Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1972, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer
e >ruar
10. 1072 Pa
£be Ctouirf) of pour
Religion in the News
Q mx ' *
* » lh UMiir iem ilu
xwj Vhcxx tor C«W
2«l 4429
K * îL A N 0 O «fG O N »721 I
• f * G O RDO * . DtOCfr
C o m e r of 8th Ave snd Skidmore
Sunday W orship 11:00 A .M .
C h ris tia n Youth F ellow sh ip 6:00 PJ4
(2nd and Fcxirth Sundays)
Rev. Thomas Strayhand. M in is te r
1 AJvl.
T h e Het lie I J u n io r i h o ir , under
tlo n w ith t lie ir m u si. a l pre se i
< hur< h sin g s, " l ) h lla p p . D a y " .
il M r s . H elen H e a r d , th r ille d the <•
T h e Youth C h o ir ot S t. A n d re
omposed ol many ethnic ({roups.
'C le a n lin e s s is next to C o d lin e
eleans the
l.te w a lk in fr o n t o;
p re p a re fo r SunJay se i v ic e s .
Gospel groups appear
G o s jie l M u s ic is ra p id ly bo­
som ing one of tt e N a tio n ’ s
most popuiai form s Ot e n te r­
ta in m e n t. F o r the past twen­
t y - fiv e y e a rs the South and
M idw est have been c la p p in g
th e n h .in ls and tapping th e ir
to Ota i :
i ;-
t - .ils in : .n s p ira tio n a l hym ns
as sung hv p o lis h ? ; p ro te s -
i tonal gospel groups. I irini
along w ith d yn a m ic bass Jonn
from 1 e is. the G i r net
F a m ily Singei s fro m C a lif o r ­
nia and the D a le g i l l s T r io
from I
tance h a s
Ih e
N idge
e r t s have produced o v e rflo w
ci ow Is . m iny ■ f the la i .■Obt
a u d ito riu m s
C o a s t.
W est
Phone 2 8 4 1 9 5 4
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Let ut enter to ivorthip and depart to terve
m u s ic w ill once again t>e p re ­
sented in c o n c e rt.
the G ospel M u s ic I-e s tiv a l w ill
be the n a tio n ’ s n u m b e r one
t i e p a s t lew y e a r s it
spread th ro u g h o u t
Rev. John H. Jackson
N.E. First and Schuyler
Portland, Ore
■ .
m u lti - tale n te d Oak
Hoys have Seen vote.;
the most (opular gospel q u a r­
te t fo r the past tw o y e a rs by
the Co ■ >eI M u s ic A s s o c ia tio n ,
the o ffic ia l v o ic e of gospel
m u s ic .
V o tin g was by Ians
and the in d u s try a lik e .
.th e
price peace
clear tie intends to keep
Ameri. an air power arid
residual ground forces in Indo
China indefinitely Thus three
years after hr- I.Hik office w ilh a
commitment loend the war we
are offered no hope lor peace
Nixon s goals were sel,
determination lor South Viet
names«- anil lasting peace in
Asia hut the results of his
|»iln ies are jrrpelual war and a
puppet government that sur
vives lie. aus. the American
taxpayer loots the bills And the
war now ha* sjiread far tievond
Hie border areas of South
Supporters of the president
would like us to believe he is
doing Ihe best he can under Ihe
circumstances, but the alter
natives to his policy should be
analyzed to see whether such a
view is credible Whal else
could Ihe president do’’
A He could withdraw all of
our forces without negotiations
This would be carrying present
policy a step fu rthe r by
removing a ir power and
residual forces But danger lo
withdrawing forces would be
great, it would offer no
assurance that prisoners would
be released and a show down
between opposing Vietnamese
armies could resull in Ihe vast
supplies and equipment we
have provided ending up in
enemy hands
Furthermore this plan would
ignore the interests of vast
numbers of Vietnamese who
support neither side in this
struggle The winning side
probably would remain in
control of U ns and Cambodia
as well However, it would have
the effect of making if possible
for one side or Ihe other to win,
thus ending the war
H The president could fight
Io win. he could gel in there and
finish the job This has been
avoided in the past because it
risks war with China or the
Soviet Union, or both
Bui let s say we were sue
cessful in an invasion of N orth
Pricing That
M eets Your
icouver Ave. First Baptist Church
•3138 N. Vancouver Ave.
Phone 282-9496
desired p olitical ends or countries
preventing possible setbacks in
It has been Am erica s long
y School
9:00 A.M
empire such as the invasion of term goal that Vietnam does not
Czechoslov akia their usual become a steppingstnne tor a
tg Worship
IbO O A.M .
methods arc a sort of economic • ’om nium s! m arch across Asia
imperialism not unlike our own Todav both South and North
Dr. O.B. Williams, Pastor
wavs ol relating to other parts V ie tn a m e se
w e ll
Church W ith A H e a rt-F e lt W elco m e"
of the world
American m ilita ry power are
l i e concert is uncer the
So lar as our adversaries in being used in Laos and Cam
sponsors!«*» of Gospel Con»
le Vietnam are concerned they ho dia Anv a g re e m e n t also
e rts ,
re have carefully studied our vital must include n e u lra liz a tii n >f
tio n . F u ith e i in fo rm a tio n may
to national interests and have •h«-se areas by rem oval of
I'e obtained by c a llin g C h r is ­
n finally come around to a foreign powers Though Hi.
tian Supply C e n te i (2 8 4 -4 4 3 1 )
lo negotiating position which seven [»uni proposal does no!
in Portland.
>n recognizes these In Ihe seven merit ion this it is not m
is point proposal offered last Julv consistent w ith the s p in ! ot Hie
is they have satisfied nearly all of d o cum e nt n u r n e g ’ . a to rs
these interests Following is a should seek to tn< hide it
list of our goals and how the
Sum. w ouid pi . s’ th a i
A le ln a m
c seven point proposal deals with \ o i i h
,t them
resjic, 'ed such ne utr.ilitv .
1 Self determ ination for past True hut national sip
j South Vietnamese On this point ■•iv.il tor them could not hav.
Hut it o u r gospel t>e h id , it
p they propose a government •X’c u rre d w ith o u t use ot b o rd e r
is hid t. them th a t a re le s t: In
r which recognizes all political, i r e,is It ts is ir own v io ia i , : a
w hum the god ot th is w o i Id hath
„ social and religious forces of that n e u lra li'v that has spread
b linded the m i n d s ot them
s South Vietnam This is far 'he w ar deep into ( amh<«1 i am.
hig! le lie v e n o t, le st the lig h t
r closer lo self determination for I aos |n Hie context ot a 'n , i\
of th e
g lo rio u s gospel of
j South Vietnam than ever could settlement for the whole ,.i. i
C h r is t, w h o is t ie im age of
ip , , ,
he achieved under our policy. respect
5828 N.E. 8th
God, should shine unto th e m ,
, because it would give a political • *Ul<f b« i x |*’t fn j
Lee Henderson, Minister
C learly, if the Am erican
, voice lo lens of thousands of
hut C h r is t Jesus the L o rd ; ind
Vietnamese who are in exile in people want self determination
o u rs e lv e s y o u r set v ants f o i
I lorture of prisoners for in other countries or are political for Vietnamese and an era of
Ellis Casson, Associate Minister
, form ation, and other such prisoners in South Vietnam peace in Asia, they must ask J e s u s ' sake. F o r God, w io
Church School
methods have gradually in­ because they have spoken out their president to go back to the ecm m an.ied t h e lig h t to shine
Mommg Worship
creased Ihe Saigon govern for peace Furtherm ore, it Paris table and negoliaie
W ed Noon — The Hour o f Power
12:00 noon
We would have to influence
"'em S control of South Vietnam would make possible eventual
ot t ie knowledge ot the g lo ry
W ed Prayer & Clas» M eeting
7:30 pm
I from about 50 lo over 90 pel reunification of Ihe two Viet the Saigon government to ac
ol Cod in the face ot J e s u s
I cent
Nursery Care Provided
nams by orderly electoral cept a ceasefire and par
C h r is t . Hut we l ave r h is tr e a -
ticipate in a coalition govern
The American people should process
- u ie in e.H then v e s s e ls , that
W e are m akm g our Neighborhood A Brotherhood
Our negotiating position ment for whatever political
hove expected us much Nixon s
t h e e x c e lle n c y ol the powei
political career has been built should be to get the best support they could muster
But their million man army
on Ibe philosophy the only Ihmg possible international controls
2 C o rin th ia n s a: 3 -7
Communists understand is to insure that neither warring no longer could be paid, trained
force work yourself into the faction uses methods of terror and equipped by us Ils control _
should pass to a coalition |
strongest m ilita ry position to gam power
government under terms of a ■
2 Orderly and safe with
possible and then negotiate
from strength
drawal of American troops and treaty, and the same should be a
Many Americans would agree return of prisoners The NLF required of rem aining Viet ■
with Nixon's view of Com document proposes that upon Cong forces or any other J
.ie »
munists But Communists now announcement ot a dale in 1971 Vietnamese forces remaining in 5
| arc participating in electoral for total withdrawal of all Ihe South
Negotiations are difficult but a
politics and winning locally in American troops and equip
such countries as Italy and ment. the other side would the war is more costly in terms ■
India and nationally in Chile agree to end attacks on our of our own national unity and ■
Fastern European countries' bases and troops and return all credibility in a world hungry for ■
governments pride themselves prisoners This involves no peace Many of our military 5
leaders see withdrawal from ■
on sticking to trade agreements surrender of anything
2 N. I
. S K ID M O R i
as necessary for a
3 Lasting peace in Asia
with western nations
Though the missionary zeal of This goal is so broad that what rebuilding morale in our own ■
B ible Study Hour lu e . 7 pm
CoinmunisUs is unabated the happens in one small region of
Church Office 288-7241
An end to this costly war •
style of performance world
Youth Cifflcc 288-7243
A. ad 7 pm to 8 pm
But the would do much lo plug the 5
wide has changed Although guarantee this
ralhole that fuels Ihe fires of g
Youth M eeting F r i 7:30 uni
they do not hesitate to use proposals do require Ihe two
interrupts our free ■
Reverend W endell
W allace Pastor
zones North and South
m ilitary lo n e where it is el
economy and stimulates war ■
in 1972
fective in terms of gaining
psychology thal breeds ex ■ ,
IW Iila rv alliance w ith loreign
cesxive m ilitary budgets
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aaa aa aa aa l
* MP
C.Don V ann
and light
Requirem ent
Courtesy That
Is A Tradition
coveted •’ G ra m m y ’ ’ aw ard fo r
the pap: two ye*
by th e N d o n l
l e a .er.v ol
K e c u i iin g A rts \ scie n ce s
foi ! IVmg 0 e to p c is p s i a l­
bum o l the y e a r. I t e n net­
w o rk te le v is io n appearances
include the " T o ig h t Show*’
w it!
Johnny C a rs o n , " l ie
" M e r v G riffin Show.”
have m ade a tre m e n d o u s b it
in the
E uropean c o u n trie s
w here 11 ev tout a n n u a lly .
. »
M a r a n a th a Evangelistic Center
V A N N S M o r tu a r y
5211 N. W illiam s Ave.
2 8 1-2 836___________ P ortland, O regon