Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 1971, Image 1

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    Thu u your p a p e r, because you have dem and ed it. — Som ething of interest to everyo n e.
V o l.l No. 2 9 P ortland, O re. AN EQUAL OPPORUNITY EMPLOYER Thursdoy A p ril 22 1971 10< per copy
Spring Fashions of 71
New legislation
Retired businessman
wins Artistic success
By Hugh M cG ilvra
M iss Sue Childs- Flag waving favor ites-red pants of cotton and
polyester double knit. Fresh white top takes flag ribbing look of
te rry cloth easy care.
The Spring Fashion of 1971 at
Bethel A.M .E.Church 5828 N £ . 8
Avenue Easter Sunday was a thing
of beauty indeed. M rs. L illie
Simmons and M rs.Edna Parker
were the promoters of
fashions. The show drew
fessional model agencies seeking
young black models.
A ll boards rolled out the red
for bishop Bryant. See
otherplctures on page 7.
IT illlk lill
< «(‘Ills
F ree gem or p e a rl g ilt tor d e p o sits o l $50 to $7,000
or w ith a new hom e lo a n L im it o t one g ilt per perso n
K ith ( h i t ' l l SbrnM /i/g
B en j.fi) Franklin
.io ...,
R o b e rt H
M a z .n , P in *
H o m « O f t ic «
Two pieces of Insurance leg­
islation have passed the Oregon
House of Representatives de­
signed to reduce discrim ination
in areas which the insurance
Industry has viewed as high risk
property insurance m arkets.
On A p ril 13 the Hourse voted
to create the Oregon F a ir Plan
Association to provide essential
property insurance in high risk
m arkets.
The legislation is designed to
c o rre ct the problem that many
property owners faced with in­
a b ility to purchase insurance to
cover loss o r property, or if
they were able to purchase the
insurance, the rates were ex­
cessively high.
The legislation would estab­
lish the mechanism by which
companies can meet the needs
of the people with the property
in- such high ris k
The b ill, which now goes to
the Oregon Senate fo r final c o if
side ration, conforms with the
requirements of federal laws
that states provide a mechanism
which stands ready to absorb
losses arising from high ris k
areas. This federal require­
came about afte r the
Watts rio ts in Los Angeles,
(c -nt. p. 3 col. 1)
14 O * lic .$
Phon« 224 3JJ1
F r a n k lin B ld g , P o r t la n d . O r e g o n 9 7 2 0 4
Albina Citizens
Inc. (ACT) is seeking candidates
to serve on the Board of D irec­
to rs fo r the Albina Community
Action Center. The filin g dead­
line is Saturday, A p ril 24,1971.
The special election w ill be held
May 1, 1971, to reconstitute the
board. I'here are thirty-one po­
sitions which must be fille d .
Anyone 18 years of age or
over who lives within the Albina
area boundaries or who main­
tains a business o r office in
the area, is eligible to run for
the board. In add it ion. Commu­
nity -a t-la rg e positions to re­
present the poor are open to
anyone who resides in Multno­
mah County.
The ACT Board is respons­
ible to adm inister federal and
other funds, guide community
organizations fo r neighborhood
development and d ire ct the ac­
tiv itie s of the Albina Commun­
ity Action Center.
The boundaries of the Albina
target area are approximately,
North Greely Avenue to Norths
east Fifteenth and Portland
Blvd. to the Banfield Freeway.
F ilin g applications a re a va il-
(cont. page 1 col. 1)
R etired businessm an - turned - a r tis t Sam
Lehm an posts one of his d elicate t colorful
ren d erin g s of fam ous tro u t flies in the PCC
L ib ra ry G allery t where he has a one - man
show of his work th is month.
To the left can be seen the co lo r page-proof
of his new book for which he callig rap h ed the
text to accom pany highly re a lis tic w ater-
c o lo r paintings of b ird --h u n tin g s c e n e s by
David H aberbaum er. (PCC photo by Paul
B lixt)
C o lorfu l,
precise, perfect-
that’ s the only description fo r
the a rtis tic work of Sam Lehman
retire d
mortgage loan busi­
nessman turned a rtis t - c a lli­
Lehman, of(8226 S.W .Tenth)
Portland, has just opened a one-
man show of his beautifully pre­
cise calligraphic production,
spiced by his highly colorful
drawings of famous trout flie s at
the L ib ra ry G a lle ry of Portland
Community College. The exhibit
w ill be open through A p ril.
Included in the show are fu ll -
co lo r
press proofs of pages
from his forthcoming book with
a rtis t
Haberbaumer, with 26 of the
a rtis t's finely evocative and de­
tailed watercolors of bird­
hunting scenes complemented
by Lehman's equally fine and
detailed calligraphic text de­
scribing the birds and the locale
The book, in a special col­
le cto r's edition, w ill be offered
$500 a copy
and Fitch, re­
nowned sporting goods store in
New York,Chicago, and Boston,
with nearly 200 copies already
on order. The regular trade
edition of the volume has al­
ready sold out a fir s t printing of
5,000 copies before it is off the
Lehman fir s t began c a lli­
graphic work just before re tire ­
ment in 1962, with a course at
the Portland Museum of A rt.
Then he met Jackie Svaren, PCC
arts instructor, and he has been
a registrant in her classes at
“ every
term , except
summertime, sin ce,’* as he put
"S h e started me on the book
b it,” Lehm anexplains,“ with a
class assignment which grew
into my fir s t group of tro u t-fly
and calligraphic text.
That one sold so well I ’ve been at
it ever since.”
And Sam Lehman means to
keep at it, even at 72: he
planning a new series of books
to display his calligraphic a rt.
Urban League celebrate
The Urban League of Portland
w ill celebrate its 26th Anniversa­
ry with a publ ic meeting on F riday
evening, A p ril 23, 1971, 8:00pm,
in the Lloyd Center Auditorium .
Harold R.Sims, ActingExecu-
D ire cto r of the National
Urban League, w ill be our guest
speaker. Before being named as
Acting D ire ctor on March 15,1971,
M r. Sims served as Deputy D i­
re cto r untier Whitney Young fo r
almost tw o y e a rs .P rio r to joining
the Urban League staff, he was
Executive Secretary, o ffice of
Economic opportunity, Washing­
he attained the rank of M ajor and
was the firs t Black officer to be
assigned as Secretary to the
General Staff. He is the author of
a rticles and publications
w ritten about the M ilita ry
Black experiences
Am erica.
ton, I). C .fro m H67-1969. During
his ten years of M ilita ry Service,
to a ll of us. His subject is “ W hich
way Am erica”
The Urban League extend a
special invitation to you and your
congregation to attend this meet­
ing. We are confident that M r.
Sims w ill have a message that
w ill be of interestand inspiration