VOL. LXI-XO. 19,375 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Postoffice aa Second-class Matter. PORTLAND, OREGOX. MONDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS CHRISTMAS FINDS ASTORIA GHEERY City, Emerging From De- pression, Smiles. MAIL CARRIERS KEPT BUSY ALL OF SUNDAY CHEER ISCARRIED PRESIDENT GREfg DISABLED yFRANS RELAPSE SUFFERED ( GERMANS BELIEyE!T, ;es BYMME. BERNHARDT ARBUCKLE FAIR PLRY PLEA Innocence Asserted and Acquittal Cited. TO EVERY HOME BETTER DAY NEAR DELIVERIES WILL TAKE VP MOST OP TODAY ALSO. PEOPLE PLED'y-TO GIVE LITTLE HOPE HELD BX3R LIFE NATIVE OF IRELAND CROSSES EVERY PBLE AID. c OF FAMOUS ACTRESS. ATLANTIC IX 1840. CHILDREN ARE MADE HAPPY Trees and Gifts Are Pro vided by Elks. LODGE HIGHLY PRAISED Baskets of Goodies Are Distrib uted; Adults Lay Plans for Reconstruction. ' ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 24. (Special.) t The spirit of Christmas has flooded this stricken city as thoroughly as the -warm equinoctial rain, which for two days has bathed the scar left by flames, which recently ate out the city's business heart. Faced by a task of almost unimaginable proportions and just emerging from the depression which full realization of the extent of the disater brought, Astoria's citiaens tonight were pre paring for "the first Christmas after the great fire" and on every face was a smile. Throughout the length and breadth of the city the spirit of Christmas had spread and the de termination to "help the other fel low" was apparent In all plans for observance of the greatest day of the year. Gloom to Be Driven Away. "There will be no abiding place for gloom in all Astoria tomorrow," declared Rev. W. S. Gilbert, chair man of the committee of ten, and his words appeared truly prophetic. On every tongue today was praise for the Oregon State Elks associa tion, which dispensed happiness to 2500 Astoria children, who other wise faced the probability of fail ing to get a visit from Santa Claus. Plans Spoiled by Fire. Just prior to the "Tire "Astoria lodge of Elks had completed plans for its annual Christmas tree. But the fire spoiled all that and left the Astoria Elks downhearted. Then "W. P. Strandborg, of Portland; !W. F. McKenney, president, and Monroe Goldstein, secretary of the state association, brought cheer to them with the announcement that contributions from lodges through cut the state would provide : Christmas basket for every child in Astoria under the age of 12 years. The baskets, containing fruit, eandv. cookies and a larern silk American flag, were packed by the,at $75.u0. Portland Elks' women's committee, packed so carefully that not so much as a piece of candy jarred loose on the trip to Astoria in a special car provided- free of charge by the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad. And then, to "top it all eff," the Multnomah Guard band, official band of Portland lodjre. came to Astoria yesterday. Three Tree Provided. So last night at three Christmas trees one in Souml hall, a second in Columbia hall and the third in the high school auditorium, happy children gathered and care-burdened fathers and mothers silently elasped hands- as President McKin ney delivered Elkdom's message in the words of the Creator, "Peace on earth, good will to men." And what a reception that 40 piece band received! At each Christ mas tree childish shrieks of joy rent the air as soon as the first uni formed bandsmen appeared. President McKenney was accom panied to Astoria by Secretary Gold stein and Stanhope S. Pier, treasurer of the Portland Elks' .Christmas tree committee. Arrangements for the three Christmas trees and pro grammes were made by a commit tee of the Astoria lodge headed by ueorge waiters, other membersl were J. L. Wilkins, Charles Wright and William Silvo. Prior to the celebrations the visiting Elks and members of the band were guests of Mr. Wilkins at a dinner at the Hal hotel and at supper just before the band returned to Portland. Special Services Arranged. Observance of Christmas will center in special services at the various churches of the city. Ser mons of pastors will tend to strengthen the morale of the citi zens who were sorely tried but not "found wanting in courage and forti tude. , Into the homes of those who suf fered least from the fire will be taken many of those who suffered, most and the hardships will be for gotten for a day at least Men of the National guard, who already have endeared themselves with Astoria's needy, will add the final touch tomorrow with a Christ mas dinner in the basement of the Methodist church. Diner Menu Announced. Here's the menu the guardsmen will serve: cream oi tomato se-un. nvstp, crackers, roast young turkey, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, celery, cream corn, apple pie, raisin pie, mince pie, chocolate cake, coconut cake, caramel cake, assorted Only One Call to Be Made, but Volume of Mail Is So Great It Will Tate Ten Hours. The mailcarriers were so busy playing Santa Claus to the residents of Portland yesterday that they had no time to take their customary Sunday lay-off. And they will con tinue to work today while most of the city's more furtunate citizens are enjoying Christmas dinners and fixings or passing the day in relax ation and amusement. J , AH parcel post packages arriving in the mail were delivered during the day, It was announced by Post master Jones. The postmaster eaid that delivery of parcels would be continued today and in addition there would be one delivery of let ters and similar mail. This one de livery, he said, however, would re quire about ten hours, owing to the great volume of mail to be handled. The postoffice will be open from 8 to 12, Mr, Jones said, to handle regular business. "We have never had anything to compare with . the mail this year," he added. "I would estimate the vol ume at 20 per cent greater than last year. 'Stamp sales showed an increase of 37 per cent during the last six days over the same period last year." JAPAN HOPEFUL OF PACT New Agreement Suggested In Case Arms Treaty Fails. TOKIO, Dec. 23. (By the Associ ated Pi ess.) Diplomacy during the current year is mainly pivoted upon the Washington agreements, ac cording to Viscount Uchida, Japan ese foreign minister, who addressed the upper house here today. Count Uchida expressed the hope that - in event the outstanding agreements failed to secure recog nition by the powers concerned that Japan, in co-operation with the United States and Great Britain, would take the necessary steps for the solution of international prob lems, t The Japanese government, he said, is proceeding Upon the as sumption that all phase of the Washington agreements will be rat ified by the various powers. CHICAGO OFFICES BURN Annual Stockyard Blaze Is Staged In Windy City. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, Dec. 24. Offices of 40 livestock commission firms were reduced to ruins and one fireman was seriously injured today when fire destroyed the rbof and third story of the Exchange building, in the heart of the Union stockyards. The fire furnished Chicago with what has come to be known as the city's annual holiday fire in packing town. The damage was estimated Starting from crossed electric wires or a cigarette butt. Fire At torney High believed, the fire ate its way from the center of the main building to the western and south ern walls of the building, in which 155 commission firms have their of fices. JAM THREATENS. BRIDGE Span at Kelso Endangered by Several Million Feet of Logs. KELSO, Wash., Dec. 24. (Spe cial.) A log jam containing several million feet of logs from the Silver Lake Lumber & Railway company's booms threatened the Kelso bridge today. False work under the new bridge which' is immediately below the old bridge caused the jam. Ef forts to break it met with consider able success and a million feet of I logs already has gone into the Co- I lumbia river. Several million feet are in the boom and rafts as Ostrander and the Silver lake booms. If they break loose the old bridge may go out, endangering the new structure. The Cowlitz river rose rapidly to day. AUT0IST IGNORES VICTIM Youth, Struck Down, Found Ly ing Beside Road. OL.YMPIA, Wash., Dec. 24. (Spe cial.) George Newman, aged 19, of South union, son of Mr. and Mrs. t W. C. Newman, sustained a frac tured skull when he was struck ! down by a small automobile on the Pacific highway near Tumwater last night. A boy on a bicycle, following closely behind the automobile. found Newman lying beside the road. At the hospital it was said Newman had a possible chance of recovery. YULE MASS ABANDONED Primate of Ireland Fears Govern ment Cordon About Church. BELFAST, Dec. 24. (By the As sociated Press.) Cardinal Logue, primate of Ireland, today announced that he had abandoned his previous ly announced purpose of holding his usual midnight mass to usher in Christmas. iis acuon was laiten on learning that the government intended to throw a cordon about tne church at the curfew hour, which would pre vent the congregation from leaving! Baskets Are Provided for Needy Families. WHOLE CITY MAKES MERRY Mayor Baker and Chief Jen kins Lead in Relief. 100 VIGILANTES ASSIST Elks Hold Christmas Tree in Au ditorium Today; Admission to Be by Ticket Only. BY C. H. WILLIAMS. When the Christmas candles were lighted in Portland last night, everyone in the city, beyond doubt, shared in the joy of holiday-making. The spirit of Christmastide em braced everyone. That was the best, most satisfying part of the city's observance of the festival that covers all Christendom. Indeed the all-pervasive spirit of the day vpas seen at its best in the fact that out of its abundance, Port land's heart saw to it that none was overlooked. The record business of the past few weeks testified to the generosity of the more fortunate ones of the community toward their own folk,- But that was not enough. This giving was to be expected in the usual course of events. What was more delightful was the thought taken of the less fortunate and they, too, heard the jingle of Christmas bells and the happy visit of Santa Claus' messengers. Cheer Is Passes Around. There was a sort of official, mu nicipal enterprise afoot yesterday quite out of the usual routine of Portland affairs. Mayor Baker and Chief of Police Jenkins were not too much taken up with their own com fort to give the afternoon to dis tributing Christmas cheer to fami lies that were not, up to that time, at all touched by the kindliness that is so distinctive of the season. At the head of 100 Vigilantes, these two officials managed an en terprise that for sheer evidence of the true spirit of yuletide has per haps never been equaled in Port land. Nearly 200 households where it was impossible to manage any real .Christmas .happiness were brightened by the good work of these .Vigilantes, with the city's mayor at their head, beaming his delight in the work and the resolve that every last Portlander must share in this Christmas, else it could not be a real holiday at all. Vigilantes Go Scouting. , Families who might otherwise be overlooked at Christmas had been listed and checked through the Con fidentiai Exchange maintained as i part of the Community Chest organ ization. The Vigilantes then scouted through the business , district and obtained contributions of good things for brightening the lives of these less fortunate ones. - Gen- (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) - -. O-fto-o-H! LOOK; :--; mi - . I I nnnNU rc r -t . mui n" I rn ".::k tA ,.v with i urn. nam-Mim. u Mr(f v,CVtmtOfri " 'W,trr fin . t muni 'ni i, 4 Gratitude V ation Extended to Men Made Maimed and 111 by Serving Country. ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 24. President Harding, In a Christmas message to disabled war veterans made public tonight, declared they were "entitled to the utmost assur ance that a grateful people stands willing and anxious to do, and will continue to do. everything possible for them." The greeting of the president, which the disabled American vet erans, through Its national offices here, sent out to its members, fol lows': , . "It Is deemed especially fitting that . at the Christmas season the gratitude of the nation should be extended to the sick, disabled and maimed men of the country's mili tary services. These men are be yond all others the most sorely tried victims of the armed service in which they and their comrades upheld the national 'security and vindicated the national honor. "Our obligation has prompted the, nation to'a very considerable deal ing, with them, which, it is hoped, has been, in some measure at least, commensurate with the debt owing to them. For such misfortunes as have come to thousands of them there can be no compensation, no adequate requital, but they are en titled to the utmost assurance that a grateful people stands willing and anxious to do and will continue to do, everything possible for them.. "That the coming year may bring them in the fullest measure a re stored fortune, health and prosper ity is the earnest wish of the en tire nation." WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 24. Holiday greetings to the rank and file of the army have been sent by Secretary Weeks, General Pershing and by Major General Harbord, dep uty chief of staff, who signalized his approaching retirement to pri vate life by sending best wishes to his comrades. "You are the guardians and pre servers of that peace and good will which we reverence at this season," Secretary Weeks said. "None de serve to a greater degree the bene fits of the peace we now enjoy, the security of which you guaranteed by your personal service to the na tion." . i .. General pershinp In his message said : "You have materially contributed to the welfare of the American peo ple during the" year Just ending, yours has been a personal service for the good of your countryj which is deeply appreciated." General Harbord's greeting was in the nature of a formal farewell to the service -he had been in for more than 30 years. AUT0M0BILETVJCT1WI DIES Los Angeles Teacher Struck by Car In Honolulu. HONOLULU. T. H., Dec. 24. (By the Associated Press.) Miss Kath arine Hall, normal school teacher, died in a 'hospital here today after being struck by an automobile while she was getting on a street car. Stanley Kennedy, manager of the Center Island American Navigation company, was arrested and charged with reckless driving. Miss Hall's parents, who live at 60 South Euclid avenue, Pasadena, Cal., have been notified. WONDER WHO IS HAPPIEST THIS MORNING? Courage, Alone Said to Be Sus taining Woman; " Christmas Even in Mansion Silent. PARIS, Dec. 24. (By the Associ ated Press.) Sarah Bernhardt, the famous actress, suffered a relapse during the early hours this morn ing, when she had another fainting spell which lasted considerable time. Courage alone was said to be sus taining the actress. Ker physical strength was declared to be fast ebbing. The doctors who constantly were in attendance upon her ex pressed the opinion tonight that only a miracle could save her. Christmas eve in Bernhardt's little mansion in the Boulevard Periere was a silent one. The servants and others of the household moved nois lessly through the semi-darkness of the halls' which usually at the. Christmas tide glowed with bril liance. Bernhardt's 70-year-old but ler, Arthur, was sad of eye and dis consolate. "Madame is very low," he said, with quivering lips. "Madame was progressing favorably," he added, 'until this relapse." Professor Obissier, chief ot the medical staff attending Bernhardt, said to the' Associated Press tonight: "While we still hold hope for her recovery, it is certain that Madame Bernhardt never again will face the footlights." . Madame Bernhardt was being kept alive by consomme with the white of an egg beaten into it. She was receiving no solid food whatsoever and was gradually growing weaker. "Her last ftalian trip greatly fa tigued her," declared Arthur, the butler, who added somewhat bitterly, "and there was no need for it." Madame Bernhardt was said to re alize the hopelessness of the situ ation, but was meeting the crisis with the same fortitude with which she has met many other crises In her 78 years of life. SOVIET CLAIMS VICTORY United States Said to Have Real ized Power of Reds. ' MOSCOW, Dec. 24. (By the Asso ciated Press.) After six months of watchful waiting the. United States suddenly has arrived at the conclu sion that soviet Kussia was a real factor in world economics and must be reckoned with, according to an assertion made. by... M. Kameneff, president of the Moscow soviet, at the opening of the all-Russian con gress yesterday. M. Kameneff spoke in the place of M. Lenine, the premier who, he an nounced, had prepared an extensive report, but deferring to the advice of his doctor would not leave his home for several days, owing to the fact that he was ill from overwork. PERSHING STADIUM BEGS Paris Seems Unable to Give Away Structure. PARIS, ' Dec. 24. Nobody wants the Pershing stadium; the city of Paris can not give it away, the union of federations of sporting so cieties to whom the municipal council offered the stadium recently, refused to accept it unless the city guaranteed the 100,000 francs neces sary for its yearly upkeep. . This the city is not prepared to do. The municipal council now . has offered Pershing stadium to the sporting federation of the labor unions. Thousands Look With Hope to America. REMEDY IS NOT IN LOAN Harden Calls for Franco Teuton Collaboration. CAUSE OF EVILS DEEP Reorganization of Europe's In dustry Declared Necessary as v Second ' Step. BY MAXIMILIAN HARDEN, Germany's Foremost Publicist. '(Copyright,. 19ia, by The Orcgonian.) In the midst of rejoicing throughout Germany over tne hope that a liberal loan will soon be f ortheominR from America, Mr. Harden sounds a solemn warning. Such relief would be ex hausted within a year, he believes, and the terrible industrial crisis which has been staved off so far would com pletely engulf Germany and all Europe. Franco-German collaboration must be the first step in economic restoration, he says, followed by organization of a Pan American European conference, whose seeds would be fertilized by the manna of a loan which, if it comes too soon, will only Bhrlvel in barren earth. BERLIN. Dec. 24. Is our world approaching a new Christmas? The present era has lasted too long, as happened once before when Jere miah prophesied the dawn of Chris1 tianity. Grief hangs cIoud-like over everything. Millions of mothers la ment their dead children. Distress cripples whole nations and the air vibrates with the groans of those languishing in misery. But suddenly the rays of a star penetrate the darkness and attract the attention of the wise and power ful and guide them to Bethlehem to. the manger, wherein the Savior of mankind was cradled and shep herds heard from the lips of the angels In the midst of the dark night: 1 "Glory to , God in the highest! Peace on earth; good will to man." Is this miracle now to be repeated as this suffering has been? Thou sands of Germans believe it today. End of Suffering Seen. "Our suffering is coming to an end," they say. "The world is be ginning to see that it cannot exist without Germany's recovery. Amer ica is going to intervene. It will grant a big loan and compel France to reduce her claims. After a ftw years the mark will recover its old value." v" The tangible reason for this be lief here is the fact that the dollar declined 3000 marks in the last few days. All the rest, as I write, is intangible rumor, having as its origin political and financial specu lation. The causes for political spec ulation are less evident than the plain object of the financiers, who desire to buy raw ' stuff for Ger many and shares in Germany below yesterday's exorbitant k prices, and wish, by boosting the. mark, to re duce their foreign bills. The great Anglo-French business negotiations with reparations and the near east as the objective are yet. unconcluded. Kemal Pasha's Turks want money, and, naturally, they did not receive the 250,- 000,000 francs they demanded in Paris, they turned , to England,, where Leslie Urquhardt gave them a check for a million pounds sterling with a prospect for further aid, thus spoiling the French game on -the one hand and the Russian on the other. -l,aiuanne Conference Bluff. The course of the Lausanne con ference henceforth can be nothing but a bluff, but EnglanM, who will ingly paid a large sum for her share of control of the straits and tran quilization of the Indian Moham medans, has as yet -not found an effectual means of making France yield on reparations. The effort to do this by lowering the exchange rate of the franc has been unsuccessful despite the fact that American private institutions helped in the matter for pacifist reasons. French railways have had British money advanced to them, while French trade with Russia has been rendered possible, with the re suH that the position of the franc necessarily Improved. During the recent London con. ference it became clear to Premier Poineare that America's help would be obtainable only when France de sisted from military force.. He ex pressed this intention in the cham ber, and Deputies . Tardieu and Leucheur, who desire to succeed him, agreed with him. This means progress,' but for England the way is still "long to Tipperary." France May Be Targ-et. Were France to be brought to the British viewpoint on the principal issues the near east, reparations, debt and disarmament she must be intimidated and made to appear as the only obstacle preventing solu tion of all political and economic difficulties with American help. It is comprehensible that this wish has engendered the latest ru mors, but it is impossible that this belief prevails in America, whose operation, I have frequently stated, is necessary, but that even a larga loan could miraculously heal the world's economic sickness is foolish Old-Time Girls, Without Paint! ' and Rolled Stockings, Held as Pretty as Present Ones. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)' CHICAGO. Dec. 24. Mrs. Mary Vermette, who lives on a farm near Woodstock, 111., will celebrate to morrow her 111th birthday anniver sary. It is believed she has lived through . more Christmas celebra tions than any other person in Illi nois. Mrs. Vermette was born on Christ mas day, 1811, in Cork, Ireland, and came across the Atlantic in a sailing vessel In 1840. Soon thereafter she came to Illinois in an ox-cart. She will enjoy the celebration to day, for she moves around the house with freedom. Her son, Richard, 76 years old, will help in the Christmas festivities. There is another son who is still three years older. When questioned recently about the difference between the girls of today and those of her girlhood, she replied with decision: "The. girls in my day were just as pretty as the girls are now, but they didn't paint their faces or roll their stockings to make themselves attractive to young men." Mrs. Vermette's greatest enthu sism is the freedom of Ireland. KELLER HAS BREAKDOWN Representative Who Sought to Impeach Daugherty III. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 24. Threatened' with a nervous break down, Representative Keller repub lican, Minnesota, whose impeach ment charges against Attorney-General Daugherty recently were heard by a congressional committee, is at his home here under a doctor's or ders to stay away from work for a couple of weeks. His physician said today that his condition was not serious. JUAREZ HAS BIG FIRE American Consulate Is Burned in , $150,000 Blaze. EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 24. Fire starting In a restaurant in the busi ness section of Juarez, just across the border, today destroyed the American consulate offices and wiped out more thfin a half block of business houses before it was brought under control. The loss is estimated at more than $150,000. CANAL IS HIT BY SLIDE Panama Waterway Traffic Is Not Hampered by Accident. PANAMA, Dec. 24. A slide in the Panama canal occurred Friday morning. Meanwhile traffic through the waterway will not be hampered. CONSULATEJS BOMBED Little Damage Done to Italian . Building in Spain. LISBON, . Dec. 24. A bomb was exploded today against the door of the Italian consulate here. Only slight damage was caused. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERliATS Maximum temperature, 6tt degrees, minimum, 52 degrees. TODAY'S Occasional rain; southwester ly winds. Foreign.- Sarah Bernhardt suffers relapse. Page 1. Germans think brighter era is war, says Harden. Fage 1. Americans In Siberia are dying of starva tion and disease. Page 2. Loan obtained on fake estate. Page 4. British book on war unfair to Americans, says Paul Palnleve. Page 3. National. President greets disabled veterans. Page 1. Revival or wreck two alternatives facing Europe, says Suullivan, Page 3. Secretary Fall expected to leave presi dents cabinet before spring. Page 4. Domestic. Mer Rouge victims buried solemnly. Page X. Page 2. Arbuckie pleads for fair play. racifio Northwest. Christmas finds Astoria cheery. Page 1. Oregon regiment to be decorated with honors. Page 6. Construction at capital may have to wait. Page 6. Seattle forgets feuds until after Christ mas. Page 4. Cash found In hut of seeming pauper. Page 5. Sports. Corvaltls ready to bet last penny on team. Page 12. Tate-Fulton bout for Friday, called off. Page 2. Gonzaga to make reckless bid for fame. Page 12. Commercial and Marine. Grain market takes Christmas holiday. Page 17. : Revival In trade boosting markets. . Page 17. Sixty-mile gale falls to keep shipping from crossing in. Page 13. Portland's future as port held bright. Page 17. Tax-exempt bond issues Increase. Page 17. Portland and Vicinity. Mail carriers report busy all Sunday. Page 1. Christmas cheer Is carried Into every home. Page 1. Oregon teachers to meet Tuesday. Page 18. Evidence lacking in Weir case. Page 10. Portland rejects Arbuckle's pleas. Page - 11. American legion to give benefit show Saturday. Page 18. Cornerstone laid for Runnyslde com munity house. Page 11. All must answer crucial question, says Father Thompson in Christmas ser mon. Page 13. Land settlement held paramount issue In Oregon. Page 18. Coast sawmill take- short. pat, rtxe.17. SCRIPTURES ARE QUOTED Producer Prepares to Fea ture Fatty Again. SCENARIO IS SOUGHT Fat Comedian Asks How Accusers Would Like to Be Judged as They Judge Him. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 24. Roscoe C ("Fatty") Arbuckie, motion pic ture actor, today quoted the scrip tures "As ye judge, so shall ye be judged" in his first official state-, ment on the controversy which fol lowed his Christmas "pardon" granted him by Will H. Hays, titu lar head of the motion picture in dustry. He Issued the statement shortly after returning from San Francisco, where he went last Friday to pay his brother a brief visit, and simul taneously Joseph M. Schenck, pro ducer, who will re-employ the com edian, announced he was seeking a scenario suitable for Arbuckie and that work on a picture would be be gun as soon as it was found. Statement Is Issued. Arbuckle's statement follows: "All I ask is the rights of an American citizen American fair play. Through misfortune and tragic accident, I was tried on a charge of which I was absolutely innocent. A jury composed of eight men and four women, all bt whom were of high character and excellent civlo standing and all of whom were mem bers of churches of various faiths, found me innocent. Not only that; but the same jury sent a message to the American people in this lan guage: ' " 'Acquittal is not enough for Ros roe Arbuckie. We feel that a great injustice has been done him. We also feel that it was only our plain duty to give him this exoneration under the evidence, for there was not the slightest proof adduced to connect him in any way with the commission of a crime. 1 Hotel Accident Unfortunate. The happening at the hotel was unfortunate affair for which Arbuckie, who, as the evidence shows was not the host, was in no way responsible. " 'We wish him success and hope the American people will take the judgment of 14 men and women who have sat for 31 days listening to the evidence that Roscoe Arbuckie is entirely innocent anu free from blame.' "Unlike the jury, -those denouncing me have heard their part of the evi dence and are without knowledge of the facts. The Scripture says that 'As ye judge, so shall ye be judged.' How would my accusers like to be judged as they are judg ing me? Innocence Is Asserted. "The institutions of my country, the courts- and juries, and the law of the land have declared me inno cent, and I am entitled to the bene fit and protection of the law. Those who are unjustly, untruthfully, maliciously and venomously attack- (Coilcluded on Page 3, Column 2.) CASCADE PASSES DE PICTED IN NEW YEAR'S EDITION. Extending through the heart of Oregon is a great 1 ! range oi mountains, uie as- t cades, a vast undeveloped J range of mountains, the Cas- " wilderness of forests, rivers, . - lakes and snow-capped peaks. Sportsmen of a nation could j find ample pleasure in this a a: i 1 l .' i I 1 7 great vacation land, little ad vertised and little known even to the native Oregonian. An abundance of hunting and fishing awaits the visitor to this section, which is ap proximately 200 miles in length and 30 miles in width, with scenic attractions be ginning with Mount Hood and ending with Crater lak. More than ever before this "happy hunting ground" is J accessible to the motorist in the spring, summer and fall, chiefly by means of the main . passes through the Cascades and tributary roads. Detailed description of Cascade beau ties and the highways which penetrate them will be found in the New Year edition of The Oregonian to be is sued on Monday, January 1, 1923 .