Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 17, 1971, Image 1

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    f /
L ib r a r y
'7 S
O regon S ta te U n iv e r s ity
C o r v a llis , o r c
i rail Blazers to give benefit game for Albina Ministerial Alliance
Northwest's Newest Newspaper
McKinsie s style in funky popcorn rag
see s to ry
Fashion and dance
given by NAACP
I lie Gemini Room o t ihe
Cosmupolltlan A l lt e l homed
t h e NAACP» Internationa)
F a s h i on Show and (lance
Sunday afternoon and evening,
June 13, (lie »how featured 13
men ami women im«lels sumo
of w h I c h professional arkl
some not so professional but
aspiring to Iw. I he music was
provided by the Monarch.
page 8
on nows
I he only time a black gels on
page one Is when lie robs a bank
an unnamed black reporter Is
quoted assayingoftheAtlanta
newspapers, I n a r e v le w of
A 11 a n t a Journal Ism t o b e
published as s supplement to
the C o lu m b ia
R ev le w this summer. T h e
reporter s complaint Is quoted
In an a rticle by 11 ruce Gal ph in,
a form er editorial w rite r am)
columnist lo r t h e Atlanta
Constitution, now managing
e d I t o r of Atlanta magazine.
A nti-levy
inform ation
V o ll
The United States V irgin Islands Slavery in the Caribbean
The reporter, s a id Galphin,
has grown discouraged by his
desk s negative reaction to a
s te a d y stream o f b l a c k
community s t o r y I d e a s ,
School board m em ber
Gladys McCoy to speak
Concludes G a l p h i n : ! hough
reaclst remain at some levels
o f management I n Atlanta s
n e w s organizations, t h e
fa ilu r e s
radio, IV
a n d newspapers spring less
f r o m del Iterate III w ill than
reporters, from tight-fisted
b u d g e ts a n d f r o m
s q u e a m i s h n e s s about
offending the Judgment of local
Styles that were
eponsoied by ih e
Genera) Pants and onglnal
designs fashioned by the many
professional models present.
S o m e of the other wearing
appearel was mstle by
participants, or seamstress.
A » M r. P a u I K n u I e
commentated th e men and
women fashioned the latest
things in summer casual woar.
Amid audience, ooohs
aahs, such lovely pi ofesslonal
mole Is ss M rs.sta n (Vashl)
Mcklnsle wore stylish hot
p a n t s , while husband Stan
stayed right on s t e p in an
outstanding red jumpsuit with
duffle pouch to matcli. lie wore
c I o th e s designed by Funky
P o p c o r n , the Mcklnsle a
garment company.
I'eammate R on K n i g h t
sported an array of knit suits
w i t h accessories. O t h e r
f o r m e r inode Is Joined the
fa s h lo n prade M iss Ester
Doleau a Scanadenavian im-
port from Holland who now
1 n an a rticle scheduled fo r
owns finishing ami m o ld in g
publication later this year by
school here in Portland.
Portland StateUniversity ami the Columbia J o u r n a l i s m
Review, Bowler reports on the
Portland Community College
successful o f f o r t by a c iv il
s t u d e n t a sported native
i g h t s coalition In Atlanta
coetumea from rhailand, F u ji,
t o Increase employment o t
I s I and, andSouth Vietnam.
b I asks by t h e c 1 t y s
ITiey wore everything from
b r o a d c a s t in g
native party outfits to mo torn
costumes tiuat clashed native
A I t h o u g h 84 blacks were
dress with western design.
hire.!, said Bowler, one had to
outstanding amature model
r e a d inEbony and Jet of die
was Misa Diana Monroe who
unprecedented coup o f
th e
capitlvated the audlencewicha
sudden awareness of Atlanta
see through black lace hot
broadcasters th a t t h e i r
pants suit that was simply outa
signals are the property of th e
sight . Instructor in
b l a c k . The cle a r-cu t victo ry
history at Jefferson hlghM r.
o v e r ¿8 radio and television
J o e Nunn, puthls wares on
stations said Bowler, went all
d i s p l a y s as he modeled
tu t unrepotted in Atlanta.
several outfits, all of which
w e r e black enough
fo r
Special door prizes were won
by M rs . Jessie Simon, Gall
Patterson, and M a g g i e
M itchell, A Iso thank yous went
to coordinators Gerl Ward,
I .ols E Idi klge, ami Ron Knight,
Ihe Kansas B ar Association s
M r.
W a rd w h o
Committee on Liaison with
p a r t ic ip a te d
L a w S c h o o ls
w as
coordinating c o m m u t e e
r e p r i m a n d e d b y some
■ elaye.1 NAACP
m e m b e r s a t its annual
E llas Casson message to them
m e e t Ing last month. T h e
• ommending
them on a job
committee lad recommended
wall done am] thanked ihe
t h e elimination of m inority
audience (»cause It was his
group recruiting policies and
i m p r e s a lo o t h a t their
most social action law courses
participation showed that the
at the two law schools In ihe
NAACP was s till alive In their
state. T h e c o m m i n a e
mirxls ami hearts .
t h a t social
as those
(See pictures on page 6)
dealing with legal aki, social
action and law and public order
be eliminateli orconsolldated
(cont. p. 2 col. 5
W arned
Joins Islamic faith
Big Lew Alcindor
changes his name
le no more.
A t least the name Is o ffic ia l-
ly gone. I he 7’ 4 " basketball
wunder gave the final demise to
his Christlandeslgnatlon when
he announced to reporters a t a
State Pepartment press con-
feience that henceforth
»hould te addressed only as
,,r «•<.,
Ì) Franklin
«O M I I O A N ft
c \
l f ^ ,
A ?
.« • •*
L f t I ti *.
S it
■ This handy wheel helps you
gel Ihe most for your money by giving
you Ihe cos» per ounce of packaged goods. Just
align Ihe price with the weight, and the
the ounce cost appoars in the window. A new
Oregon product. . . FREE for the asking
at any of our offices.
F n m k liii
■ » I M S » a 1O „
■ a
Hoberl M H e len
Mom« O lile »
Pre« . 1« O lllC M • Phone } )4 31.13
Franklin H id»
P ortland O regon » rt0 4
Portland school
o fficia ls
called “ erroneous a nd
m is­
leading' information b e in g
circulated by a group that is op­
posing the $6,960,000 school
p e r copy operating levy to be voted on
Thursday at a special election.
The claim s,attributed to a
group calling itse lf the Com­
mittee forSane Taxes, state that
the proposed one-year operat­
Recently this newspaper in­ ing levy Is meant to provide for
terviewed a fam ily recently a r­ “ 5 middle schools with 15 more
rived from the United States t o come with bussing to distant
T e rrito ry of the V irg in Islands. areas.’ ’
“ T h o s e claim s are totally
What they had to tell this news­
paper Is information that caused false,’ ’ according to John H.
us to wonder if the te rrlro rie s N e lio r, D ire cto r of Public In­
of the United States are immune formation f o r the
to the laws of the United States. Public Schools. "T h e re are no
If they are immune to the laws funds incluled in the proposed
of nature, also might be asked. levy fo r additional
the Caribbean, racial schools — o r fo r expansions in
biases and prejudice have all any of the school d is tric t’ s pro­
but disappeared-everywhere, gram s,’ ’ N elior said. He added
that is, except in the islands that this is a m atter of public re­
that are governed by the United cord and is cle a rly shown in the
States. The acts of inhumanity school d is tric t budget which is
that are being perpetuated upon open to public inspection at any
the black people of those is­
tim e.
land s-there are only three basic
Concerning bussing, N elior
populated islands- St. Thomas said the school d is tric t current­
the capitoi, S t.C roix the largest ly transports about6,000 stu­
and St. Johns the sm allest, o f dents to school and that the levy
the three St. Thomas, being the does not include funds to in­
capitoi by default of political
crease student transportation
manuevers on the part of the
M o s t students now being
elite businessmen of the island, furnished transportation either
is the focal point of slavery. live more than a m ile from th e ir
But slavery is outlawed, you elementary school, are handi­
might say. What Is really hap­ capped youngsters, or are in ad­
pening? To begin, le t’ s take a m inistrative transfer programs
look at the islands. The y were according to N e lio r.
purchased in this century from
"T h e operating levy is needed
the Danish ostensible to help simply to balance the Portland
protect the Panama Canal, and S c h o o l
D is tric t’ s regular
eventually became integrated
operating ixidget fo r the coming
with the United States Depart­
school year,” N elior concluded.
ment of the In te rio r. They were
“ W ithout the additional funds,
governed fir s t by the Navy, but
the d is tric t w ill not be able to
are now
pra ctica lly self-
offer Portland children a fu ll
governing. They, according to
school year, but w ill have to
the so-calied intelliger.sia of
shorten schools about 20 or 25
the islands, “ m ature.’ ’ They days early next spring.’ ’
have a very small population .
not much land, exceptSt.C roix,
which until recently produced
sugar cane fo r rum.
WASHINGTON, D.C.... A dm iral Elmo R. Zumwalt, J r , Chief of
Naval Operations, receives a bred ing from his Special Assistant,
Lieutenant C o m m a u le rW illla m S .N o rm a l. T h e Navy’ s
o ffice r. A dm iral Z um w altw ill I» the principal speaker during a
luncheon on June 18 at the National Newspaper Publishers Associ­
a iion Convention in AUanta. Georgia, June 16-19.
Civil Rights
On the way to the Governor
for signature on Wednesday,
June 9th wa.s House Bill 3056.
This Is an Important addition
to Oregon’» Clvtl Rights Laws.
T h e bill w ill give the
Rights Division of the State of
Oregon subpoena power to In­
civil rights vio­
lations. The law also will per­
mit the Labor C om m issioner
t o lnltlage civil rights liti­
gation without the necessity of
having it approved by
Attorney General. Heretofore
the approval by the Attorney
General has caused delay, and
In s o m e Instances,
frustrated Initiation of c i v i l
rights ca ses.
State Representative Keith
Burns who Is Legal Counsel
f o r the NAACP was
strumental In passing
legislation along with others.
F rlor to being appointed State
R epresentative, along with
F ills Casson and C. Don Van
he testified tor this legislation
bedttre a special House Judici­
ary Committee. Later he was
appointed to t h e Judiciary
com m ittee and as a member of
the House, was able to vote tor
the b ill. On June 9 t h e bill
cam e back tothe House with
Senate amendments requiring
the House to act upon tt again.
Burns carried the bill on this
occasion v h ese ** — r rasa* J
with only one dissenting vote
and was then sent to the Gover­
nor for his signature.
Kaieel Atxlul Jabber. Ills bride
o f last Friday, th e form er
Janice Brown of Washington,
sat In the rear of the room look­
Reassignment of
ing demure In the dress of the Schwartz, principal of Adams
Islamic faith, towhlch s i» and H l g h S c h o o l , to another
position in theSchool D is tric t
her husband are converts.
w a s announced Tuesday by
Jabbar and Oscar Robertson, D r . R o le rt W. Blanchard,
who retains hlsC hnstlan name, superintendent of schools.
faced newsmen Just before theIr
S c h w a r t z , who has been
departure on a six-country tour
principal of Adems since It
of A frica that w ill take them to opened In 1969, w ill now be
A lgeria, Senega I, Mai I, Nigeria, involved in assisting la the
Tanzania ami Somali, under he planning ofcommunity-schcol
auspices o f it» State Pepart­
programs. In bis new capacity
ment. I 'h e t r wives a r e ac­ h e w ill r e p o r t d irectly
companying them. T h e
tw o
t o Superintendent Blanchard.
stars w ill do no playing them­ T h e I n 111 a 1 phase of work
selves, but act as coaches of ex­ w i l l commence in Area
hibition games ami hold clin ics. I n cooperation with D r. Don
Both are members of the pro­
James, area superintendent.
fessional team, the Milwaukee
Blanchard said Schwartz w ill
Bucks. J o h n Costello,
assume his new role In the
manager of the Bucks, who Is
d is tric t immediately.
traveling with the pari, said “ we
Schwartz came to l’ ortland in
can’ t ris k injury to Lew
19 6 8 as part of a team of
Oscar lecause they mean
1 n s t r u c t I o n a I special­
great deal tous InM Ilwaukee."
ist brought hereby D r.M elvin
W. B a r n e s , t h e n sur» r-
J o h n Richardson, assistant lnterelsnt o f s c h o o 1 s , to
secretary state fo r educational d e v e l o p a curriculum for
and cultural affairs, said that A d a m s HlghSchool, which
basketball Is the fastest grow Ing w a s th enureljr construction.
sport In A fric a . In A lgeria, I he school opened in 1969 with
there Is a national basketball I 3 00 stuilentsa.id this spring
tournament now In progress. g r a d u a t e d its firs t senior
Ksreel A tilu l Jabbar w ill s till
N o successor has yet been
be a threat on the court this
named to replace Schwartz at
next conference year. One
A d a m s , Blanchard said. He
might think that 1» w ill be
Indicated a search has already
even more seasoned.
(»•gun fo r a new p in c lp u l.
Gladys McCoy, fir s t Black supervisor fo r undergraduate
person to win an elective of­ and graduate students at PSU.
fice In Oregon, w ill speak to D jrin g the past year she has
members of the P o r t l a n d been an instructor in Sociology
Branch NAACP on S u n d a y , at C lark College in Vancouver.
June 20 at 4:00 pun. at the 1st She was elected to the School
AME Zion Church, 109 N Skid­ Board with the endorsement of
more, corner of Skidmore and the Citizens School Committee,
Vancouver A v e , according to and w ill be in Position #5 on
E llis H Casson, president of the Board until June 30, 1974.
the Portland Branch.
Gladys McCoy is the wife
M rs.
McCoy w ill discuss of W illiam McCoy, who is Pro­
some of the im plications of the gram D i r e c t o r of theP ro-
second defeat of the special vidence Child CareCenter. The
levy, and w ill talk about some McCoys have seven children,
of the possible solutions now ranging in ages from eight to
being considered by the School 17 years. M rs. McCoy has been
Board. There w ill be a ques- active in the Urban L e a g u e
tion-and-answer period follow­ Cam pfire G irls , Jewish Com­
ing her talk.
munity C e n te r ,
M rs. McCoy was born
in Friends Service Committee,
Chatanooga, Tennessee, where and other organizations.
she finished high school. She
NAACP members and other
got her Bachelors of A rts de­ interested persons who attend
gree from Talladega College the meeting w ill get first-hand
in Alabama in 1949, and came information
from a qualified
to Portland that year.
She person, and after Sunday’ s
received her Masters degree meeting w ill be better able to
in Social Work at P o r t l a n d judge what the the situation w ill
State U niversity in 1967, and really be next year in the pub­
from 1967 to 1970 was field lic schools of Portland.
The islands thrive on to u rist
trade which has necessitated the
hiring of untrained personnel,
from the nearly 100% black Is­
lands in the immediate v icin ity.
These people, in order to better
support th e ir fam ilies back
home, have been lured with the
promise of American wages,
benefits, etc. The LAW says
they must be paid at least m ini­
mum wages fo r the fir s t eight
hours of a day, and time and a
half fo r overtim e. A fo rty work
week. Sounds good, but what is
the case.
A s Burns explained to this
paper, while a private citizen
testifying for the b ill, he pulled
one oar. After being appointed
to the Legislature, he was able
to pull the other oar. Finally,
1 n carrying the bill to final
passage, h e was handed the
tiller to bring It Into home port
Burns said that although the
bill was modest In proportions
it was nonetheless important
M r.A ltm a m s accepts congratulations from
C liff Jackson of the Emanuel Security Staff.
Eloit faculty
member honored
Citizens participated in
numbers as they voted in the
election of the board of the
Metropolitan Area 4-CCoun­
c il ( Multnomah, Clackamas
and Washington Counties) on
June 10. Thirteen two year
board positions were at stake,
with thirteen persons named
by the nominating committee
and seven nominated by pet-
ltion from the flo o r.
M rs . Helen Rawlins is honored
by the Principal «ml faculty
members of E lio t, Many young
mirxls have been shaped and
molded by her.
By Spurgln W ite rs
M r s . Helen Rawlins
honored la stw a e katE llo tE le
itientary School by her friends
a n d teaching associates, to­
gether th e y revealed M rs.
Rawlins 38year committment
to the teaching profession and
h e r struggle to receive
college education, which at
that tlm cw .isnotsoeasyto re ­
ceive lo r any women coupled
with the factthatM rs.R aw lins
was black.
Helen was instilled with the
value of an education at
early age by her stepmother
who was Helen’s instructor in
elementary school. She taught
Helen the importance of having
’ * rise and fall* qualities dur­
ing speech presentations. I t
seemed to pay off as she w a s
selected to le the speaker at
her eight!) grade graduation. It
was so unforgettable that she
s till remembers It, the title
was ’ ’.Agriculture* .
A fte r completing high school
at Olathe, Kansasacrisisarose
In the Turner fam ily when
Helen’ s father decided that her
college future could not keep
w ithin the lim its of the fam ily
(cont. page 3 col 4 )
Elected were - Category
1 - Organizations Interested in
4-C: Rev. T , N. Noffa, Albina
M in iste ria l Alliance; Susan
Diet sc he, Kaiser Research,
Bob W arner, North Plains
School D is tric t; Brenda Me
School D is tric t;
McGinnis, Junior League.
Category II - Child Care
Agencies: Rev. A. L . Hender­
son, Bethel C hildCareC enter;
Joyce Veterans, West Tuality
Day Care Center;
Payne, Albina M ulti-S ervice
Center; Ruth Berger, Tuality
Day Care Center.
Category HI - Parents using
child care: Pat HUI, Marian
Scott and Andrea Belcher from
Model C itie s and C h ris Pine
and Diane Soliz from Wash­
ington County.
Take the case of a young
woman of 23 who was supporting
three children back in her home
island. She had started immedi­
ately to work fo r a white woman
from the continental U .S .w h o
had gotten on to the V irg in
Isles’ way of life . A fte r w ork­
ing fo r six and a half months in
the woman’ s home and never
twing allowed out alone, she was
sent to the store ostensibly to
(continued page 4 col 4)
sem inar
A seminar called “ Safari
T o Understanding,” is being
sponsored by t h e
League of Portland an d the
University o f Portland School
of Nursing,
The purpose of this sem inar
Is to provide an opportunity for
educators to gain a better un­
derstanding of attitudes and
behavior of minority students
who as a result of Increased
educational opportunities win
be entering institutions
higher learning during
next school year.
Educators an d others will
also learn about them selves
an d how to deal with a variety
of situations.
The seminar will be held on
t h e University o f Portland
campus, starting June 18th to
June 19th. Registration will be
lim ited to the first one hundred
a p p lica n t
Angela Davis trial
fin a lly gets started
SAN R A F A E L.C alif. — A fte r indictment against M iss Davis,
three months of delays,
the 27, an avowed Communist and
Angela Davis case finally got form er LCLA Instructorcharg-
going Thursday - despite a kick­ «1, like Magee, w ith m u rd e r,
ing and spitting tantrum
by kidnapping and conspiracy.
codefendant Ruchell Magee.
A reason took the motion un­
Magee, w ho repeatedly had der submission and scheduled
delayed p re tria l proceedings by another hearing Wednesday on
demanding removal of judges p re tria l requests by both pro-
and challenging his own lawyers secution and defense,
kicked and spat on his co u rt- ap­
pointed attorney and called the
Magee launched into a tirade
new judge “ A KuKlux Kian man against A reason and all
in disguise.”
lawyers after the judge refused
Superior Court Judge Richard to recess the hearing. The con­
E . Arnason eventually ordered vict wanted adelay to appeal an
th e 32 - y e a r-o ld San Quentin Appellate Court ju stice ’ s rejec­
convict, who faces a mandatory tion of his effort to disqualify
death sentence if found guilty, A reason as biased.
removed In chains to a cell near
T h e convicts, hands w e re
the courtroom.
shackled to his waist and chaw­
T h e judge then heard argu­ ed to his chair, raised
h is
ments on a motion todlsm ss the shackled feet and kicked A tty.
Model Cities Grant
A $3,745,000 grant to con­
tinue Portland’s Model C ities
program during the year be­
ginning July 1 has been made
by UjS. Department of Housing
and Urban Development.
U. S. Rep. Edith Green, D-
O re., reported the grant will
Implement the second year of a
5 - year program, which In-
eludes approximately
dozen projects.
HUD financing o f the first
year of the program totaled
T h e totals do not Include
grants provided by any other