_ * ’ A ir Force Council E m p lo y m e n t Price Index «Positions available in Day C a re C e n te F °SAN AB - In ‘ h e q u M sm all have already begun sending things m a m i ol “ the (he council members,' m em bers.” S e r- '« « P>CO y v v Club iu D n here e r e to the S er- opening stxm in the Model C itie s A rea. te Cannot p r ° - T?a h“ ' ^ WOr“ Charges fo r s e rvice s ad­ incubator fo r the development cnairm an. -------; nveo at Osan about three vide jobs> ttien those on w | _ Teachers at a ll levels s till vanced slig h tly less than tn Selected re co rd e r re w of a reading center in the • as TSgt. months ago fro m Me Chord AFB T otal em ployment In the May but m ore than during Timothy Kent, 6314th 1 Supply fare are en titled to even high- want t0 lnspiratio nal and Stmnlv H lahlngton. ahlngton. nnrl h i. w ife He and hls School of Education at P o rt­ P ortland M etrop olitan Area the F e b ru a ry -A p ril period ; Squadron, E velina, have one daughter. Hls’ e r benefits than c u rre n tly being releva nt-” land State. There were only rose about 4,000 In May. Farm when the mortgage Interest S , " We’ re golng to meet again 15 years In the A ir F orce Include paid. _ I here are now m ore than five such reading program s Jobs Increased considerably ra te Index was dropping m ark­ So fa r, data secured fr o m a l- 7 f a le r * l and fixin fa tio n -fu n - ' ' u i r t lV.Onth? ” Sergeant Burch s ix as an In s tru c to r. edly. as p re -h a rv e s t w ork picked in operation in the nation last - * ^ ld ’ that wa 680 set down m ost 4,000 independent bu si- T * 1 p r °'>ects w Portland and Seasonally unadjusted p r i­ up in stra w b e rry fie ld s . Non- Sergeant Andrew, a m edical year, but the Portland p ro ­ .^ < to work. The f ir s t thing we’ve ness p ro p rie to r respondents in - duplication ami fragm enta- ces of gro cery store food, a g rlc u ltu ra l gains were d iv i­ gram was the only one to be ' - c ^ d e d w*s that no Ir r ita n t w in a d m in istra tio n technician, came dicate that only 30 percent of n “ n of e£*o rts , Jenkins ded between wage and salary which usually Increase 0.6 refunded by the U.S. o ffic e considered too sm a ll. Sev­ to Korea from In s tru c to r duty the people re fe rre d to p ro sp e c-i , ®erved. to re su lt in percent In June fo r seasonal and “ a ll o th e r” employment. e ra l sm all problem s can add up a t toe M edical F ie ld Service of Education. D r . C olin Dun- reasons, advanced 0.9 p e r­ The May total approxim ated to a big one.” F school, Sheppard A F B , Texas. uve em ployers by the state’ s' Jlsenchar>tment with the a b il- keld, assistant p ro fe ssor of °,f, 016 establishm ent to 441,000, exceeding the year cent. P ric e Increases to r ‘ “ The staffs and techs on base He and his wife Ju lie claim A l- em ploym ent offices, now calledj 7 education, is associate d ire c ­ the Departm ent of Human R e - 'COpe' ago fig u re by 9,000. p o u ltry , fru its and vegetables, Plna. Arkansas, as home. to r of the p ro gra m . Wage and sa la ry em ploy­ beef, and d a iry products were sources Development, re a lly be sa*d one Soa* the 2. Ih e T rip le T P rogram at m ent showed a typ ica l In­ la rg e r than seasonal. On the want steady jobs in the opin- Complex is to coordinate Portland M ate, directed by crease of 1,500 In May. This o th e r hand, pork p rice s did ion of these em ployers. these ProJ*cts and attem pt to U r . David E . W tills , is begin­ not ris e as much as they usu­ was concentrated In construc­ A lm o st 70 percent, 69 J to enHs‘ 016 se rv ic e s. coopera- tio n and trade. La b o r-m a n ­ a lly do tn June, and egg p rice s The nation’ s Independent b u sl- v o r o f the P ric e b in , 11 percent be exact, cla im that the sole tlon* skUls aaJ knowledge of ning its th ird year and is the fe ll sharply. P ric e s o f re s ­ agement problem s reversed only such program in the na­ ness p ro p rie to rs don’t think the opposed and 8 percent undecided, aim of applicants refer red to as many P“ 500 and Private the c h a ra c te ris tic fa cto ry up­ tau ra nt meals and snacks rose tion th is year to receive an Federal Estate Tax ls a dead M a rg in a lly -p ro flta b le b u sl- them by the state are generally ageneies 8s p o s s lb le - 0.5 percent. swing. T here w ere 3,000 on Issue. Congress may tre a t it as nesses which however, do p ro - lo o k in g 'fo r a’ job’ mere'ly' increase in its federal grant The specific d ire ctio n in P ric e s o f nonfood oom mod la b o r dispute status In May ($167,500). T rip le T Is de­ n A s J * to fu l- which cu u n s wm re ma.» one, but the business people are vide sufficient (n/'ntrn Income /n fo r a Cam- e ffo rts ltle s rose 0.4 percent In May, as compared w ith 2,400 one l l th e ir unemployment re - cla m m orln g fo r a basic reform U j are the most frequent lo sers f i U1 « ’* w “ ill 1 ” be made maf= signed to tra in the teachers a m ore than seasonal advance. m onth e a rlie r. Despite this to stop the tax fro m being con- to the Estate Tax. Senator Fred :luirem en ts fo r fu rth e r bene- 681 w ith com m unity s of teachers by actually m oving fls c a to ry , at least In some cases. H a rris o f O ^ l^ m a ^ o m m e n t i f i U ‘ AmonS those showing up *S " ,gU*J ° f A pparel com m odities* p rice s depressing Influence the the college pro fe ssors and edged down seasonally, seasonally adjusted wage and The Estate ( o r death ) Tax 'T n io rtu n a te ly , many revenue t0 *PPi y» 37 percent are not con- the panning phase, Jenkins th e ir te a ch e rs -in -tra in in g P ric e s rose fo r most other sa la ry lixlex advanced nom­ has forced sale o r liquidation o f agents refuse to give any con- sxlered s u ffic ie n tly neat and said, Ilstm g these general ta r­ N O RTH & N.E. PORTLAND fro m the campus to the pub­ in a lly over the month. nonfood com m odities, p a r ti- many fam ily-ow ned businesses sld era tlon whatsoever to the presentable looking enough to go gets: lic school cla ssroo m . In this nonfood com m odities, p a rtic ­ M anufacturing showed a and fa rm s, says Congressman earning capacity of a ranch o r to w o rk. The assessment of the c r i- u la r ly homes, used ca rs, gas­ drop o f 600 due la rg e ly to p ro je ct, says W illis , pro fe s­ Robert P ric e o f Texas, a fte r fa rm in determ ining Its value On the other haoi th e » em nca l V o c a tio n a l and train in g o lin e , tobacco products, and the labor-m anagem ent d is ­ sors teach elem entary ami 2/ ahP.r l 2Clpa] , 0^ e r b€" * 7 ESUte T8X P o i s e s ... they ployers re p o rt a better exoer needS of the G re a te r P o rt- household durables. New car pute In pulp and paper. This secondary students, w ork with '' . he caUs ^ “ »real- re ly only on Inflated sale p rice s lence with the e m n im J ^ 7 . land a re a- K N IT BLOCKING p ric e s held steady Instead of Industry showed a loss of ls tlc appraisals. Land may be o f s im ila r fa rm s which h»” “ -m ploym ent of public school teachers, teach We U v e have people on w lfa re re when when they they Ih e JeveloPment of a p ro - declining seasonally. 2,800 as a re su lt o f produc­ OUR SPECIALTY appraised on its highest poten- been gobbled up by land""specu- ~ P*” . On * e e li8 college students of education, are re fe rre d to them by a p r i- CBSS fo r com PlJat ‘ on of tio n shutdowns which began In Charges to r consumer s e r­ tla l use, and th is , combined with la to r s .” learn about the com m unities la te A p ril and continued u n til vice s rose 0.5 percent In June. kfrAias wo otAaof lo w p ro fita b ility , lit t le cash o r Representative P ric e ’ s mea- vate ®m Ployment agency, o r I resources which m ight be u ti- in which the schools are lo­ T h e re were sharp advances In e a rly June. Elsewhere In OP* ur a DfuvtgY few liquid assets, may doom the sure would p e rm it the executor some other non-governm ental liz ft i and m obilized towards cated, and generally come to charges fo r home re p a ir and nondurables, apparel dipped business. meeting com m unity needs. to choose the appraisal method source. a better understanding of what 100 due to m arke ting factors. maintenance se rvice s. Char­ The problem ls most acute e ith •— e r accepting Internal Rev- Of the total respondents, 18, The development of a sys- the in n e r-c ity school is lik e . Food products edged up 100 ges fo r transportation $ 8 2 -8 3 6 1 f o r fa rm e rs In the path of urban­ enue’ s "m a rk e t” value, o r the Percent re p o rt they have ¿ o w " * hlch w ill allow PACE Sixteen pro fe sso rs from v a r­ seasonally. services rose slg nlflca nty iza tio n and In d u stria liza tio n 3HE N. WHIkm,. emPlo.y V people uu on w e i- l- ‘ ° . become ‘h * vehicle fo r ------------------ J * - ly . — because o f higher taxicab and The hard goods secto r rose ious academic areas w ill jo in where real estate speculation ls basis h cost fare, and 60 percent in th is com m unication and coordina- 2,000. T h is reflected the re ­ a ir lin e fares, and increases in about 80 T T T -tra in ees during ram pant. age Warnings X ^ e ° 2 ^ t ei0 gr<°UP r9’» r t * e r e s a t- tlon ot other fV e r a l tra in in g auto re p a ir charges. tu rn of m etal trade w o rkers ‘You’ve Tried the next academic year in The solution proposed by Con­ years. R««t, N o w Try The l o t i * The last m X d ^ u W lafaCtory’ * * * alm os' ™ per P ™ «™ ™ in education, Approxim ately 41,500 to th e ir Jobs fo llow ing se ttle ­ gressm an p ric e , p ro vid in g a lte r - classroom s at G rant High N . A l >ndor, Proprietor be based on the " p r ic e versus CCn‘ re p o rt on the ^ s ' s of th is J “ 1* 1115 also identified three w o rke rs w ill rece ive c o s t-o f- m ent of a con tro versy in v o l­ ’ 'n a tiv e methods o f Estate Tax School and Sabin and Vestal llv ln g escalator adjustments vin g about 1,600. M achinery, .. ____ m u ltip lie r o f common exPer ‘ence they would be w ill- sp®c d lc objectives: a p p ra isa l, has won support from y ie ld ” E lem entary Schools. based on the June UjS. c ity hard h it in la rg e machine 82 percent of the businesspeople stocks, as reported pe rio dica lly mg t0 h lre others on w elfare The assessm ent ofattem pts 3. A p ro je ct to id en tify the average Consumer P ric e In ­ shops, advanced 600. T ra n s ­ po lle d by the National federation *>7 the Federal Reserve System. However, of this group less t0 fl1 avaiJable teacher re - essentials fo r urban teacher dex o r one o f the Individual p o rta tio n equipment showed a o f Independent Business. Hls Thus, It would tre a t the private ^ a n 26 percent hired those re - surces m ore e ffe ctive ly into train in g and to establish the c ity indexes. comeback o f 500. The land b ill would p e rm it appraisal on Dusü>ess lik e a publicly-ow ned fe rre d to them by the areas of need w ithin th e l’ o r t- state c r ite r ia f o r determ ining c u r­ About 39,000 w o rke rs wUl tra n sp o rta tio n segment ad­ e ith e r the decedent’ s costs basis corp ora tion In determ ining " ft»tr agency. land vicinity. rece ive wage Increases based ric u la r content has been vanced 700 as production of o r the earning power of the bu sl- n’ ark,®*vaIue«” I t thus appears from the 4«,a --------------------------------- — The determ ination of whe- on the national Index. In­ ra ilro a d cars was resumed hür’ h Jr W2 îCl 7 e r produces toe no£ r l ÎE ? Est8te Tax »iso com piled so fa r that w hile there ther ulPut fro m local business financed by a $7,00» grant creases ranging fro m 5 to 9 and m otor tru c k output was l ^ o l r o s ^ b v ^ ô n i? î n meaAUre ca2 b ^ s o w ’ to ’ s iS s r t ^ S '? “ * 5 th° SC °n weUare * ho are lndUStry can make the fro m the U.S. O ffice of Edu­ cents per hour w ill be r e ­ stepped up. Gains were p a rt­ cation. D r . W illia m Proppe, o f t t e business owners U te Taa- *«» P r lv a to I y X ï2 d ass*d/ ously seekw8 * o r k . they educational process and ceived by about 18,000 w ork­ ly offset by retrenchm ent In fo rm e r p rin cip a l of Jefferson percent undecided. fir m s generally have no such are ta r m ost Pa rt s t r ik - organization m ore e fficie n t e rs Including 9,300 c le ric a l shipyards and a ir c r a ft part High School and now an asso­ and service supply employees plan ts. F abricated m etals tog out on th e ir own in seeking and e ffe cltve . The response o f Oregon busi­ option. ciate p ro fe ssor in the School o f Pan Am erican W orld A ir ­ experienced an Increase o f The Estate Tax has also caused en,ploy7nent and are not depend- An exam ination of cu rre n t nessmen shows 81 percent in fa - of Education, w ill d ire c t the 500. ways, Inc. About 13,000 em ­ sale o f many p riv a te ly -h e ld bu si- “ ’g ° n the state ’ s w e lfare de- and needed procedures fo r p ro je ct which hopes to solve ployees o f Greyhound L ln e s - O p e ra to r « : C onstruction spearheaded nesses p r io r to an owner’ s death parOnents. evaluating c u rre n t production some of the problem s of u r ­ East w ill receive an increase the upturn In non m anufactur­ to avoid th is c r is is fo r h e irs. 11 th is assumPtion proves to and tra in in g of teachers. r e a tfv e o t y lf n ^ G o r i W ard ban areas. Hls goal Is to o f two cents per hour. Ano­ in g w ith a gain o f 1,500 In D r . W illia m Proppe, f o r - So the tax has contributed to j 11 couid perhaps sup- th e r 8,900 w o rke rs, Including design a model fo r the use M ay. One month e a rlie r the P a u lin e K e lly Cutting j m ergers and sales o f such b u sl- p o rt the contention o fC a lifo r - m er P rincipal of Jefferson of m ulti-agency resources in 2,500 employees o f Hayes In ­ In d u stry was depressed by the nia s G overnor Reagan that the High School and now an asso- nesses to corporations and con­ Tonda M c F a r la n tern a tio n a l Corporaton in WASHINGTON - Senator Bob the development of an edu­ plum bers and stea m fltters and Shaping B irm ingh am , Alabam a, w ill Packwood (R -O re ) announced he glom erates, It ts charged. And biggest force blocking w elfare Clate p ro fe ssor of education cational program which would tra d e dispute which Involved , B illie Ruth S p iro * rece ive Increases o f 1 to 4 would v is it 18 Oregon counties th is passage o f land and busi­ re fo rm is the a rm y of social at Portland State, w ill be asso- tra in teachers and young peo­ 500. Special trades showed ness from fa m ily ownership ls .Tinting O p e r a to r « k P rop: cents per lo u r . w o rke rs who wish to keep the c “ te d ire c to r of the P o rt- d u rin g the period o f August 9-27. the greatest comeback fo l­ ple to deal m ore e ffe ctive ly About 1,600 employees o f The Senator plans to fly to one o f the m a jo r reasons way case load fa cto r high by en- land Com plex. lowed by heavy construction with problem s of urban en­ A l * * n a D e D le v e a .u ,' businessmen are couraging w elfare recipie nts and Bleaching the M etropolitan T ra n s it Au­ P ortla nd on August 6 a fte r Con- Independent In announcing the creation and general bu ild in g. R esi­ vironm ent. most emphatic emphatic in in supporting gre ss has adjourned fo r theAuw- □ th o rity in B a ltim o re , M a ry­ dential p e rm it a c tiv ity is quite u s t recess, ^ e wUl te ,d a^ e w s PrlC e’ s Est8te to demand t h e ir ’ ’ r ig h ts " ra th e r of toe P ortland Complex and 4. A fo u r state conference, Wig Cleaning land, w ill receive a wage In­ b ris k , p ro m isin g considerable • |than rustle _____________ a Job. its focus on total urban ed­ conference at the Congres s Hotel Z bU1 ’ __________________ • C K « a ie L. ; funded by an $11,954 grant crease o f 5 cents per hour fu tu re home and apartm ent ucation, Jenkins noted it is and Styling fro m the Seattle office of the based on the Index fo r B a lti­ < . In downtown P ortland, August 7 con stru ction . related to fo u r other fed er­ m o re . • j . a t 11 a.m. U.S. O ffice of Education and R etail trade clim bed 800, ally-funded program s in the A pproxim ately 4,500 other Ask about our H a ir Weaving In several o f the counties the directed by Portland State, p a rtic u la rly In restaurants, Portland State School of Ed­ w o rke rs w ill not rece ive ad­ Senator w ill hold "P ro b le m s , w ill be held in P ortland In superm arkets, se rvice sta­ M o tt reasonable shop in town ucation which “ has accepted justm ent because they have . People and Packwood” sessions tion and home furnishing F o r Appointment the e a rly fa ll to deal w ith the the challenge to provide v i­ already received the m a xi­ where constituents can come and sto re s. Government showed problem s in desegregating mums stipulated In th e ir con­ able p re -s e rv ic e and in -s e r­ discuss th e ir pro blem s w ith him . • gain In federal agencies. schools. State superintendents tra c ts . On August 20, In Madras T h is was offset by a decline 2 8 7 -8 5 2 9 2 6 0 9 N. Vancouver Ave. vice program s fo r teachers of fro m Alaska, Waslngton, Idaho County, Packwood w ill spend the In public education. Service the m etropolitan are a.” and Oregon, and the superin­ Portland, Ore. afternoon tou ring the Warm WHERE THERE IS BEAUTY THERE’S C H A R m I and m iscellaneous exper­ The other program s: tendents of large c ity school Springs Indian Reservation and ienced a loss of 200, la rg e ly Responding to P resident d is tric ts w ill explore the le­ • con ferrin g w ith tr ib a l leaders. tn legal and accounting s e r­ N ixon’ s d e sire fo r fast action. In Bend Packwood w ill hear vice s. gal provisions of the series Secretary of La bo r J. d testim ony from Interested c lt l- Hodgson today announce-! in itia l ; zens on hls T hree S isters b ill which seeks to prevent m ining decisions im plem enting the to the Three S iste rs area o f the Em ergency Em ploym ent A ct | Deschutes and W illam ette Na­ signed tiy the P reside nt Ju ly 12. tio n a l F orest. TED AND PAT On J u ly 13 the P resident asked the Congress to move as expeditiously as possible toa p- p ro p rla te the fu ll $1 b illio n authorized by the A ct fo r this August means dog days and) fis c a l year. heat waves. But La bo r Day Isn’ t The S ecretary said the ; fa r o ff and the end o f sum m er P resident had directed him to ls fast approaching. A ll too soon I hot-w eather gear w ill be stored make plans to move as soon away and we’ l l be review ing our as the Congress has acted to cold weather w ardrobes. What d ls ti Haite funds to States and we’ l l be wearing and how we’ l l lo c a litie s . look this fa ll has already been Hodgson announced: fo re ca st, and le t’ s get It straig ht: — The form ula under which . we’ll look great. $600 m illio n w ill be made avail­ T h is yea r’ s suit ls derived able fo r use In approxim ately j fro m a European silhouette, 700 goverm ental units. m odified and adapted to r the — That a ll goverm ental units A m erican fig u re but conform ing would be e lig ib le to receive to the contours o f the body. funds e ith e i as agents d ire c tly W aists are v is ib ly suppressed, coat lengths are longer, vents designated to act fo r the Labor ..a r e deeper, arm holes are cut D epartm ent, such as a gover­ ; high er and sleeves a re na rrow e r. no r, m ayor, c ity m anager, o r •.."Unlike the fo rm le s s , s tra ig h t- county executive, o r through cha ng ing sack suit o r "n a tu ra l such an agent. ; .»boulder” su it - the only thing - That “ s ta r t- u p " grants xJwRural about it was the would be made available Im­ S h o u ld e r s - today’ s s u it feels and m ediately fo r d is trib u tio n upon 5; has the appearance of being ta i­ approval by Congress of the lo re d expressly fo r you. It’ s ^ c o n s tru c tio n Is not based on requested appropriation. 1 s tra ig h t lines and rig h t angles. Hulgson said the 700 govern­ ;%Cut to be fo rm fittin g but not mental units w ill be composed fe o n a trlc tln g , It defines the shape of States, c itie s w ith a pop­ . o f a man, not the wooden form . ulation of at least 75,000, FROM 7 TO 11 YOU WILL ? T h e re s u lt - a n a tural look, a counties w ith a population of - a u lt thaJ works w ith you, not NEVER BELIEVE THE AM OUNT OF FOOI m l hlela owa r the annual C erebral Palsey beauty 75,000 h it not counting the - ¡»gainst you. population of a designated c ity YOU WILL G ET FOR YOUR MONEY w ith in the county. C >. e e E l W Q l lO H m 2 Portland Schools Progress Mm pWraeomvnwnt, Seasonal w ork trend Business Wontabasic ta x reform PORTLAND CLEANING W ORK* ONE DAY SERVICE 01-1??1*1 WIN H|S HEART...WITH A IT, new HAIRDOII LOV-LEE-LADEE BEAUTY „ SALON Packwood to visit ond Fondwr Rspair Carlos 106 N. KiUingaMorth 284-OHfi Guidelines sell . Fall styles boss ' s COFFEE time 1438 N.E. Alberta DELICATESSEN GOURMETS DELIGHT FOODS TO GO BEEFRIBSCH/ c ^ HICKORY SMOKED BAR B.Q. RIBS ------ SPECIAL------- BOATLOAD FISH & CHIPS 49< "GIMME THAT THING" HOT SANDWICH P X C ' 01