PORTLAND/OBSERVER Thursday April 22, 1971 Leisure hour flolf club sparks The Leisure Hour Golf Club which organized 27 years ago is the only Black golf club in the Portland Metropolltlan area. M r . Vernon Gaskin, currently V lc e -P re s , Pacific Northwest Area, is a Charter member of Leisure Hour Golf Club^ and at the time he was instrumental in organizing the Western States Golf Association. Leisure Hour Golf Club was one of the firs t clubs to become affiliate with Western States Golf Association w it h headquarters In L o s Angeles, California, Arizona, Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Wy­ oming, Idaho, Montana,Oregon, Washington and Canada. Recently , Leisure Hour Golf Club was accepted in the U. S. Golf Association which is the nationally recognized golf asso- and swings into action elation for amateur golfers throughout the United States. Executive Board members of Leisure Hour Golf Club have been continuously working with plans for their 27th Annual Golf Tournament at Bowmans M t. Hood Golf Club and ResortAug. 2, and 3rd. The month of A pril is basi­ cally the opening season for golfers in the Pacific Northwest We w ill be gening into the swing of play with the Annual Club championship tournament this Sunday, A pril 25, at C ol- wood National Golf Club. Tee time is 10:30 a j n , and our Handicap and Sweepstake chair­ man, Lowell Motelv suggest rhar golfers should turn in all score member of Leisure Hour G o l Club and V ic e -P re s , P acifi Northwest Area of Westen States Golf Association. cards by Saturday so that handi­ caps may be computed. T h e championship awards w ill be presented at a No HoatCocktall Pary at Genevas', Sunday even­ ing from 5:30 to 7:30, following the Tournament. Leisure Hour Golf C l u b initiated a youth program in January. According to the Pres. Gladys Lewis, the purpose of the program is to motivate Interest in golf and other outdoor activit­ ies for black youth ages 12 through high school. M r.W illie Kelly and M r . Jim Dortch are busy with plans for golf lessons for youth beginning May 1,1971. Any g irl or boy who la In­ terested In golf lessoa or caddying may contact M rs . Helen Whitmore, youth ch alr- Lelsure Hour Golf Club has 53 members and new inetnebera are always welcome. Contact any member or any officer if you wish to Join. Carlos •Body and Fender Repair •Moat reasonable shop in town 287-8529 2609 N. Vancouver Aya. Portland, Ora. Prices Good thru Saturday, April 24th Shop<@ss>And Save More Eastern Corn Fed Pork Fresh Pork Steaks Swanson Frozen Dinners Regular Size Reg. 5 8 ‘ each FRIED CHICKEN • Turkey • M e x ic a n **• w r . . - ' f te e n , te n d e r center cut b la d e steaks. Serve delicious po rk • C hicken • Tu rkey • C h o p p e d Sirloin Doxsee Clam Chowder 1501 a noo Heartily satisfying S^FawIb. steak to n ig h t. 1 Arctic Maid Eastern Corn Fed Pork Shrimp Boneless Pork Roast C o m p le te ly w a s te fre e a n d tie d fo r e a sier c a rv in g . Bakery Delicatessen MY-TE-FINE Del Monte Large Seedless White or Wheat Bread Sliced Bacon Navel Oranges Flavorful loaf made of finest ingredients, yet priced for less. 22'h Oz. 3 85 Produce Pound Pkg. Reg. 89 c Large seedless Califor­ nia sweet navel oranges. Regular or thick sliced. 2 9 c each 10 99 * 3 .6 9 3 8 -lb co rto n Reg. 17‘ lb. TODCO Scripto Lighter and Fuel Set C « QJ Reg. *3.95 R e g u lo r s e e -th ru lig h te r a n d fu el. 4 -o u n ce S c r ip t o co n of ▼ 1 7 / I ■ Mt W 'xS O ' Sisal Rope 3-Formulas Breck Shampoo opeo Motor Oil B i , Regular or heavy Reg. 59‘ to 29' quart XVo °4 r- 79‘ E x c e lle n t fo r c a m p e r s , fisherm en o r use a ro u n d the house. 11 Oz. Reg. 98‘ •Norm al«O ily«D ry _ Drapery Stock Reduction Sale Reg. ’64’ t . S29” *6 49 T. $J00 •10 4» •1 1 9 » Rog *7 99 ,o *9 99 B amk A mericaro Just S ay " C h a r g e I t " Use your BankAmericard or master charge for all y o u r V A R IE T Y or A P - PAREL needs. M scoo J S w O 00 Now M * > t . Roç •1 49 9 *•« •12 »» •1 8» » •14 09 •1 » » » • *100 f V # «20* *12” »•» SI 1 J COO •2 3» » •2« »» s io o o IO Rog *27 99 *20” Open 9am to 10pm daily, including Sunday. Always plenty of free am easy parking.