Portland/Observer Thunday, July 6. PORTLAND -C> ORSERVER Religion in the News £fx £burrt) of Dour €boia Be true to thyself Mallory installs Pastor deplores substitute gifts Associate Minister On Sunday, July 9th, at 3:30 p jn . (tie Rev. M r . Edaal D . Coldson w ill ba Installed aa (tie Associate Min lata r of M allory Avenue Christian Church. The Kav. M r . Oala A . Stitt la the Pastor of the congregation. M r . Gold son comes to Port­ land after completing hla studies at Christian Theologi­ cal Seminary, Indlanspolla, on May 28, 1972. M r . Coldson Is a native of Jam aica. Ila has lean In tha U n lt*l States on a Student Visa for the past aeveu y e n s . Ila la currently » eking ha pen- marent Visa, wlth plans to become a citizen of tie USA. At M allory, M r. Goldaon*s responsibilities will lnclole oversight of the Claire h's Activity Program for neigh­ borhood youth; development of o tte r outreach programs to tespond to community needs; sharing In the regular minis­ try of the congregation. This position Is made pos­ sible through the grant of furvls from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Recon­ ciliation Offerings from tie Christian Church In Oregon. School busing is a substi­ tute for quality education, wel­ fare is a substitute for a good, healthy economy, and black people are the victims of both, s California pastor said In an Interview here this week. D r . H J t. Brookins Ispastor of the F irs t African Method 1st Church, Los Angeles. He Is a candidate for election to bishop during the AME General Conference meeting at Municipal Auditorium, June 20-July 2, on the heels of the massive evangelist training congress Explo *72. Speaking about that con­ gress, D r . Brookins noted that one of the themes of the evan­ gelicals is an urgency to pre­ pare people for the next world. "B lack folks have not had a chance to live In this world yet," he declared, "so we're not anxious to get to the next one." A fte r acknowledging his respect for Evangelist Billy Graham, honorary chairman for Explo, D r . Brookins sub­ mitted, "B ut as the gieat evangelist of this country, he could do so much more to challenge the decision making processes that have divxled u s." School busing, said the pas­ tor, is not an Issue with black people. "T he Issue Is quality edu­ cation," he recounted. "But plain goal sense tells us that the only way to get It In many areas Is through fusing. "How can black youngsters Gospel of rights preached by Jackson Rev. Jesse Jackson has rail 1*1 tie African Methodist Episcopal Church with hyp­ notic fervo r to his banner of religious, political and civil rights unity. Shouts of " rig h t on” were mingled with ‘ 'amen” when the young black religious lea­ ds r-o f ten compared to the late D r . M artin Luther King J r . — addressed the sect's Gene ral C o n fe re n c e in M em orial Auditorium Tues­ day night. "T h e only bed, bad case of theology," he said, "has been when the lino was drawn between the church and the civil rights movement. Who was Moses tut the leader of an oppressed people fighting that oppression? Hew astalk- ing about nothing but walking down Highway 80 In Alabama." Most observers agieed that the fienzied standing ovation Jackson drew from hts 5,000- member conglegation was re­ miniscent of King's responses during the mid-1960's, the Chtcsgo-bss*l People I n it * to Save Hum.nlty (PI si I) which he heads has become one of tie most politically popjlar civil rights organi­ zations since the pre-m ilitant days of the Congress of Racial Equality. " In sem inary," Jackson said, stressing black religious unity, "w e heard a lot about tie ecumenical movement . . . about the white folks being jp llt on dogma. We didn't pay too much attention to that in South Carolina. If you were late. It was just sort of the firs t church you came to. Ihey were probably stay­ ing next door In tbe same pro­ ject anyway. We were always fa irly ecum enical." PCC trains emergency technicians E a rlie r, Jackson had blast- tl*e Explo '72 religious festival, chargutg that it "avoided such an issue as race, which is a paramount religious Issue.’* "T he black church In the best sense of the word repre­ sents the gospel of 'a ll God's ch ild ren'." What would you do if your husband was watering the lawn and had a heart attack? This Incident happens every day, but few people know how to react to even the most com­ mon accidents. TheEm ergen- cy Medical Care program at Portland Community College is training a new breed of med­ ical technicians, men and wo­ men who know what to do In an emergency. "Just to be Jumping up an! down having Jesus-flts In the r iv e r —that's what people used to accuse the blacks of doing. There used to be a cheap booza in the black community c a ll* ! 'Splo.' Explowas klnda like splo— a cheap high," Jackson said. Mrs. Jessie Henson with CALDWELL’S COLONIAL M ORTUARY 20 N E 14th Avenue Portland. Oregon 97232 CALL 232 4111 DAY OR r i i i i i » i » i i i i N IG H T Started five years ago by the Multnomah County Medical Society and PCC, the course is taught by licensed physicians, members of the medical soci­ ety, and includes Instruction In the treatment of shock, bleeding, bandaging, burns, drowning, heart attacks, and many other incidents requir­ ing emergency cars. Students who complete the course may work for ambulance compan­ ies, hospitals, and clinics; or they may be firemen, police­ men, or nurses who are up­ grading th elrsk llls In handling emergency situations. He used an analogy with the Biblical prophet Ezekla who was taken to a valley full of dried bones by the hand of God. Ezeklal was told that the bones could live again tli rough God. He was thus called to preach in sinful Ba­ bylon. "W hat la Babylon but and what Is the valley but the Ghetto?' Jsck- son asked. Am erica, n DAY CARE MOTHERS A new 17 point federal pro­ gram has been adopted follow­ ing the PCC format which in­ cludes 25 lessons of three hours each. In addition stu­ dents spend three four-hour sessions In hospital erne rgen- cy rooms assisting hospital personnel. At the completion of the course students take a written examination. Upon passing the written test they are eligible to take the prac­ tical examination, a demon­ stration of skills learned in the couise observed by li­ censed physicians. i i i ♦ ♦ i i CARE FOR BABIES 11 IN YO U R HOME. i ♦ AMA Fam ily D a y /N Ig h t Care i j $ 3 .5 0 a child per d a y 4 6 3 5 N.E. 9th 288-5091 In this country become de­ pendable and productive when their brain is not cultivated? Without trained minds, they are left out of the mainstream. "Busing Is a substitute for separable but equal education but It Is (be only positive tool available to achieve quality education for all people." The C alfom la clergyman, an articulate spokesman on social Issues for the oldest and largest black church In the country, deplores welfare, and called It a " tra p " for black people. ''W elfare puts a man Into a slump from which he cannot extricate him self,” said Brookins. " It was deli­ berately designed to put peo­ ple In a rut that made them look for handouts when they could not get Jobs. It pro­ vided a good excuse. "A sum of »3,300 for a fam ily of four Is not enough of a cushion to provide their needs, but It is enough to lull him to sleep." Brookins asserted that these issues should be the ac­ tive concern of all Christians, including the so-called Evan­ gelicals. "T h a t’ s what Jesus Is all about," said the pastor, "feeding, clothing and relating to His fellowman. This Is the message 1 would like to see BUly Graham interpret to President Nixon who has a pulpit for setting a moral climate that r e a c h e s the w orld." Students who complete the tests are listed in theNational Registry for Emergency Med­ ical Technicians. They re­ ceive a shoulder patch, wallet card, and a certificate from Portland Community College. Don M illican , PCC Instruc­ tor, says that approximately 100 people have completed the course. He sees a trend de­ veloping In community col­ leges to include Emergency Medical Technician training as s tw o-year associate de­ gree progrsm In the allied health programs. In answer to the best proce­ dures to follow for care of a heart attack victim , M illican says, " C a ll an ambulance; use Clos*l heart compression which means to push hard on tl« breastbone while the pa­ tient I les on his back; alternate this with mouth-to-mouth re­ suscitation. F o r more Information on the Emergency Medical Care program at Portland Commu­ nity College, call 244-6111. Q*wrh »4 VhM> Nw '««»Mr.», As we enter Into honesty again this week, honesty seems to be a touchy subject, until we get down to studying God’ s word and the mysteries of the gospel. Apostle Paul calls the mystery of the gos­ pel a pass that relates to the whole purpose of God and human history. What Is done for man ant! by man affects his salvation. We think of ourselves as honest and don't like to have our honesty questioned. But how many people can say their honesty Is unques­ tionable In the eyesight of G al, man, or himself. There Is a secret to the mystery of the gospel. The secrets of God are only received by men ard women who are babes in their own Initiative and w ill­ ingness to be taught the way of God. They are hidden from those who are too wise to receive instructions in carnal and spiritual things. The IT •*•••«• • OC ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th Ave snd Skidmore Sualav Worship 11:00 AJM. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 PJvf. (2nd and Fourth Sundays) Rev. Thomas Strsyhand, M inister s.s. 9:30 4..M. Rev. T. N. N offa tracized. still being oppres­ sed, and yet asking a ques­ tion. Is Christianity only another philosophy of life that has evolved slowly from le­ gends and our ancient tradi­ tions? O r is It what it claims to be — a divine providence that offers men eternal life? Is Christianity as It claims to be — the record of God's Involvement In Inman history by Jesus C hrist's willingness to die In man's place, to rest in man's tomb, and tc break forever the band of death? In the final analysis we hold the future in our own hands. One more thought: As long as man lives In this world, his life is subject to amend­ ments. But If he persists in wrong doing, I« w ill con­ firm himself in evil, because he continues to love it. On the other hand, the man who delights in living in love to God and his neighbor w ill firm ly establish himself In heavenly life. carnal mind Is emitted against God. But the spirtuallymind­ ed man (hat Is trying to please Gad w ill find these secrets and use them In the avenues that God Instructs him In In out society and culture we are brought up with a double standard of honesty. We are taught there are dif­ ferent levels and degrees of honesty. F o r example, we hear our mother say not to lie, yet we hear mother tell exaggerated truths. In our society the law Is written to be equal for all men, but the minority has Its hardest struggle trying to be effec­ tive in it's doings as the majority does. We are taught to say we enjoy things that we really don’t enjoy. 1 hen there is Christianity. How is Christianity different from all other things in our society? Does it offer answers that others do not? Is it mere potent to mee: the need of human hearts? O r is it only a search for God arising out of man's intense urge to worship, leaving him finally u n s a t i s f i e d within — still urg‘ng. crying out, still praying, still being os- Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School 9 -0 0 A.M. Morning Worship J 1 .0 0 A M Dr. O.S. Williams, Pastor "The Church With A H e a rt-F e lt Welcome" John was fully aware of the task assigned him, namely to prepare the way of the Lord. What about our task today? Do we know and under­ stand it with out whole heart? If you have not your foot upon the lowest mound of the Ladder (Faith), you w ill never come within sight of the bles­ sed face of Hun who stands at the tip of it, and who looks down to you at this moment, saying to you, " M y chiid,with thou not cry unto m e." • U j n % $ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■agggaiB and activity. It is a fellowship of those w ho, hav mg accepted the validity of one or more of these phenomena, would en­ courage each other and ulti­ mately the whole church to seek for further light and great reality in the spiritual life. "S F F recognizes that no man or Institution can both stand still and follow truth. It recognizes that some of the in­ sights of modern depth psy­ chology are prov ing for many to be roads to sell understand­ ing and spiritual reality. Dozens of the larger and more prestigious universities are beginning to establish la­ boratories and research cen­ ters fo r In depth testing and reproducing In trained sub­ jects various types of para­ normal phenomena, including the influencing of persons and even moving physical objects by the power of the mind. Thus science and the church have awakened Interest In these matters In a serious degree. As SFF literature states, " I t is really closer to the fun­ damentals of New Testament Christianity than are many of the so-called fundamentalist groups, which only accept c e r­ tain things as fundamentals while ignoring otherswhichdo not fit Into their framework. SFF also calls men back from the tendency to de-mytholo- gize the Gospels by abstract­ ing from them the supernatur­ al elements and leaving only a purely humanistic view of C hrist. This movement holds that the doors of revelation are never closed: that God is still speaking to men who know how to listen: and by thedlsclplines of study, prayer, and healing our generation may learn more of those (ruths which Christ said Hisdisctpleswere "not vet able to bear." 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 Church School Morning Wor»hip By Carnegie "Happy” Pullen "W e encourage spiritual growth through study groups In prayer, in spiritual healing, and In psychic development. "W e foster a resea rch pro­ gram which collects data and selves as a repository for further study and projects in psychical and mystical ex­ periences. Il seeks to encour­ age and Interpret to the churches the rising tale of in­ terest tn mystical, psychical and paranormal experience. "S F F Is spiritual in that it deals with non-physical phe­ nomena which relate to God, the human spirit, and the fu­ ture life. It Is frontier because It explores matters beyond the usual range of church worship >0 X) V" Ch*» i 0 0 a * »a B «ko t. Zest of Life Spiritual Frontiers Fellow­ ship with headquarters st 800 Custer Avenue, Evanston, III. is an inter-faith, non-profit religious corporation formed in 1956 "to sponsor, explore, and interpret the growing in­ terest In psychic phenomena and m y s t i c a l experience, wherever these experiences relate to effective prayer, spiritual healing and personal su rvival." T h e ir literature states: "W e do not seek to modernize, change, o r replace the hesic experlences recorded in the Bible, but to understand them by trusting God's guidance provided by extra - sensory means as well as those which we perceive by more rational process. ANOBFW $ CATHOLIC CHURCH JB • 442» r a n a » « OOIGOM*7>n GOOOO sm . W l ’ «M H I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Spiritual Frontiers Fellow­ ship is a non-denominational movement of Christians seek­ ing to bring m iracles of heal­ ing, spiritual visions, and the relevance of psychic pheno­ mena (ESP experiences) back Into the church as a means of renewing and revitalizing the spiritual life of the church. 1972 Page 5 SFF seeks to cooperate with like-m inded individuals and groups both within and outside the churches. It would attract the support of all spiritual pi­ oneers and specifically seeks sponsorship by courageous and forward lookingeccleasti- cal leaders. Most of the lead­ ers of the movement are mini­ sters and persons prominently active in various Christian movements. Northwest D irecto r of Spi­ ritual Frontiers Fellowship is Nestor O. P erala, 2229 SJE. M arket S t , Portland. He is a priest of the recently organ­ ized Portland parish of the Old Catholic Churct^ a branch which broke from the Roman Catholic Church by denying the infallibility of the Pope. Membership in SFF is ten dollars per year, which is rather steep fo r persons with limited lncomeandstudents.lt Is to be hoped they w ill adopt an associate membership for five dollars or less. Che Olivet baptist Church John H Jackson Minuter N.E First and Schuyler Portland, Ore Rev Phone 2 8 4 19 54 Sunday School Morning W orthip Vesper 9 o i ilo . 5 p 1 bet ui rntrr to wori/up and depart to ie n e ^BU«DM BB8.Baaaa«U||RRaBgVaaa M aren ath a Evangelistic Center 1222 N. E. SKIDMORE Pastor Bible Class 9; 15 am Bible Training School 9:15 am Surxlay morning worship 11 am Evening Worship 7 pm Ï Bible Study Hour Tue. 7 pm Church Office 288-7241 fouth O ffice 288-7243 Hour of Prayer Power W ed 7 pm to 8 pm Youth Meetine F r l 7:30 Reverend W endell W allace Pastor Ali things new in 1972 • ■■■■■ua8|a88aaaaaaaBBaaBaaaaBaaaaaaBR