THE MOKNIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1923 17 ATTEMPT TO IiOOT RESTAU i KANT REGISTER FOILED. Cook Shows Fight When Demand tor Cash Is Made and Would Be Robbers Flee. i "Three unmasked outlaws attempt fed to rob the Chief Lunch, at Elev enth and Morrison streets, early yesterday morning, and, after firing threo shots at F. R. Doloff, night cook, ran when the cook showed light and refused to open the cash register. The three men had eaten at the restaurant. When they started to depart two took positions at the door and the third approached the cash register, where Doloff waited to receive their money. "Give us all the money you bave," the man demanded. Doloff refused and reached for a pistol. Customers started to enter the place and the two men at the door became frightened and ran away, leaving their comrade be hind. The deserted highwayman fired three shots to frighten Doloff, but they failed to have any effect. He then turned and fled. Doloff fired one shot at the rob ber as he left the place. He gave the police an accurate description of the trio. IRISH CRIME IS CURBED Criminal Investigation Depart ment Doing Good Work. DUBLIN. The criminal Investiga tion department, established by the Irish government, has largely re placed the old detective department of the Dublin metropolitan police. It has its headquarters in Oriel house, and Its task is the rounding up of the ordinary criminals, bank robbers and burglars who have taken advantage of the prevailing troubled times to prey on the citi zens. The new force has the advan tage over the old that Its members have none of the traditional and easily recognizable appearance of the ordinary police detectives In Dublin. They are mostly young men, very like the average young mian In dress and build, and their operations are increasingly effect ive. They recently made 56 arrests In one week; have recovered much property and have been congratu lated on their efficiency by the re corder of Dublin. EIGHTH SUSPECT TAKEN Band In Bank Robbery Charged I to Elusive Prisoner. tOS ANGELES, CaU Dec. 25. The feighth arrest in connection with the . robbery two weeks ago of the Fill more State bank at Piru, Ventura county, of J6O00, was made today-in the Castaio hills near the Los Anee lea-Ventura county line by deputy sheriffs and private detectives. The man arrested today gave his name as O. J. Carlson and is de clared by officers to have three times eluded efforts to capture him. Four members of the band pleaded guilty at Ventura, Cal., Saturday, tof cnarges or roDDery, ana the cases were set for sentence next Friday. Those who entered pleas were Jenks ' D. Harris, motion picture, actor and V-alleged leader of the band; Harold Gillette, motion picture actor; George F. Pruitt and Henry C. Logglns. . CHECK MADE ON TICKERS President of Consolidated Stock Exchange Announces Move. NEW YORK, Dec. 25. W. S. Silk worth, president of the Consolidated Btock exchange, announced today that a questionnaire was being sent all nonmembers who have wire con nections with the exchange or take Its ticker service. Any firm failing to answer the questionnaire satis factorily would have its ticker re moved and wire service discontinued at once, he said. The quotations of the exchange re frequently the greatest asset for obtaining business that a small brokerage house has, Mr. Sllkworth explained, and those using the ex change's service must conform to the same standards as those set for members. Prominent Manufacturer Dead. SPRINGFIELD, O., Dec. 25. War ren A. Myers, 37, prominent manu facturer, banker and ex-newspaper publisher, died today of heart dis ease, after an illness of two vears. He was secretary-treasurer of the Bobbins & Myers company, manu facturers of electrical equipment, and always was active in civic movements. He was publisher of the Springfield Sun for a number of years. Panama ex-President Dies. PANAMA, Dec. 25. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Ernesto Tisdel Le- fevre, former president of Panama, died today after an operation. In addition to the presidency he had coupled other important govern mental posts, being at various times secretary for foreign relations, min ister of foreign affairs and minister Of posts and telegraphs. Phone your want ads to The Oregonlan. Main 7070. WOMAN TELLS SECRET i OF POISED TACT "Goodness, how I admire your brother Jim's wife. She has such poise and 1 never saw such a tactful woman. She Is always at ease and equal to any emergency that occurs." "Tea, Alice is all that and more. Bhe is a wonderful woman and our whole family worship her. However, I have seen her when she wasn't perfectly poised, and most people think that impossible. We were on a motor trip and had no curtains. It rainisd and we weren't at all prepared for it. We all got soaked to the skin and ruined 6ome good looking clothes, too. Alice looked quite be draggled and her nerves were on edge. We all were cross and she was no worse -than the rest of us, However, ehe told me that her morale,' as ehe calls it, goes all to pieces if she knows her hair is atringy and her clothes massy and eotled." "Well, I guess that Is the secret, but Alice seems naturally very neat and has such good taste in clothes." "Yes, and she doesn't pay an aw ful lot for them either. Brother says she can make a dollar go a long ways. She buys most of her lovely clothes at Cherry's at 349 Morrison Btreet, second floor. One can buy on credit there and she pays so much a month the year around and is al ways well dressed." This popular store is open every Saturday eve ning until 8, o'clock Adv. WHEAT YIELD OF UMATILLA COUNTY IS BEING INCREASED Constant Experimentation Under Expert Guidance Developing Types of Grain Most Suitable to Soil in Eastern Oregon. If "v " , :t" rf '''iW; V l"t ;' . l Cre I f ti & ' PENDLETON. Or., Dec 23. (Spe cial.) Wheat farmers of Uma tilla county, who produce about for is 1 per cent of the wheat crop of the world, in the highest producing county in the state of Oregon, are constantly at work to increase pro duction and cut costs, knowing that in large-scale farming the margin of a few cents a bushel means profit or loss. . . Over a period of years certain types of wheat have proved by gen eral use to be superior In certain Bections, and now the acreage has a well-established rule for use of seed wheat, and the number of varieties now in use have been greatly dimin ished, to the benefit of the farmers. Besides higher ' yield and better quality of grain, Umatilla county farmers are seeking to cut the losses from smut by work with smut- resisting wheats, by the elimina tion of mixtures which cut the price on their crops and by the develop ment of new seed through hand picking of choice heads in the best fields of the county. Outstanding of the demonstration work this year, conducted by the county farm bureau, through County Agent Bennion, is the introduction of Hard Federation as a new seed wheat. This grain proved in every test to be the best variety of spring wheat where there Is not sufficient rainfall to raise the heavier craln. High yield with 'better quality are the advantages of this grain. The tests were conducted on mora than 1000 acres. Tests of Hybrid No. 12S, Turkey Red, Triplet, Jenkins Club, Blue stem, Baart, Galgalos, Marquis, Fed ard here. eration, Dick Low and Red Chaff ball, were conducted on approximately the sima acres in the county. son More than 16,000 acres of grain GUY BATiSS post in the Richard Walton Tully production of "Omar thA TflHtmakflr" la now in its second week at the Rlvoli theater. Its success Is warranted. Mr. Post gives a superb character ization. He is an artist, and he has played that role a long time. Customarily an actor becomes weary of playing a role within a very short time after the play has received its premiere. He is bored by the repetition of the same lines day after day, and often there is a secret hope in his heart that the play might become a failure, lust for the sake of getting away from the monotony of the part. But there is one actor who has played One part four yeans on the stage and has never tired of it. Now he has acted In it for the motion pictures. The star is Guy Bates Post. The play is "Omar the Tentmaker. During the "shooting" of the pic ture In a Los Angeles studio a news paper reporter cornered Post for an interview. "Mr. Post," he said, "what do you think of Omar?" "I love htm," was the quick re sponse. "Of course, most of us do. But that is the Omar of literature. I am speaking of this Omar whom you are playing the man you have created the character." "I love Mm," Post repeated. "I approach him with reverence. His wonderful depth of heart and breadth of mind, his humanity and understanding of the frailties and aspirations of his fellow men. These are the points I try to bring out. - "Omar Is not the wine-bibber some of us believe. The frequent refer ence made to the "wine cup' in his verses is a blind, assumed in order to hurl more effectively the shafts of his scorn for the immorality and hypocrisy of his day." Screen Gossip, i On of the snapples and most in- t . - , 1 MiWfWrfaMlfe! 1 i in 49 growers were Inspected and certified for seed this year, and it estimated that 108,000 bushels of certified seed were used. High pre miums have 'been paid toy other sec tlons for certified seed wheat grown in this county. So clean 1s the Hybrid No. 128, now used in, this county, that Wttle certification is necessary. The county now has laTge acreages on which certified Jenkins club Is grown where two years ago there was no clean Jenkins in the county. The increased yield shown by com parison between certified and un certified Jenkins in one year has been an average of three bushels an acre on 15,000 acres. Red Chaff has been certified for the first time in this county, the clean grain of high producing type toeing secured by field selection from former crops To speed up the experimental work and give the farmers, the proved 'benefits as soon as possible, and to develop as soon as possible a emut-resistant wheat which will out down the annual $500,000 loss in the county through smut large tracts have been set aside in various parts of the county to grow seed. Tangible results from experimen tation with wheat varieties In the last three years are estimated by county farm bureau leaders to show savings and additional profits ol more than Jl. 000,000. Prominent Texan Dead WACO, Tex., Dec. 25.' Judge Rich Kimball, 77, Is dead at his home His father. Richard B. Kim was one of the organizers of Galveston, Houston & Hender railroad. Judge Kimball was a wealthy farmer. TODATPS FILM FEATURES. Peoples Reginald Denny In "The Kentucky Derby." Columbia Alice Brady In "Anna Ascends." Liberty "Lorna Doone." Rivoli Guy Bates Post In "Omar the Tentmaker." Seo ond week. Majestic Harold Lloyd lo "Dr. Jack." Fifth week. Blue Mouse Mary Piokford in "Tess of the Storm Coun try." HippodTome Tom Moore In "Pawned." Circle Carmel Myers In "The Danger Point," foresting racing pictures witnessed in some time is the- Universal Jewell production of "The Kentucky Derby," In which Reginald Denny Is featured, and which ls the chief screen attraction at the Peoples theater. . Harold Lloyd in "Dr. Jack" is still continuing to pack them in at the Majestic theater. The succeeding at traction will be Lon Chaney in "A Blind Bargain." David Powell will play the role of Nick Lansing in Allan Dwan's production of "The Glimpses of the Moon," now being made at the Long Island studio. He will play opposite Bebe Daniels and Nita Naldi. Waldemar Toung, who wrote the screen version of Joseph Herges heimer's novel, "Java Head," for George Malford'g Paramount pro duction, is writing an original story, "You Can't Fool Tour Wife," which Mr. Melford will start soon at the Long Island studio. Mr. Toung and Mr. Malford are now at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., discussing the main features of the tory. Leatrice Joy and Nita Naldi will be i featured In the cast. Jenning Good 1 Beg ins , Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Worth of Newest Furniture, Rugs and Home Furnishings to Be Offered at Reduced Prices! Liberal CreditEvery Article Reduced Liberal Credit (Contract Merchandise Alone Excepted) This important sale will be the opportunity of the year for those who wish to furnish new homes or refurnish old ones. ,We confidently bespeak a patronage for this sale which will extend into the entire Northwest! A stock so comprehensive so varied coupled with prices so temptingly reduced, cannot fail to attract and interest a wide clientele. The articles here named by no means comprehend the extent of the reductions. Everything is reduced, save certain lines of contract merchandise, on which the manufacturers permit no reductions. We invite a discriminating public to inspect and buy! All Living Room Furniture at January Sale Prices $240.00 Tapestry Overstuffed Chair S130.00 $ 56.75 Tapestry Semi-Overstuffed Chair $ 37.50 $ 55.50 Tapestry Semi-Overstuffed Chair 35.00 $ 90.00 Tapestry Semi-Overstuffed Chair. $ 50.00 $110.00 Tapestry Semi-Overstuffed Rocker $ 55.00 $175.00 Overstuffed Fireside Chair $112.50 $475.00 Large Blue Mohair Upholstered Davenport. . .$237.50 $250.00 Blue Mohair Upholstered Arm Chair to match $125.00 $135.00 Tapestry Upholstered Mahogany Arm Rocker $ 68.75 $ 65.00 Oak Fireside Chair in Jacobean finish $ 32.50 $ 75.00 Handsome Hall Chair reduced to half price. . .$ 37.50 $ 87.50 Upholstered Chaise Longue. $ 43.75 $150.00 Upholstered Chaise Longue ..: .$ 75.00 $160.00 Solid Mahogany Settee reduced to . ... .$ 75.00 $135.00 Leather Fireside Arm Chair $ 67.50 $145.00 Velour Upholstered Fireside Chair $ 72.50 $175.00 Tapestry Overstuffed Davenport $128.75 $33.50 Ivory Wicker Floor Lamp . . , $ 22.34 Solid Mahogany Mohair Upholstered Three-Piece Living-Room Suite Davenport, Chair, Rocker. (CFtflQ K( Regular price $990.00 $eiUttlU Great January Clearance of Fine Floor Rugs The superior quality of our rug stock is welt known. An opportunity to choose from it at reduced prices ia an event, indeed! These are eome o the many reductions now in effect: In every case, there is a wide choice of patterns and colors. , $85.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs in 9x12 size. . . ...... .$67.50 $65.00 Velvet Rugs in 9x12 size $48.75 $45.00 Velvet Rugs in 9x12 size $35.50 $35.00 Velvet Rugs in 9x12 size ....... .$24.75 $75.00 Seamless Axminster Rugs in 9x12 size.. .$56.75 $55.00 Seamless Axminster Rugs in 9x12 size.. .$41.25 $45.00 Seamless Axminster Rugs in 9x12 size.. .$35.50 $37.50 Brussels Rugs in 9x12 size.... $27.25 $30.00 Brussels Rugs in 9x12 size $23.75 $25.00 Brussels Rugs in 9x12 size $18.50 ' EXTRA $2.75 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 inches ...$1.75 All Grass Rugs Reduced $20.00 Grass Rugs in 9x12 size. . $13.25 $18.00 Grass Rugs in 8x10 size.. -....$9.75 $13.50 Grass Rugs in 6x9 size $7.25 $3.50 Grass Rugs, 36x72 inches $2.25 $2.75 Grass Rugs, 27x54 inches... .......$1.75 All Wool Fiber and Fiber Rugs Reduced $22.50 Rugs in 9x12 size ; ...$14.75 $19.50 Rugs in 8-3x10-6 size $11.75 All Bath Rugs Reduced One-Third! Entire Stock of Carpets at Reduced Prices! Traveling Bags. and Suit Cases Reduced One-Third J Great January Reductions in the Drapery Department Cretonnes Reduced Regular 50c Cretonnes 25 Regular $1.00 Cretonnes 60S Fine Marquisettes Less than Half! Marquisettes with colored edging, formerly 50c and 75c; re- Oflr duced to. idJv Marquisettes with fancy hemstitched borders, formerly up to. 90c; OP reduced to ,. OeJU Washington at Fifth, PORTLAND Liberal Credit s Greatest January Sale of Ftirnittire for the Home This Morning, at 9 o Fine Cream Madras Regularly $1.15 Yard 50c All Drapery Materials Greatly Reduced 54-inch Mohair in cream 1- ryp and colors; yard tDA4t) 50-inch Repp in medium Pft weight; yard DxiV 50-tnch Repp, heavy, fine P"I QC for portieres; yard DJ.I7i JENNINGS Henry Jenning & Sons Bedroom Suites and Single Pieces Reduced. $56.50 Large Walnut Colonial Dress ing Table with triple flJOQ OK mirrors; now DOOtl $95.00 Mahogany Dressing Table with triple mirrors; re- C?1Q QC duced to tD'il.OO $100.00 Walnut Dress- (gCO CA ing Table, triple mirrors tDuJU $130.00 Mahogany Chif- Jr ff fonier, reduced to. tDUtl.lU $185.00 Mahogany Chif- fl?QO KA fonier, reduced to tDIAJ.OU $185.00 Large Walnut (PI fVJ CO Dresser, reduced to. . D1U I til $185.00 Ivory Enamel Dressing Ta ble with mahogany in- CQO Kf terior, triple mirrors.. SV0J $225.00 Ivory Enamel Dresser with mahogany interior; - Q CfV half price DL1.&0J $33.50 Ivory Enamel 1 7K Chair to match Oil). J O $33.50 Ivory Enamel fljl ? rrr Rocker to match tD J.O I O $125.00 Circassian Wal- (I?!7 CO nut Napoleon Bed; now BO I t)J $185.00 Ivory Enamel gQ7 CO Bed, reduced to 37 i 03 $145.00 American Wal- fl?QK ff nut Bed, reduced to... DOtl.UU $165.00 Mahogany Chif - fl?QO Kft ferette, reduced to DV&0J $120.00 Walnut Dress- ?7K AH ing Table, triple mirrors !) I JUU William and Mary Bed room Suite In Walnut or Mahogany Select any pieces desired at the REDUCED PRICES $40.75 Full-size Bed $32.75 $42.25 Chif ferette $33.75 $55.00 Vanity Dresser $-44.00 $49.00 Dresser $39.20 $30.50 Dressing Table $31.60 $1-1.00 Chair $8.80 $1255 Rocker $9.75 Genuine Mahogany Heppehvhite Bedroom Suite Regular Price $645.00 $360 Four handsome pieces: Full-size Bed, Vanity Dresser, Chiff erette, and Dresser. Genuine Mahogany William and Mary Bed room Suite Regular Price $735.00 8428 A charming four-piece suite: Bow end Bed, Large Vanity, Dresser, and Chifferette. Fine Bedroom Suites in Old Ivory Enamel $97.50 . Three-piece suites of chaste design: Full-size Bed, Dresser, and Dress ing Table. Fine Bedroom Suites in American Walnut $78.50 Splendid three-piece suites, consist ing of Full-size Bed, Dresser, and Triple-mirror Dressing Table. Ivory Enamel Bedroom Suites Regular Price $214.50 $142.50 Three handsome pieces: Poster Bed, Dresser, and Triple - mirror Dressing Table. $100.00 Brass Beds with OA rj FA square tubing; now... O'xI.UU Day Beds Reduced $87.50 Wicker Day Beds. . . .$57.50 $89.50 Wicker Day Beds... $59.50 $9955 Wicker Day Beds... $66.25 Blankets Reduced in white or gray wool, with cotton warp. Regular price $12.50. Special , $8.25 Comforters Reduced Fine cotton filled; silkoline covered, with plain and fancy borders. Regu larly $6.50 and $7.50. Special at $4.25 'Clock! January Reductions on Dining Room Suites and Single Pieces $65.00 Solid Oak William and Mary Dining Tables, Jacobean finish; 48 inch top, extending to 8 (j?QQ f( feet; reduced to tDOO.UU $71.00 Solid Oak William and Mary Dining Tables, Jacobean finish; 54 inch top, extending to JJ47 8 feet; reduced to I 0f $14.00 Solid Oak Chairs to match, leather seats; reduced to (gg IJg $22!o6 Solid Oak Arm' Chairs to match, leather seats; M Q HVL reduced to tD-LO. 4 O $160.00 Walnut Dining Tables, Tudor period, 54-inch top, ex- (PQQ C A tending to 8 feet; now OtO.tlV $140.00 Early English Oak Dining Tables, 60-inch top, ex- (?QA AA tending to 10 feet; now tDOV.UU $100.00 Walnut Dining Tables, Adam design; reduced to $125.66 " Mahogany Dining Tables, Adam design; reduced QQO OtZ to only O00.e) $69.00 Solid Walnut or Mahogany Dining Tables, 45-inch top, extend ing to 6 feet; reduced gP) Solid1 Walnut ' or 'iiahog- (PO ?C any Chairs to match vJOMO Solid Walnut or Mahogany Arm Chairs to match; re- (PI Q C A duced to tDlO.UU $85.00 Solid Mahogany CJIO Kfl Serving Tables tf'iXuUU Extra Special: Walnut Finish Oblong Dining Table, Buffet and Four Chairs With Genuine Leather Seats $100 One Only Solid Mahogany English Chippendale Dining Suite Regular Price $1110 $685 a magnificent 10-piece suite! An unusual opportunity! Oblong Dining Table, Large Buffet, China Cabinet, Serving Table, Five Spring Seat Dining Chairs and Arm Chair. Great January Clearance China Cabinets at Less than Half Price! These are cabinets from our finest dining 6uites. Many customers who purchase suites, do not want a china cabinet with the other pieces; hence we have these on hand. We are going to offer them absolutely re gardless" of their cost or propor tionate price. $110.00 Walnut William dMA KA and Mary China Cabinet fDUtOKf $150.00 Walnut Adam PJ7 KA design China Cabinet. . DVJ I OV $135.00 Walnut Tudor Qfrt TA Period China Cabinet.. wUl.UU $125.00 Walnut Gothic (PPrJ P A China Cabinet OtM.UU $95.00 Mahogany Charles the Second China Cabinet; reduced j2 50 $125' Mahogany Tudor Period China Cabinet; reduced gfj() 50 $75?00'Mahogany Adam Design China Cabinet, priced (POA AA special for this sale at tDOU.UU $165.00 Mahogany Tudor Period China Cabinet; reduced Jj 5() $1500 Circassian Walnut Colonial China Cabinet; reduced Jgg'JO $10 Mahogany William and Mary China Cabinet; reduced 50 Wood Heaters Reduced $32.50 Holly -Wood COO KA Heaters; reduced to... tD.eJU $47.50 Aurora Wood Heaters; all cast iron; fireplace ef- (Q7 CA feet. Special at DO f .til EXTRA! Regular $135.00 Occidental Gas Ranges; closing (PQQ fTA out at iDUUmOV EXTRA! Regular $135.00 Alcazar Gas Ranges; all CI OA Aft nickel trimmed OlU.UU Washington at Fifth PORTLAND Liberal Credit