Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 20, 1971, Image 3

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io n
Mormon Hospitals
Whites, Blacks
Bar Pantsuits
Community Launch
Aid Bombed Churches
lexarkana, la x ,- - A n ecu­
menical ecort has teen launclied
to relxilld two National Baptist
Churches tliat were (lre-bomlx»l
during recent racial strife liera.
s t. P a u l Baptist a ml Ml.
Ot ange Baptist- -predominantly
black churches sustained dam­
age totalling $200,000. A fire
w as
extinguished a t a third
Negro church before It Could do
much harm, A Molotov-cocktail
that tailed to Ignite was found in
s till another church.
I he K e v . I . o r y Hildreth,
pastor of F irs t Baptist c h u r c h
here said, “ We w ill rebuild th e
churches. I he white leadership
la really lowering Hie boom on
anyone who would stoop to s u c h
a thing as the bombings.”
“ I his Is one way we could
doinonstiate to the community
that there Is unity in C h ris t,"
M i . Illld i eth said, adding that lie
w a s "th rille d at the response**
of the white congregations.
M enders o f th e Highland
Park Baptist churchvoted
give $ I,(XX) to each of the de­
stroyed churcles, and othei
churches in lexarkana w ill take
special offe I mgs on the last
Sunday of March ami the firs t
Surxlay In A p ril,
A resolution adopted by tie
lexas Southern Ba,41st execu­
tive board in Dallas denounced
th e "unthinkable a c ts
violence" and a,iplauded I oc a I
e f f o r t s to a id th e burned
P relim inary building sketch­
es and technical assistance Is
telng provided to tie refunding
congrégations by th e Texas
Conventual's chutch building
and d i r e c t missions
Woman elected
to second term
M rs. George Dick, wife of
the pastor of lllgtiland Baptist
Church tn Portland, lias teen
elected to a second term as
National Chairman of Spiritual
growth of the American Bap­
tis t Women.
The election w is held at the
g ro ip ’ s
20th Anntveraary
meetng In Minneapolis,Minn.
M rs. Dick Is Vice President
of the Oregon Baptist Conven­
tion and was a member o f
the Executive Committee on
Kesolutlons for the American
Baptist Convention.
Cash and Maxey's
Barber Shop
4 6 0 3 N W illiam s Avenue
Phone 2 8 4 5 1 8 8
Salt UakeCIty-1 he 17 hospital
chain maintained by theMurinon
Church lias vowed toget tte in­
vasion o l women's pantsuit
fashions In its hospital cor­
ridor», whether they appear In
the dietary kitchen In Its hos­
pital co rrid o rs, whether they
ap,iear Inthedletary kitchen o:
the delivery room oranywhere
else in the hospitals.
Clarence Wonnacott, assist­
ant commissioner o f health
services f o r th e
Church, said hospital admini­
strators have established th e
following policy:
“ Il is expected that uniforms
w ill I xj of authorized colors and
designed as outlined in hos­
pital policies: clean, n e a tly
pressed and of modest fit. Ex­
treme fashions In clothing such
as pm lsuitsarenot acceptable"
M r. Wonnacutsald the admin­
istra to rs wanted a uniform tliat
wouldn’ t "s u ffic ie n tly d e p a r t
from tte traditional crispness
of the uniform that it would
offend D m * patient,"
B u i th e n there’ s also th e
problem of the m in is k irt grac­
ing Die forms of nurses, who
must bend, stoop and so f o r t h ,
I h ere was a problem , tie said, of
patients lecomlng ’ ah.......ills -
I bus the p o lic y ." "N u i ses
should wear a clean, while,
neat apj>ea ring cap, wltha white,
tailored uniform of modest 111,
clean, white, soft-soled shoes,
and light colored hose.
"Employees working In spec­
ialized areas, such as physical
Dieiapy, may fo r reasons of de­
sired tmxlesty choose a culotte
u n ifo rm ."
Male employees are advised
to ** avoid extremes In hair
styles. If beards, sldetxirns and
muctactes are worn, they w ill
te of moderate length, clean and
neatly trimmed.**
Mormon hospital administra­
tors (old newsmen they do n o t
foresee < I if f leu 11 y In enforcing
Die new stalk I aids,
Robert B arton,adm inistrator
of Die hospital at Burley, Idaho,
said, "W e perm mod some of
the g irls to wear pantsuits on a
pilot program, hut we w ill no
longer use Diem.*'
Baptist choir
to ting
flw reh Plans Men’s Wav
Fi y Ijjw e y I aylor
Bahai youth conference
A public showing of "B *s Just
the Beginning,’ ’ a color docu­
mentary film about the Bahai
Faith w ill be held at the Matt
Dishman Coummlty Center.
The conference, scheduled
fo r Satunlay and Sunday, Is de­
signed to deepen the knowledge
of Balial youth, ages 15 to 25,
In the principals of their faith.
Youth are expected from as far
as Ashland and from the neigh­
boring states of Washington,
Idano and California. In addi­
tion to the film a multimedia
presentation of a book written
by the Prophet Bahaullah titled
"T h e Seven Valleys and t h e
Four Valleys’ * w ill be shown.
Speakers w ill be present to In­
troduce the program and to
answer questions.
“ It's Just the beginning’ ’
tackles the problems of peace,
unity and Justice In the world
as viewed by Bhal youth repre­
senting different races a n d
strata of society. The film was
made during a recent National
Bahai Youth Conference wnlch
was attunded by over t w o
thousand youth from across the
United States and from several
foreign nations. In the film the
Black, Wlille, American Indian
and Spanish-speaking youth tell
of the many problems bother­
ing them today and how the
Baptist Membership
Drops In Britain
LO N D O N ---- Membership of
Baptist churches In the B ritish
Isles f e l I la s t yearby 5,8(16
from '274,871 to 269,065 accord­
ing to official data published
Che statistics, ba sed on
counts taken Jan. 1,19/0, a ls o
showed i ha t nieinfershlp of
affiliated to th e
Baptist Union of Great Britain
and Ireland wa s down 3,539
from 210,306 to 206,767.
In the past decade, total mem­
bership o f Baptist churches
throughout tlie B ritish Isles has
fallen by 14 percent, from 317,
682 to 269,065. In the 30- year
period beginning 1941, the de­
crease has been nearly 30 per
Latest data also reveals that
In the past yearthere were 427
fewer young people associated
with Baptist churches and 12,467
fe w e i c h ild » on. Baptiam«
(5,242) weie down I,
the previous year.
Only B aptistchurcliesInN or-
tbem Ireland anti litre showed
an increase In membership last
Bahai Faith provides solutions.
Why this y o u n g e s t of the
w orld’ s religions Is attracting
youth world wide Is also shown.
The f i l m was produced by
Klva Film s of New York City
which also produced film s for
award-winning t e l e v i s i o n
s e r i e s such as "Sesame
The Fahal Faith Is consider­
ed by some as the fastest
spreading religion In the world
today. It originated In I r a n
(then Tarsia) In 1844. Since
then It lias spread to over 313
countries and te rrito rie s .
Baha’ s reside In over 3,90
cities and towns In the United
States. Bahaullah ("the Glory
of God” ) Prophet-Founder of
the Bahai Faith Is considered
by Balia's as t h e Bearer of
God’ s Word for this age. Bahai
beliefs revolve around three
Bahaullah - - the oneness of God,
the oneness i f re llg l n and the
oneness of mankind. National
i enter of the Bahai Faith Is the
United States Is at Wilmette,
Illin o is and Its W orld Centre is
on M t. Carmel in the Holy Land.
I he public Is invited to tlie
film and the multi-media pre­
sentation, starting at 8 p.m.
free of cliarge. I he Matt Dish­
man Community Center Isat77
N £ . Knott St.
w ill be served.
with ynur family
D r . J . A u s t e ll
A Gala DayMen's Da y
Bethel A .M .E . Church Sunday
May 23, D r.J .A .H a ll w ill be the
speaker during morning s e r ­
vices. H e IsP a sto ro f B e th e I
A. M. E.San Francisco C a l i f .
He was fo rm e rly instructor at
Theological Seminary
Wilberforce Ohio. He a ls o is
engaged in building a m illion
dollar housing project, plus a
new church of
figures. Was delegate to the
A . M.E .General Conference in
1968. Bethel of San Francisco is
tlie largest church In the
California A .M £ . Conference.
M r. Hall is a m a s te ro f De­
scription. Immediately a f t e r
morning service, dinner w ill be
served by the Men. Caterers
w ill beCarlosM artinand W illie
By Rev A Furnoll Bailey
IIANOVER-A ruling wnlch re ­
quired parents to have their
children baptized within oie
year of b irth has been amend­
ed by the Synod of the Evange­
lic a l Lutheran Church of llan-
The new regulation reverses
the form er ru b ric which luts
been In effect fo r 33 years and
Included the possibility of with­
drawal of ja sto ra l services
from parents who did not have
th e ir children baptized at an
early age.
In taking action, the Synod
stressed tliat the move did not
affect the d o 'trln e regarding
the Sacrament of Baptism.
A transparent wtmlowshade
.....cla lm e l to be the "next
bust think to a irc o ’kJilloning",
...........turns back 65% of the
teal from sun's rays. Made
from Aluminum at»J pulyestei
It ro lls up Ilk? an ordinary
fabric shads.
N.E. Knott Street at Rodney Avenue
Telephone 287 3012
Rev L.O Stone Vicar
Holy Cxxnmunaor
S unday services
(Fr»t and Third Sunday«) 1 1 0 0 AM
Holy Co»rr»xxMor
7 45 AM
" P r e a c h e r " H a ll
P a s t o r o f B e th e l A . M . E .
c h u r c h , San F r a n c i s c o
M en a n d W o m en D ay s p e a k e r
and fn s titu te in s tr u c to r
Hanover Church
( ) n ffantism
W Cburri) of ©our
pleVISeS Its Klllt*
PORTLAND/OBSERVER Thursday May 20, 1971
Sunday School
Ko*y Commuoeor
This is tru ly aG alaD ay
Bethel. A t 6 o’ clock Sunday
evening another treat is in store
fo r us a ll. Rev. Dorsey W.
McCallough pastor of Ebenezer
A . M . E . Church of Bremet ton
Wash. He is a graduate of
Shorter College, L ittle Rock,
Arkansas, which is an A .M £ .
school from which he received
his Masters Degree from the
University of Washington. Pre­
sently he is teaching music
return to their minds like a re­
frain. If I had known then. I
would have disciplined my
mind w ith a better education,
it I hud know;, -’.'hat »ay latter
years would require, I would
have developed ms spiritual
life. If I had known I would
have been more thou g h tfu l to
my loved ones.
The true blessing of a good
home and a good schixil is to
reduce the “ i f 1 had known
Il is good for a man that lie
•ear the yo w in Ins youth.
(I am. Í 27)
Copr. I .M , ( »en. l ea Curp.
6 0 0 PM
Mornmg Prayer
(Second and Fourth Sunday«) I I 0 0
O iw th and S»to»» »a» 'Lajwwiun»*»
281 4 4 2 9
•0 6 N t
C W O O N 972 1 1
«Aoasm 9 0 0 «w Hyw»« I & 3 O « « Chow
1 2 0 0 pw>
M on
. .
, , , ____ «><»"« 2 1 7 -7 9 9 «
ÎI5 9 NE
BiU-op J.C Fotloc, M inuter
Sunday School
9 :45 A M
Worihip Service
I 2 :00 Noon
6 :3 0 P M
Evening Worthip — Sunday Tuesday, Endoy 8 0 0 P M
The Frondly Church ■ You aro only o Strange» anco
Seattle Public Schools. So yo u
w ill agree this w ill be a Gala Day
at Bethel A .M .E . 5828 N .E . 8th
Hope to see you there. Frank
D o rly, Charles Jordan are co-
chairman of the entire program .
Highland United Church of Christ
Highland Cam men ity Canter
4435 N.E. 9th Avanea
’’hone 224-5420
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday School
Morn,ng //Qfth.p
O4<ve’ 8op>»t Church
1 IA W i Schuyler
rtserse 2 8 4 -1 9 5 4
Samuel Johnson. Pastor
8 :3 0 A M .
9 30 A M
M ethodist E
0°- st«1»»T c«ll»c
5» Andrews C o th el« Church
• 0 6 N I Alberto
P h .« « 2» I -44 2 9
T a *» » Be»’ GriMes. Posto»
bethel 4 M i Church
5121 N i «»h
Phene 2 8 8 5 4 2 9 20
le » A lee H m d e'to r Posto»
M eran eth a hrançelittsc Cento»
1222 N E U»d*Tsax.
Phene 3 M -3 7 O O
■e» Wende* WaMoce Postor
A llen Tempie C M I Church
4 2 3 6 N ( «»h
Phene 2 I 7 O 2 4 I
•e» Thomos S»»oyhond Posto»
The W is e O ld
O w l Sez:
W ould M ie to be
The Church Home Away
From Heme
Nobody knows everything, but
reading the Observer HelosH
There are many ways of ad­
vertising, but the cheapest way-
get the best results is in the
( ibserver Classified Sectionl
Cottele S*uden»s ottendmg Colte^es m ou» areo
We w«N pK* up Stoder-»» on am val m our city and
O» range ’» anspo»’0»tor to Put>*K w CX stop ond Ac
»reines «o» hx»he» »»»♦orrwotox' aw •« o» ca* us
5828 N.E. 8th
288 -5 4 29
A. Lee Henderson, Minister
Ellis Cassqn, Associate Minister
Church School .......................................................... 9:30 A .M .
Morning Worship
................................................. 10:45 A.M.
Wed Noon — The Hour of Power
12:00 N O O N
Wed. Prayer & Class Meeting
............... ...... 7:00 P.M.
Nursery Care Provided
The Senior Choir of Good­
w ill Bai-tlst Church Seattle,
Washington w ill be guest of
the New Hope Inspirational
Choir Sunday, May 23, at
3:00 p.m. They are observ­
ing th e ir 9th Anniversary,
Won’t you Join us In this ser­
Sis. F. Hudson, President
Rev. A .A. Newton, Pastor
"W e are making our Neighborhood A Brotherhood"
Bethel Fund Drive Launched
B r l h r l A. M. E. Church
launches special drive f o r
Building Funds with a Pancake
Breakfast, May 22, 1971 - 8 a.m.
to 2 p.m. at the Church. A
"K ic k Off T e «*< Sunday, June
6, at the home of the W. G.
Anthony», 2011 N.E. Knott St.
2 - 6 P.M. M rs. Anthony has
been a m e m b e r o’ Bethel
for many years. The d r i v e
w ill end Oztolie,- 24, 1971, with
a **Z o d I a c T e a” at the
7’hunderbtrd Motel Inn Jantten
Beach. Beading the drive will
be M rs. Minnie Scott, C h a ir--
man. M rs. Parlene White. Co-
Chairman, M r s . USimmons
Secretary-1 r e a a u r e.M rs.
Betty Wntte, Ways and Means,
Chairman, M rs. C la n Mae
Ads and Patrons
Chairman, Mrs. Minnie Belle
Johnson, Catering Chairman,
and M rs. Helen T a ylo r, Public­
ity Chalrina i.
B a rb e r P r e ju d ic e
B a rte r shops-lung a strong­
h o ld o f segregation - are s till
segregated In manypartaof the
country, though nut,apparently,
w it h le g a l sanction. J u d ge
James I . M cM illan o (U £ .D is ­
tr ic t Court In Charlotte, N .C .,
recently found In case Involving
d i s c r i m i n a t i o n In s h a tte r
school that there are about 7,700
te r te l shops In North Carolina,
( i f these, approximately 1,500
a re operated by white barters
and s e r v e a white clientele.
I here are approximately 1,200
te r te i shops o|>erated by black
te l te i s. A bout 85 black barters
cater to a white trade, the re­
maining black barterscaterlng
to blacks.
McMillan barred aCharlotte
terber school from refusing to
admit black students, basing Ills
decision In theCIvll Rights Act
o f 186 6, w h ic h guarantees
equal Ity in making and enforcing
Harold H arris, |Hihllc In­
formation officer forthe N e w
Yoi k I lepartm mt of state, which
is s u e s and revokes b a rte r
licenses, said no act Ion has teen
taken against the ba rte r shops
or o|iera(orscharged with dis­
crim ination, although i t
against the law. "A ny barter
who practices discrim ination
w i l l have Ills license revoked.
“ It’ s Just agslnst the law,”
said. However, his office hail no
record of complaints telng filed
Wednesday« & Ko*y Day«
John Jackson Postor
H u d N orth in g to n , w h ile xuf
fering from .1 severe attack ol
gout when lie wax prime minis
,cr of | ngland. made
ment that w ill be remembered
because of its barb o f truth.
N o t only did he endure much
pain, hut he was lim ited in his
work because he could not walk.
In the midst of the experience,
he exclaimed
If I had known
these old legs would one day
carry a prime minister of I ng
land, 1 w ould have taken better
care of them ”
If I had known . .
M any
who look hack on the first 25
years of life lu xe that phrase
9 30 AM
r // r J/(W//Z ¿VzirZ
Rev.John H Jackson
M in is te r
'J .E. Frist andS chuyler
Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church
3138 N. Vancouver Ave.
Phone 282-9496
baptist Church
Phone 284 1954
Sunday School
Morning Worthip
9 a m.
1 1 am
5 pm
P o rtland, O re .
L ri ue entrr to worship and depart Io ie n *
S unday school
M o rn in g W orship
Maranatha Evangelistic Center
1222 N.E. Skidmore
Phone 288-3700 - 4035
9:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Unusual Service* e rth en U n utu e!
People beceuse of en Unusuel Christ
Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor
9 15A M
,0 45 A M
7 0 0 FM
7 0 0 PM
7 30 P M
Su»Xiay School
Morning Worship
E»en»ng Worship
Hour Power — Wed
Fr»<Jay Youth O-Romo
Reverend Wendell W allace Pastor
"Serving the In n e r C ity S aving the in n er M a n '
Washington Report
on the Rritish to end this dis­
I he New York State Human
not relearn- any U.S. POWs u n til graceful slap in the face of the
Relations Comutssion reported President Nixon has set a p ull­ United States."
Hut it is doubtful that the
that In Its 26 year history, 34 out date fo r our troopa in V iet­
State Department w ill put much
complaints have teen filed a- nam.
Nguyen Thanh la-. North pressure on Great R ritain. A
galnst te r te r shops charging dis­
Vietnamese representative in high State Department official,
crim ination.
Paris, said, "P roviding an ap­ when questioned about the high
R a lp h Katz, publ Ic informa­
propriate deadline is set. Then lacking of American tuna teats
tion officer for the commission,
all paities to the problem would
s a id m o s t o f the comnlalnts discuss the procedures. Once I off South America, said. "These
hinterland primitives (anyone
w e re f 11 ed by blacks against this is done, it is our intention
living outside o f New York City
w h it e shops w h o s e barters
to release all captive pilots— not or Washington. I). C.) want us
e i t h e r r e fu s e d to render
only the wounded and sick—but to go to war ovei anything. We
services or performed Jobs that all, so they can return safely must keep international rela­
discouraged the return of black and directly home.
tionships in mind."
patrons. O f th e
36 com­
"W c have no intention of hold­
It is strongly felt that there
plaints filed, £ommlsston indi­
ing them. W’e’ll even give them I is mole behind President N ix ­
cations ofdlscrlinlnatlon. I hey transportation. In fa rt, they can on's recent relaxation of restric­
wete settled on conditions that bring home flowers from V iet­ tions with Red China. It is hard
to believe Ihut a ping pong ball
Rut as the talks drag in Paris, has knocked down the Ramboo
the shops would discontinue dls-
the flghting ami death continues. Curtain.
c rlm mating, aixl would compen­
According to New York Con­
Red China's need fo r U.S.
sate the complainant f o r an­
gressman M ario R iaggi: “ w ith ­ products and President Nixon's
other liaircut. I he commission
out the aid o f America'a so- desire to end the Vietnam war
had no record of "education ’ ’
called friends in Ihe free world, before the next Presidential
complaints a g a in s t te r te r
Hanoi would have fallen long election are two factors involved
schools or shops InNew Y o r k
in the new wave o f friendship.
C ity.
Riaggi accused Great R ritain
Red China, i f pniperly re­
of aiding North Vietnam hy per­ warded with U.S. goods, could
m ittin g vessels hearing their pressure North Vietnam foi a
Most of the complaints came flag to carry war material to the quick settlement of the war.
Communist country.
fro m
predominantly w h it e
Russia expressed her views on
The Congressman said. " A l­ the American-Red China new
neighborhoods w h e re w h ite
though Great R rita in has con­ friendship in a Radio Moscow
b a rte rs did notwantto s e r v e
black patrons. In fear of losing tinually voiced its support of broadcast to A frica , in F’ nglish:
white customers. Some opera­ our position in Southeast Asia
"F o r the first time in history,
and has claimed to be a strong ping-pong or table tennis, has
tors dkl not know how to treat It.
ally, they are u n w illing to put
" T h is Is put up against the fact a stop to vessels supplying the become a matter for imlitica)
that when a man Is granted his enemy with war materials and hullabaloo. The Western press,
and especially the American
te r te r license In this state, he other essential items.”
press, has teen front paging the
Is supposed to he able locut all
Riaggi wants the State l>e-
kinds of h air,”
Katz said. partment to put "more pressure news about the American table
tennis team's visit to China . .
tion fo r voters' support. A group
of black Congressmen sponsored
a bill calling for $6500 to a fam ­
ily of four . . . The Post Office
has created an office of con­
sumer affairs. The man in
charge is David I.. Orday . . . A
b ill to create a National Do­
Board to oversee the conduct of
all domestic intelligence and
have long teen using various surveillance oja-rations, includ­
methods to establish contacts ing the F B I, has teen introduced
with the very same American in Congress ■
imperialists whom they have
been so loudly denouncing in
their press and over the radio
Needless to say. sports events
among various national teams
are usual and essential.
"However, in this particular
case the sports meet has teen
given a marked political nature
. . . ping-pong hats are wielded
fo r manipulating big politics.
And the reception was charac­
teristic of Peking leaders, who
$21 million (larking garage is
being proposed. The three-story
gai agi- is for 1,725 Senate em­
ployers. That figures out to
round trip cab-fare fo r each em­
ployee for the next 5(1 years.
A defense panel supplemental
report which went unnoticed
claims that the Soviets are de­
ploying strategic wea|Mins de­
signed for a first strike capabil­
ity .
The proposed revenue
sharing plan ap|>ears dead.
There are ton many congression­
al leaders worried about how
the money w ill be divided and
spent many do not like the
"no strings attached" rider to
the hill . President Nixon is
feeling moi»- and more pressure
to release money appropriated
for rural America urban areas,
with large voting power, always
get preferred treatment . . .
The Family Assistance Program
which calls for JltilHI to a fam
ily if four is becoming an auc
7 1 0 N .(. KIlUNOSW OrtH STRUT
8 < m .-7
N I.
2643 N.E. 7th
282 -2 8 58
Tune Ups & Brake Jobs
Auto Repair
keeneye ’ s tips
Crows provide good hunting
during the summer months
and insure a higher
duck population
in waterfowl nesting areas.
A crow will kill each year
about 110 ducklings and eggs.
O.slobuleU a» a Public
by National RUI» Aasocialion
A Letter To Send
To Your Government
The following is a typical form letterwhichcan be used by you,
the reader, to send toa public official to demand action against
pollution. However it is better if you would sit down and perhaps
take five minutes of your time to w rite your own personal letter
because this would make more of an impact on the official.
Dea r ..
— -,
In order to maintain the quality ol life In the developed countr­
ies, prevent (amine in the underdeveloped nations, keep our a ir
and water free from pollution and lUth, and protecting the en­
vironment not only to make It livable but enjoyable Insist that:
1. Give aid to any program whichwould help clean up our d irty
2. T ry to encourage other citizens to help fight pollution in
their communities.
3. Seek to pass laws in your city, country, state and nation
which would aid the cleaning up of our a ir and water.
Yours T ru ly