipm ent. SENIOR INSTRUMENTION ENGINEER IISM1 o r flSAE w ith thorough technical background in instru m en ta tion , data acq uisition , and con tro l p rin cip le s .rid equipm ent. F a m ilia rity w ith m a te ria ls , and me­ chanical and s tru c tu ra l testing esse ntia l. 5 years m in im u m ex­ perience in m echanical o r s tru c tu re d ra ttln g . Ex­ c e lle n t w orking conditions and frin g e tenet it. In itia l is a re .ju n e m e iit only qualified need to apply. Send resume and sa la ry h is to ry to Pox 11 17.P o rt­ land, Oregon. I. jual O pportunity E m ployer IISME o r equivalent w ith solid technical background In s tru c tu ra l design, m echanics aixl testin g. F a m ilia r ity w ith shop la h ric a tlo n processes, instrum entation ami c o n tro l p rin c ip le s and e.|Ulpment necessary. SBMIOR PRODUCT ENGINEER BSMI or ItSCl w ith 3 -p lu s years experience In mechanical design of large welded steel s tru c tu re s . Pack- ground in strength and stress analysis, fatigue tests, m a te ria l selection, fa b rica tio n processes, welding stan- da rds necessary. Experience in design of s tru c tu re s fo r m arine .i^ ilic a tio n s le lp tu l. Please send resum e and sa la ry h is to ry , in confidence to: M R . G. CROSIER LORD KINEMATICS 1635 W . 12th s tre e t, E rie , Pa. 16512 ( l AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ASSLSI ANTI PLANNER to assist in com prehensive planning ol services to aged. Ila c lie lo r degree o r equivalent com bination ol experience and education. P refe re nce given to ap­ p lica n ts with e x je rie n c e in the Held of aging, social services research, o r re ­ p o rt w ritin g . sa la ry range to $11,510. RESEARCH ASSIST AN I to a ssist in data co lle ctio n , s ta tis tic a l analysis and com puter program m ing In m u ltip le - planning areas. B a c le lo r degree with Course w o rk in s ta tis tic s and program m ing p lu s ly r . experience o r equivalent com bination ol education and experience. Salary range to $11,000. An Equal o p p o rtu n ity E m ployer M ad resum es to: Laurence A , R ice, Lane C ouncil ol (P.vei nments, 135 Sixth W e. E ast, Eugene, ( ir e . 97401. D dial - a - job : 227-5828 ! o v e r $75.000 w orth ol lu d d in g m a te ria ls and o ilie r home and la n n supplies m ust 1« liquidated im m ediately! Some H ie and smoke damaged products, s to le must le vacated in two weeks. Come e a rly fo r te s t lu y s ' Store fo rm e rly . . . . M A YH EW SASH & DOOR I 6 0 8 N orth C olu m b ia Portlond Or« O p»n every day an d ail day Sunday W a n te d M a rrie d couples to serve as house [« re n ts fo r Youth Care C enters. W ork 7 days, off 7 days. Top sa la ry and le n e fits . Mod­ el C itie s residents p re fe r­ red. Yaun Youth C are Centers 5128 NE Rodney 288-8861 A P I . I f ,K RENI ALIENTI« >N Senior C itizens, F H A 's 1st Rent supplement, R e latb ilita - tion m downtown P ortland now open, Washington Plaza, 1129 S.W. Washington. Rent from $40, include all u tilitie s , ap- ply now. Manager on p re ­ m ise s, phone 223-0122. Ji A I HOUSING OPPOR- A tlo in e y G erietal R ic le rd G. Klem dienst announced today rliat a 3 6 - ,e a r-o ld in ­ vestig ator in the United States M a rs lia ls Service lias neen named to die h ig ie s l -a ie e r position in da: S ervice. He is James A , G ardner ol A rlin g to n , v irg in ia whoas- suined his new position as C h ief Deputy LJ>, M a rs lia ll fo r die G enual D is tr ic t of C a lifo rn ia at Eos Angeles, l« co m in g da: lu s t black to hold the post. A s chiel deputy, G ardner w ilt function as the adm inis­ tra tiv e la: ad of tie fie ld o llic e . I le l.o s Angeles of­ fice , w id i its 85 em ployees, is d e fou rth la rg e st ol die 94 UJ>. M a rsh a ls' office s in da: tuition. G ardner joined the Ser­ vice in Ju te , 1966, as a deputy m a rsh a ll and has been an in vestig ator in tie office of Wayne B. C olburn, D ire c to r of tie LJ>. M a rs lia ls , fo r tie past two years. In his investigative position, he developed and im plem ented a nationwide pro gra m fo r w it­ ness support and personal se c u rity . G ardner is a native of Philadelphia, where le at­ tended public schools. He also attended d e U n ive rsity oi M aryland Law Enforcem ent In s titu te . He served m the A rm y n i i l l - 2 8 2 -5 5 3 9 2330 N. E Alberta Si Columbia Metropolitan Police D e partm ent iro n , 1961 to 1966. H is wife, L o la , is an a ir ­ line stewardess su;ie rviso r f o r United A irlin e s . 1 here are c u rre n tly three black I Z5.Niarst.alls — Ben- jarnin B utter. B roo klyn , New York; A llre d F ra n cis. St. I bornas. V irg in Islands, and M a rv in Washington, Grand Rapids, M ichigan. Ad Space Salesman for metro newspaper Comm, w ith advance Equal O pportunity Employer P .0 Box 3137 C ity, 9 7 2 0 8 __________ iMUmaiuao Lary police force from 1958 to 1961 and in the D is tr ic t of P1AN<» OR < (RGAN LES Si ‘ Ss L a te st and m odern method guarantees that you can learn to play either in s tru m e n t.F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , please call 287-1634. NATE HARTLEY Fuel Oil T«l Black appointed Marshall Having d iffic u lty w ith school- home work? P riva te tourting at reasonable rates, your home o r m ine grades 1-12, G all 2 46 -8864 a lte i 6:00 pan. B ill Sweetland. n mi y PUBLIC SALE! IISME o r B5AE w ith 4-p lu s years ilesign ex|ierlence w ith V ID E o r C I U . in du stry m design p ro acices. M ust know dynam ics, s tie s s analysis and design |>erformance trade o il techniques. V ib ra tio n and schock analysis tech­ niques lie lp tu l. SENIOR TEST ENGINEER I .ANE COUNCIL OF GOV­ ERNMENTS, area wide long range planning agency, s o lic its applicants fo r 2 fu ll tune positions, B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L STORE TO BE V A C A T E D AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL DESIGNER í f PLANNING Busy 1 man M u lt i id s Management D e p a rt­ m ent is seeking a .|UI died Sec­ re ta ry req uire s typing «>0, shut thaixl 101) exclusive te le ­ phone Inter ,ierso iia l s k ills , lo r lu th e r Inform a tion co n ta e tp e r- sonal dep.n tln e n t Providence H ospital, 7iXi N J . 4 7 th ,P o rtla n d 234-8211 exl 218 An Equal ( > p |N ji tunny I Jnp lo yei MEN f rhursday, October 5,1972 Page 7 ' Jesse H ill, rig h t, president of the Atlanta In q u ire r, acting fo r NNPA P reside nt G arth C . Reeves oi the M ia m i T im e s, p re ­ sented plaques recently in Atlanta to W estern E le c tric of­ fic ia ls In appreciation of media services provided NNPA con­ ventions in Atlanta and M iam a, 1971 and ‘ 72. Recipients of the plaques were Dan W hitney, 2nd fro m le ft, sen io r PR S pe cia list fo r the southern Regional H eadquarters of the com ­ pany; Raymond L . Higgins, regional c o m p tro lle r, 3rd fro m rig h t; and Edw ard Lucas, regional in d u s tria l and PR su­ p e rv is o r, 2nd fro m rig h t. Joining M r . HUI in making the p re ­ sentations ir e : W_A. scott, 111, le it. Atlanta D a ily W orld ; J . L o w e ll W are, 3rd fro m le ft, Atlanta Voice; and John B. S m ith, not shown, executive vice president ot the A tlanta In­ q u ir e r. P o r t l a n d , O r e . 97 2 1 1 4013 N . Gantenbein NON-PROFIT-RENTALS! ‘ W ith p riv ile g e of ow n ersh ip * All new condition-m ust see to a p p re c ia te N ew ra n g e and refrigerators N O Red T a p e - move in to d a y RENTS are e q u a l to ac tu a l p ro p e rty Service Directory PORTLAND CLE ANING Wi )RKS 3 9 54 N . W U liam s Ave. 282-8361 ONE DAY SERVICE ta x , insurance and m ortgage charges N o p ro fit at all! P aym ent of first, last and cleaning Cash and M axey’ s Barber Shop 4603 N. Williams Avenue Equity can exceed $ $ $ $ 4 0 0 0 .0 0 /* N o interest charges 617 N.E. W ebster RENT.....................4 8 0 .0 0 or less b u ild up equ ity.... ........ $ 5 0 .0 0 or more total m onthly p aym ent... $130.00 710 N . W ebster RENT.....................$110.00 or less b u ild up e q u ity.... ......... $ 5 0 .0 0 or more to tal m onthly p a y m e n t,... $160.00 P rescriptions our Spec ialty PtdRTLAND THRIFT STORE FASHION WHEEL 5620 NE Union 287-0910 C lothing, fu n itu re, e tc . a t g lv e -a -w a y prices Deal w ith BETTER HOUSING CORPORATION 2 8 2 -2 5 0 8 Safe sound Decent Housing fo r Everyone 4 5709 NE Union 283-3633 Fashionable W igs at Fashionable P rice s GARDNER'S LAWN and GARDEN CENTER 1936 N . K tlling sw ortT T 289-0559 The North Area’s Only Complete Garden Centei P. D. Q. ENCO SERVICE CENTER H andles a ll your car problem s 519 NE Broadway 2 4-5050 ALLIED PERSONNEL OFFICES, INC. 17 AJ SW 4t! 224-8543 Em ploym ent S pecialists SAM and OLLIE’S GROCERY 1460 NE Prescott M ILT O N à OSCAR'S WE WILL HAVE OTHERS SOON! 284-4656 Phone 284-5188 d ep o sit can be e x ten d ed . 0 ^ " Five y e a r ow nership b u ild -u p PAIGE'S PHARMACY 2701 NE 7th Steak House Si Ltxinge 5700 NE I nion 287-3047 KENNEDY'S AUTO BODY SHOP F oreign andD om esticC ars John Kennedy - Owner 3939 N . W illia m s Avenue I e l. 287-6057 Try our speciality: Our own homemade Potato Salad ’’Made with Soul” Also Cold Beer- Wine