P O R TLA N D /O B SER VER Thuradsy M a r . 11, 1971 Emanuel hospital invites C a re e rs in Nursing w ill be explained to interested men and women at two Open Houses scheduled Saturday, M a r c h 13 one at Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing 2828 N. Gantenbein A v e , and one at Good Sam aritan Hospital and M edical Cen­ te r, 2255 N . W .. N orthrup. Open House hours are f r o m 10 aun. to noon and from 1 p jn . to 3 p u n , with people considering nursing careers invited to attend eith er or both events; helping to call attention to the program s a re Eman­ uel student nurses Karen Anderson, a freshman,, center, the daughter of M r . and M r s . John Anderson, 9020 N . Chataqua B lv d , Portland ; and Ron V ic k , a ju n io r, the son of M r . and M r s . E lm e r V ic k , Shanks Avenue, A rch Cape, Oregon. T h e y 're checking tem perature of pediatrics patient L is a M ay 4 year old daughter of Rev. and M r s . G. D . M ay, 5330 N . N ew ark, during youngster’ s stay at Emanuel recently. THE PORTLAND OBSERVER 2726 N. E . U n io n Portland, Oregon 2 8 2 -0 9 2 9 WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO ORGINATE OR DUPLICATE any printed MATERIAL ALL TYPES OF PRINTED MATTER Ticket» -d M r d l WE CAN SATISFY YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Red White & Blue Thrift Store TH E BARON...has 3 pool tables THE BARON...has Bowling THE BARON...has foosball TH E BARON...has i/ow «// it needs is your ¡food soul music . “• ':W * * iy — so stop in to d ayll 214-9991 PAUL JANITORIAL SERVICE F L O O R C L E A N IN G ft J A N IT O R S E R V IC E PSU n a tio n a l teach IN S U R E D A N O B O N D E D exam 0 2 3 2 N. E 13 th A V E N U E PORTLAND. OREGON 2 8 2 -0 4 6 8 The registration deadline for anyone taking the National Teach­ e r Examinations at Portland State U niversity on A p ril 3, 1971, is M arch 11, according to M r s . Jean Edw ards, assistant professor in special education at PSU who w ill adm inister the exams for theen- tire Portland area . A ll registrations must be sub­ m itted to Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey b y the date, M rs . Edwards an­ nounced today. Bulletins of information des­ crib in g registration procedures and containing registration forms m a y be obtained from M rs . Edw ards, Room 3 0 4 ,S m ith M e m - o ria l C enter or d ire c tly from the National Teachers Examinations, Educational Testing Service, Box 911, Princeton, New J e r s e y 08540. College seniors preparing to teach and teachers applying for positions in school systems which encourage or req u ire applicants to submit th eir scores on the Nat­ ional Teacher Examinations a - long with th eir other credentials are eligible to take the test. F inal opportunity to take the- tests this y e a rw ill b e ju ly 1 7 ,'7 l. shop the classified get quick results 'ççT* S IL L s»-, CU O - - ti. ?30 N. KILLINGSWQRTH, PORTLAND PHONE 285-2662 PERI’S BOTTLE SHOP Let V E T 1 S B O TTLE SHOP be your headquarters for champagne, wines, mixers . . . at the lowest prices in f , E. - \ ACME GLASS «71 CO. INC. lliltll ■ / IN S U P A N C t - • IU M ,N U M S rO R f Lloyd Center - Next Io the Liquor Stof« PEPIS One and Only Store Open 9 30 e.m. to 9 00 p.m. Daily Sunday*: Noon to 4 00 p.m. 281-2731 I I’ll R tP tA C iM iN r S in s u la t in g glass O U O IA IlO N A N V T lM f _ • tS IO tN U A L New and Used Clothing and Household Items W a v rrn " 2 Invitations to Involvem ent" have been Issued people interest ed in careers in nursing fo r Open Houses scheduled Saturday, M a r. 13, b y Oregon's two hospital schools of nursing. Open Houses w ill be held at Emanuel Hopsital School of N u rs­ ing, 2828 N.G antenbein,Portland and at Good Sam aritan H ospital., and M edical C enter, 2255 N . W . N orthrup, also Portland. Hours are between 10 a. m . and 12 n o o n and between 1 p jr .. and 3 p.m . Interested persons a re invited to attend eith er or both sessions. P ro g ram s w ill Include tours and visits to key areas of the school as well as opportunities to talk inform ally w i t h students and faculty. opening soon in your area Formerly Kienows th e œ a r o n FRONTS A DOORS HIGH ‘ PARK ENTERPRISES QGES IT AGAIN I ! ! R tP lA C C M fN T S w in d o w glass '‘ LATE GLASS TA B U TOPS PATTERN A SPECIALTY GLASSES Brings 3 New Jobs to the WIRE GLASS MIRRORS TUB ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS JO lO U S IE W IN D O W S A pplications now being accepted for em ploym ent 3 0 3 8 N E Union 791/ N PORTLAND E ALBERTA O REGON 9 /7 1 i W a tc h t h i s Ad f o r G ra n d O p e n in g d a te Northeast Area HIGH P A R K G A R A G E AND S E R V IC E S T A T IO N W illia m s a n d S h a v e r 'COMPLETE TUNE-UP Bill’» Bargain» BILL'S BARGAINS ANNOUNCES A NEW LOW CREDIT p lan 1. no interest 2. NO C R E D IT CHECKED. A LL YOU N E E D TO Q U A L IF Y IS T H E A B IL IT Y TO PA Y . 3. W E C A R R Y O U R OW N C O N T R A C T S . Brake Repair and Adjustments LUBRICATION 4 9 0 4 N .E . U N IO N 2 8 7 — 2110 G E N E R A L A U T O R E P A IR PR O M PT COURTEOUS S E R V IC E