Pl IRTLAND/OBSERVER Methodist Sees io n THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE Tony M arshall 1 SUITOR'S No n W ear« M ill asking that all churches whoarr planning any event» or have any Item» tiiey wish published to please mall In the necessary in- formation to the |*< iR iia n i i OBSERVER In care of the re­ ligious Editor the Monday be­ fore the event Is to take place. We are trying to help y,x, mgke your programs « success. S A IN I PAUL HAP I is I C llliR C II: tin May 16, [he St. Paul Hainist Church, 8101 n , E Isk, will sponsor a special Evangelistic Service. Speakei Sunday service at Bethel AMD Church was very exciting, l i e M other*! I lay prugi am wa s pre­ sent» I by all motliers. MRS. C orine winchesier was the program co-ordlnator. ITie Mother's I lay addies-, was given by MRS. t l . l A KINARD. oth­ er» appearing on the program were; Mesdames V. L . HENI IERS< >N, D.DAVIS, AI .1.11 M. PACHALi , BRI M I GREEN , ESSII. JoRIXiN, I II I IE SIMMONS, I-..NI.I soN, CASSB JENKINS, LUCY C< C l IRAN, MARY HRU >GI ■ S J W. GcxRiWIN and GEORGIA DUCKETT. Awards were given to tfie old­ est mother, MRS.RICHARDSON 8b years old. The mother with the largest family present - MRS. VIRGINIA WINCIO SIHR 11« mother with the youngest leby prevent - MRS. DoRIS WASHINGTON, twby Washing­ ton Is two months, the youngest mother - MRS. PAINE, 22 year» of age. tie said he saw ecumenism m oving "beyond cozy in te r- CORINE Church dialogues, celebrations, coalitions and unions tow ard in ­ volvem ent in our L o rd ’s in te n - tiorial actions to u n ify divided hu- 9 m anity. "Such ecumenism does not ne­ glect efforts to give v is ib ility to the oneness o f the church . . . but were the only two females 1 it w ill turn, perhaps tim id ly at from the Northwest to be e l­ ected. Other ladles running first, and fo rth rig h tly later, to a f­ and defeated were M rs. Helen firm and act fo r the u n ity o f m an­ Stafford of T aco n a, Mrs. k in d .” Della Woods, Y a k i m a , a It was the bishop's opinion that female delegate from Prim at th is "new ecumenism” is more Tat^rnacle, Seattle and one m ature than the older form and other from Alaska. is perhaps closer to the b ib lica l idea of the "w h o le earth” and the The other delegate to "w hole human fa m ily ," were all men. Hanks, Cur lngs and Jenkins all f Bishop Washburn said the Washington. Churches must face outw ard to ­ w ard m ankind's need fo r u n ity. - He suggested that discussion o f doctrinal issues w hich d ivid e Churches should be carried out " in the lig h t of th e ir relevance to m ankind’s need fo r u n ity .” ■ 1« And. ears f •«*»•«.« C k w n k N I Alteete C hristian» and non-C hristians, I in 44 ie he continued, should w o rk t o - gether fo r an end to racism, na- 3 lionalism , poverty, w ar and en­ vironm ental pollution. "The areas fo r new ecumenical jaction sound exceedingly massive I and universal, but they also are ■ very in d ivid u a l and intim ate,” Bishop Washburn said. "They call fo r C hrist's love to be channeled .both to souls and systems. They I (point to the conditions in w hich Fh« C k v n k H a m e A w e g 'both individuals and crowds have 2 profound interest in our tim e. They may w ell lie the real condi- ions in w hich real ecum enicity ■ nay find its real reason fo r be­ ing.” »w M rs. Corine Winchester de­ legate to the Electorlal coll­ ege In Tacotna , Washington last Wednesday was elected as a delegate to General Conf, of the African Methodlat Kplsco- pal Church to lie held In Dallas Texas June, 1972. This Is her second lime to he elected. She by M iss I . isa Reynolds Because your’ re human, Anil because you’ re human, 'Hirwl .•an'ta.ljusi | myself. In retui n for your trust. You can’ t understand hi flesh can give, how I can tl«n rise amt live. Aral («caule you'ie human, you often ask how, and you say 1 am dead, hut 1 live now. Ì Hut because I am God all this I see, (list («cause you're human, you dlehelieve meg d iv is io n M rs. Ernestine Broadus (over) with $594.24 with 119 members. The $25,00 d i v i s i o n was led by John Halzell with a goal of $1,000.00 actually raising $730.00 with 23 members and $100.00 division by Jewell Bailey with a goal of $4,500.00 raising $3,050.00 with 29 members with a total of 219 members raising a total of $4,893.75. 7:30 P.M. • “ I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day, and heard behind J me a great voice as of a tru m p e t." PORTLAND OBSERVER No special attire needed for mmd-|ogging Ju»t one thing: The Portland Observer, keeps you tuned in, toned up, turned on. For belt and continuing results recommended every week Shirt home delivery of the Observer now by calling (5 0 3 ) 283-2480 O r sign up with this coupon 2201 N . K tlllngsworth P o r t la n d , O r e g o n 97217 The Albina M inisterial A l­ liance has elected Rev. John Jackson, Pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, as their new president. Representing 45 churches and twelvedenominattons, the AMA seeks to unite a n d strengthen C h r i s t i a n re ­ sources In the Albina Com­ munity. Past projects Include pul­ pit exchanges, ecumenical prayer services, community- education se” '»s, s,,m,*'e r- tlm e programs, senior c ltl- en services, and creation of two half-way homes for youth. the New Testament,” R e v. Jackson stated. "W e are a struggling community, a suf­ fering community. We must attack th e conditions that breed suffering; Ignorance, discrim ination, m alnutrition, disease, not enough Jobs, lack of opportunity.” "Looking ahead, ” R e v. Jackson said, "th e AMA In­ tends to get more Involved In employment tor m inorities, especially among the trade unions, fire departments and police departments. T h e Churches can assist the U r­ ban League, NAACP, and Project Equality to ’ free up’ the white busL-tess, govern- m e n t and education struc tu re s.” Other Alliance officers are Rev. Gordon Dickey, St. And­ rews Catholic, Vlce-Pres,: Elder Sylvester Green, ... C h u r c h of the Living God, Sec’ y; Rev. Dale S titt, M al­ lo ry Ave. Christian, Treas.; Rev. Thomas Strayhand, A l­ len Temple CME, Chaplain; Standing Com. Chairman are; Rev. Samuel Johnson, High - land United Church o fC hrlst Social Action; Rev. A. Lee Henderson, Bethel AM E ,P ro­ gram and P ublicity; Rev. Wm. Adlx, Chaplain of Emanuel Hospital, Education. Rev. John H. Jackson Minister N .E . First and Schuyler Portland, Ore. Phone 284-1954 Sunday School Morning Worihrp Vesper Let ua enter to n o rt/u p a n d d ep a rt to terve. aroht CHU, SlCIlH c » » „ operated tor the People • Checking Accounts * Saving Accounts by Mail • Real Estate Loans * Auto Loans • Home Improvement * Travelers Checks - Money Orders • Escrow Service I 288-542 I K je Teletihoite J Hom;, delivery in the O bserver it a vailable ewtro charge in most Portlond m etropolitan V F BOOKER _ Portland for a small of the orea 'ed Noon — The Hour of Power ed. Prayer & Class Meeting ‘4 0 0 for 52 issues VVe are m aking our N eighborhood A Brotherhood WITH T y is COUPON OPEN SATURDAY 10:AM-2:PM MONOAY-THURSDAY 9 5 I 2:00 NOC 7 :0 0 P Nursery Care Provided PRESIDENT Free C hecking Accounts w ith $300 00 M inim um Balance Free C hecking Service Io Senior Citizens (65 or over) • FRIDAY 9 6 M A IN O F F IC E 2 7 J 7 N E U N IO N M r s . O . B . W i l l i ants 288-6571 Member Federal Dapoait Insurance Corp St. Mark Baptist Church 103 N.E. Morris Sf. Rev E.C. Wilder, Pastor Sunday School Charles Jordan, D irector of M irtei C ities w iil be the speaker ,at 11:00 a.m. Sunday at Bethel to kick-off the inen and women day activities. Jordan Is a member of Bethel and Is an outstanding lay speak­ e r. He Is alsoCo-ehalrmanof Men’ s Day for May 23, when D r. J. A. Hall of Bethel San Francisco w ill he themomlng speaker. ofnmg Worship Center 12 22 N E Skidmore Phone 2 8 8 3 7 0 0 - 4 0 3 5 Sunrtoy School M o rn in g W o t »hip Evening W o t »hip l/rtusue/ .Services w ith en lln u tu n l P m p la I hh «e of »n U n u u ia l Christ Hour Po w er W»«< Fitdoy Y outh O It onto Reverend Wendell Wallace. Pastoi The friendly Church, where worship it Glorified M rs. O .B . W illiam s w ill be the afternoon speaker Sunday , May ibth she kicks off the W omen’ s Day Activities. ST. PAUL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 285» N t Rodney B is h o p i r . u , . J.C ro .to r, M im ib i Rhone 7 8 7 7 » » 8 Sunday School 9 45 AM Wor*hip Service 1 ? 0 0 Noon YPWW 6 3 0 P.M. Evening W ex »hip — Sunday, Tuesday Friday 8 0 0 P M The Friendly Church You are only a Stranger once M r. Charles JordanD irectorofM odel C ities Sunday morning speaker at Bethel. The music w ill be rendered by F irs t AME Zion Church and the Vancouver F irs t Baptist Church M rs. O.B. W illiam s, the wife of D r. O.B. W illiam s, is known throughout the National Baptist Association. She also directs one of theVancouver’ sC hoirs. Her husbandDr.O.B. W illiam s, pastored one of the l a r g e s t Baptist Churches in Oregon andj has pastored the presentCon-j gnegation fo r 26 years. The public is invited. The Northwest's Best Weekly A Black O w ned Publication Highland United Church of Christ Highland Community Center , 4 4 3 5 N X »th A v m m P«— 3 S 4-& 48< Rev Sunday Breakfast Sunday School Morruny Worship Samuel Johnton, Pastor 8 :3 0 A M > 9 30 A.M 1 1 00 A M V ancouver Ave. First B aptist C hurch 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School Morning Worship • • Churches name new officers Home Delivery _ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • M inister Felton Howard ’ r 11 00 A M I I I I I I THE PORTLAND OBSERVER Owned by the People Happiness is a shallow, temporary feeling, resting on favorable circumstances and depending upon our comfort and pleasure It is found in the absence of failure, sick ness, p«in tension, gray hair, palsied hands, u n c e r ta in steps, sorrow and death. Joy is profound and endur ing. It can co-exist w ith fail ure, pain and even sorrow. I luppiness is an end, a goal w hich men seek, w hile joy is not an end in itself, but a by-product of the good life. St. Paul, amidst bis bard ships, said W e also rejoice in our sufferings ('Romans 5:3, RSV and Jesus "the man o f sorrow '' was also the man o f jov. the most radiant person in history. H is radi­ ance did not depend upon p le a s a n t circumstances o r' physical comfort, but upon bis trust in God and his re­ deeming relationship to the 1 can't unlei stand, how IJi can I« God, and still I« YM membershipd Jewell Halley, Chairman of the North YMCA membership Committee reports that (tie Publisher, A. Lee Henderson of The Portland Observer chaired the ten dollar mem- lershlp drive and went over ttie top. Henderson’ s goal was $500.00 dollars but actual raised $519.50 with 48 mem­ bers. Others were: Five dollar Joy is not the absence of Live unanimously if you storm, but a core o f uncon want to enjoy life. Do not querable peace at the heart wastefully divide and scatter o f the storm. It is not mate­ vour attentions, loves and rial prosperity, but the pos­ loyalties in several directions session o f those qualities that at once. Ellen Glasgow, the money cannot buy. It is not novelist, wrote about her in length of life, but the noblest, volvement in reading " I am -Corner of 8tb Ave °"d Skidmore richest use of life w hile we in every sense of that absurd • JO A.M . Sunday Worship I | ;0 0 A.M. have it. It is not the absence word a reader. And by every Ifooth Fellowship 6 0 0 P M (2nd and Fourth Sunday.) of failure, pain or grief, but sense' I mean you to under the capacity to transform stand that I read, not w ith Thomas Strqyhqnd. minuter them into spiritual gain. the eyes alone, but w ith the I f enjoyment o f existence imagination, the heart, the is vital, how* can we find nerves, the blood stream. In more joy in our sojourn here' • Ellen Glasgow the whole per Ourcb and School ♦« Community One o f the prim ary joys son was reading. It is when ST ANDREW $ CATMOtIC CHURCH o f life is that o f belonging the whole person reads, lis­ 211 442« (0« n [ 4,wr> 4p «T l*N 0 , O K C O l »22 11 to others and being at our tens to another's recitation of » . wtniAM « V GOKOON l OtCXÍY best and doing our best for joy or woe, takes a star bath at m idnight, plays a game, the sake of others. marries or worships that the I he enjoyment o f life is fu ll flavor of life is savored. found in seeing how much S T P H IL I P 'S E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H As a small lad, H enry David g AM Sunday School » 30 AM Mom e^ Froyev yourself. “ N o man can serve two I Second and Four» Suodayt) 1 D 0 0 AM Self forgetfulness in mak Holy Communion masters. and underscored 6 0 0 FM W«Me«fay> 8 Hoty D a n ing life tolerable for the un the standard of fa ith fu l liv ­ fortunate outside our circle ing from the O ld Testament, , of fam ily and friends, and " Thou shalt love the Lord thy !' spreading joy wherever we God w ith all thy heart, and ! ANTIOCH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH go, like a fireplace fire lit in w ith all thy soul, and w ith 1 5 9 3 5 N. Minnesota. 2 8 9 -2 3 6 4 a cold, dark room, brings us all thy strength and w ith all ! Sunday School joy as a rich by product. thy mind, and thy neighbor ' W hen we forget ourselves as thyself (L u k e 10 2 7 ) ! in a cause that is bigger than Copr. T -M . Cea. Fea. Corp. we are, a cause that outlasts orning Worship us, we fin d en jovment of life. A LlfH TEMPIE CME CHURCH S may las. In aiklitlon, lie will show how , through faith anyone can stop smoking, lueak it« alchollc liahlt ant any other balt­ it tliat has one bound. I.veryiaie Is welcome ani urged to alleni these so tv Ices. U fa Cfjurrij of g o ur (Ctjoia E r a ™ by D r. Harold E. Kohn RELIGIOUS EDITOR 9 .0 0 A M 1 1:00 A M Dr. O.B. Williams, Pastor erving the Inner City Saving the Inner M an