Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 18, 1971, Page 4, Image 4

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    Psg» 4
P o rti a nJ/observer
Thursday Nov. 18, 1971
Beauty ★ F ashions
Womenaubs ★
1 lousehold
Total approach to beauty aim of Studio
A total approach to beauty is
the aim of North Portland’ s
service, FIGURINE
Shaping Studio. Holding its
grand opening fo r regular
hours on Tuesday, November
16, Figurine w ill provide
and se lf-im ­
provement opportunities to
North and Northeast women
who have previously not had
such services readily avail­
The uniqueness and comple­
teness of the progi am was ap­
parent when M rs. Kay Hara­
guchi, owner and chief counse­
lo r, described the "shaping
up" processes offered by F ig-
urine. "T h e program includes
diet advice, proven forms of
active and passive exercises,
optional classes, a lending l i ­
brary, and free finishing and
make-up classes for members
who successfully complete
their program s,” she said.
M rs . Haraguchi, a practic­
registered nurse fo r
twelve years, stated that she
wished to start Figurine to
help people prevent illness and
build health and positive atti­
tudes toward themselves. She
has incorporated the expertise
of herself and others into a ll
facets of the program. A ll
diets have been medically ap­
proved, and her medical know­
ledge enables her to work
closely with women who are
on Weight Watchers and medi­
ca lly designed diets. Reduc­
ing programs w ill be tailored
each woman’ s specific
needs, in accordance with any
doctor’ s wishes.
"W e w ill have reducing ma­
chines of m ultiple varieties,”
M rs . Haraguchi said, "and
w ill offer exercise classes in
addition. Other optional clas­
ses w ill be Music, nutrition.
Yoga, and motivation - dis­
cussion classes, all designed
help members ‘ ‘ Think
T h in ." Exercise classes w ill
be conducted by models, nutri­
tion classes w ill be run by
M rs . Haraguchi, and motiva­
tion - discussion classes w ill
be led by a certified social
w orker.
Jackson H ig h
p re s e n t " L o v e rs ”
"A ndrew
School, 10625 S.W. 35th A v e ,
is proud to present the play
" L o v e rs " by B ria n F rie l.T h e
two part play. Winners and Lo­
sers, can be seen on Thursday,
November 20, a t8 :0 0 p jn .T h e
ticket prices are $1.50 fo r
adults and $1.00 for sutdents.
cWe Rjnow it
liRe our o* n narrée
A picture of physical comeliness beau­
tiful Joyce Starnes doing what comes
"Hollywood beauty secrets
known by the wealthy have been
collected by Figurine and w ill
be available to all members.
These are, mainly, proper
body exercises and proper
massage and knowledge cf re­
vitalizing foods,” the attrac­
tive proprietress emphasized.
The free lending lib ra ry with
C onsum er
classes to
be o ffe re d
Portland Community Col­
lege Consumer.MobileLaband
Multnomah County Expanded
N utrition Program w ill be co­
operating to provide consumer
e d u c a tio n classes at the
Frances Center, 5814 S.E.
92nd. Ave. The fir s t session,
featuring inexpensive Oregon
foods fo r Thanksgiving, w ill
be held on F riday, November
12, 1971 from 10 to 12 noon.
Helen Shipley, nutrition aide,
w ill demonstrate the prepara­
tion of interesting, economi­
cal, and appetizing Oregon
foods, and Portland Commun­
ity College Home Economist
Joanne Low ry w ill discuss
buying guides and consumer
•LXûlÊs- * *
This is your page
Let us hear from you
with your hints. Also any
suggestions as to what you
want on your page.
Write your letters to the:
Women’s Editor
Portland Observer
B R A N D S you knot
V A R IE T IE S y o u Ilk
S IZ E S v o u w a n t
1 641 1 S (
M w a»S .
SSth A E s v t H u-i<» d
U Jnd A N (
G l.
N l o r b b i i d et G i r r
tte le ig b M .H » R ie te
' » 2 n d e» S E O .
Th« Friendliest I
Stores In Town |
Since 1908
V fV B H )
’ «»»' A S E
J J r d A N E
M o r r n o i,
H e n t o t li
19»H A S I
Ü .v .v .o n
2 b d A A fest H
l - b e O wr«*o « ) R A .
most of this information w ill
be available to all members.
"W hen a member success­
fully completes her individua­
lized ‘ reshaping’ goal. F igur­
ine’ s m odel-instructors w ill
provide free make-up and fin­
ishing classes, so that the
* shaping up* can be a total ex­
perience,” she said.
F ig u rin e ’ s cost is lower
She fulfills one of her body requirements
by following classes at Figurine.
than most salons in the city,
and the fee schedule was de­
signed so that women can af­
ford to improve themselves
while running th e ir house­
holds. Members can attend as
often as they wish ana as many
classes as they choose at no
additional cost. Shaping hours
w ill be from 10:00 aun. to
8:30 p jn . Tuesday through
Saturday, and class w ill follow
from 9:00 to 10:00 pun.
"W e want this service to
benefit North and Northeast
men, too,” M rs . Haraguchi
said with a sm ile. "W e w ill
offer special programs and
hours fo r men. If interest is
shown. We also hope they w ill
enjoy Improved g ir l watch­
ing’ .”
(Curbs Mothu, o f ( oorve)
$ T O Q
3 DAYS O N L Y !............................
Welfare reform
amendments supported
1 he League of Women Vot­
ers announced it w ill support
Senator Abiaham Rlbicoff* s
welfare reform amendments
when they are Introduced in
the Senate.
made by League President
Lucy W . Henson who stated:
"T h e R ibicoff amendments
w ill provide the brand of wel­
fare reform which this country
needs. They are a significant
improvement over the pro­
visions of H .R .1 and, if passed,
w ill go a long way towards re­
lieving the welfare crunch now
squeezing both welfare reci­
pients ami state fiscal re -
sou rces.
"W e supported House pas­
sage of H.R. 1 with some res­
ervations but we have ab­
solutely no reseivations about
the seriousness of the welfare
c ris is .
Legislation is des-
pei ately needed in this session
of Congress to counteiact
state cuts in welfare ro lls and
Among the reasons co n tri­
buting to League support,M rs.
Henson cited that R ibicoff pro-
posals would: set an Initial
$3,000 yearly income flooi foi
a fam ily of four; give moi e fis­
cal re lie f to (he states; gu a i-
antee that no teclpient receive
less than he wasgetting in J >in-
uary, 1971; and prov kle betlei
protections foi the rights of
welfare recipients than the
House passed b ill.
The League president was
also c ritic a l of the Jepth of the
Adm inistration’ s commitment
to welfare reform as a top do­
mestic p rio rity . "W e don’ t
see the Adm inistration push­
ing too hard in the Senate not
do we understand rhetoric that
one day speaks of Improving
tlie lot of the 7-1/2 m illio n
children receiving benefits
arid the next day stigmatizes
their parents as cheaters and
mat Inge i ei s.”
M rs. Henson announces that
special txilletins weie I« I ng
sent to 1300 Leagues through­
out the country calling fo r an
all-out, end-of-sessfon push
by League members and oilier
gioups active In the welfare
campaign. Special
emphasis Is being placed on
working with state governors
to enlist their support foi fed­
eral welfare legislation.
If the Rlbicoff improve­
ments aie tncorpoi ated In the
House passed legislation, the
nation could tv taking a mon­
umental step toward elunuiat-
ing povei ty fo r more than 25
m illio n Americans, M rs. Hen­
son stated. " I t ’ s amazing that
with tlie welfare system so
patently ineffective, this coun­
try has waited so longtoenact
legislation (hat w ill take us out
of tlie cui lent mess. Senatoi
Rlblcoff’ s amendments seem
to us to be just that kind of leg­
isla tio n ."
Otlier components of tlie
Rlbicoff proposal include:
—yearly increases in pay­
ment levels, reaching tia)pov­
erty level by 197b with a cost
of living sdjustment clauses.
— required state supple­
mentation with the federal
government paying 30$ of
supplemental payments above
fedeial floors.
—fu ll fedeial takeover of
welfare Costs ovoi a five year
—provision of i least 300,
000 public jobs.
— improved work Incentive
income disiegards.
— all Job refer rals at no less
ttian tlie fedeial minimum
-no work legist ration for
motlie. s of chlldionuixlei age
—e lig ib ility provisions foi
a single individual and child­
less couples.
W H ITE-M AN N , Inc.
71*0 W Bur node
S001 N l Unten at Alberta
Smra 194« 2S I-S 1O 3
3 2 7 X Ì4 3 I
. . . IVI
t i f b l i t h o d 1912
•SAMt pz r SM«l .tW K (
•? MOU« L l f a n im i .
K O M F ie n lA U N o er
« » v ic e
Do M Vuurtelf
And Stus | |
4 Blata» Boat at Intarriat«
71« M l KKUNOBWOrm m u t
2 8 7 -1 2 5 4
I aiioNOtwornt « ititi
May Angelou first Black
Woman Movie Director
May Angelou w ill soon be­
come the firs t black woman
d ire c to r,
directs the movie of her auto­
biography, "1 Know Why the
Cage B ird Sings” . The book,
which te lls of he: fir s t 16
years, was on the best seller
lis t fo r 20 weeks and was
one of the five fin a lis ts in
the competition fo r the 1970
National Book Award.
M iss Angelou wrote the
screenplay and w ill compose
the background score. Here
original screenplay, "G e o r­
g ia ", was recently film ed in
Denmark, making her the fir s t
black woman screenw riter.
M iss Angelou was born in
St. Louis and spent her early
childhood in a sm all town in
Arkansas. In 1940 she and
her fa m ily moved to San
Francisco. With just a high
school education she became
a singer, educator, dancer,
author, historian, le ctu re r,
producer, editor,
song w rite r, poet, and play­
w right. She speaks six lan­
guages Including English.
her accomplish­
ments in acting were a role
in the movie, "P o rg y and
B ess"; the female lead In
Genet's, "T h e Blacks” ; and
a role in the movie "Calypso
Heatwave". In collaboration
with Godfrey Cambridge she
produced, directed and per­
formed "C abaret fo r Free­
d o m ", a sa tirica l review.
Miss Angelou served as the
Northern Coordinator fo r the
Soutliem C hristian Leader­
ship Conference. She lived
in A frica fo r some time and
was the associate editor of
"T lie A rab ob se rve r” of
C airo, tie only English lan­
guage weekly In the Middle
O oooooooh
that smarts!
z I
She also worked on
newspapers In Ghana and
South A fric a .
Her recent work Includes
a lecture series on "T he
Negro Contribution to A m eri­
can C u ltu re " at UCLA; a one-
act play, "T h e Least of
These” ; "T h e Clawing With-
ln ", a full length drama deal­
ing with the cu rre n t c ris is
between blacks, whites and
Jews; a book of poetry, "J u s t
Give Me A Cool D rin k Of
Water Fore I D ie” ; " A ll Day
Long” , collection of short
storle , about black life ; and a
book of poetry In collabora­
tion with actress A bbely L in ­
coln, " I h e True B e llve rs.”
Hold A "Coffee Klotch”
Coll 288-8261
One squeeze tells you why people call us..
"The Fresh Guys"
Wonder Enriched Bread is wrapped while it’s still warm from
the oven. Wrapped in a Sta-fresh wrapper to keep it fresh, tlavorful and
delicious. But Wonder doesn’t stop there!
Wonder Bread is rushed warm into bakery trucks...then
off to your neighborhood store!
Next time you’re buying bread,
look for Wonder. O ne squeeze tells
you why people call us...
‘ The Fresh Guys” !
h 'l f * but id itrong t d d t f 12 u v ys
• I N N R R I I f f . . H H f i D n
R 7 7 * * ( n J
a •