Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1971, Image 5

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    PORTLAND/OBSERVER Thursday A p ril 22. 1971
Democratic Minority Report Tourin*
H ari H. Haas, House Dem. le a d e r
State Rep. Bernard Byers
has proposed that one seat be
subtracted from each house of
the Oregon Legislature. This
proposal would elim inate the
possibility of a continuing tie
vote In organizing, such as the
one we faced at the beginning
of this session.
We were happy to see that the
legislators, after
years of opposition and rejec­
tion , have finally endorsed the
Democratic property tax re lie f
proposals; specifically, a v a ri­
able ratio property tax assess­
This session we are going to
try a new approach-in order to
draw a coherent program out of
the growing morass of proposed
the Democratic
caucus w ill select one Senator
and one Representative on each
issue to determine the senti­
ments of the caucus as a whole
In preparing legislative pack­
ages and position papers fo r in­
troduction In the legislature.
In 1939, the Oregonian Legis­
lature established the Rogue
R iver Coordinating Board and
provided that three members—
a m iner, a fisherman, and a
"m em b er at large” should sup­
ervise the use of the Rogue.
The RRCB has deteriorated to
Black teacher protection
the point where it now exists
largely as an agent fo r mining
interests and has presided over
the gradual diversion of the riv ­
e r Into the role of a sewer to r
lron-oxlde wastes from placer
mining operations. The RRCB
is a waste of taxpayer dollars,
Is the guardian of mining oper­
ations along the Rogue, and
It poses a threat to becoming
a nuisance to the effective oper­
ation of Oregon’ s Environ­
mental Quality Control Comm,
which has a mandate to act on
behalf of a ll Oregonians rather
than on behalf of sectional in­
if any single quality charact­
erizes the thrust of the Demo­
cra tic caucus this session, it is
a sincere commitment to the en­
vironmental quality of the State
and a belief that this cannot
be attained by marginal effo rts,
nor can it be achieved by under­
cutting the authority of the En­
vironmental Quality Control
Nearly th irty members of a
Western a ir tour of
innovative and advanced edu­
fa cilitie s w ill v is it
Portland CommunityColIege on
Saturday, A p ril 17.
I he group w ill breakfast at
the College, with food service
provided by students inthePCC
Commercial Food Preparation
program, and then w ill tour the
M t. Sylvania fa cilitie s which
won a recent national archi -
tectural award from the A m e ri­
Association of
and the American
Institute of A rchitects.
The visiting group is made up
of educational adm inistrators,
teachers, researchers, a rc h i­
tects, businessmen and school
suppliers on a tour of some 20
selected elementary, secondary
and community college fa c ili­
ties in the West.
M arshall High School, known
fo r its computerized modular
schedule, w ill be another v is it­
ation site fo r the group while in
The tour is sponsored by the
School F a cilitie s
Council, with headquarters in
cited statistics from Florida in­
that more than 1,000
black teachers had been dropped
in the past three years. Precise
figures from other states were
not available at the time of the
The National EducationAs-
has asked a federal
appeals court togive black edu­
cators more protection against
discrim ination in the process of
integrating public schools. The
NEA petitioned the F ifth C irc u it
Court of Appeals to broaden an
order issued in 1969 that requir­
school systems to apply
'* reasonable, objective, and
non-discruninatroy standards”
in staff reductions caused by
school desegregation. NEA said
the 1969 order left too m uchdis-
cretion to the school d is tric ts .
said 1,072 black edu-
cators have been dropped from
systems in Alabama,
Georgia, F lorida, Louisiana and
M ississippi since 1968. During
the same period, school system
in the five states have added
5,575 white educators. NEA said
its figures came from computer
M arket
fOwner re tirin g . Sale includes
very nice brick building. Owner
operator can make $12,000 year.
$7500 down payment includes
$3,000 inventory and $4500 on
building and equipment. Balance
on Easy payments or s h o u ld
qualify fo r m inority economic
opportunity loan.
tapes of the Department
Health, Education and Welfare
The Race Relations Inform a­
tion Center found last fa ll that
displacement due to school de­
segregation is "decim ating the
teachers and threatening black
principals with extinction in
11 Southern states.” The survey
H enry Ire la n d
Dean Vincent
3 3 3 S.W.Park A vi
m o u n t a i n a i r i n y o u r h o m e o r o f f ic e w i t h
e l e c t r i c a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g . Y o u w o u l d n ’t t h i n k
o f g o in g w ith o u t h e a t in th e w i n t e r - s o w h y
g o w i t h o u t c o o l i n g in t h e s u m m e r ? E n jo y t h e
t e m p e r a t u r e y o u lik e th e y e a r - r o u n d . Y o u r
a p p lia n c e
d e a le r o r c o o lin g c o n tr a c to r h a s
so m e re a l b a rg a in s now .
ic c iric c o m p a n \
Supplying clean energy fo r a better life.
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