Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 02, 1971, Image 1

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U h r,
'li itale I U lV ef .¡(y
<ireg. 973.31
Opportunities Through Portland Fire Bureau
l ire Chief Jam es H. Riopille shows po­
sition of F ire Bureau training station to
Linda Hale, Portland F ire B u reau 's only
A. Lee Henderson (center) and Ed W ar­
Black em ployee, is a s e c re ta ry in the cen ­
moth of the M ayor's Office.
tra l fire station. A bove, she d iscu sses
Left: T raining c e n te r located at Willa­ methods of rec ru itin g m inority w orkers
m ette and In terstate where tra in e e s will with fire fighters.
experinece the life of a fire fighter.
V o lu m e 2 N o . 6 0
Oplomists provided
dinner at H ighland
Look in the book
1, J‘’ ,<h.H lll’ GP“ ’m ' ’ «Ciubandthe I *g.rd (.p to m ,.t Club
f J
, r e He
people ^
John Adams Highschool w ill
be the firs t Portland High
School to conduct a school-
w ile Sickle Cell T ra it testing
D * m p * ''
l ’ ' ” " donl» <‘gard o p tim ist ciuh; | ou
p . ?«.
^sleigh u n ia o p tim ia !Club; Ray Bowles. V ice
• sklent, RHtC; Jim Kolph, Past President. KH< C
NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES are scheduled fo r delivery
in Portland area beg inning No vein ber 30. With the help of d ire c­
tory assistance operators like Jolene Thorson, Pacific North­
west Bell is hoping its new slogan, "L o o k in The Book" w ill re­
mind customers to check their phone book hefore calling fo r
directory assistance, o f the mote than ISB.OOOdirectory assis­
tance calls dally In Oregon more than 80 percent of them are
for numbers already listed In the dire cto ry. In the Portland
area the average of calls to directory assistance has Increased
from 77,500 to 112,127 in the past thiee years.
7 D ecemb * r 2> 1971 ,0< per coPy
Links present
Ebony Fashion Fair
nomah County Public Health
Nurses, Albina M inisterial
Alliance, and parent Health
arxind four hundred Black
students In a total school pop-
Ulation of 1650. The schools
a t’ ff, parents and students are
w< idting with many existing
health service agencies toco-
ordlnate an immediate testing
and long range educational
t manuel Hospital is donat­
ing its services to test me
blood drawn at a c lin ic to be
held December 7th at the
school. A newly developed
procedure using the auto-ana-
lyize r method w ill be used for
the Adams testing program. In
order to make this e ffo rt pos­
sible several other agencies
are Involved. They include:
the Red Cross, Fred Hamp­
ton’ s Memorial Health C linic,
P acific Northwest Bell Com­
munity Relations team, M ult­
provided fix ,! fo r , com m unity thanksgiving Dinner at HUrtil.rwl
Community Center, Picnnod delivering
Adams test for
Sickle Cell
p ro g ra m .
The Portland F ire Depart­
ment la initiating a new pro-
gi am to provide training and
education fo r unemployed or
underemployed residents of
Portland to asistthem in qual­
ifying fo r F ire fig h te r posi­
tions with the Bureau of F ire .
The program is federally
funded under the Emergency
Employment Act of 1971 fo r 36
training positions. To qualify
for training candidates must
meet minimum physical fit­
ness requirements - they must
be at least 5*7** tall and have
good health. A ll applicants
must have a hign school edu­
cation o r have a G.E.D. c e rti­
ficate. Nor.-veterans must be
between 20 and 24 years old
and Veterans w ill be accepted
to age 29. There w ill be no
written test.
The training program w ill
include in-service job training
conducted by the Portland F ire
Department. This w ill consist
of laying and picking up lines,
operation of the pumps and
hoses, raising ladders, etc.
(continual p. 4 col. I;
Included in the plans w ill be
an assembly featuring Honor­
ary C ity chairman oftheSlck-
le Cell Campaign, Sidney
Wicks and National Campaign
representative, Stan McKen­
zie. December 8th, the Friday
night following the clin ic,
“ Shades of Brown" a local
band directed bv Greg Smtth
w ill contribute Its services for
a dance at the school. AU stu­
dents tested at theAdam sC ll-
nic w ill be admitted free of
Jackson High School which
serves arouixl 50 Black stu­
dents, mostly bussed from the
North East wUl also be in­
volved in the program. Any in­
terested persons in the area
are urged to call V icki Jones
at Adams Highschool fo r more
information on the project.
Security O ffic e r p ro m o ted
New telephone
directories delivered
Discussing the prepaiatlon of the ham and turkey dinner are
(lo ft to right) Joe Russell,Social worker, Yaun Youth Care Cen-
te i; Jim Melaner, RH; Dennis Johnson RH; Walt Morgan RH.
The dlnnei was prepared by volnteera from Highland United
C lu rch of C h rist.
There’ s a bonanza of Infor­
mation — including new num­
bers - - in the 1972 telephone
directories lasing distributed
In Portland, Lake Oswego and
Milwaukie - Oak Grove by
Pacific Northwest Bell be-
twoen November 30 and Dec
ember 13.
For the curious, page 4 of
the Yellow Pages section has
calendars thatwUl give you the
date of everyday from the year
1176 to 2000.
As a firs t, yellow pages 5
through 7 show T ri-M e t bus
routes in the Portland core
area and through the metro­
politan area.
And If you’ re not sure how
to address a letter correctly,
look on yellow page 1 fo r "a d ­
dress hygiene" or pages 2 and
3 for Z ip Codes.
F or thed’ scrln iln a tin g d la l-
e r, according toPNB Portland
Division Manager E .L .P fe i­
fe r, there’ s a lot of new Infor­
mation up front In the white
pages—alphabetical section-
of the d irectories.
With 12 more pages this
year — fo r a total of 800 —
the "alpha” section contains
some 235,000 listings. That’ s
about 4,600 more than a year
Among the 235,000 listings,
P fe ife r points out, are new
numbers fo r most Multnomah
County offices and also for
2,300 phones in 110 federal
government offices. The fed­
eral offices — p rim a rily those
Portland's westside —
Change to a new phone system
the weekend of December 4.
The new numbers fo r federal
(continued p. 3 c<r 3)
M ilitary Race
called explosive
cUfe want CYOU
as a saver
Beiij. 0 Franklin
■ A V IN O «
R o b o rt H Hnzon, Pres • 15 Odíeos • Phono 224-3333
Homo Odien
Frnnklin Hldg , Portlnnd. Oro 97204
The Congressional Black
Caucus la holding hearings in­
to "ra c is m in the m ilita r y " .
Caucus members told of per­
sonal visits to m ilita ry liases
and a 50-page report was sub­
mitted by Rep. Shirley Chis­
holm on race relations among
US troops in Europe.
Rep. Ronald Del turns, co-
chairman of the hearings,
made public what lie called
"s e c re t
and cor.f klentlal**
govei nnient documents that
said a lim it« I number of
"c a re fu lly chosen" black ser­
vicemen would tie assigned to
Iceland. Secretary ofDefense
Melvin La ird denied that he
had authorized such an agree­
Frank W, Render, who ser­
ved as aDeputy AssistantSec-
retary of Defense fo r 14
months until he was dism is­
sed, said he had become aware
of black-white conflict in the
services. He waa the highest
ranking black man In the Pen­
Rerxlet said the problem is
the failure of civilia n and m il­
itary leadership to c a rry out
its equal opportunity respon-
(Continued p. 8 co l. 2)
Claudia T ate, Ebony Fashion F a ir Model,
in a double-yoked white wool coat with stand­
ing c o lla r designed by Fouks of P a ris . The
sim ple elegance of the coat is enhanced by
black and white Fox sleev es.
This item is rep resen tativ e of those that
will be shown at the Ebony Fashion Show,
sponsored by the Links.
Pinkerton names first
Black Sergeant
C lifford Jackson has been
with the Pinkerton Security
Service since 1968, when he
retired alter 38 years with the
Today, he Is the fir s t Black
sergeant named by Pinker­
ton’ s in Oregon. " I t was a
merit promotion to sei ge.int,"
according to Security Super­
visor W alter Adams of Pink­
erton’ s Portland office; ’ ’ he’ s
done a great job fo r us.”
Last week. C liff’ s supervi­
sor a rriv a l at the door of the
Jackson’ s tew home at 2718
N.E. Hancock and askedjack-
son to surrender his cap and
promotion came ts
quite a surprise.
" I guess I ’ m fire d ," the
puzzled officer told his wife.
It was just an exchange. The
supervisor handed over a new
cap and badge with a big d if­
ference; the new ones read
"se rg e a n t."
Continue page 4 col 4 )
ra is in g
The Thunaerbird M otor inn
at Jantzen Beach w ill be the
setting for the 14th annual Eb­
ony Fashion F a ir, spousorad
by the Portland Chapter of
M rs. Walter
Sayles is President and M rs.
George Guy Is General C hair­
The fashion fa ir w ill be held
Sunday, December 12th, at
7:00 P.M. There w ill be.iNo-
Host Cocktail P arty In the Ne­
halem Room 5:00 to 6:30 P^M,
The theme this year is
"W hat’ s Coin On” In the fash­
ion world, and w ill feature
some of the most attractive
g irls In the world who w ill be
modeling 185 stunning crea-
tions by world famous design­
Proceeds from this gala w ill
benefit the Whitney Young
Scholarship Fund, the Sickle
C ell Anemia Research Foun­
dation, the United Negro Col­
lege Fund and the A frican A rt
fo r the Portland A rt Museum.
Tickets are moving briskly
at $8.00 for reseived seats and
$6.00 fo r general admission.
Foi ticket information contsct
Link members or phone 235-
2842, or 284-3267, or 636-
5459. Tickets are on sale at
The Portland A rt Museum and
there w ill be tickets at the