MMU/ obs ERV ë R Thursday M t , 11. 1971 C harity Club host tea Oklahoma Ambassadors Charity Club Annual Tea w ill be held at tlie home of M rs . Samuel Erown 5933 N E 11th, Sunday, M ar. 14, at 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p jn . M rs. Samuel Brown, Tea C lia ir- man, M rs. A rvella English, Club President. Special notice 5f\S?Gf i n m^ ,n .tU‘lentS Carfy * * ful,C ast ,o* d dty C oneaeG n ^ ’ Slmon p,ay’ at PortJ«nd ny College, other students in the group work on ’ ,o r « « * 1 presentation of David yRnh£hOWD , / c,Unacllc scene are (le ft to c r is i s c o m m itte e is «K >° W i e 'v ,ra" Irama 091 G r° Ve* Vlcky Schanam.n irama in s tru c to r, supervises the production, to be d Thursday and Friday March 11-12/ Norge Laundry Village AJQOGGV N.E.18& DEKU w ar DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS MONDAY THRU FR ID AY Opening Thursday March 11th ' , At the request of State Attorney General Lee Johnson House B ill (HB) 100 was introduced in the House, The b ill proposes that any witness in a crim inal pro­ ceeding or before a Brand Jury who "refu ses to testify or pro­ duce evidence of any kind on the ed” may be compelled to testify if the court directs him to do so. I he Women’ s International League fo r Peace and FREEDOM (W .I.L.P .F .) is opposed to the passage of HB 1004 on the grounds that it "circum vents the historic applications of the Fifth Amendment priviledge. T h e wording of the F ifth Amendment reads, .„n o r shall be compelled in any crim ina l case to be a w it­ ness against h im se lf...” Under the directive of HB1004 the court would, at the motion of the d is tric t attorney, "hold a summary hearing at which the witness may show cause why he should not be compelled to testify or produce evidence.” The court GRAND OPENING sruuttat di/nvnq. uh IL '£aaimj sparerms btoukj. an a genuine A COMPLETE LUNCH MENU FROM 11:00 A.M. TO 3 :3 0 P M . FEATURING A M ERCHANT’S LUNCH OF TASrr E N T R E E S . Cinti Tsünÿ tAe. '¡amity tfwt. a dLnw. j n a*t JL/y»yat>&. •¡A&n. 4 : S O ta m ù tn ifA t - CHILDREN ’S PORTIONS TOOI SPECIALTIES FROM THE PIT, A SNACK ORA MEAL, SERVED ANYTIME TILL 2 :3 0 A.M . _ THE manacirs RESTAURANT A BAR-B-O PIT £ASY TO F IN D AT N. E. TENTH AND AL BERTA I ceming which, in accordance with the order, he was required to testify or produce evidence.” However, opponents say, there does appear to be a constitutional | question involved. The wording ot the F ifth Amendment does not allow fo r special agreements to be made by the court to force a witness to testify if such testi­ mony can be construed to be in witness against him self. The question is, if there is no crim e on the part of the witness or if there is no prosecution of the w it­ ness fo r a crim e, is the witness testifying against him self as indicated in tne constitutional language? There has been no Supreme Court ruling on the federal law of s im ila r wording which is now being used in federal court. House B ill 1004 passed the House, 35 to 25, on a recon­ sideration vote after failing the fir s t tim e, 24 to 30. It is now in the Senate C rim inal Law and Pro­ cedure Committee. Committee members are Kenneth Jemstedt, chairman, Elizabeth Browne, John Burns, Ed Fadeiey, C.R. Hoyt, Anthony Y tu rri, Wallace Carson, and Vernon Cook. Some of the nation’s finest old grow th" forests now cover mountainsides that were blackened by natural forest fire s in over-ripe tim ber dur­ ing the tim e of early Western se ttle rs, G e o r g i a - P a c i f i c Corp, reports.