Portland/observer Thursday, Dec. 2 , 1971 Page 7 C a ll J( »BS: --» ..k ... M EN -W ' >MT.N ACCOUNI INC ASSIST AN I < iiw yeat college accounting, two year a ex|iei lence inbuok- k •oping 01 ».'counting. StlO l > $254.40 B i-W ee kly. P ta fe t- ence given Model Neighbor­ hood Residents. Apply ln p e i- aon: P ortland Model C itie s , 5329 NJ-,. Union, Room 217. An Equal o p p o rt. Em ploye! Neo led — Wut ke I s to s o lic it suitse I tptiuns. C a ll Helen, 283-2486. ---------- - W ANTED: A dd itio nal, d e .ll- cato.1 wot kera lo r C hi 1st. Hetlwl AME C hurch, >828 N , E . 8th Ave. 288-5429. BUSINESS OPI'O K II Nl 1 ll-.S M a jo r auto and tru ck ( lie m anufactot need man to often a franchise , should have autotnallve hackgtound and some sales management ex­ is t e n c e , p l e a s e c a ll 284-8371 M r . Rich. R ooms for rent R ot m J. board in w - a lti - ful sut roundings. Men only. The food IB deltelous anil the pi Ice Is i Ighl. C a ll 281-9267 J«, Helen at 283-24K6 Mr- v i« s lin e i » a s, tow tja r- galns fo r holidays. < >r r r . is iii) FzVHILl WANT A ll THIS SPACE IS AVAI1 AHI I- 1 OR YoUR BUSINESS MESSAGE 11 O ur custom ers get such te r lffic reu slts with o u rC la s - slfie d Ads that we decided to use them ourselves. We need paper boys. C ir ­ culation personel and ladies who want to earn money by phone at home. C a ll the Portland O bserver at 283-2486 - todayl P e titio n wanted - p a rt tim e gtaduate student InSoclal Wk. needs part tune position - ex­ perienced InC h lld W elfare and C hild C u te program s. C a ll Cynthia 288-5091. FORECAST Your holiday shopping will be a success i / you plan your budget now. You can have extra mony if you convert all the things you no longer use or need into extra cash. PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS: La test snd nuxlern method guarantees that you can learn to p la y e ltlie i Instrum ent. Fot U iioim atlon, please ca ll 287-1634. DRY CLEANING : P o ll H A N D C leaning W orks. Cleaning doesn’ t cost. It pays. Skill G re e n S ta m p s . P h o n e 282-8361. I fouling 5 H drm s. Cement bsm t. 50 X 100 lo t decorated J $8,500 T erm s 4-P1 px - 2707 N'.E, Pres, o tti $390 mo. Income - Sale o r i Trade bn bu ild in g a lte .f 287-3244 Most reasonable shop in town Carlos 2 8 7 -8 5 2 9 2 6 0 9 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Ore FURNACE REPAIR SERVICE JO H N L. H AR TLEY 28 7 -6 0 7 4 233 3 N E. io t m aven u e PO RTLAND. OREGON 97212 S & J Billiards 1036 N.E. Alberta POOL,CARDS AND SNACKS Hours 10:00 A M . til 1:00 A M. Sam F. Scott Earl Foster OWNERS AND MANAGERS phone 2 8 4 -9 5 9 7 Corrections O fficer 1326 N J i, Sum-ier IM ason A W illia m s - 100x100 IC o r . m -3 $13,000 4 -B r. - 50x100 lo t - fp lc .n e a r | Jeff I I I . ( a s t ' i d " , n.-id a s - tract bai. $6,ooo.l -l-d m is . *99 N B E m e ts.-;.| o il heat--$6,000. s 117 N J ;. 15th Nice 75x100 Lot - $10,500 For Sale 839 N J; E m si son 3 P d rm s. $7,000 Duplex «42! (M ale) $059-770. Supervises m ale p riso n e rs in the county Ja il. M in . (ja u l: m in height 5’ 7” , have obtained the age of 21, high school education o r GETV plus 1 year experience as a guard o r coun­ s e lo r. o r 2 years (60 sem e ste r hours) of successful m a tric u ­ lation at a college o ru n iv e rs ity . F o r inform ation contact M u lt­ nomah County C iv il S ervice, Room 140, County Courthouse. P ortla nd , Oregon 97204. — J.J. WALKER REAL ESTATE I o r Sale Cape Code 2 B edroom - possible 3rd 12x20 fa m ily room , gas bim ani e, reflnlshed liai dwo.t.1 flo o rs , la rg e fein M il« , x va n i. lo,75O FHA o r Contract 4532 N, Bnrthwn k Avenue 284 4744 24H our phone service |66 5-3 491 “ Invest in the West*' 6 6 5 -4 1 4 5 PAINTING B rig h t's Painting & D ecor­ ating S ervice, 6537 33nd Ave. S. C a ll u s.S eattle, Wash. 98118 Classified Ads Are Measured best and continuing result* recommended every week Start -s . 1 28J‘ 486 By The S alvation A rm y oper .ites fre e " to y stores so S a n ta Claus won t skip the fa m ily whose bread w inner is disabled or o u t o f a fo b The S alvation A rm y brings candy or a sm all g ift to prisoners to show that someone on the ‘o u ts id e " s till remembers them S alvation A rm y and carolers re m in d busy shoppers that the h o lid a y day, the b irth d a y o f the Peace musicians Christm as is a h o ly Prince o f Christm as is (Celebrated at Salvation A rm y M e n ’s S ocial Centers Many o f the men are struggling to break habits o f heavy d rin kin g , irreg ular w ork, and d riftin g fro m place to place Especially at the h o lid a y se«i son, they need support and com pan ion ship The above space was donated by the Portland t ib s c rv e r. ■-* ■ ______ PRESENTED BY F a ll F o r e c a s t . . . A T rim m e r You 'World s fastest M- II ol Active Eierctte with“J[j(^ Qyy ISLAND DRIVE-IN DAIRY , 3410 N. WILLIAMS FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Call 284-9716 On Your W ay Home From Work Stop By And Try The Freshest M ilk In Towi 2 3 5 -2 2 8 4 J VALUABLE COUPON................ ONE FREE POP WITH EVERY $2 .00 PURCHASE WASHINGTON SIGN CO. Clearance ^ n iP n ll - UP t0 Vl Renting Buying Washington Sign Company Trading Mary Carter Paints Pennant Shop Hiring 309 N . Killingsworth Selling f h e S alvation A rm y visits — C 4ase / b e a l l y t / y e ¿ e g s . /-* v .4 v £~ cgs . Dashikies Bowling shirts Paints Art Supplies, etc. Results! the old, the ill, the shut in at C hrist mas tim e ----------------------------------------- / A / w a s A r A R n r fi / 2 ) X M /r z N ', '. u P| s tp r I - B d rm . 50 x 100 lot 624 NE I Jai r e tt- $ f,.( k i. ___________ Call Louis Scoti 2S5-& A pt. size gas range #35 284-3093 9 3 7 2 7 N . MISSISSIPPI Call 28 8-5091 F o r C re a tive Styling, cutting and shaping, tinging and bleaching, waving and renew­ ing. o tb e i beauty aids. C a ll Caaste 284-0293. 100 N. K ill ingswut tb. home d e iv e ry of the Observer now by calling (5 0 3 ) r Pres: Rady and Fonder Repair babies ini your home AMA Family Day and Night Care OBSERVER PORTLAND OBSERVER O r sign up with this coupon bz.-. ¡Mothers to (take care of I Observer Classified ads are the perfect way to get in touch with buyers. Decide what you want to sell, jot down a good description, call us and we will do the rest. (We will send you the bilD It J,Kl ’S fW • ’ ’ P O R T L A ftf) Classified JOG YOUR MIND IN THE MORNING WITH THE , C ustom T a ilo rin g , D ra p e rie s.’ ^ C L A IM E D FURNITURE W e d d in gs, Suits WANTED THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 2 - Ton Van reasonable rates. 281-7562 281-6665 U SE A A partm ent fo r re n t-a v a ila b le Decem ber 4th. 2 b d rm ., near L lo yd C enter, $ 150 p e r month. C a ll 284-4108. B E A I IN F LA T IO N PKICES. F ree estim âtes. Palntlng, tn te rlo r and e x te rlo r. A lso, Concrète work done. C a ll 284-5559, V ic to r R. liro w n Bowens-I tuncan Co. Oftet slo t s of Automated [lo o k- keeping an d Accounting System s. 2716 N j-.„ Onion. C a ll 288-8341. .»pal u iic iii iui nenc Off 287-1856 Dec. 2 - 6 , 1971 □ 1