Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 10, 1972, Image 1

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V o lu m e
T h u r jd a y
F e b u o ry
1 0 ,1 9 7 2 ,
Angela's mother finds Portland a City of Roses and Thorns
I lie inothet of M is s Angela
D avis, M i s. sal lye I la vis dis­
covered P ortland to tie a c ity
of roses and thorns during her
v is it, I e b tu .ity 4 -5 .
" I am so encouraged not
only foi Angela, re t foi so
many brothers and s ls te i s who
suffering as p o litic a l
p rison ers in our co u n try. 1 he
concern fo r ju stice Is le -
fle c ta l by the openness and
lu estio rlng faces of so many
P o rtla n d e rs ."
M i l . I iav is, fro m B irm in g -
C a tliollc» protest the use ot st. Andrews Catholic Chut ch by a " co m m u n ist** s p e a ke r,
P io te s te rs ct,.in t» l II«» Rosary and p ra y * ! as tlioy walked in fro n t of t ie c h u rc h . I le v did
not accept I athet (¡onion D icker*'. in vitatio n to entei the c la n . h ind t e n to i tie tiis e lv e s
Iw to iu judging M rs . Davis.
Peace A w a rd s Com mittee
honor O re g o n Senators
A pei forrriance by folksing -
er C la re Hangan w ill highlight
Black H isto ry Week activitie s
at Lew is a n d C la rk Coliege,
Feb. 7 -1 2 . The observance
w ill include a fu ll schedule of
lege’ s Black students Union.
A ll a c tiv itie s a ie o p e n to tn e
pu blic. Adm ission is fre e to
all events, except thecon;eit.
teacher, a rrive d in Portland
fo r a series of apjiearances
to benefit her daughter, An­
gel.i, on tr ia l fo r m u rd e r,
kidnap and conspiracy In con-
no Don w ith an attempted Ja il-
break it San Rafael, C a lif­
orn ia .
l-rld a y ,
she spoke
at Portland State U n ive rsity
Is jn o th e r exam ple of ju stice
in our cou ntry, 'presum ed
g u ilty
un til
nocent.' "
D uring Saturday and Sun­
day, M rs . D avis spoke at
W estm tnistei
P resb yteria n
Chui h, HlghJaml Community
C hurch,
ir .
t. Andrew**
C atholic C hurch. "1 like to
F e l. Il, at 8 p. m . in stan n
D ining Room of Tem pleton
College C enter. H is c o n c e rtia
co-sponsored by the BSP and
the colleg e's C u ltu ra l A rts
Senes. T icke ts v. .'<1 be a va il­
able at the door.
F ilm s Monday and Tuesday
night at 7 p.m . m the Council
Chamber of Tem pleton C o l­
lege Center w ill focus on black
consciousness. The film s w ill
include " A T ribu te to.M alco lm
X , " "C o lo r ( s B la c k ," "A n ­
g e l a " a n d " A Vietnamese
S e n a to r
M a rk
H a t f ie ld
-a t
i ilckey, the assistant peeti r,
l \
obtain suppt»i t fot Xrigela .ind other p o litic .il pi Isonei s.
met w ith the dem onstrators
re io re the m arch legan and
invitee them to liste n retore
they judged M rs . D avis.
"D o n ’ t
hide behind the
R o ta ry , come in amt lis te n ,”
fie urge.! t ie crow d.
"W e ixit Cod f i r s t , ” re -
plied a de m o n stra to r.
"Y o u come inside and lis ­
ten,” pleaded F a th e r Dickey,
"a m i I ' l l come outside and
pray w ith you.”
The crowd
moved on to pray w ithout fu r ­
th e r question.
I l«
Angela D avis Com­
m ittee were pleased ami en­
thused by tre weekend v is it.
M i s. Hetty O verton of t ie Al­
bina Women’ s League stated,
"M a n y doors and lie .irts are
open now. M rs . D avis is a
heautliul je rs o n w h o h a stu rn -
ed on many other concerned
persons to tlie cause of in­
ju s tic e in the co u rts ami
ja ils . "
Persons wishing fu rth e r in­
form atio n can contact M rs .
O verton, C om m ittee secre -
t tr y , at 288- • I 1
s ,. .
are available from the Com ­
m itte e .
Free Clinic
Thursday at II a.m . in the
Council C h a m fe r. F o lksing er
Hangan, who heads the I pward
Found program fo r the C la re ­
mont Colleges, w ill lead an in­
fo rm a l discussion F riday at
3:15 pa n. in theC ocncil Cham­
( f r e e dance is scheduled
fo r Saturday at 9 p.m . in
Stamm Dining Room. Black
H isto ry Week concludes with a
10:30 a.m . chapel service Sun­
day, featuring the Essence of
Soul gospel group.
A tem po rary ru le concern­
ing the de fin itio n of "h o m e ­
stead” fo r the Homeowners’
P ro p e rty
Tax R e lie f Act
passed by the 1971 le gislature
h a s been adopted by the De-
p a r t m e n t of Revenue, a n ­
nounced D ire c to r C h arle s H.
M ack.
The ru le covers three items
dealing w ith qualification fo r
property tax re lie f.
F ir s t, the ru le states when
a homeowner m ust own and oc­
cupy his homestead to qualify
fo r re lie f. A person m ust own
ai*f occupy his pro p e rty as a
homestead on Decem ber 31 of
th e calendar year preceding
the year in which he makes
application fo r pro p e rty tax
re lie f. F o r example, tc apply
this year, he must have owned
arkd occupied his homestead on
Decem ber 31, 1971.
Sickle Cell
S e n a to r W a y ne
M o rs e
dom, Clergy and Laym enC on-
cerned and Business Execu­
tives Movements for V ietnam
Peace, is spe irl.eaded by M rs .
Helen I . Gordon, chairm an.
Follow ing tlie $2.50 a plate
Vwards I ’ in n e i, a public meet­
ing w ill le held in the Church
Sanctuary. 1 ickets a ie ava il­
able through the various spon­
soring organizations. T h i s
event was in itia te ! because
Oregon is unique in having
produced two courageous and
outspoken senators who fought
lo r peace in Southeast Asia
against th e ir own paity lead­
e rs . It is hoped by the Com­
m ittee that such aw ai d events
w ill become an annual a ffa ir.
M orse am! M ark (.), H atfield,
w ill re honored at a dlnnei
given by tlie Peace Awai :s
C om m ittee,
he! ruary
. 1,
*72, at I
t United 5
«.fist C hurch. I he senators
w e ie chosen because o! then
devotion to t ie cause . : peace
ami th e ir individual e ffo rts to
end Am erican involvem ent in
V ietnam .
I'he C om m ittee, which is
composed of representatives
of (.begun and P ortland chap.
te rs of national organizations
such as:
I he I nited Nations
Association, W orld Federal­
is t, W omen's International
League fo r Peace and F re e -
Jefferson High school w i l l
have testing fo r S ickle C ell
vasmla, [ e! : .. try 23, fi
a jn . to 3 p.m . A dance w il fol­
low the testing.
An assembly w ill be held
F ebruary 14, inform ing stu­
dents of the tests and the is -
ease its e lf. Stan M ackenzie,
P o r tla n d
T ra ilb la z e r and
chairm an of the P ortland Sick­
le C e ll Anemic f oundation,
w ill speak.
Sickle C ell Anemia is a n in -
hei ited blow !disease, which is
found alm ost en tirely a m o n g
d ieted with it and KJ of all
c a se s a re fatal.
Second, the ru le covers pay­
ment of taxes and pro ratio n of
benefits. The m ere payment of
property taxes by one not own­
ing and occupying tiie property
on Decem ber 31 does not by it -
s e l f qualify the person f o r
property tax r e lie f. However,
if a ll other qualifications fo r
pro pe rty tax r e lie f are met,
a claim ant is not disqualified
because someone else paid the
p ro p e rty taxes on his home­
stead. Any p ro ra tio n o fp ro p -
e rty tax r e lie f between a buyer
sad a s e lle r, where one or the
other qualifies fo r re lie f, must
be worked out by agreement
between them. N e ith e r theD e-
partm ent of Rev enue nor any
county tax o ffic ia l can give any
tax re lie f to a person who pays
pa rt o r a il of the taxes on his
homestead but who does not
otherwise qualify fo r re lie f.
F in a lly , th e ru le concerns
what kind of pro p e rty owner­
ship qualifies fo r re lie f. In
o rd e r to cla im a homestead
fo r p r o p e r t y tax re lie f, the
claim ant m ust have e ith e r (1)
a fee in te re st <t i t l e ) in the
p ro pe rty; (2) a life esta te :(3)
an equitable in te re st as a ben­
e fic ia ry of a recorded irre v o ­
cable tru s t which in te re s t is a
life estate o r g re a te r; o r (4)
an equitable in te re st as th e
purchaser u n d e r a recorded
laixi sale con tra ct.
An equitable in te re st in
pro pe rty w ill not be recog­
nized unless it is capable of
being recorded and is in fact,
recorded. Unrecorded deeds
w ill not be recognized as hav­
ing any effica cy. The reco rd­
ing m ust have been done on o r
before tre last day of the cal­
endar year fo r which r e lie f is
F re e Federal Income la x
Assistance wall le available on
Wednesday evenings ami Sat­
urday m ornings at the Albina
Branch of the Multnomah
County I ib ia r y , M r. Ralph B.
Short, D is tr ic t D ire c to r of In­
ternal Revenue se rvice , said
Wednesdays—7:00-9:00 p.m.
Franklin Bldg., S.W. 5th at Stark
Bt‘tij.© H r iiiik lin
lavihsi t ta«N tits
Hoben H H e len Pre» • I» O ttica* • Phone i i t 113:1
Home O kie« t (Anilin Bldg Poilland, Oregon 9ZZ04
History (Biecks ta Portland**
Free T ax
Are you planning In buy or build a home and
have a lot of questions’ Get the answers at one
of our free Wednesday evening clinics. Promi­
nent builders anil realtors w ill speak on home
construction and home buying Benj f ranklin
ollieers will talk on linaneing, followed by a
question and-answer period I o register, call
Never Called M e N ig g e r." I ne
film is a black je rs p e c -
tive on t ie Vietnam w ar.
Documentaries and p re try
readings by Le w is and C la rk
and Portland State U n iv e rs ity
students are scheduled fo r
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m . in
Iarnarack Lounge.
Linwood Davis of Portland
State I n iv e rs ity 's histo ry de­
partm ent w ill speak on "T h e
Property Tax relief
■ ,’*
" A s i com m lted C h ris tia n ,
I believe that re lig io n is re­
lated to the w o rld around us.
I le lie v e that a C h ris tia n
should re a tro u b le -se e ke r,
lie o r she m ust p io vid e tne
answers and solutions to the
troubles and problem s of man­
If j C h ris tia n wants
■ A | ,
and w o rry , pray und become
involved in tre pro blem s of
\ t s t. A nd rew 's Church,
about 70 p ro te ste rs m arched
and r e c ite l p ra ye rs in op­
position to M rs . D a vis' ap­
F a th e r
Black History Week at
Lewis & Clark College
M is . C i. il a Peoples signs the oath of o ffice before in sta lla tion
cei enlomes
G overnoi lo in M cC a ll, who appointed M is .
Peoples to the Oregon state Hoard of A g ric u ltu re watches.
T h e assistance w i l l lie
available on e a c h Wednesday
evening between 5:30 p.m . ami
S:30 pan. amt on each satin cay
m orning betwwen9;.l Ja.ni. ami
1:30 p.m , through A pril Is,
T hree students who a ie at­
tending Portland s ta te l'o lle g e
and who a re a l s o working lor
IKS, p a it tune, under a coop­
e ra tiv e w ork-study program
w ill provide tlie assist nice,
M r. sh o rt said.
I 'h e Albina Branch ot t lie
M ultnom ah County I ib ia ry is
located at 3030 N . V ancouvei
I t. Cotnm am iei I ance A, Da tg re , m m o ritv re c ru itin g chief foi the N o rth w e st, p r e s e n ts
award to A. I ee Henderson, publ ishet of the Portia
by tlie I . S, Naw R ecruiting Command states, " i n recognition o f ami appreciation foi
exceptional service rendered the Navy R ecruiting C om m and."
o n ly two awards were
given in the N orthw et .