Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 20, 1971, Image 7

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    N egro
I t w is a day of great excite-
Im ent am, tension in the H ouse
■ when the question of r atifying a
■ federal constitutional ameml-
Irnent to lower thevotlng age to 18
lln all elections came to th e
■ House floor in the lot in of I |JR
d f’*’
t o
Ian additonaI 24 lioui • wlien ,<ep.
| Macpherson of Waldpoit asked
1 l o i p. . s i h h -
or, i | o , e o ,
I the V o te o n t h e f o l l o w i n g
■ Apparently, however, no votes
I * -ie i hange I and ih e a lv-x a te s
I of ra tlfi. ation ,,l the h-deral a-
Ih e n d m m t
h a d w o n a liatd-
| fought vletoi y.
( 16th c e n tu ry j- Explorer
One of the diecoveren of A n to n a and Neu, Mexico
Riitevanico whh n «ixteenth-oentury Spanish explorer of Afri­
can descent. He wan one of the outstanding explorer« of the
New World. He led an expedition into the Indian wilder­
ness in aearch of the fabled "Seven Cities of Gold” (Cibolu).
T hough he never found them, he did explore much of the
southwestern part of the United States and was the first
to have explored the territories now known as Arizona and
New Mexico.
P r in c e
H a ll
M a s o n s
O p en
F re e
T h r ift
A b ill designed to provide a
single code fo r new construction
In Oregon was passed In the
House this week. H o u se H ill
Something new fo r the comm­
1048 Is designed to reduce con- unity!
Prince Hall Grand
I t l t l tlcn coats, pel : '
Chapter Order of the Eastern
production, and encoui age the Star State of Oregon and its
adoption ot new materials a nd Jurisdiction have chosen and
building technology. As an ex­ begun to operate as of May 1st.
ample o f th e problem, which A charitable project by open­
their PRINCE
this b ill seeks to remedy, Ore­ ing
gon presently has a state plumb­ FREE
locadkm of the th rift
ing cmJe which la administered
try the Hoard ofHealtb and an shop Is 118 N.E. Russell. T h e
hours of operation w ill be each
electrical code which Is ad­ Saturday from 12 pm until 2 pm
ministered by the Bureau o f A, a later date, hopefully It w ill
Labor, both of which are supple­ be open on a more regular
mented by local Jut isdlction. basis. The purpose of this
The key word In HB 1048, tie re- project Is to aid needy fam ilies
fore, seem stobe"unlform lty " regardless of race,creed,or
In order to bring about a uniform color by providing free cloth­
code fo r new construction in ing to those who need them.
The organization Is working on
I n other significant legisla­ a p a rtia l re fe rra l basis with
tion In the House, a b ill to
in­ the M ulti-Service Center and
the Kaiser Research H.E.W.
crease an Individual's weekly Project,
unemployment insurance bene­
Donations of the clothing hav
fits from $55 to$62a week was come from various sources.
approved in the House ami sent The group w ill accept any and
to th e S e n a te .E lig ib le in­ all donations In good useable
dividuals c a n receive
employment com;iensation at
the new increased level f o r a
period of 26 weeks within any
benefit year.
( h o s e who opposed ra ti-
I fica tlo n l.e.i-d then contention
p rim a rily on tlie grounds that
tlie Oregon electorate had last
year turned down tlie I9-/5?« c «
old vote when It was on tlie ballot
and tle y claimed that ra ti-
| ficatlon by th e
would thus go against the wlsties
of tlie [xsople.
According to those who favor-
o, ratification, events have
completely altered the picture
since the tune of that vote b e-
cause since then the Supreme
Court ruled that all 18-year-
olds are eligible to vote In Na­
tional elections. It was further
argued by proponents of tlie
tneasure that 26 states have now
ratified the federal amindment
I he string of Judges dis­
ami that It requires the approval qualifying themselves in the
of only 38 states In order to be­ Angela Davis - Ruchell Migee
come law. They predicted that tria l are not doing so in ad­
ui all probability the required 38 mission of racism , as some
states w ill have ratified the fed­ reports d im . It has been
eral amendment by the end of the learned from sources close to
yeai, whether Oregon ratifies the Davi s defense that C a lif­
or not, ami they called attention ornia officials, the FBI and
"to the fact that e a rlie r In the other government forces are
session the House had approved hoping tat by delaying Miss
a resolution to amend the Ore­ D iv is ' tria l they can force her
gon Constitution to allow 18- to ‘ crack up' in prison. This
year-olds to vote in all elections is alo the reason fo r deny­
subject only to the approval of ing her ball, even though other
the people In the 1972 prim ary e- difendants chargd with the
same crim e haveheen releas­
ed on ball In C alifornia.
Cosh and Maxey's
Barber Shop
4603 N W i l l i a m s Avenue
W»one 2 8 4 -5 ,8 8
condition. A ll articles on han't
now are used and in g o o d
coridltlonfwearable and clean).
There Is a need for men and
boys clothing. If anyone would
like to donate clothing they can
reach Mrs, Jenelle Brown,the
Chairman at 282-8233 t h e
members a r e :
M rs. Mabie Neal, 287-8132,
M rs. Bernice Noble,289-4470
M rs. A rtie Mae W illiam s,
288-4920, M rs. C. T rlp p le t,
284-9339, M rs, Rosie Green
284-8502, o r M rs. R u b y
Cannon, 289-2158. E v e r y
effort w ill be made to have
clothing picked up o r brought
to the th rift shop.
Anyone wishing to u tilize our
fa cility can contact the two
above agencies or any one on
the committee.
M rs. Dorothy E .V ickers is
the Grand Worthy Matron of
Prince Hall Grand Chapter
Order of the Eastern Star
State of Oregon and Its Ju rls -
L ittle
M is s
P a g é a n t
Why del|iyed
I uesday, May 18,1971 at 7:30-
9 p.m. "how to keep the fam ily |
healthy" with M rs, Ilea Gllrnore
R J9. AtEmanuel Exten le i Care
3001 N.Gantenhetn. Coffee ami
Baby-sitting, ftee to a ll.
the Vote
I hxiht cleat up to the last vote
I when It wasappr oved 3,-29, but
I the susfiensewas pi olonged foi
Hera's ■ defensivedriving tip
from the Portland T raffic Safety
Sun glasses cut down glare ami
Iwlp you see le tte r on bright
days. Hut don't forget to lake
them off in tlie evening. At
tw ilight tle y can cut your vision
enough to cause a crash.
I h e c u ll o n , • of
h o llin «
" F o r the fir s t time in the
state o f Oregon we now have
available a C hildren’ s Beauty
Talent Pageant. O u r L i t t l e
M iss. Any Oregon g irl between
the ages of 3 - 6 (M iss LaPetite)
and 7 - 12(Our L ittle Miss) may
compete. The Pageantwill be
held inPortland.oregonJune 12
1971 at 7:00p.m .in the Lloyd
C e n te r Auditorium . Separate
rehearsals w ill be held during
the day fo r each age group. A ll
judging w ill be held during the
evening. The g irls are judged on
personality, poise, modeling
and talent ( 7-12 only). Winners
w ill receive flowers, banner,
crown and trophy. The tw o
Oregon winners w ill attend Na­
tional competition to be held in
M iam i Beach, Florida
summer. Deadline forenterlng
the Pageant isM ay 25,1971. The
entry fee may either be paid by
the parents o r by a sponsor.
Anyone interested in entering
may contactM rs.EverettNixon
14625 S.W . Sunrise Lane, Tigard
O re g o n
97223 o r c a l l i n g
O regon
□ lack business
(continued from p. I)
Total e m p lo y m e n t
Oregon for A p r 1 I n u m b e re d
Black comm inlty and the re­
quirements fo r maximum e -
conomlc growth by the national
865,300, tlie adm lniatrati t of
the Employment Division re­
ported t o d a y , rhis is up
s e a s o n a lly be
Having existed fo r more
than 70 years, the National
Business League volunteered
Its organization to continue
this program In the pilot c it­
ies and to expand It elsewhere
In te U-S.
It recommends that Its fac­
i l i t i e s be used as a training
center and clearinghouse to
prepare communities fo r e-
co.iomlc development.
2,300 Compared
with tlie March total of Ht .5,0X1
and increase o f 12,700 from
the A p ril 1970 to ta l.
Unemployment d e c lin e d
seasonally f r o m 69,700 In
March to 62,000 fo r A p ril.
I ba Apt 11, i 9W n in bei
employed was 55,100. Itwaa
noted decline was less than ex­
pected for this time of year.
The seasonally adjusted rate
rose from 6.4 percentto6.6
percent for A p ril.
Morgan contrasted Oregon
seasonally-adjusted u n e m-
ployment from a rate of 8.0
percent to 8.1 percent.
A large number of people
were out of work due to con­
tinuing labor disputes which
began during March. T h i s
factor kept employment from
advancing to a la rg e r degree.
Manufacturing employment
shows some signs of a more
lovely posture, but s t i l l
remains below year ago totals.
Transportation equipment Is
picking up, but machinery,
p r i m a r y and fabricated
metals, and electrical equip­
ment continue to mark time.
Nonmanufacturing e m p lo y ­
ment was m o r e positive,
showing monthly gains In all
categories except state and
local governmental education.
Portlanders watched the A l­
bina Corporation fold fo r the
lack of fund. Many Blacks be­
lieve tliat the federal and
state government should have
Invested more fo r Its survival.
Programs of the Office of
M inority Business
p rise , In the U. S. Depart­
ment of Commerce, the Small
M ^ U|eS™Adrnlnlstra‘ lon. the
Model Cities Program of the
Department of Housing and
Urban Development and others
m the Departments of Labor
and Health, Education and
elfare should be coordinated
tro u g h a central Information
steteV. ° f ‘ hlS type’ the report
C ities In the project were
Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland,
Columbus, Ohio;
N. C.; Jackson, M iss.; Mem­
phis, Tenn.; N orkfolk
Richmond, Va.; Seattle and
Washington, D. C,
W 'O o d lciiJU n .
Ç jfç in ç ii
• a
w e G IVE
2 8 9 -8 3 3 3
W « L L F o r e s e e is W r u
D e t„ ,o
fo r
ziH a xM f.
S e a m s tr e s s
B e t t e r d r e s s e s , Weildlngs,
Custom made draperies.
2 8 4 -9 S . I 6408 N. V illla m s
•f you like meeting people then
we can determine what your
salary w ill be as a door to door
salemen. C a ll 283-2486 fo r
Make Muney At Home
L a d le s yo u c a n make good
money right In youi own home
by using your telephone. C a ll
th e Portland observer
fo r
further information.
V ia n » o k o r g a n
les ?
S O N S L a te s t a n d m o d e rn
method guarantees th a t you r u n
learn to play either instrum ent
F o r in fo r m a tio n , please c a ll
2M7 lti.14
Henry Ireland
4 - PLEX
fea ch e r; C h ild C are W orkers; Bookkeeper -i
S ecretary (part rime); Cook. Model C ities
resid en ts. S en d resum es to
Bethel Child Care Center
$3500.00 down, monthly payment
$200 includes principal, interest
and taxes. Seller w ill complete
upgrading. Total price $ 19,000 .
W illiam s A v e , near Alberta .
C all:
5828 N.E. 8th. Ave.
333 S.W. Park Ave
’ r k Ê pt ÎÔ n Î s ^ È cr Ê tar Ÿ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ™
Model Cities resident - Send resume by May 24th to
-Cash for old hom es-
Deputy Sheriff
Sam uel G. W h itn e y -R e a lto r
Multnomah County ha* career opportunities for college
graduates between 21 & 32. Contoct County Civil Ser
vlte, County Court House, Rm. 140, Portland, Ore
2 3 2 6 N.E. 11th A ve.
2 8 8 -3 7 8 4
4C COUNCIL 288-5091
High School graduate or equivalent. Knowledge of office
practices and procedures. TypIngaccuratelySOWPM. shorthand
80 WPM. $4|9 per month.
M a rk e t '
} $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 j
Knowledge of office practices and procedures, ability to meet
the public. Type 40 WPM. $376 per month.
Knowledge ami background In general home maintenance
repairs. $2 per h r. 20 hrs. per wk.
Must liave valldoregon Dept. of Motor Vehicles Chauffeur’ s
License. Understanding and w lllingnessto work with
physical needs of older persons. $450 per month.
Send detailed resume oi call:
City-County Council On Aging
320 S.W. ST Stark St., Rm. 202
Phono: 226-6007
Portland, Oregon 97207
S877-S1047 MONTHLY
C.ftiklhbues must luve one of the fo il owl ng types of requirements:
Masters Degree plus one year of experience In housing, urban
planning or economic development; Bachelor's Degree from an
accreditcxl college or university plus two years experience in
housing, urban planning o r economic development; have sig ­
nificant experience and ti alnlng(4 years) In a responsible position
dealing with housing, urban planning, or economic development
plus two years of form al ti atnlng at an accredited college or
university. Mialel C ities resklent prefei re il.N t) PH d NE CALI.S-
a|iply in ,w i9ononly. Application« accepted through May 3, 1971,
Apply At: Portland Model Cities
5329 N . E. Union Avenue
Room 217 Portland, Oregon 97211
^^^^n^Eciifaj-Qpportunity EmpIoyer
W atch our Ad in the Oregonian classification
3 1 0 business opportun.ties. Financing can be
arranged on most business. Ask floor man
fo help you. Call now 2 2 8 -3 1 8 1
Whitney Real Estate
$3.50 a child per day
Background in household assistance. Older citizens living
retirem ent benefits.. $2 per h r. 20 hrs. per wk.
Business or
Income Property
Metropolitan Area 4c council
4635 N.E. 9th Portland, Ore. 288-5091
To Buy
Dean Pincent^
, Uwnei re tirin g . Sale include«!
’ very nice brick building, u w n e i"
| operator can make $12,000 year |
.$7500 down payment includes.
,53,000 inventory and $4500 on,
! xdldlng and equipment. Balance!
E asy
p .iv m e n ts
or s h o u ld ’
1 qualify
for m inority economic,
’ opportunity loan.
Henry Ireland
, Dean I invent,
*3 3 3 S.W Park
Ave *
Dean Vincent Inc.
333 S. W. Park
228-3 181