V Poi tla n d /p l sei vei I hu sday F ebiuaiy 17, 1972 Page £be Ctourrt) of pour Cf)Oli£ ■■BlIllll llIffl lM Religion in the News O»xrk> ord Vhooi to» Portland ST « N D IE W S CATHOLIC CHUBCM 2 1 1 442« Early Black Churches ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C om er of 8th Ave snd Skidmore Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. C hristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 P.M (2nd and Fourth Sundays) Rev. Thomas Strayhand, M inister I he firs t black chuich in Portland was the People’ s Chuich which was established in 1862. In 1874 it became the I " '•> A.M.,.. Zion Chuichand was located on I bird Street between Burnside and Couch. In 1883 it moved to W illiam s Avenue. I he People’ s A. M , E. Church was located at 12613th Stieet in 1894. In 1897 it moved to 68 I enth Stieet. Betliel A.M.E. Church was I A_.N1. "The Evergreen Memories oi gunized in 1862 by a s m a I I group oi ( n egon blacks. I he f i i s t in 1869 arvl was located on 3rd Avenue. A new chuich was built in •I Main. Pictured above is the chuich building loa .tied on W llliu m s to be pastor. The church has sevei al locations over a |ie r- lod of time: S.W . Sixth Ave­ nue uni sta ik stieet; N. W. 13th and Everett; N. W. 10th Avenue and Davis; and in 1915 at N. Larrabee and M cM illin . Mt. Olivet Church was the fir s t black Baptist Church in Oregon. It was established in 1876 and moved to 8s seventh Street in 1900. In 1907 it moved to 1st and Schuyler. Shiloh Baptist was oiganiz- ed in 1915 to serve the grow­ ing numleis of black people in the Muntavilla area. ft $ran d |m ancipation (felebration ZX-r ( ‘o to re rt 1 'e o p te o f O reg o n t r i l l c e le b r a te th 3IXTH ANNiyfiHÊAKY O f th e r m a n c i p a tio n o f P o o r M i l l i a n s o f f ìo n ilim r n - - . M. *" f in i te t i S ta f e t o f A m e r i c a , COUNTY COURT Evei ett. St. P h ilip ’ s Episcopal M is­ sion was organized in 1907 and became a mission to blacks in . Net Beford 1912 black Episcopal­ ians attended Cathederal. "Itie mission moved to 242 Russell in May of 1919. HOUSE S A receives gifts O R A T IO N . PO E M , M U SIC , Vooal and ln etm n > .n U I ANU OTHKH L IT K H A R Y K ln h l H r i e r e n i t IK R C It U A g ift of 30 new school-type stacking chairs was presented to I he Salvation Army I a s t week foi use in itsYouthCen- tei at 711 N.E.Dekum and the Community Center at 932N. Shaver. I hey weie given by the Northeast Portland Opti­ m ists Club. H IN H O I* H I K I ) • prophecy Mrs. Jessie Henson with CALDWELLS FUNERAL SERVICE 20 N.E. 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 CALL 232 4111 DAY OR NIGH I As a result of then nunis- te ’ s prophecy, (Bishop L.IV. Osborne, S i.) members of Faith I a tie i nacleChurcli,(Je­ sus Name Church) located at 7015 N.E. 23rd Street, have been storing watei fo r sevei al yeais. Some in small con­ tainers and others in laige s gallon bottles. Bishop Os­ borne predicted over 5 years ago, that Poi Hand’ s water was going to become scarce ami contaminated. He didn’ t state the cause, but cautioned his parishloneis to change the watei every six months, as the time was not at hand but would surely come. Praise the Lord foi pure cleai water in the midst of muddy reservoirs in P o it- land ■ ' » d iv i­ sion youth olficei fo r I he Sal­ vation Army and in chai ge of the two fa cilitie s, commented: " I In s is a ve iy important kind of help for these twocen- te rs. Both are trying to do a monumental w o r k in then communities w ith lim ite d i e - sources.” I to chairs, In b< igl.t blue, I Colors, Bishop L.W. Osborne hard flbei plastic with rein- foiced backs. 1 ightweightand easily stacked, they ca n be moved readily ami ser ve manv purposes. Half w ill boused at th e Dekum S ti e e t Center, where John New mastei is d i­ rector, and half at the Shavei Center, where Leon Smith is the supervisor. Representing the Noi the • si Portland i>ptiniists C lubat the presentation were Ed C lark, vice president, amt H e n ry •s, secretary. L td Minne Pelle sliennan, wLow is in Portland for a youth visita­ tion from san F i anclsco, alst was present. She is T errito­ ria l Youth Secretary for The Salvation Army. Obituary EVA LENA STONI- Introducing Brother George Hawkins formerly pastor of Church of God, Rockport, Texas. Evangelistic Service-Guest Choirs February 20, 3:30 p.m 202 N.E.Skidmore Eva Lena Stone, of 6920 NE 27th A v e , died February 13, 1972 at Providence Hospital. She was born In C la rksville , Tennessee and lived in Kan­ sas C ity, Kansas and Spokane, Washington before moving to Portland 11 yeais ago. M is . Stone was a graduate of Kansas State I eachersCol­ lege ami taught grade school and junior high. She twcame the third black teacher in Spokane at McKinley Grade School am) also attended Gan- zaga U niversity and Holy Names College to further hei own education. Wife of Rev. I ee p . Stone, she was active in St. Philips Episcopal Chuich, the P o rt- land Council ot Churches amt its Anthro - C ultural Club, ami the st. P hilips Women's Guild. M rs . stone is survived by her husband. Rev. Lee p . Stone and one son, Charles Le Roy Wilson of Seattle, Washington. Services w ill he held today, I tol sdav, ItOO p.m. ,n >,(. Philips Episcopal Church, 120 N J i. Knott. Interment w ill follow at Rose C ity Cem­ etery. The fam ily asks that any remembrance be a contribu­ tion to St. Philips Episcopal Chuich in Eva Lena Stone's name oi The Oregon Cancel Society. Methodist ¿ j CHU/fr, of Rev. Lee O. Stone ( in hebruaiy 20, 1972, the Parish Ball w ill be tie setting fo r the 35th " G r e e n le a ” sponsored by St. P h ilip ’ s Episcopal Church, located at N. E. Knott and Rodney. I he theme this year is ” 7 he E ver­ green Memoues of the Rev. Lee O. stone" to commeni- rate 35 years of continous service to his church and com­ munity. A few of tie events Rev. Stone w ill recall with us aie, in 1949 he was I elegate foi theEpiscopalChurehtotne Biennial Meeting of tie Feder­ al Council of Chuiches. He was elected four times by tne Diocese of Oregon to theGen- e ia l Convention of the Episco­ pal Church. He has been a member of the DiocesanCoun- c il and several Diocesan De­ partments. Rev. stone has been equally as active in the community. He is a member of the Boys and G irls Aid Trustee Board. He is a fo im e r board member of th e Oregon T ra il Chapter of the American Red Cross and served as chairman of the Chapter’ s Service to M ilita ry F am ilies Committee. In 1909 he se ved as a member of the Organization Committee for the National Convention of th e American Red Cross. He isa form ei board member of tne Multnomah County U .S .C ., North Branch YMCA, P o rt- i ■ ■ ban I a tgue, I ortland NAACP, and the Council of Social Agencies. Rev. Stone can Le especial I y proud of St. P h ilip 's Preschool fo r children, three and four years of age. Eight years ago he organized the program f i ­ nanced by theExecutiveCoun- cil of theEpiscopalChurch. At the end of the second year of th e schools existance, th e Portland School System hegan i t s Head Start program f o r preschooler s from low income 5828 N.E. 8th A. Lee Henderson, Minister Ellis Casson, Associate Minister Church School M orning W o rjh ip .......................... W ed. Noon — The Hour o f Power W ed Prayer & Class Meeting Nursery Core Provided fam ilies. Rather thandiscon- tinue the school, Rev.stone of­ fered the fa cilitie s to middle income fam ilies to set up a co­ operative p re -sch o o l. T ne parents pay tuition and e a c h mother must take her turn as teacher- helper. R ev.S tone indicated that **no child has been tur ned away because his parents could not pay.” "W e have received gifts from churches and individuals which enable us to give schol­ W 9:45 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 7:30 pm b are m aking our Neighborhood 4 Brotherhood arships. W e do, however, ask all parents to pay at least$1.00 per m o n t h , as we f e e l this gives both the parents and the child a sense of pride” . It is the pre-school’ spohcy to seek out thr ee and four-year old youngsters from the sev­ eral racial, religious, eco­ nomic and cultural b a c k ­ grounds of the northeast Poi t- land area. We are extending an invita­ tion to friends and the public to join us from I to 5 p.m. to celebrate this occasion. The g e n e r a l chairman is M rs. M a ig re t Young. Rev. John H. Jackson Minister N.E. First and Schuyler Portland, O re. V of A builds center The Volunteers of America broke ground February 8 fo r a new fam ily care centei atS.E. 7th and Ash St., Portland. T h e $250,000 two s t o r y structure w ill house A'OA’ s programs in m a rita l coun­ seling, child care training and home making. I he facility w ill also replace the ho m e tor tnotheis and children, one of tlie VOA’ s o riginal programs to strengthen fam ilies threat­ ened with disintegration. Helping k i c k otf construc­ tion was General John F. Mc­ M a h o n , V l’A national com­ 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 mander in chief. He was in Portland to a tte n d VOA’ s western regional conference ami 75th anniversary celebra­ tion. " H e receive re fe rra ls tor our family, cai e facility h um throughout Oregon,” said the Portland post’ s executive di­ rector, Adjutant Velma Joy Burme. "O u r new building w ill allow us to consolidate se i - vices fo r fam ilies at one site adjacent to o u r day nursery, th e Ballington home ami o u i Portland post headquarters.” Phone 2 8 4 1954 Sunday School M o rnm g W orship Vesper Let us enter to u o n h ip and depart to eerie Frost interviews Irish David F rost Show", Monday, February 21st at 9;oo p.m. ovei KPTV, Foi theprogram David F rost went to London­ d e rry to speak with Catholics ami to Belfast to talk with Protestants. In discussion with Catholic members of the I Ister popu­ lation, David talks about their support ot the IRA (Iris h Re­ publican Army), theeffectthat the recent actions ot the B rit­ ish A rm y have had on Catho­ lic support fo r the IRA amt the idea that the current Irish troubles is related more to B ritish Im perialism in Ire ­ land than to religious con­ flic ts . Talking with Protestants in Belfast, David is told that communists are using the IRA oiganization to stn up trouble between the Iris h and the Eng­ lish. They add that they are opposed to a unification of Northern ami Southern Ire ­ land, because they do notwant their country ruled from Rome. Im portantly, they com- r ment on the fact that they are not opposed to Catholics, but only to the IRA and its are no: opposed to Catholics, but only to the IRA and its supporters. Lnlike the Cath­ olics David speaks with, the Protestants want the B ritish Army (which they call their own forces) to remain in U ls­ ter and are vigorously opposed to a I nited Nations ¡ieace keeping m ission in th e irco u n - Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 nday School 9:00 A M arning Worship I 1:00 A.M Dr. O.B. Williams, Pastor "The Church With A Heart-Felt Welcome” ''' 1 ■■ . M a ra n a th a E vangelistic Center 1222 N. E. SKIDMORE Pastor Bible Class 9; 15 am ..... „ . . Q ,, Bible Training school 9; la am Sunday morning worship 11 am Evening Worship 7 pm Church Office 288-7241 ( I 0“ “ 1 O ffice 288-7243 Bible Study Hour Tue. 7 Hour of P rayer Power Wed 7 pm to 8 pm Youth Meeting F r i 7:30 Reverend Wendell Wallace Pastor All things new in 1972 .a