Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 23, 1971, Image 1

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    Hcgon Stale lliivcrxity
Turva Ills Oregon
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H KM II 2 1 ° - ' —— J
OCT 197J
Candidates Seeking Positions
Citizens Planning Board Needs You
Y o u r v o te counts
Election Sot. Sept. 2 5
F o rty -fo u r candidates have
b een certified f o r Model
C ities C it iz e n s Planning
Board election scheduled for
September 25. One represent­
ative from each of the eight
elementary school areas In
Model Neighborhood w ill he
Area residents who are 14
years and older may cast
(a llo ts at the following polling
places which w ill le open from
«:00 a jn . to 8:00 p .m .-B o ls le
Elemental y School; E l lot Ele­
mentary School; Humboldt
E le m e n t a r y School; King
Elementary School; Sabin Ele­
mentary School; Vernon Ele­
mentally School; and Woodlawn
Elementary School.
Identification must be shown
at tfie jx ilt in order to vote.
(D rive rs license, l i b r a r y
card, draft card, etc.).
Gun in hand. her lovely features divtorled by rage T a Z d ^ ^ l
* bblk ’‘P*Bkrr frwm
,he ,ru,b
» brutal murder in
he nuv h inning, an exciting. new motion picture made by a black firm K-talb
Productions In the movie Miss Herd portrays a conservative school teacher who a also the
hi'lernalmnai* W,<’ ,ed * W,e C° P
B"* b
reba* '* «»ou|h William Thompson
Citizens Participation is trie
backbone of Model C ities—
participate by voting fo r the
candidate of yourcholce. Vote
and urge your neighbors to
vote. The Citizens Planning
Hoard is reflecting your Ideas
In the Mwlel C ities projects
and programs. Y o u r vote
Pictures co n tin u ed
on p a g e 7
Black Political
Meet Planned
Black political and c iv il
rights leaders w ill meet in
Chicago next week to make
final plans and strategy toen-
tei black candidates InUemo-
cra tlc presidential prim aries
next year. A bout 60 prominent
leaders have been Invited to
the meeting.
T h e ir strategy is to solidify
die black vole, which would
pose a serious threat to tra­
Democratic Party
strength In black commun­
The four basic considera­
tions are; Formation of a
black political party, which
several have already dism is­
sed; running blacks in Demo­
cra tic p rim a rie s in F lorida,
Illin o is, Pennsylvania, North
Carolina, Tennessee and Cal­
ifornia, and other states with
large black populations; the
relationship of blacks to any
fourtfi-party movement; and
the possibility of a black vice
presidential candidate.
In what was planned as a se­
cret session, the strategy for
next year was developed by
Georgia Sute Rep. Julian
bond in a s e r i e s of papers
stamped "confidential” were
sent to prospective p a rtici­
pants. B o n d stated that he
conference in Atlanta, saying
the Pantlwis are now "looking
to die South fo r tie thrust of
Black liberation.**
Ihe BlackPantlei P arty Co-
Founder, Huey p . Newton,
announced the P arty’ s plan to
m o v e their national head-
quarteia Horn Oakland to
Atlanta, Georgia within .1»
next alx months. Newton made
tlw announcement In a news
Newton who had been touring
southern cities tu r tle past few
weeks said he had begun to fee I
some of Ids people's roots In
his tour at the south. "A tlanta
lias 52% Black imputation and
la ideal for the Panthers'new
efforts which w ill cultivate
this field m ile soutli,’ ’ Newton
Blanchard speaks
A m erican
nam ed
M rs . Romana Banuelos lias
been appoint id to be Trea­
surer of the United Sutes by
President Richard Nixon, de­
fienden! on the Senate’ s ap­
proval. M rs. Banuelos is the
fir s t Chican< woman to hold
so high an o il ice in the govern­
ment. T h la p sitlon, which has
a salary of $.<6,000 a year, has
traditionally been held by a
woman and tier chief function
wdl be to sign currency.
M rs. Banuelos, who Is a na­
tive of M iam i, Arizona, was
raised in a mountain village in
Chihuahua, Mexico. She is
currently the chairman of the
board of d ire cto rs of the Pan
American National Bank of
East Loa Angeles.
tried our
^D in ^efs?
H’s an easy way to save.
p a id quarterly
Your dimes can become
dollars in a hurry II you keep
them in a dime saver. Soon
as it's full, you have $3.00 to
add to your savings account.
Dimers are fun, and educa­
tional too. They're Free to
savers at the Benj. Franklin.
Benj. ß Inmkliii
r iD IN A L
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R obert H H e ren Pros • 14 O ffice» • Rhone 224 1133
Hom e O ffice f re n k iin B ldg P o rtla n d O regon 97204
Resident in hospital
1 tie Portland observer has
my personal congratulations
fo r having successfully com­
pleted its fir s t year of pub­
lishing. 1 wish you many more
years of sim ila r success.
wages and prices. The levy
is necessary to augment an
"h o ld - the - lin e "
budget proposed by the board
of education.
Should the levy request be
approved, the d is tric t’ s gen­
eral fund txidget would fa-
restored to $71,661,927 fo r
1971-72— sufficient to run a
complete normal school year.
But should the levy request
again be defeated, the d is tric t
would be operating under an
inadequate general fund bud­
get of only$67,i04,000— which
the school board has stated
would necessitate closing all
schools some 17 to 20 days
e a rlie r than usual.
The budget m erely holds
the line against inflation and
fo r a sound educational pro­
gram fo r Portland children.
It does not in any way move
forward with needed new ed­
ucational improvements.
And speaking of completing
It is a one-year solution
years successfully, it is my
to a continuing educational
hope that Portland's public
c ris is in Portland schools.
schools can boast of the same
During the past year your
achievement by next June. As
newspaper has played a key
you know, Portland school
role in inform ing your readers
d is tric t residents w ill ballot
of the needs of the schools
Sept. 28 on a special operat­
ing levy of $5,740,000 to keep Thank you fo r
a forum lo r ration«. >. »-
the schools open fo r a fu ll
cussions of issues on which
academic year.
there are legitimate d iffe r­
This is the third levy pre­
sented to voters this year, and ences as well as agreements.
is some $1,220,000 less than
Robert W, Blanchard
the previously defeated mea­
sures—p rim a rily due to the Superintendent,
current presidential freeze on Portland Public Schools
11» Original crim e against
Blacks was committed In the
South. "W e’ re returning to
the scene of tie c rim e ."
1 he Panthers were founded
in i iskland In 190b by Newton
and Bobby Seale, who wei e
students at M e rritt College.
Caring about
is a
Fletcher accepts
can ticket. At th a t tim e
Fletcher was a city coun­
A rthur Fletcher resigned his
position with the U.S. Depart­
ment of Labor to accept an ap­
pointment to become U.S. al­
ternate delegate to the United
Nations, a ninty-day assign­
ment. Fletcher is expected to
run fo r the Senate seat fo r the
State of Washington now held
by Senator Warren Magnuson.
Fletcher gained national pro­
minence in 1968 w h e n he
almost won the Washington
State Lieutenant G o v e r n o r ­
ship, running on the Republi-
cilman in Pasco, having been
the firs t black to be elected to
a city office in Washington.
Fletcher admits his party Is
not popular with blacks and es­
timates that Nixon would today
receive about 10% of the black
vote, approximately the same
that he received in 1968. He
does not plan to change par­
ties, but to attempt to broaden
the base from within.
D o w n to w n Plan D isplay
The Downtown Plan w ill be
the basis fo r a series of ac­
tion programs. The ground­
fo r
several imple­
menting actions is already un­
derway as the C ity and the
State Highway Department
near agreement on a closure
date fo r Harbor D riv e . Build­
ing on the foundations being
laid this year by the Downtown
Plan, aDesign Plan & Manage­
ment Program fo r develop­
ment of the W aterfront is be­
ing proposed which w ill pro-
d 'fr*
proving the W aterfront, adding
parks and other fa c ilitie s , and
providing to r the diverse ac­
tiv itie s that w ill make the
riverbank once again a place
fo r people.
When agreement is reached
on routes fo r tra n sit through
Downtown Portland, detailed
plans w ill be developed which
w ill provide fo r sidewalk
landscaping, bus
shelters, and efficient tra ffic
The Skidmore Fountain V ill­
age Association has asked the
city to help develop more de­
tailed plans fo r protecting the
historical character of this
flavorful part of Downtown
Portland. The Downtown Plan
w ill deal with the land use and
tra ffic problems associated
with the protection of this
The joint city-county com­
mittee on the Government
Center is preparing revised
plans fo r City-County building
A scale model of Downtown
Portland w ill be presented to
the C ity of Portland and the
Downtown Planning Team by
the Portland Association of
Building Owners and Msn-
agei □ at ceremonies on Mon­
day, September 20, 1971 at
10:15 a jn . in the lobby of the
UjS. National Bank, 321 S.W.
6 th.
Through the combined ef­
forts of Great Western Nation—
al Bank, the Oregon H istorical
Society, Portland Planning
C ampbei 1 - Y ost,
the bank
architect, historical m ateri­
als and pictures are on dis­
play at Great Western, S.W.
Sixth and A lder, which illu s­
the development of
Downtown. This display is the
fir s t of a series which over the
next several months w il ex­
plore Downtown from its be­
ginning in the 1840* s to the pre­
sent and into the future.
Irvington Community Asso­
ciation voted Tuesday night to
s u n a street tree beautifica­
tion program in their neigh­
Ihey have had chapters in tie
The program calls for ap­
South hut tle lr m ajor impact
two thousand
In tie South lias teen In Atlanta
street trees to be added to
and New Orleans.
the area. The 1CA had de­
veloped tte program m co­
operation with the Portland
Development Commission as
part of their Neighborhood De­
velopment Program (NDP).
The NDP w ill provide funds for
some 500 of those trees this
year. Additional trees w ill be
added in following years.
The blame fo r this massacre
The fir s t to receive trees
is shared by everyone of the
under tie plan w ill be the dis­
principals In v o lv e d . The
tric t's m ajor streets: N.E.
blame rests not only upon ti»
Fremont, Knott, K lickitat, 7th,’
law enforcement ;wrsonnel hut
15th, and 21st. Residents w ill
also upon a dehumanizing
te conucted as to the avail­
penal system which has sign­
ability of trees, at no cost to
ally faila.1 to provide an ef­
fective correctional program.
The trees w ill be set out
This failure generated the
later this fa ll when conditions
re te lllo n which cost tie lives
are judged best fo r planting.
of 10 white guards and c iv il­
At tte time of planting, each
ians, leld as hostages, and of
resident w ill receive a card
30 prisoners, black, white and
naming atxi describing the
Puerto Rican.
tree in front of his home and
The black prisoners In Attica,
New adm inistrative res nient
information about how to care
as In o tte r penal Institutions,
Youth League.
at Emanuel Hospital isRohert
fo r the tree fo r the next two
serve longer terms and re­
Interested in participatory
Layne, 29, a graduate student
Back row: Connie Gonzales, Robyn Sheldon, Yolanda Green,
ceive h a is le r treatment than
sports, he played football and
in h o s p it a l administration
John Warner and John Jen­
A lhert W illiam s. Front row: Brent Whitmore, Gary S h e rrill. La Juana B ali, Pansy Stewart,
do white prisoners convicted
basketball, enjoys boxing and
Kim berly Coleman, Janet Lynn.
from the U niversity of Minne­
Kneeling: Lisa Beasley, Tim my Shultz.
of the same crim es. And when
w restling. His fam ily includes
th e ir complaints and j u s t
his wife, Deborah, and daugh­
--"R in g around a rosey,
Layne, who is atEmanuel for
The development oi peer re­
itects, have been working on Pocket full of Posey, Ashes,
demands are ignored they are
ters Natalie, 4, and A p ril, 9
well in school.
the one-year "o n -th e -jo b "
lationships o r the a b ility to
driven to desperation lnanef-
months. They are living in the
Ashes, We a ll fa ll down.—
Most of the centers
segment of his two-year mas­
"get along" with each other is
fo rt to make themselves lean!
Intern-Resident a p a r t m e n t
That’ s what the children at the
based on the Headstart Con­
te r’ s degree program, decided
ami to get results.
Ixi lid Illg.
Bethel A JV Iji, daycare center
cept of preparing the under-
to go Into hospital adm inistra­
ing process at these centers.
fo r both t le lr suitability to sing as they hold one another’ s
H e ir ultimate, futile resort
Layne’ s other experience in
privileged child fo r the rigors
tion after earning one college
area conditions and physical
to violence when confronted by
the health held included em­
hand and dance around a
of our education system.
degree (from F isk University)
worker at Hughes Memorial
the overwlelming power of of­
circ le .
To do tills the children are
ami establishing himself pro­
remarked that the children at
ficialdom cannot I» condoned
Lutheran Btotherhood Insur­
D irector oi the center M rs.
encouraged to participate in
fessionally in other areas.
In any fashion. Yet, In light of
ance Company, where he was
Portia White said that the
arts and crafts, field trip s,
He was a field auditor with
exceptionally well in peer re­
t le lr corrosive experience,
in studies of Health
Children are "le a rn in g how
dram atics, and size, shape and
the Denver, C o lo , c ity audi-
tie actions of these desperate
Maintenance Organizations—
to share, listen and follow d ir ­
color games.
T he Portland Development
toi s office, then accepted a
The children In these cen­
men can be understood.
a relatively new concept which
ections." She also remarked
The parents seem to see a
Commission has approved tie
job In Manpower Development
ters are three to six years old
T ie lives of tie slain men
Is arousing considerable In­
that the program helped the
by E liot
change In th e ir children. As-
arxi most are from one parent
and Training - which had its
cannot le restored. But tie
terest as a method of deliv­
children develop good rela­
residents of
leadquarters at the U niversity
cording to M rs. Joan Bailey,
fam ilies. Many of the parents
conditions which spawned tie
ering health care. T ie com­
tionships with each other.
planning consultants fo r their
of Minnesota. P roxim ity to
of these children are working
D irector of tie
revolt can te and must te cor­
pany was also involved In hos­
Bethel A«M.E, which is lo­
tie school of Hospital Admin­
and the centers are ideal
.Methodist program the things
rected throughout tie penal
pital management functions,
cated at 5828 N .E. 8th is just
Lawrence A lb e rti, Chair­
places fo r tte children to learn
istration aroused his Interest
the children learn there they
giving tie new resident added
one of four daycare centers
put Into pratice at home.
their basic s k ills.
in the career fo r which he Is
H e NAACP was represented
which have been developed
exposure to developments
now studying.
Program Association, placed
According to D irector of the
She went on to say that the
at Attica by Herbert o . Reid,
within his i»w career field.
within the Albina Community
tie name of the neighborhood’ s
Bethel A ^ I J I , center, M rs.
During his residence in Min­
"parents seem to feel the
Howard U niversity Law School
The other three are Hughes
The administrative residency
children do better at home,"
nesota, Layne also leaded a
Portia White, the children
piofessor ami a ta ffd lre cto ro f
Memorial Methodist located at
Ramey tii Associates, before
is one of more than a dozen
because cl the program.
feasibility study of m in o rity
“ are learning to work with
tie Commission of Inquiry into
the Commission. Theuaktand
educational p r o g r a m s in
colors, shapes and size s."
Child development is the
entrepreneurship for the [ win
the Black Pantlers ad Law
Methodist located at 1525 N.E.
health c a r e e r s offeied at
major concentration of these
C ities, and served as program
M rs. White went on to say
Dekum and Berean Baptist lo­
( o n t . i»aqe 2 col. 3)
major teaching hospitals.
programs. One way it was de-
(cent, page 8 col. 4)
director of the Inner C ity
cated at 109 N. Wygant.
necessary if the child is todo
(ccnt. page 2 co, ?)
Attica Tragedy reveals system
failure NAACP Board Charges
NLW YORK. — Following tie
I le statement, adopted by tie
tragedy at tie A ttica C orrec­
NAACP Boat'd of D irectors nt
tional F a cility In upstate New
Its quarterly meeting le re .
York, dioNatlonal Association
Sept. 13, was released by
fo r
off Bishop Stephen G. Spottswood,
Colored People called fo r re­
chairman. The text of the
form of ” 0 e dehumanizing
statement follows:
penal system which has falleil
The grin» tt agedy at Attica
signally topi ovlde an effective consists of vastly more than
correctional program ."
tie needless loss of 40 lives.
T he official remarked, "W'e
realize that, tu t that is not one
of our considerations.’ ’ "W e
have feen Uken fo r granted to
long, and we are going to try
and use political clout the way
it should be used."
M e x ic a n
Black Panthers announce
To The
authoied the papers, hut re­
fused to comment on te meet­
ing, " I t was supposed to be a
secret, serious, n o-jive meet­
ing, free from the press and
represenutives of candidates
already running.’ ’
One official said that staff
people in Mobile complained
that running blacks would hurt
liberal candidates.
of growing up
Ethnic day care
PDC ap p ro ves