(CONTINUED FROM PAGI. J G RANI HIGH) 01 topics submitted to them by t ie parents In attendance. In addition the a d m ln l-'ia to rs w ill I k available a fte r the m eeting foi specific questions d ire cte d to tlie m . lin e of the objectives foi this s|ieclal m a ilin g is to reach a ll parents. In this way they w ill receive Inform ation on how I I a ly lo r 's class Hum Irving to n School enjoys H av e yo u r B irth d ay p a rty fre e a t G eneva's tr ic t. Freshm en parents and those new to G ia n t w ill find theN ov- em bei 17 meeting e sp ecially he lp fu l, p a rtic u la rly In view of the fact thnt they constitute about 2(J£ of oui total parents who have a m ore im m ediate need fo r (actual awareness and appreciation u l w h a tG ra n to f­ fe rs by way of eilucatlon.il o|>- po rtu n ltle a In cui i iculum and a c tiv itie s fo r th e ir suns and daughters. The agenda fo r Die Novem­ b e r 17 meeting and other ro - lated in fo rm atio nal m a te ria l apfiear In this issue fo r con­ venience to our pa ren ts. J hope to see many u t them present ami p a rtlcl|ia tln g o n N o ve m h e r 17 (»cause at G ram we as a staff recognize the trem end- iw s ly Im portant ro le th s tp a r- ent Involvem ent and support play In helping us to meet our re sp o n sib ilitie s to tlie stu­ dents ami tlie com m unity , (inc of our top p r iu tltle s In tills Buste School Hook F a ir c u t n it iilie e hold duuiei meeting at Geneva*«. (I e ft) Noi v e lia Long, R ita C lin to n , I lavld M c­ Crea I 'r in cip le , Jean Hailey L I A C hairm an, Gioì o P h illip s . Hook E a lr Nov. 10-11-12 at Hoxie A udltoi lum . IT T O T H E THE N A T IO N A L ASSOCIAT ION H >K T H E A D V A N C E M E N T OF C O LO R E D P E O P L E ROY WILKINS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR S E A T T L E ,-A rlin g to n C a rte r, NEW Y O P K .~ " A c o n s p ir­ acy to vio late the i I v l l rig h ts 111, the president of the NAACP o f black w o rkers In the con­ N orthw est A rea Conference of stru ctio n Ind ustry” w ill t« Branches is an engineer at N o special a ttire needed fo r m in d jo g g in g Just one thing (,<« The c a rrie d out If construction Boeing. P ortland O b ie rv e r , keeps you toned in , to n e d up, turned on ' ra ft unions are p e rm itte d D escribed by NAACP na­ For b e lt a nd co n tin u in g r e i u l t i reco m m en d e d e ve ry week Start The charge was made In a S eptem ber 28 le tte r to fjavld tional o ffic e r G lo ste r B. C u r­ home de ive ry o f the O b s e rv e r now by c a llin g (5 0 3 ) 283-2486 L . N orm an, A ssistant A tto r ­ re n t as “ an outstanding ex­ O r n g n op w ith th n coupon ney G eneral, C iv il Rights D i­ ample of tJie 'New Look* in vision of the U-S. Justice De- NAACP leadership, a high- l-a itm e n t, In which M r, fill] ranking executive, a man of asked the divisio n " t o fo r ­ many talents, he s till finds m a lly Investigate and p ro se ­ tim e to give to the work of the cute a ll vio la tio n s to the fu ll N AAC P. We are indeed fo r ­ extent of the law .” 2201 N. K U lingsw orth tunate that a man of his c a lib e r M r. H ill also sent M r . N o r­ P ortla nd , Oregon 97217 is Involved in o u r m ovem ent." man a i opy of a union le tte r which Instructed " I t s a f f ilia t ­ ed local unions to evade com ­ ( ix e r p t s fro m his talk at the pliance w ith the United States F ir s t U n ited M ethod istC h urch Department of La bo r’ s new of C o rv a llis ) a n tl-d ls c rlm ln a tlo n re g u la ­ But there are those who tions fo r the Bureau of Ap­ pre ntice ship and T ra in in g ,” state that the jo urn ey has lost \ paragraph from the union its purpose. T here are those tlOtr S /•< p o lic y le tte r c a rrie s the re c ­ who say that the C iv il Rights ommendation that l o c a l s (NAACP) Movement and the "co ntin ue operation of your T»l»pivon« I'M-' C hurch are a rch a ic and have program In a *buslness as us­ lost th e ir reason fo r exis­ ual m anner’ In regard to the tence. Hom., delivery m the Portland selection and Induction p ro ce ­ Observer it available for a small But I ask you to look at this dures u n til cited by the De- e *tra charge m most of the nation clo se ly. ja rtm e n t o f la b o r fo r non- Portland m etropolitan area We liv e In a nation where the co m p lia n ce ." "G iv e n the h is to ric ra cist present governing adm inis­ p ra ctice s of tra in in g p ro ­ tra tio n can g lib ly state that tlie gram s In the c ra ft unions,” economy Is rebounding when WITH THIS COUPON M r. HUI said, " I t Is c le a r that six m illio n people are unem­ the International union’ s ad­ ployed and have no near term vice to Its locals to continue prospects fo r em ploym ent. to follow a recently stated p o l­ We liv e in a nation where the icy of the United Brotherhood m a jo r la b o r organizations o f Carpenters and Joiners of blatan tly th w a rt the e ffo rts of A m e ric a , A F L -C IO , NAACP m in o rity p a rtic ip a tio n w ith Labor D ire c to r H erbert HUI said last week. token plans whose sole p u r­ pose is to m o U ify th e lr d e tr a c - to rs . We liv e Ina nation where the USE A answer to the f r ic tio n between police and co m m u n ityn is es­ s e n tia lly b e tte r guns, B illy Clubs, com m unication equip­ ment and b e tte r means of con- finem snt ra th e r than any com ­ m itm ent oriented toward com ­ passion and understanding. We liv e in a nation that has THIS SPACE IS asked "H o w d id the r io ts at A t- available for uca occur?” But is seem­ YOUR BUSINESS ingly uninterested in "W h y? ” MESSAGElr O ur educational system re ­ m ains geared to a m iddle class c u rric u lu m that dooms sub­ stantial num bers of m in o ritie s to fa ilu re . and W hile t h e l ,S d e p a rtm e n t of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment spends hundreds of m il­ lions of d o lla rs , the p lig h t of lbacks and other m in o ritie s worsens in our c e n tra l c itie s . And I subm it to you that the m ost unfortunate indice to re ­ 2-Bdrm .'!. pius I in fu ll 4 - Flex - 2707 N.E. Prescott late that our jo urn ey is fa r cement basement. fire p la ce . $390 mo. Income - Sale or fro m over is the fact that the building site. H w l. fir s ., garage, fenced Trade for m ost segregated hours in this yard, fish pool. P rice d to nation are fro m 9:00 a.m . to s-ittle estate. $10,000. 4 -R r. - 90x100 lot -fp lc .n e a r 12:00 noon onSunday m orning. Jeff Hi. Cas to equity andas- And so, it is not s u rp ris in g Mason A W illia m s - lO O xW sume contrae? bal. $S,000. that the com m itm ent of the C o r. m -3 «1 3,000 NA ACP can be discussed si­ 2 -B d rm s . 83s \ l Em erson m ultaneously w ith the com ­ o il heat--$b,000. $5,500 for 4 R r - feb - o il m itm en t of the church fo r the furn, a:a e. 424 N.E. F a il- 1302 N .E ^b a v e r - 3 R rm s. problem s 1 have related to you fch, o il 50x10” C or. are sure ly the problem s of the C hurch. Duplex -421 N.E. W ebster. 2 -B d rm . 50 \ 100 lot 624 \ £ J a r r e tt-$6.500. C a ll L o u is Scott 285-6574 PORTLAND OBSERVER THE PORTLAND OBSERVER Home Delivery GET QUICK RESULT CALI r a t o t o @ 3 .39 • Business i »Professional / »Hom e Services D IR E C T O R Y BUY - SELL - TRADE F a ll F o r e c a s t... A T rim m e r You A ! \ liV r',1 Mr of Acfiwe I atrcitc - wlth“J[||^ WOMEN M E N -W ' IMEN ACCOLN I1NG ASMS TAN I i- n j y ja i college accounting, two years expei ten ?e in book­ keeping o- accounting, u l a i y k ’ l . l ’ i H i-W eekly. 1 'ie fe i- ence given M o le l Neighbor­ hood R esidents. Apply In ¡ie r- aon: P ortla nd M o le l C m e s, 1129 NJ.;. I mon, R u m i 1 17.- An Equal o p p o rt. Em ployei Needed — W o ik e is to s o lic it subset ip tlon s. C a ll Helen, 283-2486. W ANTED! A dd lh on.il, dedi­ cateti w o rk e rs fo r C h rla t. Hetliel AM I. C hurch, 5828 N, !.. «th Ave. 288-S429. BUSINESS {¡Yfy, FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Call MEN (k 7" À A JOBS! OPPflR II NI TIES CM 23 5-2 28 4 SERVICES OFFERED BEAI IN F L A T IO N P R IC E S . F ree estim a te s. Painting, In te rio r and e x te rio r. A lsu, Concrete work done. C a ll 284-5559, V ICtor R . Brown Bowens I Hincan Co. o p e ra tu i s of Automated Book­ keeping and Accounting System s. 2716 N .E , Union. C a ll 288-8341. BEAUTY AND CILARM ARE yours at L illia n Beauty Salon. Ih ts Is the place where wc create new h a irs ty le s , spe­ c ia lis ts In a ll phases. 3632 N . W illia m s Avenue, 281-6551. F ig u rin e Shaping studio is ready lo i you. Grand opening ftssd a y Nov. 16, hours 10am to 8:30 pm . Come in aixl see us, 4940 N. I om hard, 285- 0495. ROOMS FOR RENI DRY C L E A N IN G ! P O R T L A N D Cleaning W orks. Cleanuig doesn't cost. It pays. S till G te e n S ta m p s . P h o n e 282-8361. Rental C om fortable 3 room ap art­ m ent. AU u tilitie s pakl. Gen­ tlem en only. C a ll 288-4596. M a jo r auto and tru ck tir e m anulactoi need man too|ien a fran ch ise , should have autom atlve Imckgi iiuik I anti some sales management ex- l*'i i c i i . p I e a s <• call 281-8171 M r . Rich. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR YOUR AD B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E licientlv in writing and in speech. Knowledge ol Social programs in Portland,particularly the Model Neighborhood, is desirable. P re ­ ference will be granted to Model Neighbor­ hood residents. Apply in person only at Mo­ del Cities Agency, 5329 N.E. Union Avenue, Room 217. Closing date November 15,1971. An Equal Opportunity Employer PLANO OK ORGAN LESSONS! Latest and modern method guarantees that you can learn to p la y e itlie i Instrum ent. Foi in ioi m at Ion, please c a ll 287-1634. OBSERVER ment. Must be able to communicate ef- K U lin g s w o rth . Position wanted - p a rt (line giaduate student In Social Wk. needs p a rt tim e position - e x ­ perienced In C h llJ W elfare and C hild C are p ro g ra m s. C all Cynthia 288-5091. 2 8 3 -2 4 8 6 MEN- WOMEN MODE! CITIES SPECIAI 1ST I Salary $349.60 Bi-Weekly Highly skilled person with at least two years experience in community action involve­ F o r C reative S tyling, cutting and shaping, tinging and bleaching, waving and renew­ ing. Gthei beauty aids. C a ll C assia 284-0293. h)6 N . ROOM S BOARD IN BE A L r i ­ fui sui i oundings. Men only. I lie (out is d e liciou s and tlie p ric e is i ig lit. C a ll 281-9267 J T vs $5.00 for 52 issues F A M IL Y HAM A ll PORTLAND African student is Soccer star Ing J.J. WALKER REAL ESTATE 24Hour phone service 665-3491 "In v e s t in the W e st" 665-4145 THE RECORD LIBRARY p re­ sents F a m tly N ig h te v e ry Wed. night. 1Q£ discount on pu r­ chases of $2.00 o r m ore.O pen 7 days a week. 826 N, K il l— ingsw orth, C a ll 285-2564. WANTED M others to ta k e care o f Ad Space Salesman I for metro newspaper. Comm, w ith advan ce. Equal Opportunity Employer. P.O. Box 3137, City 97208. children at n ig h t & or w eeken d s AMA Family Day and Night Care Call 288-5091 M in o rity Sub Contractors Sub Bids requested tor I'irwood Village Eugene, Ore. Bids due Nov. 18,107 ar 4:00 p.m. An l.qual Opportunity Employer Ross B. H am m ond Co. Inc. 627 S. 1 . Division Pl. P.G. Box 14429 Portland, Ore. 07214 Plans available at Albina Contractors /Xssociarion Phone (503) 234-4385 Do your thing with a classified ad Plans under way Arnold B odtker, chairm an of the C ity C lub com m ittee on C om m unity Goals, has re ­ ceived approval of 14c om m it­ teemen to serve w ith him on the long-range study on the need fo r and possible use of com m unity goals and objec­ tive s in several areas of com ­ m unity a c tiv ity . Serving w ith Bodtker w ill be: Roy F . Bessey, resource planner, Robert L . F u rn ia s, fo re st entom ologist; Stanley A, G oodell, building owners and managers executive; Ro­ land A , H a e rtl, engineer; Lee Irw in , newspaper publisher; Eugene H . Kindschuh, Luth­ eran m in is te r; G e o rg e s .L a r ­ m ie r, P h D ., co cia l psycholo­ g ist; C harles S. L’ o litz , graph­ ic designer; Thomas M .P o u l- sen, geography pro fe sso r; Jon Richen Schleunmg, arch itect; R obert C. Shoemaker, J r ., at­ torney; J ames R. Sitzm an, hu­ man relatio ns d ire c to r in local governm ent; F ra n c is A.Staten econom ist, a n d H a ro ld C .W il­ lia m s , education a d m in istra ­ to r. The com m ittee w ill explore tlie goals question In re la tio n to environm ent and land use; health, human resources and housing; transp ortatio n, com­ m unication and econom ic de­ velopm ent; education; taxation ar»d finance; governm ental o r­ ganization and procedures, and in recre atio n and a rts , Le ig h 1). Stephenson selves as research ad viso r. John Koroma scoring a goal against Catlin Gabel in StateChampionship game. In background is Cliff BrunelL Both play inside forward for the team. John \ . Koroma, an exchange student from Sierra Leone, West Africa, made a very positive contribution to the development of the soccer programs in Oregon. For someone with unusual ability, he displayed a keen sense of team play and the ability to spark an ordinary team to an exceptional team. Coach John Hicks says, ” he’s the most unselfish player I have ever coached” . Despite missing the first two games of the year, John set a state scoring record of 18 goals and 12 assists. Vith his unbelievable pinpoint passes, he makes soccer an exciting game to watch, and carried Oregon Episcopal School to the State Championship game, which they lost in overtime. The Ebony Boutique »WJV.X- -.VAJVP M u . M agnolia m ovie. they may gain u better under­ standing about the pro gra m s, a c tiv itie s , and othei facets of th e ir' school. This and the planned m eeting w ill leivl con­ tin u ity to tlie pi ogress and im ­ provem ents at G ia n t as the le - sult of last y e a t'sIn vo lve m e n t by ¡>a rents and the cooperation received fro m the office s of A rea III and the school d is­ JOG YOUR M IND IN THE MORNING WITH THE NAACP Ilm rtd a y , Nov. 11, 1971 Page 7 '4 4A-» M .V tx T.V.x.V' y ests and conceins of parents in behalf of th e ir sons ami daughter s. Thank you’ P o rtla n d /fib s rv e r Big W ig Sale a t the Ebony Prices $8.98 **** > i egard Is a continued c o m m it- mem by the G ia n t staff to re ­ main responsive to the In te r­ NEWS FROM Sale starts Wed.end Sat. Nov. I3J97J 2723 N.E. 7th 284-1307 J A From the people who help bring you Christmas... please mail early. By Dec. 1st By Dec. 10th Buy a y e a r ’s subscription O b s e rv e r fo r a frie n d By Dec. 15th fro m the The