.C O P 7 5 ' Library Oregon State University Corvallis, Ore. 97331 /vest's Newest Newspaper * X ' fe ra l b / This is your paper, because you have demanded it. - V °l. IN o . 23 P o rtlo n d T Ore Something of interest to everyone. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER T h u rsd o y Morch 11 1971 10< Per Copy Black director names Chicano equal opportunity head Russell H. Dawson, Area D i r , Portland Area Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has announced the appointment o fM r.C a rlo sR ive ra as D lre cfo r of Equal Opportunity in the Portland Area Office. M r. Rivera, who resides in Portland, attended high school in El Paso , Texas, and completed his educa­ tion at the U niversity of Texas at E l Paso and George Washing­ ton U niversity, Washington^}. C. development lines in Washing - ton, D. C , and Texas, as well as the State of Oregon. He has served on the Governor Advisory Committee on Chicano A ffa irs, as well as being a mem­ ber of the NAACP, the M in o rity,. Business Opportunity Committee of the Federal Board, thePioJect Equality of the Northwest, the League of United American Latin Citizens, the Am erican G. I. Fo­ rum, and the Urban League of Portland. M r. Rivera is m arried and has one son ana one daughter. As D ire cto r of Equal Opport­ unity fo r the Portland A rea Office of HUD, M r. Rivera w ill assist HUD applicants involving m in o ri­ ties on HUD-assisted projects. Most re ce n tly,M r.R ive ra was Executive Secretary of the Human Rights Advisory Council foi the.. Oregon Bureau of Labor. In ad­ dition, M r. Rivera has had e x ­ t e n s iv e other experience in equal opportunity and economic .RU5SBLL DAWSON Welfare office moves r ld a v n IQ T I Friday, March 12, 1971, the office of Model C ities D e pa r t - ment of MultnomahCounty Public Welfare Department w ill be clos­ ed fo r the day. Closure w ill be due to a move from the present lo c a t i o n to its new building at 5022 North Vancouver Ave. (N. Vancouver and Alberta St. ). This change is part of a general m o v e by several human r e ­ sources agencies from the pre­ sent site to a new and m o re adequate fa cility from which the public can be served. Simultaneously with the move, there w ill be some variation in the service offering of the depan ment. Because of increased de­ mand for service, shortage of service work staff and the c u r - Shag takes position Carlos Rivera RCC announce house rent fiscal c ris is in the Welfare A campus tour and meetings... place on the M t. Sylvania campus budget, it has become necessary with department chairmen in two Saturday, March 13, from 9 a m . to reorganize service personnel. areas of interest w ill be high - t il 4 p.m. As a result, some recipients w ill lights of an Open House planned A feature of the v is it fo r the continue to have assigned service by Portland Community College seniors w ill be a buffet lunch., caseworkers and w ill receive . . fo r high school seniors. prepared and served by students cards giving the service workers in the PCC food industries - - new telephone numbers. Other— Counselors form each of the career program . recipients w ill not have a re­ Jesse Leonard, PCC h ig h gularly assigned service w orker high schools in the PCC d is tric t w ill also attend. school relations coordinator , and w ill receive a notice to this r he open House w ill take is directing the Open House. e f f e c t through the mail.When those recipients who do not have a regularly assigned s e r v i c e worker need social services, they should contact th e ir E lig ib ility worker fo r a re fe rra l. • w i y, n° J ederal housin8 fo r elderly in Albina? Persons not receiving public • wu a^OUt treaUnent welfare clients? assistance and who wish infor • What about police protection in Albina? m a t io n should telephone . , • w i“ 1 C,n we do ebout employment? 280-6041. • What about quality education? • WhC* Ct WC more b,ack la* JO. W AMPLE FUNDS AVAILABLE: If you have been planning to buy or build a new home, now is the time to act. This month the Benj. Franklin has allocated an additional $5.(MM),(MM) to finance new single-family homes. L O A N R A T E R E D l ( ’ E D : The Benj. Franklin has lowered its prime loan rate a full half percent. For more information visit our office nearest you or the Loan Dcpt., Franklin Bldg., S.W. 5th at Stark. Franklin Robert H Haxan. Praa • 14 Offices • Phone 224-3333 Home Office: Franklin Bldg., Portland, Oregon 97204 I v ^ J T ? three aPPrent*ce schools in India recent­ ly visited I ortland Community College programs as part of JiCho’l T T c C SX yn T 1 thlS C0Untry- Here » ,n d CC instructor» demonstrates a shop machine used in the Benson High fa c ilitie s fo r the PCC program s I ook ing on are Shyama Shankar Choudhury, of Da^snagar; — __ w X ™ . L “ dh‘ n " i and H elp save children H elp enforcement officers? the ne« °f ^uestions that be answered the next issues to come. Read the Observer and stay a- breast with the tim es. ay NOW! James “ Shag” Thomas isqow the D ire c to r of Albina Neighbor­ hood Action Center. He replaced the vacated position field b yM r. Herman Plum m er. Shag is well qualified to bring to the people of Portland everything to make A l­ bina and the city of Portland a true ‘ •A m erican" city. As P roject D ire c to r of the Albina Community Action Center “ Shag" is responsible fo r the planning, implementation, super­ vision, and evaluation of a ll pol­ icies and directives received at Jefferson High School , ana a referee fo r the Am erican W rest­ ling Association . H e also ran fo r C ity Council withthe slogan "Now is the T im e ." Shag is no stranger to citizens of Portland. He w a sa n a llA m e ri can football player at Ohio S t ate U niversity, a professional w rest­ le r fo r fifteen years, a teacher There were many other person who applied fo r the job and we 11 qualified, however, at the moment M r. Thomas is the d ire c to r and we believe he w ill do a good job. Coneradulations Shag. D . V i,h The time has arrived again when the state government decides a- bout welfare, and if children w ill be allowed enough money through the ADC program to live with any degree of decency. I he Governor has already de­ cided against the children by submitting only 80% of the low­ est living standard. Does you., child deserve only 80% of life? NO I Our children deserve 100% of life 1 It is only because child ren have no political power that they a re g ive n so little co n sid e ra - tion by those in government that could do better by the children if they chose to I So in order to help the plight of the children, we are sponsoring a welfare lobby to Salem to pre­ sent their case before all to see. We ask only that you be there to save yourCHlLDREN! L e t’ s stop the welfare cycle and give the... children a chance I Transportation w ill be free.Just be prepared (with your children if possible) TO CD. Remember if you don’ t care, no­ body w ill ! But if you show your concern so w ill others I If you can go, reserve a seat by calling 774-5664.