Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 11, 1971, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Chamber of Commerce
awards scholarship to PCC student
Barriers You can climb
Part II
by Geraldine Bright
Staff Writer
It should not lie issuuied that
we w ill move e a sily (t om a
lieople of hard la bo r, m enial
Jobs, physical labor e tc. to a
society of service type Jobs.
I lie ie m e h a r r le is to su r­
One of these Is the lack of
trusted ad viso rs to gusle out
Youth In m aking the change.
I le ie has been and Is a great
concern about the pr oblerns of
shaping young paople t o f it Into
the Jobs our technological so­
ciety w ill Impose upon them.
Out handicap is the fact that
parents often a ie unable to
tra n sm it knowledge that Is
useful to t l e l r young jieople,
I he I i (st \ , A, McNeil Scholarship in 'Convention
Management awarded by the Portland Chamber of Com m erce
was presented to l arrv I aB ore, second-year student at
Portland Community College. At the award presentation
are (left to right): V , A. McNei1, manager oi the Cham ber’s
Convention Bureau tor over 2d years; Pary I aBore,student
in P( ’( ’s Hotel - Res tan rant - Inst i tut ional Operation I’ rogram;
.\mo De Be m ad ia, Portland 1 'ommunlty 1 College President;
and John Mathews, Chamber Board of D irectors.
I he Portland Chambei of
Com me i co M em hers Rela­
tions C om m ittee presented tlie
fit st V .A . M cNeil Scholarship
grant to L a r r y L a llo ie , se-
Corxl-yeai s tu le n i in I'C C 's
llo lo l - R eslauianl - In stitu ­
tional Operation
p io g ia m ,
Thursday, octobai 2S, at a
luncheon In tlie Sylvania com ­
mons. I In V 3 , McNeil Scho­
lar ship G rant, the only annual
scholarship to In awarded try
tlx» Poi Hand C h a m ln r of Com ­
m erce, was established by the
M em hers Relations C o m m it­
tee .is a (i ilxite to V .A ,M c N e il,
fo rm e i managei of tln C h a m -
I v r ’ s Convention Bureau.
R o s e lu ig Highschool inRose-
1,11 g, 1 ieg' n. Ha ittended
I ’mpqua Com m unity College
tn fo re en listin g In tlie A ir
F o ic e w heie In served fo r tw,
yea is at B olling M r F o ice
Base In ashingtun, D .C , I i-
L o i e ' s coui se of study i t l ’CC
is p iep arin g him fo r a careei
In restau ran t operation arxl
eventually management.
W ith tlie I a llu re s , ic .t.iu -
i ant o im a tlo n is a fa m ily oc­
cupation. I he re cip ie n t’ s la -
tlie i has been c h e ffo i th e V e t-
e ia n s ’ A d m in istra tio n Hospi­
tal In Roselxng fo r 2 I years.
In com m enting on the scholar­
ship g ia n t, 1.aBore stated, " I t
c e rta in ly gives me enthusiasm
arxl it ’ s g ie a t to know tlie in­
d u stry appieclates PCC and
U n ite in U n ity
by V le tta Lindsey
age I-I
Black Man, Women, and C hild
Why can’ t we stand lo g e tlie i
in I h ity ?
I heard a Black Woman c ry
Because th e ir powei statxllng
"I ogetliei You and I
Step up Black Man, Woman and
C h ild .
Step up ami make your stand
woi tliw hde.
Dh B eautiful Black B ro th e r*
in I i r . l n s , c a n ’ !
L e t’ s starxl I ngether You and
In orxJei to get Justice , Peace
arxl l.q u a lIty
H ro lh o i anl S ls te i We have to
Unite in Unity
" M a g ic a l,
M e d ic a l
P a in tin g "
I lie "M a g ic a l,
M edical
p a in tin g s" of l ake! iswego a r­
tis t Keith Jones w ill be on ex­
h ib it November 8-29 in the
White G a lle ry at P o itla m l
State I inlvei s lty .
An at lis t ’ s reception w ill be
haM ii /: in i -. m „ ........v,
November 8 in the Brow sing
Lounge adjacent to tlie White
G allei y.
Jones, i gi aduate of P o rt­
land Stale I nlverslty, was tlx-
reclple nt of a Max Beckman
Graduate Pa intingScholai ship
the Brooklyn Museum
School of Ar t, Brooklyn, New
Y o rk, In 1965. Later lie taught
a rt at theN oi thCounti y school
In L a k e P le c ld ,N .Y ,C u t le n tly
Jones Is teaching drawing a(
PSI after s,lending last ye.u
in ua kla ntl, C a lifo rn ia .
I he ft ee exhibit w III Ire open
to the public.
its p io g ia rn . l ias I’CC grad­
uates are the ones who w ill
sell tlie p io g ia m ." He a ls i
added that lie waslielptsj In his
career choice by Leo i^ua lls,
owner of tlie H l-H o Pancake
House In Salem ami R o s e lu ig .
I.a llo ie is also president ol
tlie newly form ed Ju n lo rC h .ip -
te i of Foml Sei-vice Execu­
tive s.
T lie $250
V . A. M cNeil
S cholaishlp Is a warded an­
nually to a P o itla ixlC o m m u n -
lly College student wlio dem -
on stiates (lie prom ise of fu­
ture pro fe ssio nalism ami ac­
tiv ity h i Hotel-Restau a u t-ln -
s litu tio n a l ( qiei atlon.
Ted Yaw, C hairm an f tlx-
M m elaris R elations C o n u n it-
i! ti
I u tx- lie on ami discus ed tlx;
w rit o f tlie M em bers Rela­
tions C om m ittee, and Intro­
duced V .A . M cN eil who p ie -
sent«»: t ie s c I mj I. i i ship g ant to
La B ore . Am oD e B ern ard is,
P o itla m l Com m unity College
P re sxle n t. thanked tlie Cham­
ber foi its support of tlie PCC
program aixl llien comlucted
the Chambet rep rese ntative *
on a tou. of tlie Sylvania fac­
ilitie s .
Two M ic e
fire d
I wo m ice have heenflred by
tlie Sloke-t m -I le n t (England)
museum because tliey only
woi ked the night sh ift.
1 he anim als were employed
to show v is lto is how a model
tie a d m lll generated e le c tri­
c ity - but slept du rin g theday.
" T lie y w e iv |>utting in a
g ie a t nighi shift on tlx; appa-
■ atus Ixil would not Jem ons-
ti ate in fro n t of a crowd d u i-
ing tlie day . "S o 1 am af i a il we
had to give lliem the s a c k ."
•aid Natui al H isto ry Asst.
G eofhey Halfpenny,
I he Job is now held by three
Gei b ils .
conf, from
C e n tie x c a llin g means ' (hai
a company purchasing the
soi vice can have Incoming
c a lls come d ire c tly (o any te l­
ephone extension without an
o p e ra to rs assistance. Out­
going ami intercom c a lls are
dialed d ire c tly by the exten­
sion u s e is .
Ib is by-pas os
pi Ivate switchboards and sim ­
p lifie s c a llin g paths.
C e n tie x service is made
possible by e le ctro n ic switch­
system s in telephone
•w itch in g o ffice s. C a lls in­
volving Centrex custom ers
w ill pass through e le ctro n ic
switching fa c ilitie s amt travel
along the new " m a in lin e s” ' In
fia c tio n s of a second.
I bus tlie ca b le -la yin g oper­
ations you see In the streets
mean Im proved telephone ser­
vice here In the future . F or
"C e n tre x ” sei-vice lo r N orth
Poi tlam l businesses. A lso In­
cluded are data tra n sm issio n
lines foi coni|xitei sli.i " n g .
ami WATS (W kle A ie a le le -
phone S ervice) Hi es fo r mak­
ing long distance c a lls at a fix ­
ed m onthly rate.
A second m a jo r reason foi
expanding tlie "m a in lin e ” is
to make loom fo r new hapjien-
digs In the telephone Ixisiness,
both te g u la r c a llin g and ad­
vanced com m unication set -
vices in Noi Ih Poi tland.
sim ply because the parents
aie out of touch with the tunes
(new m ath). I hey do not un­
der starxl, wedonot undei stand
tlie basic economic facts and
trends. In tlie second place
tlie parents probably would not
1« able to tra n s m it useful
knowledge even if It was up to
date and relevant, because it
would be so com plicated that
tliey would not he s k illfu l
enough to meet tlie re q u lre -
nients of transm ission . ( P a i-
don the expression, but as
lUletly as its kept this is so
tru e .) These and other factors
liave separated tlie young fro m
tlie c u ltu re and tlie end re su lt
Is tlie frightening lack of in­
te re s t often demonstrated 01
displayed in assuming respon­
s ib ility for It.
I lie task ol providing m oti­
vation fo i our young people for
Jobs that need them is a basic
re s p o n s ib ility of theC hiIstian
C h u ich (you. roe). J hat .
lias always held high the stan­
da rds of life as a ‘ ‘ vocation’ ',
a c a llin g from God. Hut, tlie
im p ortan t thing is "how can we
go about breaching the bar­
r ie r s that now exist. Can we
look at It and say the s w ift­
ness of economic change has
produced a society in which we
lack people who w ill attend to
the business of society, arxl
that these paople cannot pro­
duce w ith the usual education
in the Hum anities, (h e re fo ie ,
tlie fir st step In h e iking down
o r breaking through the b a i-
rie i s which keep people from
t ie jobs tliey should and could
f i l l Is the recognition that a
general education is not good
enough. ( L e t’ s face it).
The second step in breaking
thi ough to Jobs of tlie future
is to recognize tie technical
nature of social leadership In
any of its vai ie tn -, ( i e.'igious,
econom ic, gover nmental etc.).
L e t us face tlie fact that grad­
uates of schools oi Theology
often do not know how to lead
then congregations effective­
ly . (T h is has been generally
adm itted in recent studies of
A m e r ic a n T h e o lo g ic a l
Schools). It m ust also be ad­
m itted that with few excep­
tions, laboi leaders lack the
advantage oi special tra in in g
fo r th e ir demanding tasks. Not
many business managers arxl
Cooperation executives have
tlie special tra in in g ,
e ith e r.
Look around your
com m unities and note who
holds tlie resp on siblity fo r so­
c ia l leadership. We usually
find positions of power and
re sp o n sib ility held by person
lacking the social s k ills the Job
demands, they do however,
liave a p ra ctical grasp fo r
gaining p o litic a l power, pe rse
( see M aw ln’ s Rapid Social
The th ird step is breaking
down b a rrie rs to an adequately
trained social leader ship. Es­
tablish program s to f it the
need. T his gets Into the need
of m otivating our youn„- peo­
ple to get tlie kinds of education
they need and society needs
them to have. When you are
asked to learn something you
cannot use, what happens? You
tur n off, young people drop out
of school.
In short, we need to become
convinced that technical s k ills
in social leadership is of equal
im portance w ith s k ills in
science and in du stry. In our
churches and among our edu­
cators we m ust bring our best
minds to face tills ta sk...........
Portland/Observer Thursday, Nov. 11, 1971 P a g e s
W e lfa re
sym posium
Electricity makes them work
Here in Oregon, much of the electricity our
me ical centers need is provided by Portland
Get ral Electric Company
Power from PGE is the heart of virtually every
function in these centers. In laboratories In
diagnostic clinics. In modern climate control
L e tT E P I'S B O TTLE SHOP be your headquarters for
at the.Invest prices in
b ille d
A symposium on " Y o u r
Stake in W e lfa re " w ill beheld
on Thursday, Novem ber 11th
at 7:15 pm at G le n fa ir School,
15'JOO NE G lisan St. Sponsors
the E ast Multnom ah
County C om m unity C o un cil,
F ra n c is C e nter, M t. Hood
Com m unity C ollege, M ultn o­
mah C ountyC om m unltyA ction
Agency, Snow-Cap, the DMCA
and the YWCA.
Speakers are: M rs . Faye
Lyday, past president of the
ADC organization, " T e l l It
L ik e It Is ” ; C h alm e rs Jones,
State Departm ent of Human
Resources, " A n O verview of
the Human R e sou rcesD e pa rt-
m e n t"; W. Kenneth C a lvin ,
sociologist, " I s T here a C u l-
tu re of P o v e rty ? ": James
Young, o ffic e o fE c o n o m ic O p -
p o rtu n ity, "R egion al and Na­
tional Aspects of the P overty
P roblem . . . How Can Con­
cerned C itize n s be E ffe c ­
tiv e ? ";
M ultnom ah County-
C o m m issio ne r
Don C la rk ,
"C o u n ty Role in Dealing w ith
P ove rty P ro b le m s ."
Resource persons rep re­
senting various com m unity
and governm ent agencies w ill
answer questions follow ing tlie
presentations. Coffee w ill be
served preceding the m eeting.
P atronize these m erch an ts
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