Lutheran services Tid Bits for Living By REV. T.L.STKAYHAM D * * • • * * • *» » •••» » *•» » » » » » ♦ ♦ *» , A few days ago I was present­ ed a beautifully colored New Testament. The most amazing ttilng about It was that the cover was so attractive until everyone passing by would be tempted to Pick It up and look In It. I pur­ posefully placed It so that many people could see It left unat­ tended and most of those who passed would pick it up and look at It, when they discovered It was a New Testament they would put It down sheepishly as If they were ashamed they had been so curious as to look at It. I won- d e r e d how many really knew what was Inside and how many Just thought they knew. • The story is told of a m inis­ ter who went to visit one of the S u n d a y School classes in his church. The teacher asked him to say something to the class and he began with a question, "Who broke flown the walls of Jericho?’ ’ . A boy answered Im­ mediately, "Not me s ir . " The m inister turned to the teacher and asked, "Is this the usual behavior In this class?" The teacher answered, "T h is boy is honest and I believe him. I re a l­ ly don’t think he did it . " When the m inister left the room he rushed out to find an older per­ son and proceeded to te ll him what had happened. The elder said, " I have known that teacher and the boy for years and ne' ther one of them would do such a th in g ." By this tim e the m in­ iste r was heartsick and rushed to report this to the Department of Christian Education. The members of the Board of C hris­ tian Education could not under­ stand why the m inister was so upset. They offered a solution by saying, "W e see no point In being disturbed. Let’s pay the b ill for the damage to the walls and charge It to upkeep." Black churches Host YW CA classes Northwest a r e a classes of­ fered by the YWCA w ill begin the firs t week In February at two locations. Thursday classes w ill be held at the M allory Ave­ nue Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta and w ill begin February 4, 1971. Classes w ill be offered in Sllmnastics, Stretch and Sew, Cake Decorating and Decoupage. Classes w ill continue for six weeks. A Friday afternoon class In Creative Stltchery w ill be h e ld at St. Philips Episcopal Church, 120 N.E. Knott. This class w ill begin February 5 and Is also a six week class. Arrangements fo r child care at a reasonable fee win lie made depending upon the need for these services. For further Information re - — o— gardlng tim e and fees please call M rs. Don Barrett at the YWCA 223-6281 extension 30. r The Portland T ra ffic Safely Commission says communi­ cating with the other d rive r is eve n more important «luring b a d -w e at he r driving condi­ tions. When you're stopping or turning on slippery streets make M r« you’ re seen la time. Pump your brake pedal to flash your tall lights and e v e n use hand signals if there’ s any doubt. Pev. C.O. Posenius Norhelm, synodical e v a n g e lis t of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, and director of the International Lutheran Gospel ifour, Pasadena, California, w ill appear In a series of Evange­ lis tic Services at the Pose of Sharon Lutheran Brethren Church, 3707 S.E. 162nd Ave. Portland, Oregon, Just north of Powell Blvd. Pastor Norhelm begins Sun­ day, January 31, at the 11:00 a.m. service. Services continue nightly through Friday, Febru­ a r y 5th at 7:30 p.m. Pastor Norhelm’s L u t h e r a n Gospel Hour broadcast Is heard weekly over approximately 35 Padio Stations In the United States and Canada, besides long and short wave tran sm itters of the Far East Broadcasting Company in the O rient. Be has served churches in Brooklyn, N.Y., Eau Claire, Wis., Pasadena and Fullerton, C alif. Be travels extensively in Evangelistic Conferences, Bible Camps and Padio P allies. As a member of the Lutheran Brethren Male Choir and quar­ tet he has made three tours of Norway. The Norheims, assist­ ed by tenor Joe Erickson, have made a number of sacred rec­ ord albums. A special feature in Pastor Norhelm ’s meetings is the "B ib le Story T im e " each night, geared to children and youth. "We want each night to be fam ily n ig h t", says Pastor Norhelm as he extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend. Excellent Gospel music by the Norheims and others each eve­ ning. The Lutheran Gospel Hour Is heard locally every Sunday eve­ ning at 9:00 p.m. over Padio Station KPDQ FM 93.7 Portland Ore. II your auto or fire insurance has been cancelled or you have been refuser! insurance without cause, complete and mail this coupon. Portland Branch National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2752 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon PORTLAND/OBSERVER Jan. 28, 1971 O e Cburri) of Pour Cfioitr unlh ipnir f ami ly ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th Ave and Skidmore S.S. 9 :3 0 A.M. Sunday W orship 1 1 ¡0 0 A.M. Christian Youth Fellowship 6 :0 0 P.M. (2nd and Fourth Sundays) Rev- Thomas Strayhand, minister ST PH ILIP’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH N.E Knott Street at Rodney Avenue Rev. L.O. Stone Vir ar Telephone 287-2012 SUNDAY SERVICES Holy Communion Sunday School 7 :4 5 AM 9 30 AM Holy Communion 6 0 0 PM Holy Communion (Fw*t and Third Sundays) 1 1 0 0 AM Morning Prayer (Second and Fourth Sundays) 1 1 0 0 AM Wednesdays & Holy Days MCKINNEY TEMPLE CHURCH OF G 00 IN CHRIST 1 7 3 7 N E A lberta Office 2 8 2 -8 5 2 2 Lobby 2 8 4 -9 0 7 5 Bishop W L McKinney, M inister Sunday School Church W■ • . Phone 2 8 7 -7 9 9 8 ’ Bishop J.C. Foster, M inister Sunday School 9 :4 5 A M. Worship Service 12 :0 0 Noon YPW W 6 :3 0 P M Evening Worship — Sunday, Tuesday, Fridoy 8 0 0 P M Church and School for Community ST ANDREW ’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 281 4 4 2 9 8 0 6 N f ALBERT A « V BERTRAM GRIFFIN PORTLAND O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 1 R fV G O R D O N L DICKEY McssM 9 G J CRTS Hymn» 10 30 am Choir 1 2 0 0 pm folk M o tt Maranatha Evangelistic Center 1222 N.E. Skidmore Phone 2 8 8 -3 7 0 0 — 4 0 3 5 Sunday School M orning W orship Evening Worship Unusual Sarvicas Mrrth en Unusual Panpla bacauta of an Unusual C hrist' Hour Power — W ed Friday Youth O Romo Reverend Wendell Wallace, Pastor 9 15A M 10 45 A M 7 00 P M 7 00 P M 7 30 P M „I lcuut Olivet Kuptist Church Rev. John H. Jackson Minister N.E. First and Schuyler Portland, Ore. Phone 2 8 4 -1 9 5 4 Sunday School M orning W orship Vesper Lei u.« enter to worship and depart to serve. 9 a.m. 1 1 o.m. 5 pm. J