PORTLAND/OBSERVER Dec. 10, 1970 Puhlnbml even Ttninday by E l i * Publwhiiw Cumpanv 7144 N E Alberta. Portland. Oiegon. »7211. Suha> nption ratea t i l venu per month by earner. *5.(1) per year; 16.1111 per year by mail in 1 n-Count.v area. $6.25 per year by mail outaàle Tri-County area I'hone i s t o t i i A L E R E I) LE E H E N D E R S O N . Publialier and Editor SHOP and SA VI a t RUNYAN'S Portland's Largest 8 8 c Store 371» U . M W « AVK. Jessie Henson A new member of Colonials staff — to serve you. WZ CÜaíeíOLie/T, «J/, . Caldwells Colonial Mortuary Northeast Sandy Boulevard at 14th Telephone: 232-4111 Thief Without Faith On Saturday, Bethel A.M.E. Church and Maranatha Church was ransacked and robbed. The two persons one black and one w h it e were caught robbing Maranatha, but fo r the th ird tim e within a year the parties that robbed Bethel a “ servant church to a secular communi­ ty ,” s tlllru n s free. Along with the damage you caused and ex­ pense, you sadly, did not notice the dreams of the community we hoped to build here at 5828 NE 8th Avenue. Bethel was one of the voluntary sights for the "Sum m ertim e P ro g ra m ," dedi­ cated to the proposition that If today Is bad, tom orrow w ill be better, and each one of us w ill help ourselves. Did you know that a dream, a dedication, a purpose Is b e y o n d destruction? You jim ­ mied the doors of Bethel, broke the glass of the office door to steal property. But you left ’ ’purpose"....a treasure more valuable than what you walked o ff w ith. I Invite you back to find purpose. Bethel has a store house for economically deprived fam ilies. Here we have food and clothing fo r people. Some of them find us very helpful because while they are waiting to qualify for state and county qualification we feed and cloth them. From these persons you took two boxes of clothes left in the pastor's clos­ et, some can goods and number of other things too numerous to mention. These things were In transfer to the store house. S o m e of these people went hungry yesterday. But you didn’t care. You took th e ir food and clothes. But you left their fa ith ..Ja ith in a community to help where help Is needed. You took th e ir food, a few toys for children we were going to make s o m e young children happy Christmas that otherwise would not have had a Christm as. So now we are inviting our friends, Including those who read this open le tte r, to help us. We are not pleased to ask for help, but where It Is necessary, we must. This Is where we are not ashamed to forego our pride and s u b s t i t u t e "PURPOSE." Had you thought about that be­ fore you robbed us? Did you think to ask fo r what you so des­ perately needed, to be recog­ nized as a human being Instead of scrawling your signature In anonymous destruction through Bethel's building. Missing also Is one hard- earned 16 sound proje cto r, (one w ireless tape recorder belong­ in g to the pastor), one huge e le ctric fan, one slide film pro­ je c to r, and adding machine. It w ill take more Sundays than I can count to replace the Items o r the love o r the s a crifice that went Into their acquisition. Many days, social workers, from the M ulti-Service Center, assembles at Bethel fo r wor­ ship try in g to solve some of the problems of our community. We are trying to "m ake our neighborhood a brotherhood." We sponsor a youth basketball and softball team, youth camps and retreats, a boyscout troop and many other helpful pro­ gram s. The AMA (Albina M inisterial Association) the Masons and th e ir siste r organizations, The Eastern Stars, the Negro Coun­ c il of Colored Women, the NAACP and many other commu­ nity organizations always find our doors and the doors of Albina Churches opened. Most of all many who worship D isp laced P erso n s The Emanuel Displaced Per­ sons Association has requested the Department o f Housing and Urban Development to to ld up th e final authorization of the Emanuel H ospital-Portland De­ velopment Commission project until certain requirements are more adequately met. The Association has also re ­ quested that It be designated as the citizens participation orga­ nization fo r the project by the Development Commission. "Because of additional ex­ pense that would be Imposed upon the some of the people who could not afford to be in debt fo r a number of years It looks like source of the Expansion of Emanuel Hospital w ill be de­ la ye d ," said Robert E. Nelson, o\ the Community Relations Committee American Friends Service Committee. here find the sp iritu a l inspira­ tion they need from day to day. Some m arry here while the dead receive th e ir honor which the living cannot embellish. Bethel AME Church as freely provided and welcome the gath­ ering of a ll those actively In­ volved who need a place of free Christian democratic assembly. You too, are Invited back. To see me. To walk Into the church without having to break In. To ask fo r what you need without having to take It. To help your­ self...your selves, and please,to help me u n d e r s t a n d why? Please • •• why? A. Lee Henderson, M inister Bethel AME Church Now! Get dial-it-yourself discounts on most out-of-state calls. Rates shown are for maximum 1 and 3 minute o ut-o f state station calls you dial yourself to anywhere in the U S except Alaska and Hawau-tax not included And it’s easy to dial-it-yourself: Just dial "1” , the out-of-state Area Code, and then the phone number. ( 2 ) Pacific Northwest Bell Introducing the mesh over and under shirt. They used to tell you that you can’t have it both ways. They used to. But the Paris mesh shirt covers that situa tion in fine style. And color, too. You wear it as a regular undershirt, sure. But also as a tank top over your shirt. Or, in fact, just over you. Any way you look at it, it's really something to look at. With its smart mesh styling. Its cool, here-lcome colors that turn wherever you go into a whole new scene And the Paris mesh shirt is cool in another way, too Comfort. It's made of fine feeling, lightweight 100% nylon tricot, that's 100% machine washable. Also available: matching, comfort styled briefs & tee shirts. Colors: black, brown, pink, gold, white, shamrock green, and blue. Shirt $4. Brief $3.50. Tee-shirt $5. Paris accessories for men LEW’S M A N ’S SHOP "House of Style'' 113 N. Rustell Ph. 282-4900