POR H A N D /OBSERVER Thursday M ar. 11, 1971 NAACP workshop T h irty -fiv e members of the Board of D irectors of the P ort­ land and Vancouver branches of the NAACP met Saturday March 6 fo r an all-day Training Work­ shop at Bethel AME Church, ac­ cording to EllisC asson, Poi eland Branch President. Bettye Black, field trainer on the national staff of N.A.A.C.P., conducted the sessions which be­ gan at 9:30 in the morning a n d ended at 4:30 that afternoon. Discussions dealt with ways of inform ing the general community about the a ctivities and purposes of N.A.A.C.P., along with tech­ niques of involving more people in the work of the organization... In talking about committee res— ponslbillties, M rs . Black des­ cribe how other chapters carried out projects - in their communi­ ties. She referred especially to C alifornia communities, since she is working in the Los Angeles field office. M rs . Black pointed out how many black people who have "m ade I t " owe th e ir success to the training and backing they re­ ceived through N.A.A.C.P. She also stressed that better com- and national offices of the organi­ zation is needed to inform people of all the things that are being accomplished in th e ir behalf. Board members discussed the membership drive which started March 1, wlthJamesLee andC.A. White as chairmen. Goal fo r the drive is 2,000 members. In order fo r people who want to rene# or take out new memberships to get in touch with someone, volunteers are staffing the NAACP Office — Mondays through Fridays f r o m 1:00-5:00 P.M, The telephone number is 284-7722. The m em bershipdrive is sche­ duled to end on Sunday, March 21, with a mass meeting at 4:00P .M . in M t. Olivet Baptist Church Althea T. L . Simmons, national d ire cto r for Training in the national NAACP Office in N E W York w ill be the speaker. R eferring to M iss Simmons, M rs. Black commented that"she is a fine person to work fo r, and also a fine speaker, worth hear­ ing.” Since M rs. Black herself im­ pressed those present with h e r speaking ability, her knowledge, her quick w it, and her pleasing way with people. President E llis Casson indicated that she maybe asked to return to Portland for another training session later in the year. She has been a member of the national staff fo r three years, and was active in NAACP while working fo r the state of C alifornia Parole Division a n d Department of C o rrection s, with special responsibilities with drug addicts and their fam ilies. She became interested in NAACP’ s youth group while working toward her degree in Sociology at Okla­ homa U niversity, was vice presi­ dent and secretary of the area conference, also served as re­ gional secretary, and was ap­ pointed to President Kennedy* s - Communlty Relations committee fo r two years. Her husband, Dan Black, w a s President of the Pomona Chapter of NAACP when th e ir home was in Pomona. M r. Black is a book— keeper with a public u tility , lec­ tures on Black H istory at C i t y College of Los Angeles, and is attending UCLA working toward his M aster’ s degree in P olitical Ccience. The Blacks have a daughter attending UCLA, an adopted son at Oklahoma U niversity, and a n African g ir l from Kenya who has lived with them fo r eleven years and is now attending Cal P o ly.... Next week the Observer w ill inform readers about the NAACP MASS Meeting on February 21, with details on the s p e a k e r Althea Simmons. A generation ago only about half of each mature tree har­ vested found its way into wood products. Today, says Geor­ gia-P acific Corp., industrial tr e ; farm ers can utilize v ir ­ tually all of the tree fo r fin­ ished products used by everyone. shop c la s s ifie d b rin g results Phi»____ G A M E S Nothing could make these exective board members take their eyes off Betty Black during the NAACP workshop . ' FOOSBAU «OWUNÖ dominoes CHECKERS rO O t Opwn From 14 a.m. to T/tsgki Come One - Come ÄH 2529 Ñ. E Union Avenue To Buy Business or Income Property Watch our Ad in the Oregonian classification 310 business opportunities. Financing can be arranged on most business. Ask floor man to help you. Call now 228-3181 h B pauses to lean on the strong arms of the Portland Prexy* ssying" I KNOW MR. PRESIDENT THAT PRANCH W ILL MOVE FORWARD UNDER YOUR LEADER Of ill . Dean Vincent Inc. 333 S. W. Park 228-3181 fcriteCai MSM XOT0 M tn wtomotive fa its a accessori 7 1 0 M.l. K IlU N O fW O tT H C T litT The destiny of thee Portland branch NAACP LIES IN THE HANDS OF THESE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. 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