Consum er League A staff inonit'«r from the Consumer protection Pro­ gram w ill he kuockliguu your door In the near Pit j r s to talk to you a b o u t consumer problems. Theofflce Is locat­ ed at 575 N. Klllhig.xworth, tnlepiinn«: 283-115). J, Alton Page lathe in « " j r of the new Les Femmes host scholarship dance S to rk a r r iv e s to v is it h o m e s fa c ility . I t I s a n o n - p r o fit organization sponsored by the Orngou Cons lin e r League o i l funded by M otel C itie s I t Isa free service to ’ om inm ilty re - si louts with the purpose of helping people get the ¡non' val ue I» ' the money they spend T h e staff welcomes every­ one to ask questions - to study to organize- to work together as consumers. The o ffice lias a nev "H o t L in e " 283-2459 to assist people w ith emergency Inform ation a fte r the office closes at 5 o’ clock. Wn w ill try to get yo i o ff the "h o o k” If you have a problem with a door to It has Oweeeaflomif»] >zy the P resident, M rs . fde Stephens that the I.e s F e m rn u s C lu b w ill have a.ScholarshipljanceJune 19, 1971 from 10 to 2 p .rn at the P ortland A th e le tlc Associa­ tion 615 S .E . A ld e r Street. M usic byth o M u n a rch s.A d u lts only. 'RS you saw ANO OBSERVER g ir ls must l*s 1«seage 1) budget. Helen's m other a w e lle du - c ite d worn in had not considered any o tlie i future fo r Helen o ilie r Ilian college and a showdown was soon to take place. With less tlian three days before tfie s ta rt of school Helen's m other In­ structed het topack hei tags fo r college and told her to have faith that she would be lntering college Monday. H e n ry H . G a rn e t 1815-1882) — Statesman Important spokesman for the Abolitionist Movement. That F rlday evening M r. I u r- ner had Un one reply when m other ask hlnf was Helen to e n ro ll In school Monday, "n o and heskles we don't have the , m oney." CARE FOR BABIES Money, was the key note, but mother ever determ ined, got the help of a friend and land­ lady who owned the home they , were Utying. She agree to loan | the money to the T u rn e rs with ( no in te re st charged on the re - ( payment, that Monday H e le n . entered Kansas State Teachers , College. j I wo and one-half years she t leceived tier teaching c e r tl- i flcate . In tim e site went on to receive t e r Bachelors of Sci­ ence degree fro m Lew is and C la rk College andaM a s t e r s Degree from the U n ive rsity of P ortland. Two ca re e r as an Instructor s u ite d m K e n tre svllle , O kla., here she taught P re -P rttn e r «lo ca tio n . She was moved after m a rriage to PecanCreek,c»kla. there she taught at an Institution of the same name. It seems as though the peopleware m ore In­ terested In cotton picking than education because the school there would begin In Ju ly and last through August then would r e s u m e fo r another seven months after cotton picking sea- son was over. Helen and husband then came to V anpvrt, O re., he (M R. ban- go) worked In the shipyards while Helen taught at Vanport Roosevelt Elem entary School. M r. Sango there after became 111 and died. A few months le fo re the Van- p o rt flood Helen m a rrie d M r. C harles Rawlins fo rm e r d i- re cto r of red cap personnel, now head o f P ro je ct outreach, they moved to Portland in tim e to esca|ie that food. In Portland t h e i r o n ly son born, T e rry I he nuw attends Oregon .stae I n i- v e rs lty . In P ortland, wlie has taught at G uilds I ake, James John, M a rtin I uther King, and E lio t Schools. These four Portland aiea schools have let M rs . R tw - tins contribute 25 years of I knowledge to the citize n s of P ortland. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN YOUR HOML. METROPOLITAN AREA 4€ COUNCIL 288-5091 Price« G ood th ru S a tu rd a y. June 19fh Save More O reg on Chief S ugar Cured Tender Smoked eg. / 1 0 ’-z O i , 22‘ / 5 | Fruit Drinks Picnics 0 I Cons M Y-TE-FINE 1 F 25 flavo rfu l, nutritious varieties S i 1 Five delie M Y-TE-FINE M Y-TE-FINE Canned Milk Á 46 Oz C ant Pork and Beans 00 'i? , ‘ S I tins ■ 1 ' e« h Smooth and rich for cooking, creom mg coffee or boby s form ula K a^ Bakery S I 00