Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 18, 1971, Page 3, Image 3

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    " It’s Your Navy”
attends seminar
E llis It. Cosson, Reglunal
National Center, Amencun
C iv il Rights ( iff Ice i , Pedei ul
A rb itra tio n Assoc., Washing­
Highway Adm inistration, Ro-
ton, D. C.
glon VIII uni Hieuiilonl nt
- Woody Sneed, Consultant,
i ’ ortland NAACI’ was une nt
National Council on Indian
twenty-five parsons selectal
O p p o r t u n it y , Washington,
fio m throughout tlie United
D.C. - And othei s|
States to attend tlie " T h ir ­
The aubjectadiecusaeddur-
teenth Annual Whllhelm Weln-
Ing the week weie;
beig Seminal** at Cornell
- Can America He Governed?
U niversity, Ithaca, New York.
- V lolence anl Its Implications
Mie seminal w.is held Novnm-
- I he Nature of Prejudice and
hei 7-12, 1971.
Its Implications
The seminar tftuuie was
- Institutional Racism in
"Responsible Leadership anl
tlie Future; Goals, Strategies
- Using Kiel imtudsman to Re­
D irecto r Ferdinand I . M o o r e
and Tactics for Social Change
solve Community Conflict
and A ctio n ."
Tlie seminar
.C .
- tra n s fe rrin g Labor D isjiuic
new challenges anl
I eclinlques to visits Genevas for Dinne r m e e t in g o t h e r s
d li actions for labor, manage­
Community D isiutes
(I.eft) Maxine D avis,M arc ia V a u g h n ,C h e r y l
ment , government anl com­
- Jebs anl I lie Economy
leadership In tlie
Moore and Local D irecto r M a r th a A nn A d e l-
- Earning and Retaining Lead­
aie is of povei ty anl affluence
i in
employment, housing educa­
I lie Whllhelm Weinberg
tion, lacism anl violence.
Semlnai continues to have as
(continued from page 1)
Outstanding speakers dur­
Its m ajor objective, the e lim ­
ing tlie week seminar weie;
ination ufdiacruiiinatlon In the
- D r. A n l lew lla cke i. Queens
The laateat Ford Rotunda
employment process anl tlie
machinery lias teen Installed
College, New Yoik anl au­
development of le n e r uikler-
thor; "T h e End of An A m eri­
Including twenty-thiee lifts ,
s ta n d in g
among la b o r ,
can E ra "
sco|es, fio n end and tune u p
management, government anl
a (Ulpment.
-Louis Cardona, D ire cto r,
community leadei ship.
S|ianlsh sh aking
Lynn K ilb y Fold h a s p u i-
The seminar Is sponsored
c ha sod tie only tire d lagnostlc
Management Assoc., Wasli-
by the New York State Schoul
lngton, D j C.
machine In tie Portland area.
nt Industrial and Labor Re­
- W illiam Doi sey, professor.
It Is a forced vai latlon analyz­
lations, at Cornell I nlvei slty
e r that tests tire s with speeds
Department of P olitical anl
In coofiei dlon with tlie Nation­
equivalent to 70 m iles per
Social Science, NewSchool foi
al Program of Equal Opport­
Social Reseaicli, New York
in Industry of tie
A c u s t o m e r lounge with
- Dorothy height. President,
N a t io n a l
Confeience of
television, r a d io , reading
National Council ofNogioW o-
Christians and Jews. The
men, anl D irector , Contei to
m aterial and a separate coffee
participants this year came
bar is available. Customers
Comliat Raclsm-YWCA, New
from thli teen
York City
take delivery of their cars un­
W ashlngton. D. C.
der cover.
- Willoughby Abner, DI rector.
Lwo courtesy c a rs w llld e -
liv e r and return customers to
tlie Lloyd Center and down­
town Portland starting at 7:15
son. dally.
Lynn K Irby, Presklent of the
antlcl;ietes selling
Persons wishing to audition
Presliytei tan
1791 new Ford pas9engei cars
for sole leads for the annual
Church, November 21st.
a.vl trucks and 1400 used cars
presentation uf Handel's MES­
Sponsored Jointly by die
truckes during the next 12
SIAH are invited to make an
G ieatei Portland Council nt
a p p o in t m e n t
with M rs.
C hurcles anl tie P o rtla n l
He also projects a yearly
Francos Arnold, 5116 N.E.
Symphonic C hoir, tie per­
payroll of >1,569,738 ami 160
Oregon Street, 282-7529. S</
formance w ill le undei tie
lulsta should Im preferred at
direction of Frank Holman.
A rchltect for tlie develop­
performance level fo i tie so­
Performance date this year
ment was Richard Houllllon
prano, contralto, tenoi oi
la Sunday, I lecemhei 19, 1971,
ami Company,
less leads.
8:00 p.m.
Geneial Conti actor wag P&
Auditions w ill le le ld at
C Constiuctlon Company.
lie fo ie we answer any ques­
tions today we would like to r e-
mind all high school graduates
ami seniors that tlie applica­
tion deadline foi navy R friC
Scholai stupa IsDecernher 1st.
H illy J. of Portland asks:
"J u s t how many Blacks are
there in tlie navy?" J hanks
foi a relatively insy one H illy.
As of July out of an officer
corps of 80,000 there were 509
Hlacks and In the eniishted
ranks there wei e not quite 34,-
000 out 545,200 men. These
nun die is repiesent a ratio
less than half that of the na­
tional racial distribution. It is
tlie navy’ s airn to match tlie na­
tliereby providing tlie same
oppoi tunlties foi employment,
education, and advancement to
all Americans. I his w ill also
have tlie effect of making tlie
navy more responsive to the
needs ut d lffe ie n t groups nt
fieople and Improving each
man’ s understanding and ac­
ceptance of a fellow luman be­
Charles C. of Vancouver
asks: "W hat is being done
about discrim inatory housing
practices?" The answer to
tins Is two-fold. F irs t, tlie
distribution of on-base and
off-base government housing
to navy men is made on a firs t
come basis without regard to
auditions set
Thanksgiving Specials
ra c e o ria n k . Officer ami en­
listed housing Is separate but
this is the oniydiffeieritiation.
Regarding civilian off-base
housing tlie navy attempts to
identify discrim inatory hous­
ing practices by i equestlng all
navy men to check with a navy
housing office before lenting
or buying. When discrim ina­
tion is discovered it is i eport-
ad to fedei al authorities and
all naval peisonnel are dis­
courager! fio m renting or buy­
ing from the offender.
That’ s all for today. W rite
oi phone your questions to us
I 5 . Navy Recruiting Station
520 S.W. M orrison Street
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 226-3361
• • • • •
Black high school graduates
who want to further tlie ir ed­
ucation with a scholarship
leading toward a respectable
career In the L'JS,Navy or Ma­
rine Corps s till have a chance.
Between now and December
1. 1971, applications fo r the
o ffic e rs
Training Corps ( NROTC )
Navy - Marine
Program are s till being ac­
Students who score well on
tlie entrance examination and
are selected fo r the program
w ill receive benefits which in­
clude a U.S. Navy-paid tuition
educational fees, textbooks,
uniforms to wear, and a >50
monthly living allowance fo ra
full four years.
Selected applicants are en­
listed in the IJJS. Naval Re­
serve and are appointed mid­
shipmen upon enrollm ent in
college. During the summer s,
between college sessions,
these students participate in
at-sea aviation, and amphi­
bious training periods to gain
experience in naval and ma­
rine operations.
Lpon graduation, students
may elect to le commissioned
as Ensigns in tie L'.S.Navy or
as Second Lieutenants in the
L\S. Marine Corps. T h is p ro -
gram is one of many Navy­
wide e fforts to increase the
number of black and other
m inority group officers in tie
U.S. Navy. As of July 1971
some 580 Black officers are
on duty, serving In ranks from
Warrent O fficer to Rear Ad­
m ira l. The UJS. Navy wants
to increase this number.
A fte r taking the test, ar­
rangements must be made to
have the testing agency to sub-
m it the scores to the NROTC
Navy - Marine
Program Section, Princeton,
New Jersey.
Rd M a p le Ext. T a b le $ 6 9 .9 5
4 C a p ta in C h airs H e a v y M a p le
$ 1 0 0 .0 0 set
D a v e n o a n d C h a ir 2 pc. set $119 9 5
S w ivel Rockers choice covers $ 2 9 9 5
11 0 0 ” Soffa black N a u g a h y d e $ 1 6 9 .9 5
3 pc. Bedroom set W a ln u t d o u b le
D resser, Chest a n d Bed $ 1 4 9 .9 5
5pc. D in n e tte set T a b le
a n d 4 C h airs $ 4 9 .9 5
C o m p lete Stock Simmons box springs
mattresses from $ 7 9 .9 5
Krause Furniture Co.
301 E. P o w ell
C a rl says you d o n 't n ee d m oney
Just a little b it a m o n th ”
Free D e li v e ry
3 W i "NERS
Or over
V arsity Sport Racers
Welfare reform urged
Y o u r S m ile • Y o u r H e a lth
Y o u r C o n fid e n c e
D entaTP lates
" ln in ic ilitif <* I te m u r e x "
S a m e l i n y • in most cases
Com» in before 10 o m and W r W ill Try to
Deliver your D enture« by 4 P m Some Day
No Appointment Needed
Sodium P en toth al
E x tr a c tio n s & F illin g s
M r e lt ir r r W
I n r o U - i l i l in I f f r n r t w n r r
D e n tu r e
oi Bank
Io Deal Wilh
1 to 1 H o u r So rvice
Street Leve.
5 1 5 $w 4
th Ave*
Between Alder & Washington
-S A L E M
3 7 3 COURT ST N .
Aeron bom Courtllouie
unions whlchcan be frustrated
only at the expense of national
progress amt public confi­
W e believe that any proposal
to establish a new welfare
system should Incorporate tie
following principles.
1) Maintenance of effort
should be guaranteed so that no
one would receive less than
tle y weie receiving January 1,
2) the minimum fedeial
gi ant level should he pegged at
no less than tie official pov­
erty level, adjusted to give ad­
equate recognition to the cost
of living increases.
3) W hatever work incen­
tives may te required must be
le a listle ami fa ir, contingent
on tie availability of new Jobs,
ample training oppci tunnies,
a guarantee of at least the
minimum wage ami no less
than He prevail trig wage, and
the provision of comprehen­
sive day care fa c ilitie s .
4) Full protection of Indi­
vidual lights should be guar­
anteed In all application and
appeal procedures.
5) The new welfare system
should le fu lly federalized,
w le tlie r tie process Is imme­
diate or In stages. H e Job
rights ami conditions ofem -
p jytnent of state and local
g o v e r n m e n t weltare em­
ployees should he fu lly pro­
tected when the federal gov­
ernment assumes welfare ad­
m inistration.
Many people and organiza­
tions have worked hard for
years to bring this country to
the brink of welfare re fo rm .lt
would be a tragedy fo r us to re­
lax our efforts at this c ritic a l
Juncture In oui history.
I lie
resolution resulted
from tlie Steering Commit­
tee’ s recent meeting in Wash­
ington, D.C, Chairman of the
group Is Sol M. Llnowltz,
form er chairman of Xerox,
Inc., ami form er Ambassador
to tlie organization of A m eri­
can States. Co-chairmen are
Andrew lle iske ll. Chairman of
the Hoard, Lime, Incd WJ3,
Eberle, U.S. Special Re|>-
resentative for Trade Negoti­
ation; amt Vernon E . Jordan
J r ., President of I heNatlonal
Urban League.
The National Urban Coali­
tion was formed after the u r­
ban rio ts of 1967 to bring to­
gether majoi factions of so­
ciety of Joint action towards
Improving the quality of urban
life .
Free P a rk in g I
« ^g e
of economic c ris is , welfare
reform can serve not only
as a significant step In pi o-
vkiing gieatei social ami eco­
nomic opportunities for the
|>ooi and neai poor, hut as a
m ajor stimulus to economic
giuw tli and stability. Any plan
to sfjur oui national economic
giowth should Include mea­
sures that w ill provide lower
uicome consumers widi addi­
tional resources to spend.
1 tie National I 't han Coali­
tion theiefore respectfully
urges the President to throw
die full weight of his office be­
hind the earliest passage of
welfare i eform legislation.
Recent state reductions in
welfare benefits are hutting
those alieady hit hardest by
unemployment ami inflation.
Ihiough I l l s pionnse of a new
w elfaie system ami fiscal re­
lie f fo r local govei nments, tlie
Presklent hascieated expec-
6 6 5 -1 1 0 3
H ie Steering Committee ut
I lie National I rlain Coalition
uiged Pieaslent Nixon to act
aa fo ice fu lly as necessaiy to
secure the eailtest possible
passage ut welfare le fo im
W elfaie ieform ptopoaala
in Congiess, Including leg­
islation favored hy die Adiiun-
la lia tio n , have been stalled
since tlie President asked that
action he positioned until next
year as part of his economic
recovery plan.
The Coalition's 80-membei
Steeling Committee, which in­
cludes repieseiitatlves fi om
Uklustry, labor, le lig h o s ,
m ln o itty and civic giuups,
and state ami local govern­
ment, said in its resolution:
" H ie national inteiest de­
mands that welfare reform be
enacted now. [ h it countiy
cannot alford to post|R>ne sueh
action any longer. A t a time
p er.set
Lynn Dee Grenz
Has a FREE Gift
For You
tor FREE
No Obligation
Register tor
Usage for one year including gasoline, oil and
service. Winners must purchase own insurance
and be 18 years or older.
Lett to Right Front Row Sealed: Joe Roll Al Tomey Pal Suita*. Glenn Abbott.
Paul Lowery, Walt Evans. Jack Same. Marvin Martin. Jim McCuaig Mack
McMonaqle Duane Pyle, Mark Vaughn j,m Pankratr
A drawinq will be held December 4, 1971 to announce the
live winners who will receive tree usage ol a Pinto Run­
about including gasoline oil and service lor one year.
Winners must purchase own insurance and be 18 years ol
age or older Additional drawng December 4 1971 to de­
termine winners who will receive a Schwinn Varsity Sport
Bicycle No age restriction
Second Row Karl Mahns, Ron Garrison, Wall Renard. Willie Chappel Jan
Croker le e Carey. Gary Vann, John Gould, Les Miller Al Reamer Bob Maaa
Wade Ripley. Gary Am.lunti, Marion Gideon lo u .t Burnt.
Third Row Fred Kosk. Psul Slautler Roy Keller. Dave Rich, Mike McCartney.
Glen Nordb». Keith Workmen, Steve M etiehel Fonesi Campbell. John Heather
George Merruhew Forrest Freeman. Bob Iep!«y Ellis Ross. Bob Irwin
le h Io Right— From Row Sealed Art Needham. George
Schulze. Duane Tillm an—Credit Manager George Miller
Terry Kirk, Jay Collicot.
Second Row Robert T Anderaon—Cease Accountant. Dick
Malaney. Nug Ninomiya— Fleet Sales Don Callaghan
Truck Sains Buck Broms— Truck Sales Jack Stewart
Don Nepple
Third Row Glen BothweH Clyde B irc h - Fleet Seles. Frank
Wales Bill Sturdivant. George Stavrakrs. Joe Walker
Dennis Todd. Marv lo n g
Phone 280-5211
Phone 288-5216