Religion in the News by Tlierlon E . Cobbs I International board name Seattle woman M r» . Jeialdiue Bright was recently elected to tie Board of D ire cto rs of the Northwest International Conference on World M issions. The Con­ ference holds and sponsors an annual institute on |« r t l- nent issues (elated to tie World of M issions. It is sfionsored by the Canadian Council of Churclies and tlte National Council of C ligrcles, I '.5 .5 . Jeraldlne served a 2 year term as Pirat Vice President of tie Puget SoundConference M issionary Society, AJUJE. Church (Incorporating 5 siatoa), is piesently serving a 3 year term on tlte Board of Trustees fo r tlie Washing­ ton State C hildren's Home Society, la Chairman of M is­ sionary C ircle jf3, a m ender of The Trustee Board.aClass le a d e r of F irs t AJkIJI. Church, is working in con­ junction with tlie lotem G irl MN Council. Jeraldlne is the w lfe o fM ll- ton B right, a contractor and mother of a son, M arvin, Jeraldlne says, "w e are In­ to res to 1 in more young adult, and black persons participa­ ting In tlie Mission Confer­ ence," Next year's con­ ference w ill 1« held at T r i­ nity College. I a ng ley, Wash­ ington. You w ill hear more about this as tlie year's work progresses. Blacks create religion S trikingly s im ila r develop­ ments in Black A frlca n C h rls- tlanlty and Black American C hristianity are leading to a new type of cultural religion, says tin Rev. James II. Har­ gett. Secretary fo r Black M in istrie s in tie United Church of C h rist, Rev. Hargett recently re ­ turned from a five-week round of tours arid seminars In Ghana and N igeria. UrxJer a Martin Luther King Jr. Fellowship from Rochester. N.Y. Center fo r Theological studies, he is working on a three-year project to develop m aterial» fo r Black Studies Cable TV subject M rs . Jeraldlne Bright programs In theological schools. In west A frla , he noted tlie rapid growth of S piritualist churches which empira size tlie "to ta l B ib le " in th e ir teach­ ings. S im ila r movements in the U.5. are leaduig to what !»• calls "c re a tiv e accom­ modation" of Splrtuallsts w ithin middle class black churcles. Most UJs, slaves were cap­ tured and sold in west A frica, Rev. Hargett explained, so most American Blacks lave th e ir social and religious origins in west A frican tra ­ ditions. th e s e On Ihursday, September 14th, the Center fo r Urtian Encounter of tlie Greater Portland Council of Churches w ill present "The Wired Re­ volution: A Cable I elev Is Ion W orkshop". 11« principal speaker w ill 1« tlie Rev. W. James Richards, Deputy D ir ­ ector of the office of Com­ munications of die United Church of C h rist. I he w ork­ shop w ill le lie Id at tlie F irs t United Methodist C lu rch , 1838 S.W. Jefferson, at 7:30 p jn . T lie general public is invited to attend. H e r e w ill le no admission cla rg e . The workshop w ill provide p a rtic iia n ts widi an oppor­ tunity to learn about tie |«jtential of cable television, and how citizens and com­ munity groups can le s t u ti­ lize tie medium. Recently adopted rules oi die Federal Communications Commission (FCC) w ill also le reviewed. 'I le workshop is being leld because Portland is currently at a major crossroads re­ garding cable television. Five cable firm s have made ap­ plication to die office of C ity Commissioner Connie McCready fo r die franchise to w ire tie m ajor portion of die Portland metropolitan area. Most Portland re s i­ dents, however, are unaware of tlese actions, or of the potential Impact of cable tele­ vision on die community. a ie tlie co nclusio ns of Jolin P. Kildahl, a clinical psychologist who did Intensive research on glosaolalia, or speaking in tongues, over a period of 10 years. Results of his findings are presented in a new book, "T h e Psycho­ logy of Speaking In longues." (Ubllslied by Harper & Row. Hla research was sponsored by tlie National Institute of Mental Health («cause of die widespread upsurge of speak­ ing In tongues In mainline Protestant and Roman Catho­ lic churches beginning alout 15 years ago. D r. Klldahl's study was of mainline Pro­ testant churclies only, and included groups from coast to coast. Physchological test­ ing was done of individuals amt tajies were made of per­ formances. Tongue-speakers are overly dejendent in temperament. D r. Kaldahl reports. I hey lean le a vlly on the approval of die authority figure, tie religious leader who teaches them glossolalia, end it is this approval tliat gives them their sense of joy and w ell­ being, rather then die »leak­ ing its e lf. If they lose tie leader's approval o r if tle y cease to admire him, tlien tle y no longer feel any satis­ faction from speaking in ton­ gues, though tle y s till are able to do so, le found. Most glossolalists inter­ viewed had gone through some anxiety c ris is p rio r to te - • oming tongue-sjeakers, he says, and a ll ted suffered a feeling tle t tle y were worth­ less lefore becoming glos- solalists. This was not a guilt feeling, 1« points out. fu t a sense of leing nothing. à Stainless Steel Blades Guaranteed to Stay Sharp For 30 YEARS /* * t* i • Yes, you got All 17 super-sharp knives for only $9.951 Deluxe set Includes a ll the knives you need for food preparation, carving and serving - shipped direct to you from the manufacturer In Sollngen, West Germany! You would normally expect to pay $2 each for knlvei of this quality and handsome design. This big 17-plece set of Imported Cutlery Is actually guaranteed not to need sharpening for 30 years from date of pur­ chase! Order TODAY. Supplies lim ited. • M A IL O R O E R M A R T . Dapi 16 2701 St»rlmgton Rd , Suit» 132 Monroa, Louisiana 71201 Pl»a«a «and ma the 17 piace im ported knif» M t It I am no! complatelv M titbad, I w ill raturn it within 10 day« for a full refund. E V O LU - A d d re tt out of nothing—than totelieve tliat God always existed and h e t He created everything ac­ cording to His own marvelous and intricate plan. D r. W illia m Urey, a re­ nowned scientist lea pointed out that tie vast, elaborate, complex. Intricate and inter­ dependent Creation simply could not evolve anywhere. Gam er Ted Armstrong, and the continuing researches being conducted by the Am­ bassador Colleges, of tie Worldwide Church of God. demonstrate (le t evolution is not a fact, hut a carefully conjured up niyth --t,ia t the theory of evolution Is just tle t —a theory. Even Da tw in, considered to le the father of evolution, »as puzzled try m . inability to find fossil specimens of "tra n s itio n a l fo rm s” of one species of creature becoming "e vo lve d " into another spe­ He questioned about this in his w ritings: "A s by this theory innumerable forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers In tie crust of tie e a rth 7" "Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely- graduated 01-gaiitc chain (of “ It's th o u g h tfu l and sensible to pre-arrange fu n e ra ls,“ says M rs. Jessie H enson, CXxch «re VRww '•» C aeevh ST AM O tFW S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2I< 442« • OO N ( AM »’ A N< MS'!»« » X æ PoanANO z « g o n • »? •» * GoaooN . o a h O X)»» CKee * ">• Most ' Ì 'jC ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH s.s. V; Corner of 8th Ave snd Skidmore Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. C hristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 PJvl, (-’nd and Fourth Sundays) Rev, Thomas Strayhand, M i n i ste r 5.M, Praise in scheduled Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 A Praise In w ill be held on Saturday, September 16th, from 6:30 to 8:30 p jn . in Fern H ill Park (next to Adams High School). Among the participants are the Prince of Peace Band, the Beulah Lord Band and theNewChris- tian Singers. The Praise In w ill le preceded by a dinner (bring your own lunch). T ie public Is invited. Sunday School 9 :0 0 A M Morning Worship l 1:00 A M Dr. O.B. Williams, Pastor "The C lurch With A H eart-Felt Welcome" Methodist £ a £23 intermediate species,, and this, perhaps is tlie most ob­ vious and serious objection that can he urged against tie theory.” Darwin believed that as geologists and paleontologists got a more complete record of the earth’ s fossils the missing links between species would be found. Yet, today, a hundred years later, when evolutionists sjeak of the "m issin g lin k ," they actually mean m illions of missing links; because no definite proof of any transitional fos­ s ils existing. Eohlppus, a creature look­ ing remotely like a horse is said to be the ancestor of the horse; yet Ambassador C ol­ lege has shown in "P la in T ru th ," tle t eohippus was a different animal entirely, and scientists mostly have treated it as such. The Museum method of ex­ hibiting skeletal fossils of a monkey somewhat like a chlmjenzee, alongside of an orangutang, and tle t beside an ape and that of a man, Is offered as "evidence," or "p ro o f,” to convince the mind tle t these graduations of s im ila rity is proof of evolu­ tion. It is very much as if they were to exhibit skele- For all phases of beauty visit International Boutique tons of a mouse, a rat, a sq u irre l, a cat, a dog, a wolf, a leopard, a zebra, a hip­ popotamus and an elephant, and then say, "See, the ele­ phant evolved from the mouse," without showing any "tra n sitio n a l stages" o r spe­ cies. Ivan T. Sanderson in "M a m ­ mals of the W o rld ," says, " s o many interm ediary forms are completely lacking." Evolution cannot explain the o rig in of the universe, the origin of m atter, the origin of life . L ife can exist upon the earth, o r anywhere else, only when a planet such as tlie earth is held in position where it is kept at a "c o m ­ fo r ta b le ” temperature- - neither too hot nor too cold; it must have just the right thickness of atmosphere, which also protects life from being bombarded by small m e te rio rite s, and otherdeadly debris. Chemical and photo­ synthesis conditions suitable fo r producing elementary foodstuffs fo r higher form s of life; and an interdependence of living species on various conditions and upon each other disclose a highly intelligent and intricate design to make living pleasant as well as possible to countless species which exist to serve each other. These things could not possibly have just happened, as is often said, no more than could have "an explosion In a p rin t shop have produced the Encyclopaedia B r it­ tanies.” : r 5828 N E. 8th A. Lee Henderson, Minister 288-5429 Ellis Casson, Associate Minister Church School 9545 Morning W orship H;00 am W ed Noon — ine Hour of Power W ed Proyer & C io n Meeting Nursery Care Provided 12:00 noon 7:30 pm W e are making our Neighborhood A Brotherhood" Zhc Olivet Naptist Church Rev John H Jackson Minuter N E First and Schuyler Portland, O re Phone 284 1954 Sunday School Morntng Worrhip Vesper 9 am I I a ryj. 5 pm /« I ua m n r to n o rth tp a n d dep a rt to »true. representing ( 'aldwell's ( olonial Mortuary. : We at Caldwell's welcome the o p p o rtu n ity io assist families with their funeral plans. COLONIAL MORTUARY S ta te £beCburrt) of pour £boiif •Mlb mil rMI|H some subjects and w ith o tfe rs does not. I have reached the conclusion that tongue-speak­ ing is a learned phenomenon.” It Is common occurrence, he says, fo r tongue-speakers to take hold of the jaw of ore wishing to learn and to spend hours urging the per­ son to repeat sounds until the individual starts producing sounds from his own un­ conscious, in a so n of re­ gression to the sounds a child makes learning a language. Glossolalists lend together as an in-group, are exceed­ ingly kind to each other, but redirect form er anger feel­ ings toward those who do not wish to join them, he says. They exhibit "subtle d isre ­ spect fo r non-tongue- speakers,” he points out, of­ ten resulting in disruption and frictio n in churches. He feels tliat some elements of prac­ tice should be discouraged, as there are more construc­ tive ways of gaining a sense of well-being. D r. Kildahl is a member of the faculty of the Post­ graduate Center fo r Mental Health and d ire cto r of the program in Pastoral Physcho- logy at New York Theological Seminary. "Happy” Pullen cie s. CALDWELLS Nam« « C ity ____ OR IION? Which one is true? some science minded C h ris­ tians call themselves " I hels- tic evolutionists," a middle ixisltlon which scarcely satis­ fies the enigma. In any case those s im ila ritie s and re­ lationships which men see in creatures and which they call evolution is s till (le liandl- work of God. But lecause tie skeletal structure of one creature is s im ila r to another It does not follow tle t tie one proceeded out of the other. God simply adapted a su n lla n ry of design to given environmental con­ ditions upon tie earth, to many of the different forms He created. To believe that a ll that exists In tle lre la b o ra te , com­ plex and Intricate designs and (unction created themselves , /z/ilift Wien tie a bility Is dev- elojed. D r. Kildahl reports, the tongue-speakers always experiences exhilaration in hebig accepted by an in-group and approved by the leader. I le new confidence resulting iron, glossolalia extends to «11 areas of life , making tie s| Cutlery | Sett I'orüand/O bserver Tongue language said learned "(M T V W Ji 43 OBSWl l i t N F.. 14th A Sandy Hlvd CALL 212-4111 DAY OR NIGHT STYl ISIS Ethel Bares Be m etta Holder l ave Inms M a ra n a th a Evangelistic Center 1222 N. E. SKIDMORE manicures T- Pastor Bible Class 9:15 9; 15 am Bible tra in in g school 9:15 am Sunday morning Worship 11 am Addie Ward " 5515 N E. 30th Ave. 2 8 8-9 889 k ft Bible Study Hour Tue. 7 pm __ Chttrch 288-7241 fouth o ffic e 2OT-7243 orsh ip 7 pm H^ r p I p p - pm J s p‘n Youth Meeting F r l 7:30 pm Reverend W endell W allace Pastor w All ■ things new in 1972