Page 4 Portland/Observer Thursday, Oct, 7, 1971 Loaves and Fishes and Multiple Joys J ^ w s tfV ie w s for the h o m e m a k e r Constiutional Revision t f Constitutional revision and an Initiative petition drive w ill be the topics of discussion at the monthly meeting oftheLeague oi Women Voters of Portland, Wednesday, (.»ctober 13, 9:30 a jn . to 1:30 p.m. at the West­ m inister PresbyterianChurch N .h. Ibth and Hancock. Clay Myers, Secretary of State w ill speak after lunch. The morning session w ill be­ gin with a quiz and a review of League action in the field of Constitutional Revision. The League, along with the A-A.U.W, Oregon Grange and AFL-CIO, is sponsoring an initiative petition to change the line of succession to the office of Governor. M r. Dwight Purdy, executive secretary of Oregonians to Reform Execu­ tive Succession, w ill speak to those attending the meeting about the petition. League m e m b e rs w ill follow M r. Purdy’ s talk with practical tips on how to circulate peti­ tions during the month of Octo­ ber. To put the measure on the November 1972 ballot, 54,000 signatures must be secured. Following lunch. Clay Myers, Secretary of State, w ill speak on legislative reapportion­ ment and re d istrictin g . Chairman fo r the day's meet­ ing is M rs . D. Brady Frank­ lin . W orkingwith herare.M rs. .Wave Eaton, M rs . C a rl W. Mays, J r , M rs .M e rric k Met­ calf, Mrs.Donald Hofmann and M rs. Michael A llen. p Household Workers The men and women who work in other people's homes fo r a living have decided to stani up and fight. More than b00 angry and determined household workers from 3 0 c i- ties across the country met in the nation's capital last month and establish«!, by Unanimous proclamation, the fir s t nat­ io n a l organization ever form ­ ed to represent the more than l . r m illio n American house­ hold employees. 98$ of the workers are women and two- thirds are Black. The newly formed national association of household workers w ill concentrate on increasing the median wage fo r household w orkers, cur­ rently $1800 per year fo r fu ll­ time employment. Responsi­ b ility fo r determing the exact nature of the new association, as well as its p rio ritie s , rests with a five-m em ber comm it­ tee of formation. A ll League members and in­ terested persons are w el­ comed at the meeting. F o r fu rth e r information and lunch­ eon reservations, call the Portland League office, 228- 1675. 9:30 - 10:00 ami. Coffee and announcements 10:00 - 10:30 aun. Quiz 10:30 -10:50 a jn . Background of League's action on Consti­ tutional Revision 11:00 - noon M r.D w ightP rudy O.R.E.S. and tips on petition carrying 1:00 p jn . Clay M yers, Sec­ retary of State At 81, this Chanteuse is in fine voice. Clifford Dixon stills rides the bus to California and other states joyfully. * I ■ The Cannon Beach Stock Company returns to Its P o rt­ land State University home to open th e ir 1971 season Friday- October 8 at 8p.m. In Old Main Auditorium with one of th e ir most popular summer produc­ tions, Robert Anderson’ s comedy, “ You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’ s Running,’ ’ Due to Park Blocks recon­ struction, theater-goers are asked to use the Old Main en­ trances on S.W.MU1 St. To run two weekends, Octo­ ber 8-9 and 15-16, the comedy Is a quartet of four distinct play s that present m arried and unm arried, young and old s it­ uations that audiences w ill find i. » ho F red D. Ford cooks for Loaves and F ishes Portland Families The Civic Audtorlum In Portland on Saturday,October 16 w ill reverberate with the awesome sound of Johann Sebastian Bach’ s greatest mu­ sic, played by an Im o m i* rabie master on a mighty 56-rank electronic organ, am plified by 144 speakers, while strangely revolving, spiraling, w hirling and dancing Images of light and color, projected onto a huge sc reen, capture the va ry­ ing moods of the music to pro­ vide an exciting new kind of " to ta l” experience. The sound w ill be that of world-renowned concert o r ­ ganist V irg il Fox and his spe­ cia lly designed Rodgers to u r­ ing organ: the sight w ill be provided by the Ingenious en­ vironmental artists of “ Pablo Lights’ ’ , and the happening w ill be “ Heavy Organ” , ex­ actly as Fox presented It last December for two sensational sold-out concerts at F illm o re M l in New York*a atorfttl Fast Greenwich Village for shouting, cheering, stamping audiences of young people, many of whom found them- c reunion selves listening to llacli for the firs t tim e and realty grooving on It, Recorded live from F lll- more-lncludtng Fox’ pungent spoken introductions to each piece and shouted lnler|x,la- tlons of “ Go, V irg il, fo l’ ’ and “ Right onl-Heavy Organ” lias already become a smash hit for Decca, In fact one of only 2 claaatca-orlented discs ever to titl the Billboard "pop-.” charts. Regarded as Ids In stru ­ ment’ s greatest living v irtu o ­ so, V irg il Fox lias explored and develo|ied a wholly new spectrum and a totally new s ti le of playing to give the o r ­ gan hitherto undreamed-of dimensions, and has done more than anyone else alive to show the American public that the organ was not ‘testgned p rim a rily for church s e r­ vices, weddings, and funerals. Tickets for “ Heavy Organ” , with V irg il Fox and Pablo Lights, are on sale now at Ce­ le b rity A ttractions, 1010S.W, M orrison In Portland, and are priced at $5.1X1, $4.00 and $3.50. in fo rm ed "B e an Informed Consumer’ ’ Is a new class tielng offered this fall by the Community Education Division of Portland Community College. Topics in c lu d e financial planning, consumer laws, consumer re ­ course, food safety labeling and |iai kaglng, an ! cre d it. Dave Shannon, a tto r­ ney specializing In consumer protection: Dr. Jane Wyatt, Oregon Department of A g ri­ culture Consumer specialist and Gene Kai son, Manager of the Seattle D is tric t Office, Insurance Information In s ti­ attends Io P erform ed »» Be an Cannon Beach slock Co. Three members of Con­ gress took part in the Wash­ ington Conference. Cong. immediately fa m ilia r and fun­ John Conyers of Michigan,' ny. Walter E, Fauntroy of the Dls- D irector Jack Featherlngill trc t of Columbia, and the firs t brings to the show his exper­ Black woman ever elected to ience as a production manager Congress, Shirley Chisholm of fo r the successful 1967 Broad­ New York. She summed up way hit and its original touring company. the feeling of the household Cast members include: workers at the conference Scott Parker, Richard Schee- when she declared: "W e want land, Saundra Nelson, Pat our piece of the American T o re lle , Alan Hemingway, Lyn dream '*. T y re ll, Debbie Heasley, Ave NCHE Is a private, non-pro­ M arie Hanlon and Roger fit organization dedicated to Baron, improving household employ­ ment as an occupation, it Tickets, available at the PSU Box Office located In works with interested indi­ viduals and groups. F o r in­ Smith M em orial Center, are formation w rite the National $2.25 general admission and $1,50 for students. Committee on Household Em­ ployment, 1725 K Stree NW, Bach’s Music in Los C onsum er” tute, are scheduled speakers for the series. The consumer education course w ill be held Tuesday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30,at lake Oswego Junior High School, Room 13. ami Wednesday even- lugs, 7:30 to 9:30, at Grant High School, Room 132. Cost of the course Is $7 students may register at the firs t class period. For further Information, contact Marian Kienzle, PCC Consumer Education Coordi­ nator, 244-6111. Angeles fa m o u s, - to p -q u a lity W hirlpool • ho m es • a p a rtm e n ts • m o b ile hom es & Custom Tailoring l)ruta>ru>s Better t>roasi>s. • 2-speed, 4-cycle washer with 6 water even hang the dryer on the wall level, 5 water temp selections I • 3-cycle dryer offers up to 120 minutes ol drying time in N O R M A L cycle • Special cool-down care for no-iron Per­ manent Press fabrics WASHER IXB-4900 9*i 95 • Casters for easy m obility (no exira cost) • Both units plug into any adequately wired 120-volt household o u tle t» • Dimensions washer 25'4 " d; dryer. 32" h, 32 h, 23% " w, " w, 20'/i " d (fSubjtct to local co«,«» j EASY TERMS Off-Street Parking DRYER LXE -4 9 0 0 ’149 LESS WITH TRADE SMITH'S hom e SHOR 9 TO 9 M ON THRU H I iA I Tit 6 R M 30th and S. E. DIVISION • 234-9351 z Wuddlngs. 3 7 2 7 N MISSISSIPPI Suita. A (¡YM A T r im m e r Y o u "Woilil > (« s ilti Maihini o, Adivi lan cis i' FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Call 2 3 5 -2 2 8 5 ! OPENING SOON ♦ FIGURINE ♦ f SHAPING STUDIO ! 4 9 4 0 N . Lombard ! A d e lig h tfu lly ! d iffe re n t w a y to ♦ get your Shape I in Shape ♦ ! I ♦ I I ♦ ♦ I I I WEEK LONG REUNION gave e-rber» of the Fatherree « m i/ « chance to beco » re «couamted at w ell as enioy some of »he s.ghts and sounds of Southern Celi- ern e The re • on wl h » h e ld once ever/ f /e vears, was oo»-ed by Imogene Far- erree Johnson and Aweek long fam ily reunion of the Fatherrees was hosted recently by M r. and M rs .N o r­ man Reginald Johnson of L.A . M rs. johnson is the form er Imogine Fatherree, a graduate of Jefferson Highschool. Rel­ atives from Texas, Oregon and C alifornia, attended the re­ union. 5 different a ctivity was planned fo r every day fam ily members were there. The lis t Included swimming, a trip to Busch Gardens, an afternoon COOKING WITH BEER! her husband, Norrnan Seated from left Celeste Jone Mrs Ada Fatherree and S.dr.ey Fatherrree Standing from e ft: Carlton Jones, Mrs Gladys lew is, Mr» Dorothy Fatherrree, M ilton Fatherree, Mrs. Imogen« Johnson and Norman Johnson. at the reach, an evening v is it M r. and M rs. Carlton Jones, L .A . Sidney Fatherree. to Disneyland, a party, a tour Sacramento; her siste r, M rs. The Fatherrees hold a re­ of Los Angeles and a two day Gladys Lewis and fam ily of union every five years. trip to Las Vegas. Portland; her niece, M rs. Ahlghlight of the fa m ily re­ Susan W arrick and son.Drake, • • union was a dinner party M rs. San Francisco; her brother Johnson gave at her home. and siste r-in -la w , M r. and A few close friends also at­ M rs. M ilton Fatherree your page and tended the fam ily party. daughter, Debra, of Portlarel I>et uk hear from you Guests danced to the music oi A cousin, M rs.E u la lia Rus­ with your hints. Also any the Black Experience Combo. sell from San Antonio, arel a auggeationa an to what you Gut of town guests Included, friend, M rs. Beverly H illia rd want on your page. M rs. Johnson’ s mother, Ada and son, Gregory, from P ort­ Fatherree, San Antonio, Tex.; land also attended the reunion W rite your letter« to the: her sister and bro th e r-in -la w . along with a brother from ' * *tXY»lfes‘ ‘ This is G e n e v a ’s Women’« E ditor Portland Observer I I I I I ♦ I I I Teacher Corps 4 tbsp butter ’/ i ru p m inred onion •/» ru p Hired re le ri ru p minced (mrslev 1 i love garlic, minced 2 rups bread < ubes 2 t»p salt ’/ i U p pepper ’/» tsp dried thsm e ■ i tsp dried tarragon ’/» t»p nutmeg */4 In» sausage meat */2 rup beer S lute onion, 5 m m in melted butter Add relerv, parsley, garlic Saute 2 m m longer. M ir in bread, »alt. pepper, th s m e . ta rr a g o n , n u tm e g sausage Toss w ell, add beer >xx)li over low heat 10 m in stirring often Makes about 5 rups of stuffing for poultrv CALLOUR ADVERTISERS FOR FAST RESULTS! ! The University of Oregon Teacher Corps-Corrections Program will offer a counseling training program for community residents, livinginthe Model Cjties Area. The Albina Community Action Center, the 4-C Model Cities Point of Information and Referral Service, and the Depart­ ment of I amily Services are co­ operating in this effort. ANYONE in the community can be involved: Diere are NO educational or job requirements. We are interested in providing training to people who want to realize greater personal growth in them­ selves, and who wish to be more effective in helping their friends and neighbors. This training program will last for 18 weeks, one two-hour class a week. Participants will be paid for attending the last 12 weeks of the 18 week program. The first meeting will be held on Monday, October 11, 1971, at 8:00 P.m., at the Multi-Service Center, 5022 N. Vancouver Avenue, Portland’ Oregon. Baby-sitting will be pro-’ vided at the Multi-Service Center. For further information, please contact Mrs. Velma Crias,’ at the Teacher Corps Office, 280-6878. ♦ ! ! ! ! ♦ ♦ ! ♦ ! ♦ ! ! J SAVORY SAUSAGE S T U F F IN G Big-performance features SEAMSTRESS RECLAIMED FURNITURE Fall F o re c a s t... ! I I I SMITH'S PERFECT PARTNERS FOR von ne (u niversity of Oregon! *••• New Compact Laundry Pair FITS 'MOST ANYWHERE! 5 ou I are ¿ © AUC DEF 0 0 0 GHI Gunnery Sgt. Roy Simon retires from active duty in the U.S. Marine Corp, after 20 years of service. Capt. William R. Ford fright) presents papers. Also present was General J.E . Herbold, Jr. (Retired) ( S. Marine Corp. Have your Birthday party f r w at Geneva's JK L MNO © o o PRS TUV W XY © © © See our light show. The Trimline Telephone ( 2 ) Pacific Northwest Bell