20 ' THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1922 SEE OUR WINDOWS Extra Salespeople SEE OUR WINDOWS The Quality Store of Portland TS HE 1 ii I,, mn'.Hn I, . -IT II II I- .- R 1 Today (Tuesday) We L'auncti Throughout the 100 Meier & Frank Departments A Great Money-Saving Event for Menr Women Children PUT FORWARD ONE WEEK FOLLOWING OUR USUAL PRACTICE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC ' - m , 1 rim ii-iMrirm-nTiriwiriMiimii ii S THE CHIEF characteristic of this sale is not the sweeping nature of the price leveling although a hundred departments offer many lines of good wanted merchandise at greatly reduced prices but rather, as a result of the greatly INTENSIFIED cam paign carried out for this January Clearance, the fact that it offers NEWER Goods at LOWER Prices Each day there will be new evidences of the wonder-working efficacy of thes January Clearance Sales their ability to save patrons money on the things they need and want. For the first day in" addition to the splendid values in apparel listed on this page and the great men's clothing sale listed on page 7 there will be extraordinary price concessions in Furniture Rugs Curtains Chinaware Glassware Silverware Stoves Linens Bedding Household Utilities Linoleum ; : -O 32 WINDOWS TELL THE , STORY O ' : 1 : 0 WE HAVE concentrated on certain lines of WANTED MER CHANDISE in every department, taking care that these particular stocks should be replenished and ready for this new kind of January Clearance and on these we have taken reductions of, in every case, EXCEPTIONAL and, in many cases, SENSATIONAL magnitude, so that we can broadcast this news of BARGAINS in QUALITY Goods There will be many surprises for the opening day surprises that we cannot tell about here but some of which you will get an idea of by looking in our windows and others you can find (while quantities last) . by looking at the specials displayed under January Sales cards numerous signs to economy in every department. Save on Silks Dress Goods Trimmings Wash Goods Knit, Silk and Hand-Made Underwear Hosiery Corsets Shoes Gloves Handkerchiefs Neckwear Needlework Save on EVERYTHING tor tKe Person -EVERYTHING for tKe Home In addition to the women's apparel values listed below there are equally good values in women's new-fashion blouses and-niillinery, girls' and boys' apparel and accessories of all kinds. 00 w at , The Meier & Frank Fashion Salons Place on Sale Today ukSo- oats.vana 5 n Or gay Mfcies TEafc Wi 1 Amaie Women's and misses' fashion-favored garments of quality fabrics, in the most approved styles and colors drastically reduced for the January Clearance Sales SUITS REDUCED $25.00 to $35.00 Suits Plain and fur trimmed. For misses and women. - Good Jointer Suits Plain and fur trimmed. Regardless of former prices. ' $75.00 to $79.50 Suits Sizes for misses and women. Many fur trimmed. $85.00 to $98.50 Suits 59 Richly fur trimmed.. For misses and women. Meter & Frank's: Fourth Floor. 1250 Winter Coats Reduced Clearaway of Coats Plain and fur trimmed. Regardless of former prices. Special Lot of Coats Plain and fur trimmed. For misses and women. , Another Group of Coats '39 Fur trimmed and plain. For misses and women. Unusual .Values in Coats $492 Plain and fur trimmed. For misses and women. High Grade Whiter Coats '59 Plain and fur trimmed. For misses and women. $85.00 to $98.50 Coats . $69 Finer winter coats with rich fur trimming. Meier & Frank's! Fourth Floor, DRESSES REDUCED Ciearaway of Dresses $15 Street and afternoon. Regardless of former prices. $39.50 to $45.00 Dresses '25 Crepe and twill dresses for misses and women. $49.50 to $55.00 Dresses $35 Crepe and twill dresses for misses and women. Famous Model Gowns J55 ' Final ciearaway of exquisite "models" from our famous maker. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. i5