Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 18, 1971, Page 2, Image 2

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page 2
H aas states p ro p e rty
ta x
P ortland/ubserver Thursday Nov. 18, 1971
The N o rth w e s t’s Best W e e k ly
A Black O w n e d Publication
’ " T u b h s h c ^ T v e ^ ^ T m s d a i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u b U s h h i^ C o m p a tr ^ ^ C ^ *
N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217.
Subscription rates: 40 cents per month by carrier, $5. 00 per
year;$5.25 per year by m a il in Tri-County area;$6. 00 per
year elsewhere.
Phone 283-2486
Verna L . Henderson
Asst. Publisher/Business manager
Helen Hendrix
Personnel and Production Manager
the Editor’s Desk
" You know this is a great country,
moon but we can't go to Salem.”
N o voice in Salem
The Governor has called the State Leg-
islatureintospecial session to consider
the state's shortage in funds. Among
the subjects set to be decided are the
state budget cuts, property tax relief,
and the farm labor bill. The cut in
the state budget could effect all s e r ­
vices o f the state - education, welfare,
health services, state institutions, etc.
But in this important legislative se s­
sion, who represents the Blacks, Indians
and Chicanos? The budget traditionally
cut first is welfare and the social s e r ­
vices, but who speaks for the poor?
Oregon must face the fact that it is
missing the advantage of a cross sec­
tion of public opinion and expertise by
limiting its representation to the white
middle class in the traditional fields
of law, business and agriculture.
Minority group persons serving in the
legislature would lend an additional di­
mension and a different experience to
the deliberations.
H a v e yo u r B irth d ay p a rty
fre e a t G eneva's
Albina Lions Club President Charles
Ganten welcome new Lion Richard War­
rick. Albina Lions Club won District
36 contest for new members for the
month of October 1971.
D tF
L'Pt R
Council ignores
State Senator C a rl Haas,
D e m o c r a t of Multnomah
County, speaking at the Annual
Shorthand KepartersAssocia­
tion Convention in Lincoln
C ity, stated that the House
leadership's proposal to cut
the property tax re lie f given
to lower and middle income
Oregonians is a ciu e l hoax.
This e ffo rt to take away the
tax break voted by the 1971
session conies coupled with
the Republican leadership’ s
plan to deny middle and
lower Income Oregonians the
tax break on their income
tax at a time when most
Oregnonians ate least able
to pay more taxes and cer­
tainly deserve a break from
th e ir government.
The House leadership's
action, session after session,
the average
Oregonian to te Its tax sca(ie-
gost is beyond belief o r
c re d ib ility .
It's time the
Republican leadership of the
House allowed a fa ir con­
of closing tax
loopholes that presently exist
fo r the rich; to consider re -
duing the capital gains break;
and, fin a lly, requiring fra te r­
nels to pay a property tax
Oregon’s Senators
support Rehnquist
like all other Oregonians.
If there Is enough tune to
slapji the average ( iregonlan
with the House leadei ship's
plan, then there Is enough
tune, fo r once, to give fa ir
consideration to a tax reform
that doesn't always hit the
lower and middle Incom eoie-
gomana while missing those
who most can afford to
tighten their belts In a time
of economic c ris is .
Haas said he hopes the
voters w ill inuixl.ite thecapltol
with the demands that the
Speaker of the House's tax
program 1» defeated.
C oalition
fo rm e d
A coalition announced of>.
position to farm legislation
introfuced to the Oregon Leg­
islature Special Session.
7 he coalition organizations
The Valley M igrant
League , Oregon Council fo r
the Poor, Young World Devel­
opment, Oregon Chicano Stu­
dent Federation, ChlcanoCul-
tural Center andChlcano-lnd-
tural Center and Chlcano-
lixlian Studies Center o fo re g .
O T '
See our light show.
P a c ific N o r th w e s t B ell
a wonderful person to give me
space In your paper.
To you and your staff my
fam ily and I can only say God
bless you.
Elizabeth Ann Churchwell
Nov. 8, 1971
Ù ttT E P IS B O T T L E SHOP be your headquarter* tor
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Where HAI C m n Fren
IF ire-S em i Te J
Senator Fred H a rris asked
President Nixon to w ltb lia w
the nomination of Earl L. Butz
as Secretary of A griculture.
M r. Butz sits on the boards
of four major farm related
corporations. C ritic s claim
he has supported
agi |-
luslness as opposed to the
small fam ily farm er.
Senator Hatfield introduced
legislation to authorize the
government to purchase m in-
Ing rights in the Three Sisters
Wilderness Area from the US
Pumice Company, a Los An­
geles based firm .
The bill
is designed to save the wild­
erness area from mining op­
erations. The company is
currently s trip mining In the
Black Mesa,
sacred Indian
land in Arizona. The h ill Is
co-sponsored by Frsnk Moss
(D em .-ljtah).
7 he Srnsll Business Admln-
istratlon and the Veterana Ad-
m ln lsti atlun have launched a
project to help ex-G ls go into
business. SBA counceloi s w ill
de termine whether the veteran
qualifies fo r an Economici :p»
portunlty loan and the VA w ill
arrange fo r training.
w u M n a u T T -iu in u tw iM R lASTAaa
■aut aoao m ust * FiAca_ui_Bccaaa a id m aaaan tat »tarn siauat
»oici j ot t u t saw I a oaaas chom i m i ataawo manti oauama*
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u n lim ite d design s to choose from
mj MKNCED j/y r.
Letters to
the Editor
Oregon's Senators, Mark Hatfield and
Packwood, have announced thei r sup­
Commissioner Neil Goldschmidt, at the request of the Clergy
and Laymen C o n c e rn ^ mtroduced a resolution t0 the CouncU
port of William H. Rehnquist and Lewis
calling for an end to the war in Vietnam. The council chambers
F. Powell, Jr. for the U. S. Supreme
were filled with concerned citizens prepared to make statements
on both sides of the issue.
A fte i each councilman had made a lengthy statement on his
Senator Hatfield, who voted against nom­
desire to end the war. Commissioner Connie McCready moved
Havnsworth and Carswell, said he
that the resolution be tabled. The vote was 3 - 1 and the result
was that the audience was not allowed to express itse lf. The
plans to vote for confirmation of both
Mayor and Commissioners le ft immediately, with only Gold­
men. Hatfield said he is convinced that
schmidt remaining to listen to the people.
This was a cheap parlim entary tric k to avoid any expression
allegations of racism against Rehnquist
of sentiment by the people. It could hardly be called Democracy.
are "without m e rit". Hatfield said
This type of action does not add to the faith of the people in
that as a supporter of civil rights he
their government. When the council next asksfo r an expression
of opinion from the people, who w ill believe its sincerity? We
is particularly sensitive to issues in
often hear lip service to the "vo ice of the people” o r "neighbor­
this area and has given detailed a t­
hood representation” but until the C ity Council has enough
respect fo r its constituents to listen to them, these w ill re -
tention to the charges. "While Mr.
main merely words.
Rehnquist is a conservative and may
with me on his personal ideas on
O b s e rv e r’s Intercom
certain subjects, I believe he is a sen­
A sixty year old mother with
sitive, dedicated and compassionate in­
In his book, "T h e Black
ten children won a suit fo r
W e st", W illiam Katz ssysLos
5115,000 from the city
Angeles had a black mayor
D e tro it fo r the fatal shoot­
Meanwhile the NAACP , the Leader­
in the 1790*s. Francisco
ing of her husband by a De-
Reyes, whose black grand­
Conference on Civil Rights
tr io t policeman
in 1967.
parents were among the found­
Americans for Democratic Action, are
ers of Los Angeles, owned the
man were dismissed.
Rancho Rodeo de Las Aguaa
opposing Rehnquist's confirmation. The
which is now Beverly H ills .
Southwest Area Conference of NAACP
• • ■
The National Association of
Branches called Rehnquist "a reaction­
Postal and Federal Employ­
sophisticated racist and champion
E a rl G. G raves,publisherof
ees (NAPFE), which has serv­
Black Enterprise magazine,
ed its predominately black
of right-wing causes".
became the firs t black d ire ct­
membership fo r 58 years, lost
The Washington Bureau of the NAACP
or in the tobacco Industry when
its power to bargain fo r its
he was elected to be a board
members when Post M aster
headed by Clarence Mitchell, has col­
member of the Cigarette and
General Blount decided that
lected affidavits from blacks in Phoenix
Tobacco division of Liggett
only c ra ft unions can re -
and M yersCorporation.H enry
charging that in 1964 Rehnquist harassed
piesent postal employees dur­
G. Parks was elected to the
ing a transitional period.
voters in predominately black areas and
board of the Magnavox Com­
NAPFE has filed fo r an in­
with two men who objected.
junction against the U.S. Post­
al Servics, claiming its right
Mr. Mitchell, testifying before the Sen­
to continue to serve as re­
Judiciary Committee, said Rehnquist
The NAACP accused the
presentative fo r its members.
State of C alifornia, In a law­
as active in attempts to depriving Ne­
suit, of wide spread racial dis­
of the right to vote over a period
crim ination from Gov. Ronald
Reagen down. The suit said,
The Steering Committee of
of serveral years, beginning as early
“ Massive apathy and inaction
The National Urban Coalition
as 1958."
by state agencies in the field
urged tod ay that the Equal Em­
of housing, employment and
ployment Opportunity Com­
Rehnquist opposed school desegregation
school discrim ination,” and
mission be given stronger en­
public accommodations laws and
forcement powers and that its
ask the court to o id e r the state
" to formulate, adopt and exe­
authority be extended to cover
supports broad wire-tapping powers.
cute affirm ative plans on a
all Federal, state and local
Senators Hatfield and Packwood should
public employees.
statewide basis to eliminate
discrim ination
in housing,
Legislation empowering the
examine the record again, as well as
EEOC to seek court redress
schools and employment.
their own commitment to equality, before
in employment bias cases has
passed the House; a much
making a final determination to support
stronger b ill, which would
give EEOC "cease and desist”
It was the combined efforts of blacks
powers, appears assured of
passage in the Senate.
and concerned whites who let their
Senators know their feelings that block­
ed the confirmations of Haynsworth and
Carswell. This type of effort is needed
now. Both Senators can be contacted at
the Senate Office Building Washington
Dear M r. Henderson - Staff;
Senator Hatfield faces a tough fight for
It has brought me slot of
happiness and black pride
both in the Republican P ri­
to see ycai p rin t my a rticle s.
mary and in the General Election. The
To some people they may mean
nothing but to some alot.
voters will remmember this crucial vote
W riting what I feel gives me
the Supreme Court nominees.
a feeling of accomplishment
and a heart full of "W e ll
done’ s” . To say only thanks Is
not enough, but you are truely
I lie Tornirne Telephone
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