PORTLAND/OBSERVER Jan. 28, 1971 Com puter C hatter for Women Training cost hospital million dollars a year Emanuel education programs cost about a million dollars a year, IN AUDITION to tuition paid by students. Other training available In health careers In­ cludes the following, listed In a flyer distributed In a coopera­ tive effort by the Albina Minis­ terial Assn, and Emanuel. MEDICAL EDUCATION - Emanuel offers Internships for m e d ic a l school graduates and r e s i d e n c y programs for li­ censed physicians who wish to specialize. APPRENTICE ENGINEERING Is a four-year program offered In conjunction with the Oregon State Apprenticeship council. SCHOOL OF MEDICAL TECHNO LOGY: This Is open to students who have completed a p r e s c r i b e d college program, then spend a year at Ernanuel In both clinical and academic study. SCHOOL OF X-RAY TECNO- I/XJY - The program is offered cooperatively by Portland Com­ munity College and Emanuel, JoANN JOHNSON models another reason many young women in medical technology enjoy their jobs at Emanuel — they can wear pants suits to work! CHAPLAINCY: The depart­ ment of Ministry and Religion at Emanuel, which is sponsored by the lajtheran Church In Ameri­ ca, sponsors ron-denomlnatlon- al educational programs for o r­ dained clergymen Interested In careers or education In hospital m inistry. Both one-year re si­ dency programs and 11-week courses In the Institute of Pas­ toral Care are offered. Four programs are offered by Emanuel in cooperation with Mt. Hood Community College. In these, Clinical training Is pro­ vided at Emanuel and classroom academic training at the col­ lege. The four Include: PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSIS­ TANT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT INHALATION THERAPY OPERATING ROOM TECHNI­ CIAN and Is open to high school grad­ uates. ADMINISTRATIVE RESIDEN­ CY: This Is open to students enrolled In a m aster's degree program In hospital adm inistra­ tion, and leads to jobs In hospi­ tal or health agency manage­ ment. PHARMACY INTERNSIQPS: These are for students enrolled In accredited schools of phar­ macy who must serve an Intern­ ship after their sophomore col­ lege year. In a d d i t i o n , the hospital schedules some training classes through Its In-service education department as the needs for ad- d l t l o n a l employees In these areas develop. These Include: NURSE AIDE TRAINING ORDERLY TRAINING Information on hospital edu­ cational programs Is available from the Public Relations De- p a r t m e n t , Emanuel Hospital, 2801 N. Gantenbein, Portland O re. 97227. Many of the programs Include o p p o r t u n i t i e s to earn while learning; scholarships and other f i n a n c i a l assistance Is also available for qualified students In many cases. H o s p i t a l employees them­ selves are good recru iters for hospital careers. Gwen Brewer, a medical laboratory technolo­ gist at Emanuel, likes the wide variety of activities and oppor­ tunities In her field. "The pay Is nice, too," she says, "and It's a good field for women." Currently, she's exciter! about some new types of diagnostic tests being run In the laboratory where she works - for Instance, one that can help save the life of an unborn baby, another use­ ful In diagnosing hypertension, another Involving growth hor­ mones. "T h is," she says, "Is why It's so Interesting. There are many areas to explore - and many career opportunities, not only In hospitals but also In re ­ search, pharmaceuticals, teach­ ing, or In specialized laboratory a re as." Miss Brewer, who "likes w o r k in g with people," had earned a degree In biology with a minor in chemistry at Bennett College in Greensboro, N.C., when she decided to go on and become a medical technologist. Thre’s another advantage she emphasizes In recruiting for her own field: "T h ere's always a job open for a medical tech­ nologist!" P » r 4 • • » 111 »1 MIL AND MBS. I'HEODIS Washington of 420ft NE Rodney looks at their new horn baby Darnele Ann, t> lb. 19 inches. Mr Washington is a waiter at the Aladdin loom and has been employed there for nine years. PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER will make our city a better place to live. REGISTERED NURSES ‘693 to ‘ 820 depending on experience Civil Service Positions For inform ation contact M ultnom ah County Civil Service Office, Room 140 County Courthouse Portland, Ore. 97 20 4 W e feature hug« teleth o n » Large Sizes Dresses, Knits, Coats, Costumes & Raincoats Sizes 1 4 '/i to 3 0 '/i - 3 8 to 6 0 Ì SINGER DRESS CO. 8 0 3 S.W. Morrison St. Corn. Pork KAREN ANDERSON, a freshman in the Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing, proudly shows off uniform of student nurse and cap which she was presented in dramatic “capping" cere­ mony earlier Student nurse uniforms this year have a "new look,” are fashionable "drip drys.” Modern adolescents believe they can only be considered at­ tractive If they are thin, an atti­ tude fostered by parents, physi­ cians and advertising. Dr. Hllde Bruch, an authority on the subject of obesity, con­ tends that because many young women have never permitted themselves to eat adequately and become used to living on a sem i-starvation diet, "they are unaware of how much of their tension, bad disposition, Irrita ­ bility, and Inability to pursue an educational o r professional goal is the result of chronic under- nutrition." When they become mother, they also complain continuously about fatigue and their chil­ dren's problems. Census takers are for pets / l 5 Designed for flattery at Discount Prices Fear of being fat DELTA SIGMA THETHA Sorority of Portland, Ta­ coma and Seattle meet in Portland Front row left to right: Delore« Laners-P, Juanita Young-S, Shirley Ticheson-S, Mary-S, Ellen Law-P, Bertha Camphell-S, Yvonne Wil- liams-P. Back row left to right: Ix»ssie Huston-P, Lois Saylis-P, Virgie Harris-!’, Addle Haynes-P. CO-ORDINDATORS for the King Improvement Asso­ ciation, left to right: Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. L. Sheppard, and Mrs. Burch. These lovely ladies planned a delicious meal and a get acquainted session at Highland United Church of Christ. Almost h a l f of American families today own a cat, a dog, or both, according to a trade organization’s report. The U.S. let population also includes 15 million birds, 500 million fish, and an uncounted number of turtles, ham sters, guinea pigs, salam anders, and other exotic creatures. About $2.6 billion Is spent on these pets each year. Of this amount, $1 billion is spent on p e t supplies and accessories, $300 million on health care for the pets, and $150 on grooming. The rest goes for the pets themselves or for pet food, the report states. Bring this Ad Good for *2 on any new purchase of *19 95 or over. INSTANT HOT WATER Water heater FOWLER WATER HEATER Complete with temperature pressure valve os required for today s revised code. 5 -YR. GUARANTEE on the tank. One-year w arran­ ty on oil other parts out? Switch now to a QUICK RECOVERY model that replaces hot water FAST as you use it. Save on DELIVERY INCLUDED low-cost Replacement installation Available all sizes at Smith’s EASY PAYMENTS SHOP 9 TO 9 ^ MON THRU FRI SAT 'TU 6 P M 30th and S. E. DIVISION • 234-9351