Page 8 Portland/O bserver Thursday, Septemher 14, 1972 Black coach leads PSU by Jim Rogers Morse explains differences C h e ry l Jam es (Continued from |“g. I, col. 8) institution fo r rehabilitation. The result is that she was raped while in tederal custody, and the fact that an order has been Issued fo r her return to an institution where that occured shows that it is our penal system which is in need of rehabilitation and not Chery l Jam es." Sue Sherry, one of Chery l's teachers at Jefferson High School presented a petition signed by her teachers at Jefferson and \dams High Schools, The committee expressed appreciation fo r the support of mone> concerned persons and organizations have do­ nated w h ic h has made C heryl’ s freedom, thus far, possible. The news of C heryl’ s im­ minent return to prison was announced at a press con­ ference held September 13th by the Cheryl James Fund Committee. The press con­ ference was attended by a large number of concerned citizens including members of the clergy, teachers and representatives ot community organizations. Ronald James Straiten, re­ cently appointed head foot te ll coach at Portland State Uni­ v e rsity spoke at the Cosmo­ politan M otor Hotel, at a luncheon sponsored by tie Top ot the Cosmos Club. Coach Stratten emphasized the importance of athletics in building character and psy­ chological and physical fit­ ness. Stratten said that athle­ tics affords the “ individual the opportunity to strive for both personal and team suc­ cess and that the realization that unselfish efforts are re­ warded with the knowledge that one's best possible e ffo rt was expended is what ahould be sought by the athlete.” He added that the “ chance to compete fo r excellence in per­ formance outside of merely seeking monetary rewards o r personal recognition is para­ mount in the footba! program a tP S L .” Coach Stratten was born in San Francisco and attended college at the U niversity of Oregon, San Francisco State and Cal State. A t the Uni­ versity of Oregon, he lettered in varsity football fo r two consecutive years. He was also appointed as defensive line coach fo r the University of Oregon from 1908 to 1971. Coach Stratten said the prospects fo r PSL’ s football team are good fo r the coming year; that he had an excep- tionaly good offensive team— but not as much depth in the defensive positions. Stratten introduced to the Cosmos C lu t Daryl Bean, a young Black halfback from Hanzen High School in Renton, Wash­ ington, who was an a ll-s ta te r and one of the outstanding football players in the Puget Sound area last year. Young Bean w ill be the only fresh­ man in the starting line-up. Coach Ron Stratten's team makes it ’ s debut Saturday, September 16, against the U niversity of Hawaii. The game starts at 7:30 p jn . Form er senator Wayne Morse b riefly outlined the m ajor differences letween him self and senator Ma rk lis t- field in response to a question asked Friday evening during a delete letween himself and D r. Richard Jones, Professor of H istory at Reed College, who represented iia ttie ld . Speaking before 200 mem­ bers of Common Cause at­ tending the Candidate's F a ir at the F irs t L'nitananChurch, Morse said, " I am firs t and foremost a Constitutionalist, and I cannot vote lo r legis­ lation which, under the name of ‘ law and o rd e r,’ seriously infringes on c iv il lile rtie s provided by the 4th amend­ ment. senator Hatfield voted tor the ’ no-knock* and w ire ­ tapping provisions of the I'm n ilu s C rim e HUI in |4 p 8 which in my judgment runs counter to the unreasonable search and seizure protection of the amendment. I dkl not.” "N o r would 1 have voted fo r a h ill which provides tor a rrest without reasonable cause o r preventive deten­ tion,” Morse continued, "b u t Hatfield did in 1970." “ You would never liave found me votuig lo r applying compulsory arbitration in the settlement of any labor dis­ pute,” Morse said, " t h i s denies to both labor anil man­ agement their most basic that Itavi* allowed this w n to cuntinued.” " I relieve Conrress must exercise its Coiistltutinnnl check ol the pm - e sd n t f to give tin“ V lm iiilstra tio n noti, e it has b to I? months in which to end the w a r," Moi so salti, " \ n d this is what I t i l l In voting against those appro­ p riations,” economic right of liv e ly de­ termining h«w they are io use their labor and m aterial. Hut Iiattield did in regard to the I ongshoremen’ s s trik e ." “ You cannot vote for the appropriations to continue the war ui Vietnam and truly le opposed to It ," Morse stated. "B u t Hatfield voted lor many supplemental a;n>ropt iir t io n s Items Daily! famous LABELS I 1 Lzxaaiijaiixjziuj I LIQUIDATORS OF FREIGHT D A M A C I GOODS ANO MANUFACTURES CLOSEOUTS 3 Corner Stores • 283 3171 North Killingsworth ot Albina SKI WEAR JACKETS B(( ’ 11U RIG. FROM$20 UR.............. PRICE ^SWEATERS RIG. FROM $1$ UR................ PRICE W a llis h e a d s o ffic e WARMUPS A SKI PANTS PS RON STRATTEN The complete 1972-73 foot­ ball schedule fo r PSU is as follows: Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 N o v .il Nov, 18 Nov. 23 HAWAII AT PORTLAND, 7:30 p jn . A t L in fie ld , 1:30 p jn . A t Idaho State, 7:30 pun. A t Nevada (Reno), 1:00 pun. A t Western Washington, 7:30 p jn . EASTERN WASH. AT PORTLAND, 7:30 p jn . PUGET SOUND AT PORTLAND. 7:30 p jn . BOISE STATE AT PORTLAND. 1:30 p jn . E . MONTANA AT PORTLAND, 7:30 p jn . SANTA CLARA AT PORTLAND, 7:30 p jn . C . WASH. AT PORTLAND, 12:00 D r. Gus C . W allis, who, during the past nine years has maintained his own op- tom etrical practice in Dallas and Sheridan, has joined the Sender Optical o ffice s Staff as manager of their Salem branch. A graduate of P acific Uni­ versity College of Optometry and an active practitioner since receiving his degree. D r. W allis is well know in the Dallas, Salem and Wood­ burn area. Among other post graduate studies. D r, W allis has been p a rticu la rly in­ terested in the fitting of con­ tact lenses and safety glasses fo r adults as well aschUdren. in announcing his new as­ sociation, D r. W allis stated that his Dallas and Sheridan RIG. FROM$20 V MAN M A0I ■« PRICE FROM SUM I I UF FUR TRIMMED MISSES COATS SUES 4-11 IU R 1 RIG. TO $ 2 9 " $4« BUDGET SAVERS .................... IN P O P I( © 10 LB. BOXES LIN K SAUSAGE ib . PORK UR. GUS C . WALLIS LIN K SAUSAGE offices w ill be closed, but that all («tient charts and work records w ill te on hand at the palem office at state and Commercial Streets. | W E 'V E M A D E RIGS OR OURSELVES IN 60 IB. c a s ts ......................... IB.S REMEMRIR • WE HAVE DROCERKS - E m a n u e l c la s s e s (Continued from pg. 4. col. 8) Call On Us because Long D istance is the next best thing to being there. day, 6:30 to 9:30 p jn ,, B -3 10-week course, $38; "W ork S im p lifica tio n ," Wednesday, 6:30 to 9:30 p jn ., B -l a 10- week course, $28.50; "Human Biology,” Thursday, 6:30 to 9:30 p. m., B -l, a 10-week course. $28.50; and "General Psychology,” Tuesday, 6:30 to 9:30 p jn ., B-3, a 10-week course, $28,50. "P ra c tic a l P olitics — City State and National” w ill be offered Tuesday, 7 to 9 p jn ., at Emanuel by Robert (Buzz) D . W illis ; fee is $20, and the course is offered through the University of Portland. P re lim in a ry registration for the “ P ractical P olitics” course w ill be accepted dur­ ing “ Candidates’ Days,” scheduled September 13 and 14 in the Emanuel cafeteria, when candidates fo r political office are invited to meet with employees inform ally during the day. “ Human Relations and Un­ derstanding" w ill also he of­ fered at Emanuel, Tuesday evenings, 6:30 to 9:30 p jn ,, in Room B -l, a 10-week course with a $15 fee. F a ll term begins the week of September 25. Informa­ tion is available from P o rt­ land Community College, 24- 611, or R o b e r t Surina, Emanuel, 280-4260. Price« Good Wed Sept 1 3 thru Sot Sept 16 FredMeyer W Shopping C enfp n Food Club Reg to 22 P»r»» I <« m « R»««a cies, this Act has tremendous­ ly hampered our political ac­ tiv itie s . 3. Resolution on Portland C ity Council. W H E R E A S , there is no Black on the Portland City Council and Blacks are not properly represented; and WHEREAS, several Black community organizations have Blacks that they want placed on the C ity Council, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oregon Black P olitical Convention calls fo r a communuty conven­ tion which w ill allow Black people to select one Black per­ son whom they endorse to be recommended to the Portland C ity Council to fill tie forth­ coming vacant seat. 4. Resolution on White Bus­ inesses. WHEREAS, the white busi­ nesses in the Black community in Oregon have not been re­ sponsive to the needs, aspira­ tions and desire of the Black people; and WHEREAS, the white busi­ nesses in the Black community have h isto rica lly refused re­ investing part of their p ro fit in the community; and D/l. ß&lMAd D X N T I8 T Welcomes Your Visit for Consultation D e r a í í c s i D P r o s © » Q u o te d in A d v a n c e CREDIT ♦ Come in a t your c o n v e n ie n c e * HOI H ' H 10 4 W f n OO/»Vf I liw ii Ml n r/fn » « i P e n le tK a l -SLEEP E x t r a c t io n s «MIN M M M » ALL D e n ta l IN S U R A N C E Accepted MeOern “ f.ife-f.iJce fâ&t/utJid, L tw rtic i P««« Strew« L»vrl 515 Jw 4 th Av<- Offitr» AUo in Prom pt DENTURE R epairs ★ 1 to 7 N bb , DENTIST />*««» 227 2427 S a le m a n d A u j r * * * T h M tw SW I I 1 WHEREAS, the white busi­ nesses in the Black communi­ ty have constantly refused to hire a representative number of Black people in relation to the Black trade; and WHEREAS, the white busi­ nesses have constantly re­ fused to advertise in the Black newspapers, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oregon Black P olitical Convention is- S 10 b o i cons 8 R I 00 7 eoch MT-TE-FINE Catsup 52 1 5 ea Betty ¿rocker A K Q A < 3? O r 1 Delicious blend oi crup, ripe applet Heinz Reg 58 $100 16 O t cani 13 ea 32 Oz. keg bottle sues an official statement in support of Black people, Black newspapers and the Black community; and informs the w h it e businesses that the Black people in Portland w ill use all means at their disposal to eradicate all those injus­ tices launched against us. 5. Resolution on Walnut Park and Follies Theaters. BE IT RESOLVED that the Black P olitical Convention pledges its fu ll support to M eridian fo r Humanity, Inc., to assist in ridding the Black community of tie Walnut Park and Follies Theaters. The type of entertainment shown at those theaters is insulting to the Black community and has dehumanizing and im ­ m oral effects on both the old and young. Now that the Oregon Black Agenda has been presented to the public A LL Blacks in the state must fir s t read It. Sec­ ond, we must see what we as individuals can do to insure that A LL of the platforms are implemented. In other words, we must work individually, as well as collectively, to see that the platforms are fu lfille d . T h ird , we must support, not only the Oregon BlackCaucus, but also theNAACP, thelfrban League, Black Panther Party, civic and community organi­ zations, etc. because all are working toeradlcate the social evils in this racist society. Fourth, we must always re­ cognize the fact that Blacks must u n ite nd organize. F ifth , we must realize that no Black is free from racism in the United States UNTIL A LL BLACKS ARE FREEII A p p le Sauce Ail e d é t e e e l a t F-eM M e ye« IveryM ey le w »• 22 J$ »ene»«et (Continued from pg. 2, col. 8) P acific N o rth w e s t Bell MY-TE-FINE Northwest Blend Soup K etchup As I See It Extra Savings 4 7 ’ xorh Wilson's Corn Country Sliced Bacon 76 Reg 99 pound Delicatessen Section USDA Inspected New Zealand Leg of Lamb 79« w < 98 Ib Floih frozen top quality roast, milk flovor lb Delicious oven H a m b u rg e r H elp er Regular Size W C JO Reg 58 each Six varieties Makes a pound of hamburger a meol Fancy Golden Delicious Vita Bee Appi es 00 ibs B read 1 00 $ R I Reg 37 ■ 22 2 b r oz 2 Finest all-purpose apple grown for eat mg, sauce, pies or baking 3 lo aves 34’ each Nutritionally rich loaf with a delicious wheaty, nut like flavor. Anchor-Hocking R ig h t G uard Anti-Perspirant 00 Reg ‘ 1 99 S 1 each 12 Oz The all day family deodorant Cosmetic Sections Fred Meyer C-60 C assette Tapes 3 $100 I for Shatterproof cassette with 30 minutes of recording time per side. Photo-Sound Sections S tacking M ugs ...„ 6 ? 1" Colorful 8 ounce stacking mugs are pretty and practical Variety Sections Easy to Change Furnace Filters R egular Length M e n 's T h e rm a l Socks Reg 3 for ‘ 1.29 3 k ' pair pi