Page 2 D ay Care Center Facing Reality PROJECT OUTREACH 5 3 2 9 N . E. U n io n A v e n u e Room 2 0 4 Port land/O bserver Thursday, Sept, 23. 1971 The Northwest'* Best Weekly A Block Owned Publication T ubhshed every 1 h u r» l*7 b v E x ,e Publishing Company. 2201 N KUIlngsworth Portland, Oregon 97217. 7 1 N’ >ul«irnptH»ti rate* 40 rent» |» r month hv .a rn e r.t4 .0 0 w r sear w l.ereper y* * r r " T r t - Count> area; $5.25 per vaar e ls « . i none z 8 j -Z 480 » iie r e , r'h ta . ^ L VieWi l he 'k1min‘« ‘ «Uon, s newly announced tw o- china policy is the only sensible position. This week, the I nited Nations General Assem bly w ill convene its m ost c ritic a l session since 1945. I he issue making this session so im portant is that of China: whether the w orld organization can num ber among its members a government in Peking and a government in T aip ei. The decision is a c ru c ia l one foi the I N . L ike it o r not. Peking speaks fo r 700,000,000 people. It " “ " I “ “ 1 pvw* r - Pukln< • ’» n s influence in the w orld and r e ilis n e * Ign0‘ ed ' F rin g mg ‘ ’eking into the UN is. the rfo re. ALFRED I Kt: HENDERSON. Puhltaher and Ed,tor It is equally re a lis tic to keep the N ationalist Chinese in the Li\t. Recycling of Waste f h X ta lI ,E,4ln? aboUt Whteh ‘s the 80V* rnn,ent of «o«m r “ ^ at >eklng £ ° 'e rn s China arxl the nationalists govern I a,wan. Poth governments should be represented in « n s i t’o r L / memt* rsh * wouW Material Useful « » luster of common tT * a l w«h the SP’ . supports the entry U lu s io is 18 Pe thC LN ‘* CaUSe P° liCieS C,nnot bas* 1 on thinkmo U e ) ’v * i * * buUt ° n 4 N ^ s a n d of wishful thinking. We have learned this lesson. r 1CL l RJ ; i i NLY THE 126 ether "tem b ers of the I N cannot afford shut th e ir eyes to the im portance of keeping Taiwan a mem ber 288-6361 Have you had experience in any of the following Building and ConHtruction r rades? Auto-mechanics Machinist Boilermaker Molde r f Corem aker Carpenter Fainter Electrician Plumber Iron Worker B ricklayer Linoleum + Carpet Steam Fitter 40 SLAIN IN PRISON SEIGE; 9 e m p lo y e e s among those m assacred In w orst p r 1 s o n r io t in yea rs. KRUSHCHEV DIES! fo rm e r supreme Soviet ru le r is buried in o b scu rity. L T . W IL L IA M G A LLE Y RE­ FUSES TO TESTIFY; w ill not appear at c o u rt m a rtia l of his fo rm e r com m ander, C a p t . E rn e st M edina. V O ttk A Educational play at Bethel C hild Development C enter. FED ER AL ENFORCEMENT OF W AGE-PRICE CONTROLS I RGED; big b u s in e s s te lls N ixon c o n tro ls should be long range. M ILE S W. CHAIRM AN KIRKPA TRICK. o F FEDERAL trade C ommission ; de­ c lin e s to quit post; w ill Stay despite ru m o rs a d m in istra ­ tion is unhappv w ith tough reg ulatory posuire. Indians protest School Plan If so Project Outreach is recruiting skilled craftsmen who heretofore were unable to secure Journeymen status and sem i-skilled craftsm en mechanics who were unable to meet apprenticeship requirements, who with additional training can achieve Journeyman status. (cont. fro m page I) scribed Is that tlw centers try to develop the " Total C h ild ,” a n l to develop w ithin the child tlw feeling " I ’ m proud of m e ." T rouble has fla re d anew in Robeson County, N . C „ where a Departm ent of Health. Edu­ member 6X65 ‘ ° ‘ *7 * k^P *n g Taiwan a cation a i l l W elfare school de­ £ ' 1‘ ls a " u t te r of principle, a fundamental p rincip le segregation plan has been put by which the UN m ust live o r accept the fact of its fa ilu re SA LK ACCORIIS ' GNED; U.S. into effect. The plan has been 1 he goal of the UN is to include every nation in order to and Russia agr. jo in t hand­ b itte rly resisted by many lin g of nuclear i idents. the 28,000 Lumbee Indians b e f o ll y ^ J D rum m ing the nationalists out would who liv e in the county, and BRITISH BANK RUBBERS when school opened th is year w i ^ ^ w n ru " SanCtUar> from re a h t>-. « means of dealing STYMIE SCOTLAND YARD: the pro te st teetered on tie u n iv e rw l i a t 3 p hope of attaining make o ff w ith $125 m illio n alge of Violence. The chief w Pa>lng P ekl"8 s Pr > « be denying Taiwan a w h ile broadcasting what they trouble spot was Prospect a s“ g Sm,Ck t0° mUCh ° f * H m g f t s sou, fo r w ere doing. High School in the heart of Robeson's Italian C ountry, And dance. poor A mericans ; v ic e where 35 Lumbee students had P resident Agnew te lls gover­ sat in on classes a ll last year nors. in d ire c t vio la tio n of the HEW o rd e r. CIG ARETTE TAX INCREASE; This year, Danford D ia l, the By C hief Justice W arren E . B urg er, in urging special pro­ to be on November ba llo t. L u m b e e p r i n c i p a l of t ie cedures to speed tr ia ls of the nation’ s n o to rio u s " or school, confirm ed that t ie 35 "s p e c ta c u la r" federal c rim in a l cases: JU L IA N BOND; recommended students would receive no of­ " T o a large extent, what people think (o f the courts) is campaign to elect Black dele­ fic ia l c re d it o r grade advance­ shaped by what we do o r fa il to do w ith less than two per cent gates to the D em ocratic and m ent. F ollow ing D ia l’ s an­ of the c rim in a l cases in the federal system . Republican National Conven­ nouncement. a group of 30 to "W h a t is desperately needed is to have . . . the serious cases tion s. 50 adult Luinbees disrupted brought on fo r t r ia l in 60 days a fte r indictm ent and the appeal the opening of the school, and disposed of in another 60 days. I t can be done. housing authority of six were arrested on charges PO RTLAND; accused P re ­ ranging fro m d is o rd e rly con­ E very large d is tr ic t co u rt should have a procedure by which sident Nixon of withholding duct to c a rry in g dangerous the chief judge, o r possibly a com m ittee designated by the chief funds appropriated fo r public weapons. In addition. D ia l judge, w ill have the power to identify cases in which delays housing by Congress. told the W inston-Salem J o u r­ should not be tolerated — the two pe r cent group — and then nal that he received numerous make certain that these cases are not allowed to take the pace D R . BEN H . H IL L ; e d ito r of " d i r e " threats on his life , and that the law yers want . . . t ie A J 4 £ , Review (oldest he resigned. Two black tea­ " N o t a ll of the two per cent are newsworthy, but w ith in that B lack magazine in A m erica) chers at the school said they two percent are those few cases that drag on fo r two, three, and State Senator of Oklahoma were also t h r e a t e n e d by o u r and m ore years and are often the ‘ notorious’ and the ‘ spec­ d ie s. . . . He was one of A m e r­ Indians, a n l they have refused ta c u la r cases because of the c rim e fa c to r involved, the identity ica’ s great Black preachers. to re p o rt back fo r w o rk. The of^jhe accused o r his counsel, o r a ll three fa cto rs. LhS. D is tr ic t C o u rt has given A lso w ithin the two percent are the cases In which delay gives nu indication when it w ill hear rise to public anxiety and concern and even anger. These are a Lumbee su it seeking to block the cases that underm ine public confidence in the syste m ." im plem entation of the HEW plan. The suit was file d s lig h t­ .\5U ly m ore than a year ago, and it took HEW ne arly a year to re p ly. Tension lias continued to mount during the delay, and many blacks, whites and L u m - bees fear there may he v io­ lence at some point durin g the fa ll. Guest Editorial Citizen Committees To M eet • pvovremot * * tofthe The three citize n s advisory com m ittees of the P o rtia n i P ublic Schools w ill meet at 7:30 p jn . on M onday,Septem­ ber 20, 1971 In a continued e ffo rt to bring the schools clo se r to the citize n s and students they serve . Each meeting la open to the public and scheduled at an elemen­ ta ry school in the a d m in is tra ­ tive area represented by the com m ittee. Area 1 c itiz e n ad viso ry com ­ m ittee w ill meet at O ckley Green elem entary school, 820 N J r, T illa m o o k . T heA rea 3 com m ittee w ill c a ll to ord e r at M t. T a b o r elem entary school, 5800 S Jr. Ash. ASS?"« cont.. p a g e O ffe r lim ite d to O re g o n residents only and w hile q u a n titie s last. The W ig w a m s o ffe r com plete selections o f a ll H unting needs— in clu d in g licenses, tags and in fo rm a tio n . OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY — 10 to 6 SUNDAYS USE OUR LAYAWAY FLAN t USE TOUR BANKAMERICARD er MASTER CMARCf AMO M W . . . A SIC WICWAMS TO SI AVI Y0« (cont. page 3 c o l. 3) 7 Candiotes N ot Pictured Oregon H eart session* (cont. fro m page 1) "W hat’ s new in C ardiovas­ cu la r N u rs in g " is the topic chosen fo r the two day N urs­ ing Symposium (re g o n H eart Association w ill present Sep­ tem ber 23 and 24 at the Thun- d e rb ird Inn, Jantzen Beach. Being arranged by the as­ sociation’ s nursing education com m ittee, the two day meet­ ings w ill feature D r . Robert Chesne, D ire c to r of C oronary Care at Good Samaritan Medi­ cal C enter, Los Angeles. Other key speakers w ill be: D r . J . Davkl B ristow , C h a ir­ 0 ' man, Departm ent of M edicine, U n iv e rs ity of Oregon M edical School, and D r . H e rbe rt J . Sem ler, C ardio vascu lar and Internal M edicine, P ortland. Robert M o r r is , Research In­ strum ent S ervice, U n ive rsity of Oregon M edical School, M rs . S h irle y Brow n, heart patient, and M rs . Carol O’Connor, RJ9. N urses pa rticip a tio n w ill be highlighted at F ire s id e Ses­ sions Thursday evening and a panel discussion "B rid g in g the Gap between the Hospital and H o m e", F rid a y m orning. N tw HAIRSTYLES E n fo rc e m e n t; R a y m o n d . Baxger, the C om m lssion 's as­ sistant staff d ire c to r; and by D r . Robert A le x a n d e r,d ire c ­ to r, offende Rehabilitation P rog ram , Cleveland, Ohio. Operator*: |Lillian W illiam * Specialists Ruby Rood In All Phases Ethel Bates [3 6 3 2 N . Williams Ave. 281-6554 H a ro ld P h illip s R o b e rt R e y n o ld s 616 N .E. Fargo #301 Irvington Sabin D o n a ld R Lincoln O liv e r O ff e r r a l Debby “A free press is the unsleeping guardian of every other right that W oodlaw n o 0 G HI JKL D tr o 1 MNO o 0 © o © R o b e rt N ickerson 2816 N .E . 11th PRS 1412 N J i. Saratoga TUV WXY © VOTE uPF R 1 S e p te m b e r 2 5 Y o u r v o te counts Your M o d e l Cities N e ig h b o r h o o d Elem entary School ...S ir Winston Churchill AUC 3616 N J i. f6th N o rm a n At free men prize.” (lío 48(34 NJE. 13th 2815 N J i. H th I II I lA k n e LILLIAN’S Beauty Salon King Boise Free Transportation To the polls — Call 2 8 8 -8 2 6 1 See our light show. The Trimline Telephone ( 2 ) Pacific Northwest Bell