I . K Discrimination Suit Dismissed PORTLAND/OBSERVER Feb. 4, 1971 Kinsey reports--------------- In Its third week, the Oregon H o u s e of Representatives has been working with the knowledge that It faces several great chal­ lenges In this, Its 56th session. With that knowledge, the com­ mittees have begun work on the over 250 bills which have thus far been Introduced and re­ ferred to them. One major piece of legisla­ tion, the Extended Benefit Un­ employment Compensation bill, has already been passed by the House and the Senate, and signed Into law by the Governor. This measure extends the bene­ fit period for unemployed O re­ gonians for an additional 13 weeks, and is designed to give an a d d i t i o n a l compensation period for those workers who had exhausted their 26 weeks of unemployment compensation el­ igibility. In another area, the House of A proposed Harvard Univer­ to work and place their children Representatives s e n t a House sity study of black Infants In In governmentally provided day­ Memorial to the Secretary of B o s t o n ’ s Roxboro community care center." D r. James Jones, Transportation recommending has been suspended on the basis a black professor of psychology that the basic national ra il of objections by a review com­ at Harvard, who supported the transportation system include mittee. The study was designed r e v i e w committee’s position, service to the State of-Oregon. to determine how Infants, aged said: "Imagine how Harvard I am very pleased to be able to 3/,i to 13 months, got along psy­ would react if a group came report that on January 28, 1971, chologically with their mothers from Roxbury and wanted to In­ Transportation Secretary J o h n and with day-care staffers. The vestigate the corporate struc­ Volpe announced his final rec­ r e v i e w committee, formed by ture, or study white students ommendation for a national ra il the Black United Front, said the from the South. The project passenger system, which pro­ results of the study might be couldn’t occur without a review vides ra il service north and used to Justify a federal pro­ at some centeral level." south on the Pacific Coast and gram to "force black mothers passenger service through O re - gon. As a member of the Urban Affairs Committee, I was in the group who went to Portland Thursday when the Committee held a public meeting at the Dickman Center. The purpose Some time ago I presented house-to-house canvass of the of this hearing was to give se­ this proposal and It did not get c o m m u n i t i e s Involved (ten nior citizens In the area an op­ top priority and finally it was blocks In all directions In a typ­ portunity to express themselves tabled. I hope the readers of ical community will yield more to the legislators concerning this column will see that this children that we can house.) their unique problems. As a re - experiment Is a plan of preven­ a ilt of this hearing, I realized This canvass would be conduct­ tion. Maybe we have forgotten ed by the persons who serve as that two needs seemed to be of that "an ounce of prevention is volunteer teachers. It would overwhelming concern to these worth a pound of cure." o l d e r people: their desire to pre-register youngsters, ex­ plain the program to the parents feel wanted and needed; and the I The Ethnic School supple­ and Invite both parents and c h il- frustrations which are created ments Hebrew Christian tradi­ d r e n to the opening. Parents by the lack of readily available tion with Afro-American tradi­ would be Invited to participate transportation. Their inability tion and places the two tradi­ to get out and shop or go to see as volunteers on all levels. tions In supplementary relation­ their doctor creates a situation Parents of children who ac­ ships. It provides experiences wherein they feel like virtual tually would constitute the advi­ tor building a strong self- shut-ins. sory committee, along with vol­ image, self-respect, and self­ It seems that, even though the unteers at each site. Represen­ u n d e r s t a n d in g . It teaches tation from each local advisory services to the aged are many, "Black l o v e " without teaching committee would serve on a there is somehow a lack of co­ "White hate." It is a learning ordination between the various central governing board, re­ experience which enriches the agencies who provide these ser­ sponsible for policy and distrib­ adult teacher as well as the stu­ vices, which results in the in­ ution of tonds. The director dent. ability of the elderly to know would also serve on this board. II Education and Economic The program would be loused where a particular service is Growth Organization ’EGO) In the sponsoring churches. In bek.g provided to fill their 1. Church sites: To 1« instances where space would not specific needs at any given named later. be available larger structures tim e. Repeatedly In the course III Joint strategy and Action could house two operations on a of the hearing, one could sense Committee of Sponsors. single site. In this event only the underlying theme that these IV Tills project would lie de­ senior citizens feel lonely and one coordinator would be em­ signed to reach black young­ p lo y e d . Individual sites would frustrated, and unable to take sters aged 3 to 12 years living meet three (3) hours a week on advantage of the services wlilch In communities adjacent to the are actually available to them if days designated by the local Churches named. It would be in­ only there were better coordi­ governing body. tended to combat attitudes of nation and communication be­ Volunteers who staff the Eth­ black Inferiority, hostility, and nic school would be trained in tween the agencies and the self-hate prevalent In young­ people who need the service. workshops preceding the open­ sters growing up In low-income Basic School Support has been ing of the school and continuing g h e t t o s , Infested with poverty In-service training would be an issue before the House Edu­ and n e g l e c t . Research has p r o v id e d throughout the year. cation Committee, of which I am shown that attitudinal changes, a member. House Bill 1114 was The school would be set up ac­ and periods of most rapid sponsored by the Republicans, cording to grade levels with all growth occur In the very young. pre-school youngsters in one and would increase basic school For this reason, the age group support from $178 to $212 per class. Among the problems an­ designated has lieen chosen. It student, which is a reasonable ticipated is the lack of written is the Intent of the project to increase within the limitations material available on grade help these youngsters see them­ o f the Governor’s Budget. In selves as productive and suc­ level. For this reason, trained Committee, however, this volunteers would need to be re­ cessful people. The television, amount was raised to $300 per cruited to write and re-w rite radio, books and other media do material on reading level of the student, and no means of raising not provide positive heroes with y o u n g s t e r s involved. Another the additional revenue was sug­ which the child can Identify. The Republican anticipated problem would be gested. Thus, we would seek to provide members o f the Committee low reading levels of youngsters a cultural background to gener­ found themselves caught in a ate pride and self confidence In in the community which renders game of one-upmanship, so they them incapable of reading even the child’s self-concept. In turn increased basic school material below their level. For The black church lias tradi­ this reason we propose to use support to $381 per student. tionally been the one stable o r­ After both increases had been ganization In the black commu­ the Sullivan Programmed Read­ voted down by the Committee, ing material published by the nity. It commands respect even the original proposal of $212 from those wlio are not B e h a v i o r i a l Research Asso­ per student was approved and ciates of Palo Alto, California. members therein. For this rea­ Research involving use of these the measure was sent to the son, adults will respond posi­ Ways and Means Committee for tively to any manifestation of m a t e r i a l s in the Oceanhlll- further action. Brownsvllle District of New concern generated from it - The House Republicans have further, education has long been York Public Scltool (A commu­ also Issued a number of signifi­ seen as the way of escape from nity not unlike ours) indicated cant policy statements on what remarkable gains In reading can the ghetto. So it would not lie we feel are the important issues a problem to involve Community be demonstrated. We would, of that face our state. The most youngsters In a Church-related course, seek to have their con­ important is the proposed Home "School" which sought to pro­ sultants train our volunteers to Preservation Plan, which Is in use these materials and, as Is vide an experience which Is the nature of a program to pro­ provided in no other institution their practice, continue consul­ vide substantial home owner tax tative services throughout the and which the community has, relief without the need for addi­ itself, demanded at other levels. duration of the first year. tio n a l major taxation. The The only persons who would Self-hood and person-hood for major feature of this proposal blacks can be achieved only by need to be college trained p er- is an exemption from property sonnel would 1« the director and t e a c h in g loth Afro-American tax of the first $1,51X1 of. and Hebrew-Christian tradi­ the coordinators. The volun­ assessed value of each owner- t e e r s would need only to lie tions. occupied residence in the state. V We propose to conduct a (Continued on page 4) Another portion of the Plan is A suit charging the Portland forms of racial discrimination School District with racial dis­ In the future, and to fully Inves­ crimination was dismissed by tigate any claimed acts of dis­ District Court Judge Gus crimination which are presented Solomon Thursday on the motion to them ." of the plaintiff Black Coalition. The order of dismissal also In the order of dismissal, the calls for the superintendent of Black Coalition stipulated that It schools, Robert Blanchard, to "does not now claim , and never consider recommendations from did claim , that ln d lv u d u a l the Black Coalition In making members of the School Board or appointments to the committee the central administration were he established a year ago to In­ ever guilty of Intentional dis­ vestigate allegations of racial crimination against blacks." discrimination. At the same The order went on to state time, the Black Coalition agreed tliat the Black Coalition Is "sat­ to turn over to Blanchard the isfied that the Board and the facts concerning all alleged acts central administration will con­ of racial discrimination that the tinue their current policy of Coalition feel m erit Investiga­ using good faith efforts to pre­ tion and to cooperate fully with vent, as much as is possible, all Blanchard and the Investigation committee. Black infant study blocked a freeze on the property taxes for Individuals aged 65 or older. The Plan would encourage home Improvements by allowing a $500 annual Income tax deduc­ tion tor money spent on Ito me improvements. The $1,500 ex­ emption would extend to nearly 3 7 5 , 0 0 0 homeowners in the state. The senior citizen freeze would result In direct property tax relief of some 2.4 million during the coming biennium, and the total direct tax re lie f pro­ vided by this proposal is ex­ tended at more than $33 million tor the coming biennium. The policy statement on reap­ portionment Included the need tor single member sub-district tor each House and Senate seat, and was designed to best comply with the Supreme Court direc­ t i v e of "one-m an/one-vote". We feel that single member sub-district is an important step In creating an equal voice for all Oregonians, and their government will be bringing about greater contact between the legislator and his constitu­ ent. In the area of constitutional revision, we realize that it would be difficult, If not impos­ sible, to completely revise the Constitution and to have It adopted by the voters. There­ fore, we supported the concept of section-by-sectlon revision, with the firs t such section being referred to the voters In the general election in 1972. These are three areas of dis­ cussion on which the Republi­ cans have Issued policy state­ ments. They are, I feel, signifi­ cant In scope and bold In con­ cept, and attack the Important problems that have bearing on the future of the State of O re­ gon. In a lighter vein - among the many very pleasant intervals I spent this week was getting to say "h ello " to the Juniors and Seniors f r o m Madison High School when they visited the Legislature. This week I also got to meet the class presidents and student leaders from all the Portland high schools when they visited the Legislature and at­ tended a meeting of the Educa­ tion Committee. On Wednesday evening my wife, Maryon, and I were among a group of legisla­ tors who were Invited by Secre­ t a r y of State and M rs. Clay Myers to be their guests at a soup supper In their home, which was a most enjoyable oc­ casion. Shop the Classifieds Ethnic educational experiment PAUL JANITORIAL SERVICE F L O O R C L E A N IN G 0c J A N IT O R S E R V IC E IN S U R E D A N D B O N D E D « 2 3 2 N . E I 3 tm A V E N U E PO R TLA N D OREGON 2 8 2 -0 4 0 8 p r e s c r ip t io n s U N IO N AVENUE ANO P O R T L A N D , Q R IQ O N F A IL IN O 97312 2 8 1 -3 9 6 7 H o u r s : 9 : 3 0 to 6 : 3 0 C l o s e d S u n d a y s a n o H o l id a y s LOV-LEE-LADEE BEAUTY SALON 284-0293 Expert Haircutting, Styling, Hair Tinting Permanent W aving & Manicure 1 06 N. Killingsworth Prop. Alzena Fields & Cassie Jenkins Operators: Pauline Kelly, Tonda McErrin, Geri W ard ’ WHERE THERE IS BEAUTY THERE IS CHARM " Now! Get dial-it-yourself discounts on most out-of-state calls. 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