Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 26, 1970, Image 7

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    Albina Churches*
Thanksgiving Service
speaker at A lle n T e m p le
C.M .E. Church. Proceed»
donated to "L ife Center.”
St. Mark
Baptist Church
103 N.E. Morris St.
Rev. E.C. Wilder, Pastor
Sunday School
Morning Worthip
9 :3 0 A M.
1 I 00 A M
The friendly Church,
where worship is Glorified
All Nation
Community Church
N.E. Stanton A Rodney
Rev. Edgar I. Jackson, Pastor
Sunday School
Mornmg Worthip
Evening Worthip
Prayer & Bible Study
(T«m )
9 45 A M
1 1 00 A M
7 :30 P M
7 3 0 P.M.
£l)f Cburrt) of pour
Churches of Albina w ill hold
their annual Thanksgiving s e r­
vice at Allen Temple C.M.E.
Church 4236 N.E. 8th Avenue
Thursday Nov. 26, 11:00 a.m.
The sermon Is being deliv­
ered by the Kev. John Jackson,
pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist and
P r e s , of Portland Council of
The free w ill offering w ill be
donated to " L ife Center" to
support their Iztw Income F am­
i l i e s Christmas Basket. M rs.
Gertrude Crowe, D irector.
Church H olds
F estival
"A celebration of music and
dance w ill take place at St. An­
d r e w 's Catholic Church (N.E.
9th and Alberta) this Sunday,
Nov. 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. Thé
Black and Tan Dance Group
from the Albina A rt Center w ill
perform along with a local F i­
lipino Dance Group, and singers
Gloria Cutsforth, Cookie and
Jeannie Bey Bouttu, and the St.
Andrew Society Bagpipes. There
w ill also be a short film on col­
o rfu l autumn leaves, a rtis tic a lly
combined with beautiful music.
A ll are Invited to attend this
community and Church celebra-
A Names Day Party w ill fol­
low the music festival from 5
to 6 p.m.
Youth preaches
trial sermon
Leslie White a 15 year old
student of J e ff w ill preach his
tria l sermon Sunday Nov. 29, at
Bethel 4:00 p.m.
He is also an Aid at King Ele­
mentary School, a member of
Bethel Basket Ball team, Supt.
of Church School and a paper
boy fo r the Portland Observer.
Zhe Mount Olivet
baptist Church
N.E. First and Schuyler
Portland, Ore.
Rev. John H. Jackson
Phone 284-1954
Sunday School ........... 9 a.m.
Morning Worship ...... 1 1 a.m.
Vesper ........................ 5 p.m.
“ 1 was glad when they said unto me,
Ia*t uh go in to the house of the Lord.”
ua enter to worthip and depart to terve.
,0 9 N
Skidmore Street
Reverend L J . Thompson, Pattor
Sundoy School
Morning Worthip
Phon« 2 8 7 -4 7 7 4
9 :4 5 A M
I 1:00 A.M
Bishop W. L. M cK inney
B ish op M cK inney
R eturns — N a t’l M eet
Bishop M rs. W. L. McKinney,
Adm inistrative Asst. Bishop and
M rs. H.B. Daniels, the Women's
D e p t. Supervisor, M rs. Eulah
W illiam s, and other Cabinet
Members, of the churches of
God In C hrist, Inc. of Oregon
attend the 63rd Holy Convoca­
tion In Memphis, Tenn., Nov.
3 - 12, 1970 with 15,000 other
delegates from all over the
We were welcomed by Presi­
Bishop J . O. Patterson,
Tenn. Governor Buford E lling­
ton and Mayor Henry Loeb of
The firs t three days were
given to fasting and praying fo r
souls everywhere, for world
p e a c e , the sick, blind, lame,
dumb and the poor In s p irit.
The $100,00 per plate dinner
was held at the Sheraton Peabo­
dy Hotel. Bishop McKinney at­
tended the dinner.
"Women’s Day" National Su­
pervisor of Women’s Dept., D r.
Annie L . Bailey and over 1,000
other women dressed in white
marched. Invocation for the
radio broadcast was given by
Oregon Jurisdiction ^1 State
Mo. Eulah W illiam s. D r. Arenla
C. M allory, pres, of Saints In­
dustrial (¿ liege, L e x in g t o n ,
Miss. (Church of God In Christ
A.A. accredited school) accom­
panied by 500 of her students
stated, "In order to accommo­
date our children, we need at
least seven schools. Future
plans are to construct five.
D r . M allory stated very
humble, and grateful, "W ith
drugs a prim e concern and
threat to our young people,
there are no known cases of
drug users o r pushers In Saints
J r. College at this tim e.
Oregon played their part In
th e International Convention.
Miss Betty Key represented us
at General Assembly.
Memphis city o fficials related
that, "T h is was the most o rd e r­
ly peaceful convention ever held
in the c ity ."
Oregon highways
traffic heavier
T ra ffic volume on most of
Oregon's highways showed an
increase in September, ’ 970,
compared to September, 1969,
according to the monthly re­
port compiled by the Oregon
State Highway Division.
A summary’ of the perman­
ent tra ffic recorder data for
ru ra l and urban state highways
showed an increase of 8.8 per
cent in vehicular tra ffic in
September, 1970, compared to
September of »ast year.
The fir s t nine months of
1970 showed an increase of 8.6
per cent in vehicular tra ffic
compared to the firs t nine
months of 1969.
M allory Avenue Christian Church
126 N.E. Alberta
Rev. Dale A. Stitt, Pastor
Church School
9 45 A.M.
M orning Worship 1 1:00 A M.
N.E. Knott Street at Rodnev Avenue
Rev. L.O. Stone Vicar
Telephone 287-2012
Holy Communion
Sundoy School
7 :4 5 AM
9 :3 0 AM
Holy Communion
6 :0 0 PM
Holy Communion
(First ond Third Sundays) 1 1:00 AM
Morning Prayer
(Second and Four+h Sundays, 1 1:00 AM
Wednesdoys A Holy Days
1 7 3 7 N.E. A lb erta
Office 2 8 2 -8 5 2 2
Lobby 2 8 4 -9 0 7 5
Bishop W.L. M cKinney, M inister
Sunday School
Ox/rch W o rth y
9 30 A M
1 1 45 AM
6 30 PM
800 P m
Evening Wç>r*h»p
The Temple That Welcome» AK Nohom
3 1 3 N.E Failing Street
Rev Eugene Boyd, Jr., Pastor
Sunday School
9 :4 5 A.M .
Morning Worship
1 1 0 5 A.M .
Wednesday — Brotherhood & Mission
7 :3 0 P.M
The Church where everybody is somebody and Jesus is the Church
U n ite d M e th o d is t
Cor. N.E Rodney & Foiling
Phon« 2 8 8 4 3 7 3
O r d n o . People tnQOQed
In Extraordwvrr W ort
Richard J. Porker, M inister
Morning Star
Baptist Church
106 N.E. Ivy
Sunday School
9 :3 0 A .M .
Morning Worship
1 1 0 0 A.M .
Night Service
7 :0 0 P M.
Rev. Sylvester M cCullum n
^ eth.?disi E&
s ,<
Maranatha Evangelistic Center
1 2 2 2 N .E . Skidm ore
Phone 2 8 8 - 3 7 0 0 — 4 0 3 5
‘Unusual Services with an Unusual
People because of an Unusual Christ”
5828 N.E. 8th
2 8 8 -5 4 2 9
A. Lee Henderson, Minister
Ellis Casson, Associate Minister
Morning Worship ......................................10 :4 5 A .M .
Evening W orship.................................................... 7 :0 0 P.M.
Church School ............................................................... 9 :3 0 A.M.
Morning Worship
....................................................... 10:45 A.M.
Wed. Noon — The Hour of Power
12:00 N O O N
Wed. Prayer & Class Meeting ................................... 7 :0 0 P.M.
Nursery Care Provided
Hour Power — W e d .............................................. 7 :0 0 P.M.
"W e are making our Neighborhood A Brotherhood"
Reverend W endell W allace, Pastor
Sunday School........................................................ 9 :1 5 A .M .
Friday-Youth-O-Rama............................................ 7 :3 0 P.M.