Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 01, 1971, Page 3, Image 3

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    P o r t la n d , Ob
M arketing Cluster
Advisory Committee
If you’ ve got a legal problem aboJ‘,
but don't have much money, L "«a
\ e rvV:e110 i?,‘ e rT l,n1e
there are a few places to go «“ • “ ’ ‘ W
T ,‘e cllnlc,
for help. Legal problem , «re >■ open Monday, Wrtneaday and
not lim ited to going to court. J r “ V
' *
There are many areas In which
*’ •
a,1<l * ' ,ok<1,a1?s
the servlct>s of an attorney are
*° ',:0°
, of ![“ ’
lm|>ortaiit If not essential as »“ «'•neys *orkl«.« during the
In the w riting of a w ill or a •»«’ '“ "«» • »'•* clinic are do-
house purchase contract.
natln< th* ^
LEGAL AU) SERVICE lo - **« •* received at the clln lc
rated at 517 N. E.KIIUngsworth a r" frM,> ho*
I f
It Is
Street, phone 288-0740, handles " #<' ' ” ,* a r’' ,o r ’nor* • ’rt,,nslve
c iv il cases only Tl.at means A*"1?’ than CBn * * i .lv8'' du.r,nK
If you’ ve been charged with , » ‘• “ Ime, some coat may arise,
violation of the law, Legal Aid ^ an< “ " ,e1
a“ « r W » » « I
Service probably can’ t help you. ^ ona‘,*; l ’,e r la,x’ r
/•■ m ire
However, It does offer a wide *
client to pay certain costs
range of valuable luagl services such as a particular fee re -
to low Income fam ilies.
it t»u lr*’d by » '« c o u rts for filin g
can give help In the following I” } * « -
“ th l’ ch»rge
Consumer problems
," ad”
» ,e client, the
(Installm ent contracts, repos- »“ o™ey would be required to
sessions, loans, garnishments »'“ > » ''« «•»¿••nse out of his own
of wages), administrative p ro - P°cket.
It often can be a r-
blems (welfare,Social Security, ranged for *h« c«*rt to appoint
Veterans’ benefits unomploy- *
attorney of the client does
ment compensation); housing '*>» have sufficient funds and
roblems, public and private ,hua a*” *11 an) costs.
. evictions, failure of landlords
“ y "1' ®re under 21, there
to meet housbig standards, lan- *s a *P«clal service available
lard-tenant disputes); business called PHO HL E MS SOLVERS,
matters (w ills , bankruptcies); phone 229-5476, which Is spon-
and domestic relations prob- ,sor’’d hy the Oregon State lia r,
(separations, divorces, * rotdem Solvers has a lis t
child support). In general, low ° f attorneys who are w illing to
Income fam ilies or fam ilies volunteer tim e to juveniles
on public assistance (welfare, "•«*»"« >•*•>,, »’•>»’• _ W X°u
unemployment compensation, ca*1» t,iey w'» liv e the name
public housing) are eligible for ani) number of a p a rticular
help from Legal Aid Service. lawy*’ r ,who Ia currently avall-
If you are eligible for help, ab,a- 2>‘ ax«han«e for the ■ •*-
there are no fees for services. yer • ^ree
you w ill be
asked to donate an equal amount
two months
a In some kind of community ser-
l-AMI! Y LAW CENTER w ill vice project.
open In Portland. This center
There Is also another s e r-
w tll specialize in fam ily p ro -v ic e available named LAWYER
blems, ami It w ill take over H H ! H it\I. located In the Sen-
all of the domestic relations ator Building at 732 S.W, 3rd
cases that Legal Aid Service Avenue, phone 224-2103, which
now handles.
Is an agency set up through
If you have a legal problem, the Oregon State Bar.
crim in a l o r c iv il, the ALBINA service Is available to anyone;
LEGAL CLINIC located at 2309there Is a $3.00 fee. In ex-
N. W illiam s Avenue,phone 284- change for the fee, you can
5712, Is another place to go. expect one-half hour of legal
The Albina Legal Cllnlc uses advice.
M r i . Regina Jones, day care mother, sings with David (almost
tliree), son of M rs. Pat Sherman, as he gets up from tils nap.
4-C Fam ily D ay
an d n ig h t care
M rs. Regina Jones Is a day
care mo die i fo r the 4-C Fam­
ily Day and Night Care P ro -
M rs. Jones was born In blast
B erlin, Germany and escaped to
West B erlin In 1953 at the age
of eleven years. She stayed In
West B erlin until the Americans
flew tier to Frankfurt, to free­
dom. She spent most of tier
childhood tnSchwablach-Gmund
wlssre she finished
the 8th
A fter completing the eighth
grade she began working In a
glass factory, [lie factory sent
tier to school to learn glassde­
signing. She also took care of
children fo r an American fam­
ily and learned to speak fluent
M rs. Jones met Robert Jones,
who was a sergeant In the 1!. S.
_ o
2 8 4 -9 4 4 8
still life
FRI. & SAT.-
Clubs-To See MAN A BOY
After 5:30 285-4871
Supreme Court Monday releas­
ed one m ajor decision after an­
other, Including reversal of the
draft - defying conviction o f
Mohammed A ll and the death
sentence fo r Richard Speck fo r
th e murder of eight Chicago
nurses. It also barred the use of
public funds for secular edu­
cation In i>aroctilal schools.
T h e court's decision u; held
A ll’ s claim that he stwuld have
been granted m ilita ry - exempt
status because of I l l s adherence
to the Black Muslim faith.
In reversing the conviction
o f A l l , form erly known as
Cassius Clay, the court declar­
ed, "T he (Justice) Department
was simply wrong as a matter of
la w In advising th a t
petitioner’ s beliefs w e re not
religiously based and were n o t
sincerely held.”
J u ly 2 7 , 1971
Bill Cosby-M an & Boy
T h e United States Army has
Just announced a new enlistment
option which offers young m en
the opportunity to get In on the
ground floor of a 20th c e n t u r y
communications operation.
A c c o r d in g to Sgt. Hardie
D a v is , Army re cru ite r f o r
Portland, the Army Is accepting
a lim ited number o f highly-
qualified applicants for enlist­
ment In the Strategic Communi­
cations Command,
For those eligible, training Is
available In microwave systems
s a t e llit e
radar, computers and serveral
otherhlghly technical fields.
An added feature of the enlist­
ment option allows an enlistee
to choose service In Europe If
the Army makes the decision on
which of some nine scliools he
w ill attend. O r, he can select
Ids own schoul from the lis t and
leave his assignment to the
Arm y’ s discretion.
I i
i '
I [
I i
------ SPECIAL-------
HOT S A N D W IC H _______
i _______________________
problems In the past five years.
The audiology lab, which con­
tains some of the best audio-
logical testing facilities
Portland, has operated since
1968. Dr. James F. M aurer,co­
ordinator of the clinical training
and services program In audio­
logy, and clln lc Interns a d ­
m inister free hearing tests and
hearing aid evaluations to ap-
prom lmately 75 children and
adults each term .
T h e two clinics offer physi­
cian re fe rra l w hen necessary
and provide hearing, speech and
language evaluations to th e
physician. Files c o n t a in in g
follow - up reports from physi­
cians are kept on cllnlc patients.
Further Information a b o u t
PSU’ s audiology and speech
pathology clinics may be obtain­
ed by calling the speech and
h e a r in g sciences office at
Jest A M in u te
A woman who takes In laundry
while her husband pickets
Ironing while the s trik e ’ s hot.
T h e re ’ s no fool like an old
fool — you just can’ tbeat having
all that experience.
Descendants of the old woman
who lived In a shoe now liv e on a
Then there’ s the lawyer who
Instructed hts son In the alleged
facts of life .
H i s t o r y repeats Its e lf be­
cause nobody ever understands
what It meant the firs t tim e.
Everybody t a l k s about a ir
pollution, but they’ l l do nothing
about It until It starts to In­
te rfe re with TV reception.
to 5 9
’ z«.
In either respect, he is guar­
anteed attendance at a highly
technical school T h e schools
Include those f o r
microwaves systems re p a ir­
man, satellite communications
ground station equipment re ­
pairman, fixed station techlncal
contrôler, fixed clphony re ­
pairman or automatic data p ro ­
cessing sustems repairman.
Also offered are courses f o r
dial central office repairman,
communications center spe­
c ia lis ts , and
d a ta
munications switching center
For further Information on
how to become a member of the
Arm y’ s
S t r a t e g ic C o m ­
munications Command, see Sgt.
Davis at Ids office located at The
Pioneer Post Office In Portland.
O r , call him at 226-3361 Ext.
Remember - ’ ’ Today’ s Army
Wants to Join You.”
G a y la
Canned Pop
9 b
S u g a r C u re d a n d
te n d e r sm o ke d fo r
s w e e t s m o k y h o rn
fla v o r
O th e r S p ecial
. G o 1 69
C hoose
■, r e . - -
ttlo r a r ,
ic a - r
Vine Ripened
W ie n e r s
Keep p le n ty on hand
for summer picnics and
family outings
Oregon Chief
or Hot Dog Buns
1 I w d < i
8‘ each
MY-TE-FiNE Hamburger
Flash fro ze n
fo rm
fr e s h
O r e g o n C h ie f
Reg to 39
Pkg of 8
flavorful fresh tender buns,
ready sliced for your con-
Pork & Beans
30 oz
P lu m p t e n d e r
beans p acke d
m a s a v o ry
2 7 lbs up
t o lo c h in
fla v o r
V a n illa
b e rry • N e a p o lita n
The court said A ll’ s objection
to m ilita ry duty was not b a s e d
upon "re lig io u s tra in in g a n d
belief,” the test fo r draft e x-
empt status as a conscientious
The Supreme Court cited the
government’ s ow n concession
"th e re Is no dispute tliat peti­
tioner’ s professed beliefs were
founded on basic tenets o f the
Muslim religion, as he under­
stood them.andderlved In sub­
stantial part from his devotion
to Allah as the supreme being.”
"T h is concession
cle a rly co rre ct,” the Supreme
Cour: s a .l.
T i e r i k i . . -eversiag A li’ s
conviction and the five - year
prison sentence and $10,033 fine
Imposed by a lower court,
means he can continue Ills ring
career w it h a fight against
Jimmy E llis schedule!
Cut-Up, Pan-Ready
-----MY tETiNE---
Ice Cream
, 1 C x S.1 ♦ <
U.S D.A, Choice
Inspected Blue-Ribbon"
Reg 54
Choose Reg
lo r D . p p a r i o r B o r
be<ue lo r fa m ily picnics
a n d o u tin g s
p r ic e s ' )
p .
Shop<23Z3B>And Save M ore
o u rs e lv e s
coming soon
R eferrals come tothe PSU
clin ics from physicians, nurses
public schools, the Intermediate
Education D istricts of Multno­
mah and Washington counties,
Child Development and Re­
habilitation Services at the Uni­
versity o f O re g o n Medical
School, and the PSU’ s own health
Free services In diagnosis
and treatment of voice, speech
and language problems h a v e
been provided by th e speech
pathology cllnlc fo r over 800
children and adults since 1964.
Additionally, cllnlc Interns,
under the supervision of D r.
Robert Castell and Stephen C.
M cFarlane, have screened over
5,000 PSU students to r speech
Potato Chips
com m and
Special Discount Prices toChurch Groups
D r. Walter A. Goss, Multno­
mah County Health O fficer, to­
day announced that beginning
J u ly 1,1971, certification by
chest x - ray o r tuberculin skin
test of all school employees and
food hanlders would warrant a
$2.00 charge.
Heretofore, s c h o o l
ployees and food handlers were
certified and re certified at
county expense. A f t e r July 1,
even If food handlers and school
employees were to furnish their
own x - ray, the $2.00 w ill be
charged to p a rtia lly cover ad­
m inistrative and technical costs
In certification. The move w as
prompted by burgeoning costs in
services provided by Multno­
mah County Health Department.
-v u tH o u T
OPEN SUN.- 2:45
Prices Good thru Saturday, July 3rd
I VALLEY OF THE DOLLS < A r m y ’s Strategic
C om m unications
O p
accreditation by the American
Speech and Hearing Association
according to Dr. Robert
English, director of the Uni-
verslty’ s clinical training p ro ­
gram In audiology and speech
Accreditation of speech and
hearing service programs Is
p a r t o f the 13,006 member
American Speech and Hearing
Association’ s project to m ain-
tain high nationwide standards.
According to Dr. English, the
evaluation, conducted b y the
Professional Services Board of
th e American Board of
amlners in Speech pathology
and Audiology, Included staff,
equipment, organization, re -
coro k e e p in g and physical
fa cilitie s.
H e pointed out that an annual
review of the speech and hearing
clin ics, located In South Park
Hall atthecornerofS .W . H a ll
St. and S. W. Broadway,
w ill
compare PSU’ s programs to
national standards of speech and
hearing services.
Food h a n d le r
-Donald F . Ford of Gresham
has complete! a thorough ad­
vanced course in a ir con­
installation and
service procedures conduct­
ed by tlie Payne Company
Ford is a serviceman at
East Portland Heating &
Ventilation Company, P ort­
I he company merchandises
Payne heating and a ir con­
ditioning products.
Upon finishing the course,
received a
"C e rtific a te of Completion"
which, according to I raining
Director M erle Shaffer " in ­
dicates that he lias mastered
an intensive program of
specialized knowledge and is
fu lly qualified as an expert
in the airconditioningfield” .
Ford lives at 1752 N.i..
Cochrane Road, Gresham,
l iregon.
pe o p le
. lA fte îiO ;
(Alameda Theater)
M r. Jones served twelve
years in the Arm y and received
a medal fo r Heroism In A p ril
of 1968. He was discharged
from tlie Arm y in February of
M rs. jones Is a member of
Berean Baptist Church.
Both M r. and M rs. Jones
are very Interested In child­
ren and plan to adopt child­
ren of their own some day.
Tlie Jones fam ily focuses much
love and attention on a ll child­
ren placed In their day care
C ro w n
com pany;
W, O.
Traphagen, Sales & Marketing
Executives, Remington Rand
Office Systems; (M 1 s s) Mary
Tucker, Oregon News­
paper Publisher Association.
E a c h high school lias the
option of selecting businessmen
from Its community to serve on
a sub-committee which advises
the school’ s teacher - coordi­
nator on matters related to that
community's D istributive Edu­
cation program.
Through D istributive Edu­
cation program s, high s c h o o l
Juniors and seniors receive ln-
class Instruction arid on-the-job
training In marketing, m er­
chandising and management.
C ertificate
A li’s d r a ft
conviction reversed
Lillian Williams
Specialis ft
Ruby Reed
In All Phases
Ethel Bates
3632 N. Williams Ave.
1971 Pa
The Committee l i composed
o f 10 local businessmen and
women who serve as advisors
and consultants tothe d is tric t's
13 D istributive I d •• nth,r .
grams which train students for
jobs in the re ta il trades. T h e
Committee recommends areas
of study and activity for P ort­
land high school students seek­
ing careers In marketing.
Members of the newly re­
organized, c ity - w id e C o m ­
mittee In c lu d e : LowellAsh-
baugh, Oregon Council of Retail
Clerks; S a m u e l Bernunzlo,
D is c o - M a r t ; H o w a rd
Cheverton, U.S. National Bank
o f Oregon; B e:
Standard Insurance Company;
fai^c enables us To
s ¿¿xTirsoc ¿ k ( iq k t (o<
mi *
Beauty Salon
lie points out that this con­
ference 1 s one of the very few
opportunities anywhere In the
country each year where p ro ­
fessional Investment t>eople can
learn the most current and use­
f u l facts assembled through
computer analysis to enable
them to make better divestment
decisions for their clients.
R e s e a r c h ranging from
seasonality In stock prices by
Industry to market |>erformance
following dividend cuts that has
l>een conducted through PSU’ s
tivestment Analysis Center w ill
be reported by Richard Gassner
Kenneth D, B ro w n , Craig S.
Hugo, Boh Matulef and Frank T.
T o register, contact either
the PSU School of Business Ad­
m inistration o r the Investment
Analysis Center.
| 3 0 0 0 N .E . A l b e r t a
Army and they were m arried on
September IS, 1966. I wo weeks
later they returend to the United
States. Their destinations were
New Jersey, Chicago and even­
tually Portland, where they
now reside.
lo c k 3 + ÌT
-iki s iw 3 ^ , ' ü T i e u r s e lv e ï
1 —
* » ’ J I - - i —
J u ly
In vestm en t C onference
W ç>»” VAT,* o
id a y ,
Speech a n d ) boss s
1438 N.E. A lb e rta
An lOuncemerit was made this waiter D e n n is , F. O.
week by Portland officials of Clearing H o u s e , Inc.; Robert H e a rin g
election of John A. Kemp, As­ F letcher, Fletcher Realty; Jim
sistant Vice-President o the Jackson, JaMac Products Com-
Marketing Division
I«ny; H.F. K irk , Safeway Stores Clinic
National Bank of Oregon, a s In c .; Jack G. P a rke r,M e ie r &
chairman o f th e
Marketing Frank Company; D r. James
T h e speech and h e a r in g
C luster Advisory Committee Robb, Pacific Research As­ clinical services a t Portland '
fo r the Portland Public Schools. sociates; Edwin Stanley, The State U niversity have received
Need a law yer and
can’t afford one ?
Reservations a r e now being
accepted for athree - day con­
ference focusing on "Com puter
-Aided Investment Research for
T o d a y ’ s Market Decisions'*
July 28 -30 at Bowman’ s Mt.
Hood Resort In Wemme and pre­
sented b y the Portland State
U niversity School of Business
Adm inistration In cooperation
w it h the Portland Society of
Financial Analysts.
One of the country’ s top ln -
v c tn cid ii- .••an ’id ?., J. 1 c te r
W illiamson, professor
business administration,Amos
Turk School, Dartmouth College
w ill be among those addressing
conference participants from
all over the country, according
to D r. Shannon P ratt, con­
ference director and associate
C a n ta lo u p e
Deep orange flesh. Serve
chilled cantaloupe for break
5 , ? SI
1 00
6 Pack
P ic n ic
C o o le r
R e g .9 3 c
S o ft & D ri
Liquid Plum'r
Keeps dram s fre e a n d
d e a r o f grease hotr
a n d grim e
A v a ila b le Vt <ety S ection
Reg *1.29
The n o n s tin g ant»
p e rs p ira n t safe to use
even a fte r shaving
87 c
B a rb e c u e T im e
Poly rope handle, exclusive
feature eliminates blow away
lid. Holds 6 king size bottles
or 2 - 6 packs.
H ic k o r y
b le n d e d
b r iq u e ts f o r y o u r
b a c k y a r d o r p o l io
1 & , 3 9 c
Children's PI ay w ear Spectacular
Your Choice
2 $3
"C h a rg e
Just Say "C harge It
Use your BonkAmericard
or master charge tor all
y o u r V A R IE T Y a n d
APPAREl needs
Terrific g ro up o f knit tops,
tank tops and shorts in nylon
and cotton fabrics. Choose
fro m a w ide assortment of
solids and prints in novelty styles.
. _
Shopping Center* »
O p e n 9a m to 10p m d a ily in c lu d in g S u nday
S e e »he pages o f your telephone b o o k fo r the
Fred M eyer Super C enter nearest you