Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 07, 1971, Page 8, Image 8

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    p*ge 8
Portland/Observer Thursday, Oct. 7, 1971
Governor Tom McCall today
announced creation of a Gov­
ernor’s Commission of Judi­
cial Reform In Oregon, to be
headed by Orlando J, Hollis,
former dean of the University
of Oregon Law School. Other
appointments to the 23-mem-
ber panel will be disclosed
"It Is generally recognized
nationally by the judiciary, the
Oregon State Bar and the gen­
eral public that there Is a vital
need for reform of our Judi­
cial system ," McCall said.
"Long delays, overcrowded
dockets, excessive costs and
outdated p r o c e d u r e s are
throwing an Intolerable burden
on our citizens, not only those
who find themselves requiring
the services of our courts, but
taxpayers generally. Many of
the criticism s of the judiciary
do not apply to Oregon. Our
courts are operating fairly ef­
ficiently by current standards,
but unless we begin work Im­
mediately to streamline the
organization and administra­
tion of our courts, we will find
Oregon In the same position as
many other states where jus­
tice Is long delayed and In
many cases denied."
The panel Is being directed
to come forward by 1973 with
specific recommendations for
streamlining the organization
and administration of the
courts: promoting speedier
and less expensive litigation:
and redefining the roles of
public attorneys - Including
the a t t o r n e y general, the
public defender and local
"An objective review of Ore­
gon’s Judicial system requires
that judges, lawyers and non­
lawyer citizens participate.
Consequently, I Intend to ap­
point to this commission - In
addition to Dean Hollis - four
Judges, six members of the
Oregon State Bar, and 11 citi­
zens who are not attorneys,"
McCall revealed. The gov­
ernor also I n d ic a te d that
Attorney General Lee Johnson
will serve as a member of this
McCall said C h ie f Justice
O’Connell of the Oregon Su­
preme Court has long advocat­
ed a meaningful study to pro­
vide direction and recommen­
dations for Improvement of
our judicial system. He urged
the Involvement of concerned
citizens In any study of our
system so that their view­
points can be considered with
those of judges and lawyers
who work within the system.
In describing the qualifi­
cations of the commission’s
chairman-designate, McCall
said, "Dean Hollis Is particu­
larly well qualified to lead this
effort. His many years of
teaching at the University of
Oregon Law School demon­
strates that he possesses one
of the finest analytical and im-
agninatlve minds to be found
‘‘Dean Hollis Is not a man to
be satisfied with the status quo
when the need for change Is ap­
parent,” the governor said,
"yet he Is not one who will p er­
mit his zeal for judicial re ­
form to toss out hallowed In­
stitutions and procedures
recklessly. Oregonians were
fortunate that he agreed to
serve on the panel charged
with drafting a new farm-labor
relations bill, and we are
doubly fortunate that he has
come forward to make his tal­
ents available In this new,
equall-. important effo rt."
for Elderly
Let us work together
Joins Navy
Congressman John Conyers
(Dem. - Calif.)
Mayor C a rl Stokes to run fo r
the presidency, declaring that
necessity dictates that a black
presidential candidate be ser­
iously considered by the Dem­
ocratic Party.
"T h e Democratic P a r t y
needs a candidate who w ill
speak to the c ritic a l reform
needed in this country and who
w ill go beyond just replacing
Richard Nixon.”
he said.
If Stokes accepts, Conyers
said he would work with his
campaign committee in order
that he might enter several
presidential prim aries.
The candidate would conduct
a broadly based campaign de­
signed to reach all segments
of the voters concerned with
drastic Institutional reform s.
On September 22, 1971 at
5:45 pm the only son of Hazel
and Cleveland D. McCord of
5034 N.E. Rodney, left for San
Diego. He has eight weeks of
basic training with the navy.
Harold Douglas attended
King Grade School and Jeffer­
son High School here In Port­
land. He Is a member of Van­
couver Avenue 1st Baptist
Church. Aside from being the
youngest memberofthe family
and the only son, he has three
sisters: Miss Doris Jean Mc­
Cord, Mrs. Shirley Garrett,
and Mrs. Melva Thrower.
Harold Is the only one to Join
the navy from his family. Hts
father served four years In the
army where he saw plenty of
combat during World War 11.
An uncle served with the air
force for ten years.
Good luck! Harold in San
"The women we have with us
today are undertaking *a noble
e x p e r i m e n t .’ They are a t­
tempting to determine Port­
landers’ attitudes regarding
solid waste disposal by a ran­
dom survey.
This undertaking is a joint
venture of the League of
Women Voters, SOLV, Junior
League and Concerned Women
for the Environment. They
have s o u g h t professional
guidance In developing their
survey and will have 20 two-
member survey teams In the
field on October 7 at 10:00 a.m.
I anticipate that the Informa­
tion gathered by this group will
be a meaningful contribution to
our analysis of developing new
and imaginative programs to
meet the growing problem of
solid waste disposal.
I asked them here today to
make the Council aware of
their activities and to assure
them of our support in this en­
A.A. Construction Co.
105 W . 5th Street
Vancouver, Wash.
Project Unit
36 Unit ap artm en t houses to be
constructed in G o ld e n d a le W ash.
Sub Bid-Sub Contractors Requested
Plans a v a ila b le at Office
Call 5 0 9 -6 9 4 -3 3 4 3
Jackson shot
in Back
A new autopsy indicates that
George Jackson was killed
from a bullet wound in the
back, contrary to e a rlie r re­
ports that he was shot in the
The new report showed that
a high velocity bullet struck
Jackson in the middle ofthe
back and traveled upward and
through the top of his skull.
E a rlie r reports said Jackson
was shot in the top of the head
by a guard m the watchtower.
M rs . Georgia Jackson claims
her son was murdered by
inside the detention
center and his body dragged
into the yard.
The report, done by a p ri­
vate pathologist, showed that
the bullet traveled in ju st the
opposite direction to th a tfirs t
The report also showed that
Jackson was hit In the ankle
with another bullet. Joseph
O’ B rien, Information O fficer
at San Quentin denied a state­
ment attributed to him, that
the new r e p o r t made it
"a lm o st im possible"
Jackson was hit by a bullet
fired from a 20-foot high p ri­
son gun tower. He said he had
been misunderstood by a
The State Department ofC o r-
rections said it could release
no furtherdetailsonjackson’ s
(cont. from page 6)
cia lty of Harvesta’ s Leather
Shack lathe special order ser­
vices. If a customer brings a
picture o r drawing of an item
he would like to buy, H arris
w ill tr y to find it on his next
trip . H a rris stated that Mex­
ican leather is of high quality
but less expensive than that
offered by many stores. Most
items at Harvesta’ s are hand
Too Late to Classify
M achine operators
6 A M -7 P M
Sewing machine operatorsare
needed at Jantzen. We train
you in our school If you have
good eye-sight and s k ill with
your hands and are w illin g to
Please apply N .E .
20th and Sandy Blvd. 9:00 a.m.
to 3:00 pan.
WANTED men and women to
the most provocative
study of Black Americana ,
" In Black A m e ric a ".
independent and earn money
being your own boas.
further inform ation call
Huffsmith - 235-2870,
City Commissioner Lloyd
Anderson today asked the City
Council to raise the Income
ceiling on the City’s 50 f>er
cent sewer user fee discount to
low Income senior citizens.
The $1.50 monthly discount
would be expanded to Include
couples 65 and over with a
yearly Income of $4000 and
single persons at $2600 annu­
ally. Approximately 25,500
Portland senior citizen house­
holds would become eligible.
"We have already made a
public policy commitment to
help our low Income senior
citizens when we Initiated a
reduced monthly sewer user
rate earlier this year for those
with Incomes at the $3000 and
$1800 levels respectively,"
said the Public Works Com­
missioner. “ Iurge this Coun­
cil to reinforce that commit­
Anderson said that the most
recent U. S. Department of
Census figures Indicate that
Portland has undergone a 14.5
percent population increase In
persons over 65 rears of age,
decldely above the City’s total
population growth during the
last decade.
If everyone 65 years old and
above within these In c o m e
levels formally applied, the 50
per cent discount would take
about $450,000 from the Sewer
User Reserve Fund. We will
make ever- reasonable effort
to publicize this program to
ensure that everyone who is
qualified has the opportunity to
take part In the program.
At the same time, the o r­
dinance will return the City to
a quarterly billing system to
be effective on the same date.
It is estimated that the admin­
istrative savings generated
by this move will offset much
of revenue lost by the expanded
discount offer. Those prefer­
ring to pay monthly may do so
by sending a written request to
the Water Bureau.
Court finds Detroit
guilty of deliberate
W hy we
want to get
to know you.
tro it School Board had encour­
aged segiegation.
Nathaniel Jones, general
counsel fo r the NA ACi’ whose
D e tro it branch Initiated the
suit, said the decision is of
m ajor significance and shows
that it can tw established that
segregated schools m the
North are deliberate, and that
racial patterns are not hap­
penstance but grow out of
public and private practices.
1. Creating "optional” zones
in changing neighborhoods and
allowing pupils to choose le -
tween nearly all black and
nearly all white schools.
2. Bussing black students to
black schools though they were
farther than they were from
white schools arxl not bussing
children to b la c k
Jugglingof school d is tric t
The D etroit School Board was
praised fo r its efforts to In­
crease the percentage of black
teachers. Between 19t>U and
1970 the percentage of black
teachers increased from 23.3
to 41.1 aixl of black adminis­
tra to rs from 4.5 to 37.8.
A federal court found De­
tro it’ s public schools had been
deliberately segiegated. De­
tro it's schools are cwo-thlrds
The judge blamed the segre­
gation on the activities of a
number of agencies. "G ov­
ernment actions and inactions
at a ll levels. Federal , state
and local, have combined with
those of private organizations
such as loaning Institutions,
real estate associations and
brokerage firm s " to cover
housing segregation.
State and local government
actions have played a vita l role
In promoting segregation of
the schools. The State Legis­
lature, until this session, re­
fused to pay fo r transportation
of students in [yetroit no mat­
ter what their economic c i r ­
cumstances or the distance
they live from school. A t the
same time it provided school
transportation in the gene ra lly
white suburbs. The Legisla­
ture also struck down a deseg­
regation plan submitted by the
D etroit School Roardlast\ear.
The court said the following
evidence proved that the De­
Il s sim ple. W e fig u re i f we k n o w you
b ette r, we can do m ore lo r you.
A m i, also, if you k n o w us Ix tte r, y o u ’ll lx -
m ore apt to ask lo r Help when you w ant it. liven if it ’s just
g e ttin g change fo r y o u r p a rk in g meter.
So stop in at the l irst N a tio n a l Bank o f
O re g o n a m i in trtx lu c e y o u rse lf.
I t ’ ll g iv e us a chance to do those lit t le
th in g s that make y o u r h a n k in g a lo t nicer.
That’s why
Roy Wilkins School
FLIN T, MICH. — A new m il­
lion d o lla r elementary school
under construction here w ill
be named (or Roy W ilkins, ex­
ecutive director of tie Na­
tional Association for the Ad­
vancement of Colored People,
it was announced by the Board
of Education recently. The
w in accommodate
about 600 students.
elementary schools generally
shall tx? named fo r ¡wisons
who have made outstanding
contributions to education.
* WEEK *
School officials said M r.
W ilkins’ name was chosen in
keeping with board policy that
OCT. 10 16
Shop<S3£>And Save More
P.T.A. to
USDA G rad e
"Is black history part ofthe
curriculum of the Portland
Public Schools?” “ Is an effort
being made to integrate the
study of black history and cul­
ture with social studies?”
These questions and others
will be dealt with during the
program of the Beach School
P.T.A's first meeting of the
year. The meeting will take
place In the Beach School caf­
eteria Thursday, October 14,
at 7:30p.m. Mrs, Tania Ursln,
P.T.A. president, will preside
over the meeting.
The program, presented by
some of the faculty members,
will deal with thetoplc ofblack
history studies as well as
questions pertaining to the
carrying out of discipline
within the schooL
Portland is privileged this
season to be one of only five
cities in the nation where Hal
Holbrook w ill perform his In­
imitable re-creation "M a rk
Twain T o n lg h tl". No one who
has ever seen this incredible
and utterly delightful theatri­
cal classic w ill ever forget it!
Holbrook w ill be seen here fo r
one performance only at the
Portland C ivic Auditorium on
Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 8:15
To th o u s a n d s of theatre­
goers and m illio n s of televi­
sion viewers, Hal Holbrook
and Mark Twain have been one
and the same. But, with his
portiayal on television.during
the past season, of a United
S ta te s Senator, theviewing
audience has become aware of
his range and stature as an
actor. His role in "T h e Bold
Ones", incidentally, won him
an Emmy A ward as Best Actor
in a Dramatic Series.
Entering the theatre at 3
o’clock, Holbrook prepares
f o r an evening performance
with a long and rigorous make­
up process which transform s
a handsome young man into the
living Im a g e of Am erica’ s
great humorist. Add to this
the years of research into the
character and life of the sub­
ject, and audiences leave the
theatre with the conviction that
they have tru ly spent an even­
ing w it h th e long-deceased
Mark Twain.
Tickets for "M a rk Twain To­
night!" , prices at >6.00,14.50
and >3,50, are on sale now at
C e l e b r i t y A ttractions, 1010
S. W. M orrison, P o r t la n d
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