Page ö p o r tla n d H h 'e r v e r Thuuday, J u ly 1, 1971 Roy W ilk in s rep o rts In th« whole black-w hite fie ld , c h ild . I t Is not the egos and a m ore em otional topic than that p o litic s and social stra te g ie s of of ra c ia l integration in die pub­ adults that should be d e te rm in ­ lic schools w ill he hard to fiix i ing fa c to rs , hut the education unless I t is racial integration in of black and white c h ild re n . housing. F ede ral Judge Damon K e ith , in h is 1970 ru lin g in a P ontiac, M ich iga n, case that has ju s t The idea of Negro an! white ch ild re n going to school togeth­ been upheld by the Sixth C ir c u it e r somehow seems to rouse both C o u rt of Appeals, put it th is black and white parents to peaks way: of feeling. W hites, of course, “ The harm to another g e n e r­ want a good and exclusive ly ation of black childre n w hile a - white thing to continue. They w aiting im plem entation of long- don't fancy black ch ild re n . cannot be tole rated , and no d e - whom they have heard come gree of expense is unbearable from strange and even te rrib le when placed alongside the un­ backgrounds, sharing the class­ bearable situation which exist; roo m s, to ile t fa c ilitie s and caf­ fo r those black c h ild re n .*’ M uch of the accusation that ete rias with white ch ild re n . These la tte r, if w hite ad u ltta le s the N ixon ad m in istra tio n is are to be believed, come from a n ti-N e g ro stem s fro m its con­ 100 pe r cent high -class homes, fused statm ents and co u n te r- statem ents on public school in­ m o ra lly and ph ysica lly. te g ra tio n . One day the P re s ­ ident opposes the busing of pu­ some black parents, on the p ils . The next week his “ s tr ic t other hand, see moves toward co n stru ctio n ist** C h ie f J u stice Integration as "begging** to of th e Supreme C o u rt Sarxis associate with w hites. They down a unanimous 8 - 0 opinion want none of it. They talk upholding busing. The P re s­ endlessly about p ride of race ident says he w ill enforce the as though this can be develop­ law , but he does not propose ed only in an a ll-b la c k school. to cu t o ff federal fliix is to ob­ They say they want qu ality ed­ durate school d is tr ic ts although ucation fo r th e ir ch ild re n , not such c u t-o ffs a re p ro visio n s in integration. This view conven­ the la w . To please no rth ern iently overlooks the fact that w h ile s who have many a ll-b la c k a ll-b la c k schools, w ith tu t few neighborhoods and schools (the exceptions, have turned out to d e v il take the Negroes) he re­ be something ve ry much less em phasizes his personal oppos­ than quality education. itio n to busing, even though the Supreme C o u rt has ruled other­ Both the white and black w is e . The P reside nt and some of parents stand s o lid ly on the adult concepts of race. N e ith e r his ad vise rs no doubt have lis ­ is very much concerned with the tened to some black parents welfare and education of the (and some black haranguers) who say they w ill accept a ll­ black schools because such schools w ill mean m ore black teachers and p rin c ip a ls and m ore em phasis on Negro his­ to ry . N egroes in th is category are p ro p e rly disgusted w ith the 17-year creeping pace of school desegregation ordered in 1954. W hatever good m ig h t come fro m such a course, the fa ta l flaw Is in the source of the school funds. S alaries fo r teachers and other personnel, upkeep of plant, purchase of textbooks and supplies, select­ ion of sites and land purchase funds plus other costs, at in fin itu m , a ll come fro m a pub­ lic that in m ost cases is over­ w helm ingly w hite, through school boards w ith s im ila r ra c­ ia l m em bership. B lack A m erican s have ended the dual school system on the c le a rly dem onstrable ground that it was ra c ia lly unequal. B etter by fa r to organize and fig h t, — even at an unsatis­ fa c to r ily slow pace, — fo r qual­ ity education w ith in an in­ tegrated system than to repeat the heartbreaking and fu tile task of battling fo r q u ality education in a separate system . ? ’l DR. JEFFREY PLATES PARTIAL PLATES AND EXTRACTIONS HEW a p p ro v e s t r a in in g g ra n t A U.S. Departm ent of Health. Education and Wel­ fare grant o f $167.776 has been authorized to Goodwill Jndustnes of Oregon to sup­ port a tra in in g program de­ signed to q u a lify handi­ capped workers fo r em ploy­ ment in com petitive indus­ tries. A spokesman fo r Goodwill »aid tra in in g w ill consist of fo rm a l classroom work con- plod w ith pra ctica l applica­ tion In a sim ulated w ork <-on- dition. Vandals rip park DR. JEFFREY DENTIST S E M L IR B U IL D IN G S.W 3rd A M orrison P o r tla n d . O r e g o n Phone: 2 2 8 -7 5 4 EST At ADA — A State Park Division spokesman said $700 vandalism to a M i Ivo r St iti: Park restroom Sunday fa r exceeded any damage c u i-e d at tin- park last fa ll durin g the Vortex Rock Festival which a ttra c t­ ed several thousand persons. "lT iis is the firs t n is jo r act of vandalism at the park and we hope it is the last,*' said the parks spok N . E . Broadway, she and her husband, Leonatxi, have four ch ild re n attend mg P o rt­ land schools. Kent, 4423 N. i-.. Idth Avenue, has four children — three of whom at­ tend King E lem entary Sch­ ool. He is a social e n vlro n - ment spe cia list fo r the P o rt­ land Model C itie s Agency. In Area 3, the new mem­ bers a re M rs . Jeanne Franz and M rs . Frances G arvin , both of whom ai ehousewives. M rs . F ranz lives at 3202 N . E . 17th Ave. and is the m other of two preschool c h ild re n and one child who itte n ls Sabin i lem entary School. M rs . G arvin, of 5209 S. E . 00th Vve., was president of the Portland C ouncil of P i t Iasi year and has long been active in school a ffa irs . She has two sons who graduated fro m F ra n k lin High School and a daughter who cu rre n tly is a student at F ra n klin . La st yea r, ill advisory com m ittee members were appointed fo r one year.M on­ day night the Board of Ed­ ucation made appointments of one year and tw o years. In A rea I, Charles F ord, M ilita n t H illia rd , M rs . Ann Paston and Stephen Roso were appomted to tw o-year te rm s , w hile M rs . Bette Boyd, M rs . M ary . llenC on - k lin and M rs . Ruth Gudnian were appointed to r one year. In Area 2, M rs . Cebula, Kent, M rs . C atherine M c­ Cabe and M rs . G eraldine Ward were given tw o-year te rm s , w h ile D r. John B Is- chel, Robert Patten anti M rs . Eve Rosenield were appoint­ ed fo r one year. In A re 3, Theodore Baugh, M rs . F ra n z .M rs .G a rv in and Ross M ille r were appointed fo r two years, and M rs . Josephine Brwon, James W aym ire and M rs . P h y llis W teller w ere given one-vear te rm s . The ad visory com m ittees were form ed a year ago and have seven m em bers, two of whom are high school students. T h is y e a r's stu­ dent m em bers w ill be app­ ointed la te r this sum m er. The com m ittee s' duties include holding monthly meetings to hear opinions ami questions fro m school patrons and advising the area superintendents on a v a rie ty of educational m at­ te rs . The com m ittees o rd in a rily meat on the th ird Munday ol each month, except in Ju ly. I he te rm s of a ll memhei s appointed Monday evening w ill begin J u ly I. C a m p e r s g o b b le re s e rv e d s ite s SALEM — The State H igh­ w ay D ivision said Monday reserved cam psites fu r the July 4rh weekend are all gone except fu r a few tent sites at H a rris Bench State Park near Brookings. D ivision spokesmen em­ phasized. however, more than 2.500 campsites are available at 42 state parks on a first-com e, first-served basis fo r the weekend. These sites are in addition to chose n o rm a lly available in the 11 state parks which p a rticip ate in the state’s res­ ervation system. S tate Board To W eigh M o d e l C ity Union Plan tH>ll However, the c ity ’s person ael dire cto r ferls lhat Local No 1,99 of the Public Employes Council which already repre­ sents many city employes, would be an appropriate bar gaining unit. "T he c ity now has five different contracts to B la ck Is B e a u tifu l A id s Renewed einplutsls on black Identity lias brought with It an abundance o f health and beauty aids designed especially to r blacks, according to R e ta il Memo. Blacks spend m ore to r skin products than w hites, m arketing surveys reveal, and they also pay out m ore fo r o ra l hygiene products. And a l­ though blacks spend p ro po rtiona tely less fu r health aids, ex­ penditures w ill ris e as the younger generation turns away from the tra d itio n a l la te n t m edicines favored by th e ir eld­ e rs , re ta ile rs p re d ic t. SUPM i n V tR J f ^ sonn»1!. Lem o nad e 1 Tw in Pops Scotch T r .o tF r o i.n W a v e r lv H o m e @ 6-.1. 1 Û V s“ P«k Ripe Olives Rich and Robust C o « o O ft nA 2 4 IQWÙ T !l k e ! 3 M ID SUP[pRp ^ V[R 2 - lb . E d w a rd s Snow Stor A»»ort.d T o G et G ra n t Ä 1 0 -lb . B riq u e ts Royal Oak or Oiorb Modero Fitted Oli»«» S|55 fc’/g -o i 281 » ,„79 CBCCUIBW HAS SAFEWAY « PRICES ! Can Q W 4W WASHINGTON, DC. - W averly Children's home. 355(1 SE Woodward St.. Portland, w ill receive a grant of $293.192 fo r the Social and Rehabilita­ tion Service. Division of Men­ tal Retardation, according to Rep. E dith Green, D-OFe. The gra nt is fo r construction of a new residential fa c ility to provide diagnostic evaluation, treatm ent. education__and per­ sonal care fo r 50 additional pre-school and school-aged re­ tardées Rep. Green .ays. SAFEW AY; / CHECKS COMPARE Safeway W ill Be Bvw u 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' I ’JU U ' * 4 4 ALL MEAT CLOSED MONDAY JULY 5th CALL OUR ADVERTISERS FOR FAST RESULTS! negotiate," said Robert J ifin - son, "and we are not particu lu rly eager to have s ix ." However, Johnson recom mended lhat the m a ile r be re l e i red Io Ihe state board fin "investig atio n and finding, and perhaps an election." John Paul Jones, represent ing the petitioner, Oregon Public Employes Council No 75, said Ihe parent organize lion feels Ils Local No 199 is nnl the appropriate unit for Model C ity employes. "W e would d ra ft a separate ch a rte r for them They are nig c ity C ivil Service, and they are nig analagous Io Mny o th rr classification of c ity em ployes," Jones stated Howev­ er, he agreed to submission of the m atter io the board The Stale Public Employe Relations Board w ill be asked hy the Portland C ity Council to determ ine an appropriate la Ibor union to represent about Three dozen Model C ity pro gram employes. ’ Oregon Public Employes Council No. 75 of the Am erican Federation of Slate. County & M unicipal Employes has petl- jfioned for C ity Council desig­ nation as exclusive bargaining ¡ •M a t fix the Model City em pluves eligible for represenla » S U P E R I.. SAUER H O L ID A Y V A L U E A T S A F E W A Y © 7.11 D J 89 ALL MEAT CANNED FRESH FRANKS 3-LB. HAMS * Canned Pop FRYERS 9 $ a Salad Dressing“ 49' 1-lb. < Pkg. © M arshm allows’ 22' EVERYDAY LOW PRICES TURKEYS a Cranberry Juice 68c Ground B eef Q ( 44' lb. 3 9 59c Fancy Bacon Smoked Hams 64c 58‘ S P ic k le s °r Pork Chops 88c Piece Bologna 49c 3 Cling Poaches R otisserie Roast f i P a rti-H am s $159 CQ< 9 Chuck Steaks 69c 3 B raunschw eiger ® Fresh Buns w Wines IM-lir PIZZAS n s „ SAVERS THE "UN COU" X I 28 o i ■•»V ^noble Battles B o ttle s CRAGMONT A s s o rte d F la v o rs 1 2 o i Can S a fe w a y 's Fresh a n d T as tyl ( B e e f F ra n k s 12 o i Pkg S a fe w a y . B o n eless F u lly C o o k e d 44c) 5 lb W h o le B o d y . G o v 't In s p e c te d Can *4 ” Blacks e y e b lack fo r Each lb. G ra d e A towny Tom« Q u a lity C o n tro lle d P resident No Additive* ZIPPY DILLS S a f e w a y S lic e d Y e llo w Armour Fancy Mol» II, ( N u o c ili I I 6 9 ) lb Smok.a U S D A CKo.ce B la d e Cwt rw w rtt lb oooon B u rg u n d y . N a p a Dose O N ir 5 th F ro te n S ausoye or P ep p e ro n . FRESH SAFEWAY PRODUCE 19 os. Sir« Potatoes nS" Whipped Topping w R«d-R ip«! For Picnic Outing« “ F A M IL Y S IZ E " * lu ce rn e 24 o i Ctn Potato Salad < Macaroni Salad 9 Frozen WATERMELONS / / hole H elon i $ |4 8 Sirtem tip H a m b u rg e r or (H o t D o g i 8's Pkg or C h a t e a u La S a ll e lundon Weiyhtt B o n e le u Con SKYLARK CHRISTIAN BROS. S hort SKonb . .. o l«on include» C e n te r Chop» Town Houso, 29 o i or ’/e lb . I lb Phy $1 28- Should a black p o litic ia n run fo r P reside nt o itb e U .5 ,7 Many leading m em bers o f the Black Caucus s ty , “ Yes:’ ’ Amo ,j the p rin c ip a l exponents o f wnat Man hat. la 3 o r > : j i President P e rc y S u tto n has dub­ bed, ' ‘ a u d a cio isp o w e r,” a r e veteran p o litic ia n s lik e John C o n y e rs (D M lc h ), Charles Diggs (D .M ic h ),a n d S h i r l e y C hisholm (D .-N .Y J . Congresswoman S h ir le y Chis-iolm told tills week’ s J E T that she was waiting fo r the day w h e n sue could proudly say, " T h e P reside nt Is black and she Is a wom an.*’ P ro o f that blacks are doing some seriou s thinking about a black p re s id e n tia l candidate Is born out in at least one black newspaper survey and a black orien te d radio station p o ll. Tne m a jo rity (54.5 pe rcen t)o f read­ e rs responding to a recent s u r­ vey b y t h e Chicago Daily Defender Indicated that they w o u ld l i k e t o see Conveyers In the White House. Asked, " I f a black were to run f o r the P resident of the U.S. today, whom would you vote fo r a n d w h y? *’ respondents to C h i c a g o ’ s s o u l- o r i e n t e d WBEE’ s r a d i o p o ll named 11 choices. The f ir s t preference was a tie vote between Nobel Peace P riz e w inner D r. Ralph Bunche and Rev. Jesse Jackson o f O peration Breadbasket. Georgia State Rep Ju lia n Bond was next. T r a i l i n g Bond was Sen. Edward B rooke(R .M ass.), Rep. S h ir le y Chisholm a n d D r. C harles H u rst, J r.,p re s ld y n t of M alcolm X College. The others John Conyers, Dick G regory, Thurgood M a r s h a l l , James F a rm e r and B aya rdR ustin, tied w ith the same number of ba llo ts. W hile the p o lls may not r e ­ fle c t the e n tire thinking of the 6.3 m illio n blacks who, a cco rd­ ing to the U.S. Census, voted last yea r, the re su lts show the kind of “ audaciousness*’ P e r c y Sutton Is ta lkin g about. A national black p re sid entia l pre fe ren ce p o ll 1 s now being conducted by JET Magazine, which has a readership o f o v e r three m illio n , and the re su lts w ill be published as soon as the data is a ll In, says Robert H. Johnson, executive e d ito r. '/a lb Peas or Com Hash Browns Scotch freo» Shoe»tr.n y J lt> Phy Forty 9 Of Pride Bel o ír Pea» or K ernel C orn 10 o> Fkg Bel o ir F ro te n 2 lb Bay 25 ' Party Dips 49' Mustard 20' LOW lu c e r n e A»»orted Morehowce Y o n e ty lu c e rn e J? O f Ctn Lettuce 33' 9 ot Jor 19' CAHCANE SUGAR From io .1:? ! 21 i 34' H a w a ii U S No Cantaloupes I W h ite Rose Jum bo " 4 5 " S in , Dipoi © 4 88 Q102.59 Peppers Bananas H a v o rfu l B«ll V a rie ty G olden Ripe, Plum p, Fancy S 4 i . i 99 3 -lb . Onions I U S N o 1 Y e llo w M e d iu m 11.39 * FBOOUtf SFKIAtn ITI» 0» THI W((K> 0 Paper Napkins^32c 0 93e $17 7 ® Dressing M ii" T 3 2 c S Foil W rap ~ 53‘ 61‘ I Paper P la te s T 6 8 c COLOR FILM 99c @ Realemen 49 Fu ll F la v o r I I» . C .n Potatoes F » « h . Firm, C ritp H«ad> ,l14‘ © 3¿37' APRICOTS. $|l " J U M B O S IZ l" C o lilo ,n ,o S u n-riponxJ Swool M o o ted 70« FRESH CORN 10 Plump, Tendei G olden L ari tARS K J w 64' ■ Of Ctn M JB COFFEE F u ll M e a s u r e aa 48' l - l k . Cpn KRAFT MAYONNAISE Craomy Smooth 3 2 - « i. Jar C X 1 2 6 K O D A K IN S T A M A 1 IC 12 P icture Roll SUPWSAvtR Jn M SUPER SAVER p w c i^ ^ C L p p ic t, "S Potato Chips I f mayonnaise lunch B ok , Alway* t r . . h | | F l.d m « "’ Cr' om» $mO<” h 491 JUICE Dec o n t f if u f e d 2 4 o f B o ttle SUPlR SAVER p r ic e W e s te r n B e e r g llO ,H .H «1*«'B or O,Vn’ P,a O ilD O N OHLY ritu r na b u STUBBIES 6-PAK aiaWBaHWMOWWTORW’J PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 1-2 A 3 AT ALL PORTLAND-VANCOUVER AREA SAFEWAY STORES