di U ■livcnifv K RATS ' • 1 OS I AGE P A ID PORU AUO, O R tC O N PíRMIl NO 1266 Court removes tax-exemption from white lodges ® d * l,< l d l is s t tric l I d t C O U tt Id A f tedeial Court In Washington D.C. found that the Justice Department may no longer grant (ax - exempt status to fratem al organiza­ tions (hat exclude blacks ftom membei ship. I lie decision was (lie t esult of a suit brought by C liffo rd V . McGlotton, a black, who was denied mem- bei ship fry the Portland Local l.ixlge 142 of the Benevolent aixl Protective o lder of E lks. McCottun sum I Secretary of the 11easury John Connolly, and other governmental of­ ficia ls demanding that Hie lodges tax exemptions be can­ celled . The c o u r t d w r la ln n w r itte n The court decision, w i Itten by Chief Judge David I .. Baxe- lon ol (lie D.S, D is tric t Coui t of Apfieals for the D is tric t ol Columbia, dismissed the suit as it applied to non-pi oflt organizations Ixtt upheld Mc- Clotton’ s chat go that the In­ ternal Revenue Service cannot grant exemptions to fraternal orders that discrim inate. lie said, "W e have no Illu ­ sion tliat our holding hxJay *111 put an end to racial dis ­ crim ination or significantly dismantle the social and ei nomic h a rrie rs that may be more subtle, hut are surely no less d e stru ctive ." Be s a id lin t d e c la ln n w llle llm i- sail! tie decision w ill e lim i­ nate govdrnment In racism . The suit w ill affect all 2,164 L ike lulge, 3,860 lodges ol (lie Loyal Order of Moose anil 1,600 Eagles lodges. A ll three groups lim it membership to white males. There are 1.5 m illio n E lks, LI m illio n mouse m illio n E lks, 1.1 m illion moose, and 825,000 Eagles. I he suit was brought by ll«> Portland Chapter of (lie American c iv il L iberties Onion and was argued Ity A t­ torney John S trait. McGlotton was a Portland teacher when denied membei - »hip in E lks Lodge 142. He la r . . » . I .. J-. _ is cut rently seaklng his doc­ torate at the U niversity of C alifornia In B erkley. The case was brought to the at­ tention of ACLU by Attorney Kenneth K ille r, who had tried to sponsor McClotten’ s niom - M p ni llie i Ik ., anil was filed in 1970. The briefs fo r the case wete ptepated by S tra it, a 1969 graduate of Vale Law School, and James C a rro l, a law student. I he complaint section was wi itten by L a rry A sherbrennen, form er Legal Aid Attorney and Oregon's firs t public defender. I he decision is based on llai tact that fraternal orders have a special tax status and •nvest portions of their funds lo r chai liable work and to sup­ port lodges and provide bene­ fits to their mernheis. | he decision w ill be followed by a determination of what money receive.! by fraternal organi­ zations w ill be taxed. This might Include a large portion of the income of lodges as well as benefit- received by individual membei s. P er­ sons who donate to fraternal organizations w ill no longer be able to deduct tie amounts from then taxable income. I 1« dec ision does not apply to nonprofit clubs such as social clubs. 'I hese clubs are granted non-profit benefits by tie government. Dues and money raised is not consider­ ed income. 11« judgement w ill not apply to black fraternal organiza­ tions, since they do not ex­ clude m enders of o tte r races. Model Cities gets an IH ! O N IT N IW IH N I IN IH I louai orroatuNitv le n o n a W H O II W ID I WO»1D THAI » IA H T Thursday January 20, 1972 C A » tt «»OUT S tó rti Specialists lüÿ per Copy Soviet cellist featured Sov iet ce llist M stislav Ros­ tropovich, acknowledged as one of tie great lnstium enta- lists of all tim e, w ill perfoim In recital on the stage of the C ivic Auditorium here oq , Wednesday evening, Jan. 26 at 8:15 P.M. O riginally sche­ dule! t< .¡»¡ear Ijs t May, Ros­ tropovich’ spring tour was cancel le i by the S o v ie t gov­ ernment a lter his public de­ fense of Nobel Prize-winning Soviet authoi S ol/lenitsyn who was sullerlng governmental d lspleisure. Louis is still Champion I if . I Kl I I : J . e I ou is , • « - » „ . h l ll« - r .> W e ig h t B o x m g > :r.i: i , a lie n . I i r g t i e | e l l .,it P la tO M - Los Angeles L a ke r, basketball game heie a tC o b o lla ll January 11, stoppLl to v is it with s o m e oT " t,rM k " " “ *,nU f* — •“ i ‘ ma b o £ to in o f X tro lt aa he was («sieged by autograph seekers. Since his In itia l p e rfo r­ mance in this country, the celebiated a rtis t has, on each successive v is it, consistently m ovsi both press and jxiblic to ecstatic heights by his un­ questioned genius. Rostro­ povich* dedication and love (or his insiium em have brought tie cello to its highest degree of popularity in h lsto iy. A cie a to r ol precedents, Rostropovich established one which w ill be d iffic u lt to parallel when he performed 34 works by 24 composers in a < i« f < no-» ill oM t covete.I the entire lib ra ry foi tie cello ami was matched on­ ly 6y tie wild acclaim ol the a. xliences and theunpai alleled praise ol the press. series of e ig h t concerts at Carnegie Hall in 1967. This staggei mg achievement, ac­ complished in the brie! period i n In Azei ba iJan In I 7, H jstropovich is the son ol a b. dl .aid ncert c e llis t and the grandson cl a noted cedo tea.her. Bis formal public de­ but occured when he was f if ­ teen « Id part Ip .lio n . In ti e ti iple role of c e llis t, pia- n st nd composei, in a con­ to r t given by major S o v ie t c mposers. In l a t e r years, seve: I I th e greatest, In - rok fio ff, sho .u ko - v x h and Miaskovsky, com­ posed music especially for him. I ickets fo r Rostropovich J in. .6th re cita l, priced at $6.00, $5.00 Hd are on sale now at Celebrity A t- • ui Pvrtlarxl. Madison D. De r r o w , is a new addition to tie M o d e l C ities Program as Citizens Participation I n f o r m a t i o n Specialist. I aerrow, a Decem­ ber graduate ol Portland State I n iversity with a Bachelor's degree in English, haswoiked on new spape: s and radio staffs in tie Portland area since his move to Portland in 1967. As the new Information Spe­ c ia lis t, Derrow hopes to " p ro ­ vide a continuous and accurate flow of Model C itie s news and accomplishments to a l l o f Portland's citizens, concern­ ing the M ode I C ities P r o - g ra m ." le rro w is o rig in a lly f ro m New Orleans, Louisiana, bu t moved to Portland alter s e iv - lng a term in the U\S. Navy. Be manage! to secure a p i n time job wtthKGAR Radiosta­ tion as announcer during his firs t summer here. However, 1« moved from t h a t position and later worked as a news re­ porte: fo r the Oregon Journal, alternating full time and part time employment and p a rtic i­ pating as a student at Portland State U niversity. News and inform ation con­ cerning Model C itie s m a y be obtained by w ritin g o rca llin g : Madison Derrow Information specialist 5329 N.E. Union Avenue P< (land, regon 97211 2 M - $ ; 61, E (tension f 30 McCall to receive National award N ow Y V m lf fln r T n m New o rk — Coveinot Tom M c C a ll la t o r e c e lv e the American Scenic and H lsto ilc Preservation Society's 19 71 "Medal of the Society" award for "h ie outstanding contribu­ tion in the field of consei va- tlon and preservation of our American heritage." McCall w ill be guest of hon­ or at a special award luncheon to be held at the Union Clut^ Wednesday noon, January 19. John H. G. Pell - financier. ______ consei vatlonlst, and piesxlent of the society - announced the occasion In New York today. McCall la the firs t governoi to receive the medal In the Society's 76-yeai history. A t­ tending tie ceremony w ill be national leaders f r o m k e y conservation organizations. selection o f a winner from tie nominees lis t is made by representatives of aevei al na­ tional groups, private and gov­ ernmental, conet ned with en­ vironmental piutection and maintaining historical s it e s . Among those recommending McCall fo r th e tribute w e re Laurance Rockefellei and Charles Llndbei gh. “ T h is is a m eritoriously deserved aw ard," Pell said. ‘ ‘ Governor McCall was getting action and spreading know­ ledge In this field long before ecology became a watchword. Bis accomplishments In envi­ ronmental quality for the State ol Oregon h a ve provided in­ spiration lor everyone, every­ where who fight in this fie ld ." T h e American Scenic a nd H isto ric Preseivation Society was founded in 1895 by Andrew H. Green, who became lts fir s t president. He spent 50 years In securing scenic treasures aixl historical sites against the encroachments o f a rapidly expanding slate. C a lle d by many "T h e Father of Create: New Y o rk ," Green was Instru- mental in establishing Centi al P a r k , conserving Niagara F alls, and preserv ing the Pal­ lisades f r o m uncontrolled mining of that time. W hen Governor of New York in 1899, Theodore Roosevelt closed the quarries, accepted th e Pallisade area as a g i f t f r o m J,P . Morgan - lo n g a trustee of the Society - and established Pallisades In te r­ state Park, assigning five men of the Society to administer it. Bogle appointed Dick Bogle, Portland televi­ sion news reporter, was ap­ po in t*! by Multnomah County Commissioners to serve on the Clty-CountyChai terC oni- misslon. "Take 30” Saturday morn­ ings at 11:30 to hear singing h o s t Robert Bailey, Benson e ltl us ... ta l- ented h ig h s c h o o l student guests, and interviews w it h "people who’ ve achieved'*. T he Bailey fam ily a rt mem­ bers of the Ma.-anatha Evange­ lis tic Center. The Bailey T rio has thrilled many Portlanders with its unique style. Robert Bailey is featured every Saturday morning at 11:30 a.m. on station K BPS (1450). The program is called "People P erspective". Portland T ra il Blazer Guard W illie M cCarter and wife Cindi and 3 week-old Tobian J . Hhoto Knauls Nom inations for handicapped Nominations are now being accepted for Handicapped C it­ izen of the y ear from employ­ ers in Multnomah County. The winner w ill be entered as nominee lo r state title and state winner w ill then be en­ tered fo r the President's tro ­ phy, HanJicar: •• an of the Year. Nominations should be seni no l a t e r than February 15, 1972 to Wallace E. B r o o k s , awards chairman, 6846 S. W. 55th 4ve., Portland, Oregon. 97219 C rite ria to be used in selec­ tion: (1) Any disabl«! Arne; 1- can engaged in any ty p e or class o f employment i s e lig i­ ble, regardless of age, s e x , race, o r e re«!. (2) Nature and severity of the handicap and its effect on nominee. (3) Nomi­ nee’ s persistence and in itia ­ tive in overcoming the handi­ cap. (4) Accomplishments or activities beyond the require­ ments of regular duties. (5) S uitability of nominee ui pro­ moting employment of others. (6) Had not been selected as winner fo r such award in 1971. (7) 8 by 10 inch or 4 by 5 inch c le a r - g lo s s y photograph of nom inee. "O regon's T o m McCall, with his long experience inihe field, w ill do m u c h toward making this vital issue v isible. He is one of the strongest con­ servation-minded governors in the United States. Oregon has been fortunate in having a leader In the fight against alt and water pollution. Now that leadership w ill lend great sta­ ture to this c ritic a lly Impor­ tant national com m ittee." D ickB ogle Black theater draw s w h ite crowd Harvey L . Garnett is P ort­ land's only black theater own­ e r. He has owned the Alameda Theatei, located on A lheita and 30th Avenue, f o r f o u r y e a r s . His audiences a r e mixed, with more white than black patrons on many week nights. Although business ha s been slow at times, the last few months have been more p ro fit­ able. Garnett attributes his in­ creased business to the fa c t that he attempts to obtain good movies which feature b la c k a c t o r s In prominent roles. S om e of th e more popular movies Include "S h a ft", which play«! to aell-outcrow ds,aixl "T h e Learning T re e ", bothof which weredlrected by Gordon Parka. "Sweet Sweetback's E , H. H arrim an, a form er honorary president of the o r­ ganization, and his wife, con­ tributed to the strength ol its drive to stimulate thè protec­ tion of scenic beauty, to re­ s t o r e and protect historical larxlmarks of significance to the state and n a t io n , to in­ crease the areas of trees and open spaces, and to a w a rd m alais of h o n o r fo r the en­ couragement of those who join In these goals. The Bailey T rio demonstrates that eve: ymember of the fam­ ily can sing. They believe that the fam ily that sings and plays together stays together. The society is custodian of six important s ta t e proper­ ties. Its headquarters are at Wall and Nassau Streets in New York, in tie Federal Hall M em orial, where G e o rg e Washington w a s inaugurata! firs t President of the U nit«! States of Am erica. W hen President Nixon ap­ point«! McCall to the P resi­ dent's Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality, he said: Bogle replaces D r. B e ri Klapsteln, presldent gl M i. flood Community College, who ieslgn«l frotn thecommlsslon last week. Members of tlecornm lssion aie charged with drawing a charter for the eventual con­ solidation of the governments of the C ity of Portland and Multnomah County. Green fought f o r and w on landmark legislation in New York State to establish basic conservation, histo ric s it e protection, and public p a r k laws. The organization s till pursues this goal, and was in­ strumental in helping to estab­ lish - in 1967 - the New York State H istorical T ru st. Bailey thrills radio world Baadaaassa Song” and "C o t­ ton Comes to H arlem " w e r e also directed by blacks. He would like to show some of the new black movies s u c h as "M an anil B o y", "T he Bus is C o m I n g " , " S o u l S oldiers" anil "H onky” as fli st run mov­ ies, b e fo r e they are shown downtown, hut w ill firs t have to guarantee money-making a u ­ diences to the d istrib u to rs. T he Alameda's next big fea­ ture w i l l be "B la c k Jesus", which w ill be Its firs t showing In Portland. Tha movie stars Woody Strode. Garnett, who Is a graduate of Jefferson High School, also owns part Interest in BopC Ity. He has b een employ«! as a salesman at Pepsl-Cola f o r the past six years. -w Notice A m a «■ Basketball enthusiast J inuny Iric e (rig h t) gets the advice ol Ira ilb la z e r stai Sidney Wicks d u i- ing a recent fie e basketball clin ic held fo r more than 3,000 youngsters at Portland's Memorial Coliseum. ! ponsored by the Iia tlb la zera a n d (heCarnation Company, the clin ic emphastz«! n a m ­ in g and practice techniques used by the professionals that could benefit every aspiring player. Young T ric e lives al 517 N.E. Knott Street, attends Irvington School. I he home of Rev . and Mi s. Sylvester Green 111 burn«! on January 7, 1972. They have two boys, ages || and 13, and one daughter, age 14. T h e y are presently living at36N.E. Going. C o n trijjtlo n s may be sent to the National N e g ro Evangelical Association, 3905 N. Vancouver. C o m m issio n er G oldschm idt Commissioner pledges support In a recent talk before the Department of Environmental Quality, C ity Commissioner N ell Goldschmidt explained his views on methods of combating a ir pollution. Coldschmldt has long been a supporter of environmental protection. (Please turn to page 3 column 1)