TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, DECE3IBER 23, 1923 19 WANTED KEAI, ESTATE. SUBURBAN HOME. Responsible party wants close-in country borne. Prefer one having 6 to 8 rooms, not too far from carline, city conveniences, good surroundings and view. State distance to schools, terms and size of tract. AM 138, Oregonian. Wanted Modern 5-rm. bungalow. In Hose Clty Irvington or Laurelhursit that $500 down will handle, balance $50 per month and Interest. Bdwy. 2641. : MY 1921 CHEVROLET, Rood condition, for bullilng lot. Mr, Lovitt, Bdwy. 5231. Karma Wanted. WA N T E D FAR M . QUICK SALE ASSURED if you h.-e what we want; cash buyer waiting. Send detail in first letter. "We are looking for 30 to 50 acres near electrio car line or close to highway, between St. Helens and Portland; must be improved and priced right. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Realtors. 613 Wiieox Bldg. TIMFKR LANDS. FOR SALE OR-iLEASE. Fully equipped spruce mill on tide water, and railroad, in small town In western Oregon; capacity 60 M feet daily; in good condition -and ready to operate; plenty of spruce available. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. WE HAVE 811,000,000 to 40,000,000 feet of Idaho white pine that we want sawed by someone who has a band mill and will move it to "Weippe, Ida. it interested see E. T. Chapin Co., Spokane, Wash. , WANT reliable logger to log hardwood timber. Good show. Apply loot MU1 street FOR RENT FARMS. 6 ACRES improved with 6-room house, completely furn. ; lots of fruit, cow, 60 chickens, 3 hogs, all kinds of feed, 2 , acres of oats and vetch; 7 mi. from Portland. C. W. Millershlp, 165 V, 4th. Main 6275. HAVE 23 acr,ea garden land, beaver dam soil, in highest state of cultivation. Will rent this either on shares or cash rental. Call Bdwy. 3413. Ask for manager. TO BTFHAXOE REAL KSTATE. APT HOUSE WANTED. Have 10 modern housekeeping rooms, $1000 cash, $1000 first mtg., payable $50 mo.; $500 1st mtg., payable $2.1 mo. Will trade in on good apt. and assume. Must be modern. Store bldg. and residence, 2 acres, $3500, clear; will exchange for apt. or rooming house. Submit your offers. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Ore gon bMff. Bdwy. 1658. LOOK ! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or email, city or country. I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery treet, corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY.' WILL EXCHANGE. Our exchange department can match anything of merit; lots, houses, acre age, farms, timber or stocks of mer chandise, 712 Couch bldg. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO. TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! We have a trade for you. Submit yours. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. $5500 8-ROOM modern house, 'garage, corner for sale or trade for equities or small house. Call 605 26th ave. S. E. Sellwood 2419. HAVE an established business. What have you to trade? House and lot, city or nearby land or farm preferred. R 126. Oreennlan. RADE $2100 equity in suburban bun galow, 2 aerea, near Tigard, fur bun galow lu town. Faye lUuir, Rte. 1, Oswego, Or. ' 0 ACHES land in B. C, Canada, to trade for lot. 605 26th ave. S. E. Sellwood 2419. CLOSE-IN acreage, clear, for Income property; will assume to $150,000. Gordon Mort. Co., 630 Cham, of Com, HAVE beautiful residence lot in Payette, Idaho, price 500. Will trade for light late auto. AF 130, Oregonian, PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. GORDON ROSS, Broadway 6173. 624 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. CLASSY light roadster, value $050, for diamond 5amo value; no equities. Mc Phail. Main 3237. GOOD security to trade for auto up to $1000. L 149, Oregonian. FOR 8AT.E. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. TOGGENbIrG milk goat, fresh in Feb ruary, 2 years old; worth $100. No reasonable offer refused as 1 am ill land must have immediate funds. 4520 7Bd S. Hi. FARM Implements, new and seeond- nana, special prices, p. is. Esbensbade, - 860-366 East Morrison st. KEYSTONE STABLES, horses for sale, hire or sold on commission; wagons, harness. 381 Wat-r St. W. S. At. 3515. CROWN STABLES. Horses for sale or hire; wagons and Harness. 2h0 .Front st. Mam 9109. VETERINARIAN. . DR. HOWES. TABOR 656ft "WAGONS for sale; Phone Bdwy. 3000. Albina Fuel Co. DEAD animals taken quickly. Mllwaukie 69-J. Phone HORSES, harnesses and wagone of all Kings; win sen cneap. ?4i K. Xth St. "Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL piano for sale, now stored in Portland; big saving; terms of $10 montu; must sen quii:K. Write Cline Music Co.. Astoria ,Or. BEAUTIFUL. Chickering Grand, latest f mahogany, 2 ft. H inches, a Grand at about one-half price. See this snap at Olice. flu wurt-ranT Ping. "BEAUTIFUL Chickering Grand, latest mahogany, S ft. 2 inch, a $1325 Grand at about one-half price. See this snap ni once. oij ivmcpgier Diqg. UA1.UJV1 c UAVia viriuo.a leaver ntann mahogany case, with music; perfect condition; a snap for someone. Bdwy. $730 GENUINE Bush & Lane niano. onlv S365; latest; Just compare with a new one uptown. 312 Worcester bldg. $1000 STEINWAY piano, only $410; Just compare wim a new one Uptown terms. nit Worcester mag. $600 ROBERT M. CABLE piano. SeTl quick. Make an offer. The very lat ewt piano. 812 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE PIANO, EASY PAYMENTS $600 FINE Hallet 4c Davis upright piano. $150; on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. 800 GENUINE Mathusheck piano, won derful cond., $185; ternis. 812 Worces ter bldg. HAVE a fine large Brunswick phono graph in A-l cundition; this is a snan w. V AAA rt-nhi $600 W. W. KIMBAL, fine, $225. a big bargain for a good piano. Terms. 3-12 Worcester bldg. FIXE toned, cost $700. selling price $ '--5 021 E. Hoyt. E. 2S78. $500 SINGER piano, latest make, 1175. 312 Worcester bidg. $475 HOWARD piano. Just now, i-'3o terms. 812 Worcester bidg. ' $600 SillTH & BARNES Diann. n: man., icrma. 01; Worcester bldg. S000 w. v. AiJiBALl. pi.ino, only loo terms. 312 Worcester bldg. (ISO VICTROLA, mat.; ami records" like new. $S5. 312 Worcester bidg. 6 PIANOS, uprights, $80 to $135 each' Terms. 312 Worcester bidg. NICE violin in new case and bow. No . .,t.r. fntn rsi?a l$T00 EMKKSON piano, plain mah., ill35; tenna. 312 Worcester bldg. only ALajRiCH piano, latest mah., $m275 terms. 31- Worcesier bidg. $$TA WEBKK pianu, plain caae, $300. 3U Worcester bldg. ItiOU HjS-NKY F, MILLER pianos ilaka an'of er; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. J5t0 G1UBERT piano, late mahogany $1TS; trme. 812 Worcester bldg. J. it C. FISCHER piano, fine mah $240; terms. 312 Worceater bldg. $o5U LL'DWIU piano, late mahogany, yoo; biiiib. oi v urceyier D 1 d g. "WANTED Used piano for all cash. Call Broadly lft4d before S P. M. $2.50 BENTS pnono. witn late records. Kmpire Transier. 145 11th- Bdwy. 0lo3. j;EW phonographs and accordions, bar-J?aiB-prIce" 34S KoS3 -st: Eaat 5S67., FOR SALE Mahogany piano at a bar- gain. Automatic 316-04. VIOL. IN with complete outfit, case and iorerain. SIS 21 "V , " " " apt, j.. SAXOPHONES, ilartin, Buescher, Hol- ton. like new, sacrifice eye. 13 N. 6th. USED musical instruments, aU kinds, sold and exchanged. 18 X. fith st. PIANOS, bst makes, like new, less than half; terms. Piano Exc. 13 N. flth st. TEN pianos, $101) to 5200 each; nianyTIne m akpg: rernm 312 Worcester hi d g. FOK SALE Very good vioiin bow and caae, $7a & t3, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organ and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH, $5, $6 OR MORE MONTHLY, buys a $475 piano, used, lot $195, and 1922 model for $205. or a $1175 player piano, used, for $395, and 1922 model for $495, $15 cash, $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clearance sale right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th at. Viz.: $475 Kstey & Co., upright $265 $900 Steinway & Sons, upright ... 895 $575 Emerson upright, mahogany. 295 $750 Weiler player, mahogany .... 395 $000 Thompson player, mahogany 495 Security Storage; Co., closing out: $275 Bard & Co., upright, cash ...$ 75 $375 Hallet & Davis, upright, cash 165 t59 bungalow player piano 345 $27S i lanola player piano. waU . . 35 Ircluding 35 player rolls. $100 Svoninger organ, walnut... $ 25 $115 A. li Chase organ, walnut... 38 i ienth at., cor. Stark at. PHONOGRAPH SALE. $32.50 Columbia, $20, $5 cash, $2 mon. $60 Sonora, $30, $5 cash. $2 monthly. $125 Columbia, $75, $5 cash, S mon'ly, $165 Stradivara, $85, $5 cash, $4 month. $150 Victrola, $115, $5 cash, $4 mon'ly. $260 Brunswick, $135, $5 cash, $5 mo. Schwan Piano Co., cor. 10th and Stark. Pay as little as when renting, $10 cash and $5 to $7 a month. Wheelock, upright, mahogany ....$105 Hazelton Bros., upright, mahogany 475 Kimball, upright, large 345 Cable & Co., upright, walnut ; 265 Baua & Co., upright, mahogany . . 245 Kimball, upright, ebony ...i 265 Chickering & Sons 475 Lipman, Wolfe & Co., 5th and Wash. PHONOGRAPH SALS. $12.1 Paramount, hardly used...$ 65.00 $120 Cbiumbia. used 67.50 $125 Victor, slightly used ...... 70.00 $120 Columbia new v 8o-U" $160 Victor, used ...... 115.00 $225 Columbia, new 135.00 $250 White, new 135.00 Kent a phonograph for Christmas Rent applied on purchase it you so choose HAROLD S. GILBERT. 10T W. Park. Pianos, Phonographs. , BARGAINS IN PHONGRAPHS. Used or shopworn but like new. Columbia, $10U model, oak $80 Columbia, $60 model, mahogany.... 35 Columbia, $150 model, walnut 90 Victrola, $75 model, fumed oak 50 Columbia console, mahogany. $400 model 150 357 Ankeny St., near Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4364. BEAUTIFUL GRAND PIANO $487.50. Baldwin make, late style; just com pare with a new one uptown for about $1000. Why pay double price? Take old piano in part payment Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE One flat Knabe piano in black walnut, A-l condition? a fine Instrument to accompany orchestra in hall. We have one white enamelled baby bed. 710 Mllwaukie. Phone Sell wood 3749. FOR KALE $85, ono more electric phonograph, beautiful Stradivara cab inet, guaranteed perfect condition and brand new; a real bargain. Phone 63-50 The Electric Shop, 4S6A Wash ington st. SCHOOLS, churches, colleges and lodges ouy tneir goou pianos at iuz Worcester bldg. Why? Because they know where to save hundreds of dollars. Why don't you? Terms given within reason. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. 14 years' experience behind the Ore gon Phonograph Co. Call on us tor prices. Call for and deliver, Bdwy. 8527. 407 Buchanan bldg. NEW $100 Brunswick phonograph, taken irom a aeaier lor aeot. wilt sen tor $65. Splendid chance to buy for less than bargain price. East 7161. $850 PLAYEK piano, must be ash. Call at 31- Worcester bldg. No ralr offer refused. This is the very latest piano ana perrect. BUY, SELL OR TRADE Phonograph and Records. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 1st Near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. PHONOGRAPHS and motors repaired In A-l condition. out of town order solicited. Enke. Tabor 8843, 275 E, 76th st. N. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair ing, any maKe; an work guaranteed. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6578. A NICE CHRISTMAS GIFT. $165 mahogany phonograph (large size), with 15 late double-disc record, will sell for $90 cash. Main 5647. LARGE GOLDEN 'OAK EDISON DISC Talking Machine and Records, Bargain. NEWMAN, 128 1ST NEAR ALDER. $925 STEINWAY upright, $250, on terms, a. oargain. oi. Worcester bldg. CELLO, good tone, perfect condition. $75. Call Main 6979. Furniture lor Sale. OREGON HOTEL ANNEX FURNITURE MOVED ACROSS THE STREET. 92 BROADWAY, NEAR STARK. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN BEDS. SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, CHIFFONIERS. LIBRARY TABLES, CHAIRS, LEATHER ROCKERS. RUGS, ETC. EXTRA SPCCIAL. NEW 40-LB. P4RE WOOL MATTRESS, $12.75. New $250 overstuffed davenport and chair. $140. GENUINE leather golden oak fold ing davenport, chair, rocker and library table to match, 1 6-foot dining table, In storage with loan of $45, will sell for total of $65: also 1 mahoiranv velour folding davenport and 2 rockers $90, same as new, cost $lu5 8 months ago. The above are real bargains. Am not' a dealer but am in position where I have to sacrifice. Phone East 3418. apt. 15. STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting of furniture, house hold goods, sewing machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tables, etc. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 4th at Pine st. Opp. Multnomah hotel. ADAM pattern mahogany dining room set, table, 5 chairs and serving oaair, blue leather seats, serving table, good as new, will sell for lk price. Call Walnut 5638 or come to 36 W. Webster St., between 10 A. M, and 2 P. M. COMBINATION range, overstuffed liv ing room set, walnut dining room set,, walnut bedroom set, brass bed, best coil springs, silk', floss matt, mahog an .ny Graphonola, rugs. Walnut 5389, 7 . BJ. 20th N. CALL us before you sell your house hold goods for free estimates. We will auction In your home and get you top prices. Bell Auction house, Phone Eaat 2617. Res. Walnut 6265. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer v Baggaye Co.. 245 Tine St. NEW AND second-hand furniture, ail kinds cooking utensils, etc., bought and sold. Okl Furniture Store, 209 Second St., near Salmon. Main 4197. FULL line of good second-hand furniture, also heating and cook stoves at 63 N. 3d st. Bdwy. 0108. Pacific Hardware & Furniture Co. FURNITURE of a 8-room house for sale, $225, by pieae or whole. 583 Montgom ery stj GOLDEN OAK dining table and buffet, 6 chairs. Axminster rug 9x12. 1188 Clinton. Tabor 4465. 1 REFRIGERATOR, 1 bed, dealers. Tabor 3672. 1 cot. No NEW davenport and chair to match. Call East BU01. Office Furniture. FOUR mahogany bookkeepers' desks; 2 mahogany flat -top desk; 3 mahogany typewriter desks; 3 oak flat-top deska Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. &Tk WE TCUSUOvAt - V U0NtES ft G0NUM6 V? TO S?m s OH ANTV- UNCL I )T;?. . T0 OsLUM6 OV "TO tU US TVANT 1 Ns.- rsv I ?eUVVjeS- YTC OH . sMfc GHSTMfcS ri rsn I f ts ww wMto raw ctwAftSf ' v IK, de -vS., ' Uv- ?usra wt Wm ws,- t Cvm uok ; iATo - I cwrAAs n r v VJC.E T3.rA - "Ht C M IT " , I'llJiV V , tl " 1 Tl IT FOR 8 ALB. Office Furniture. NEW DESKS. PRICE OF USED. Just a few more days before our tiew shipment arrives and we need ,' room; we buy, sell and rent typewrit ers, adding machines and all kinds of , office equipment. D. C. Wax. 24-28 North Fifth St. Broadway 2739. CHEAP FOR CASH. 2 8-ft. plate glass show cases. 1 Offic safe, small. 1 12-drawer National cash register. 1 Roll-top desk. FLETCHER & JAMES, 6th and Pine to Ankeny Sta. FOR SALE 1 flat top desk, 1 type writer desk, 1 adding machine, type writer and check protector, chairs and electric heater and miscellaneous of fice equipment. Western Paper Stock Co., 32 f ront St. cawy. aws. SANITARY OAK ROLL-TOP DESK and Swivel Chair Bargain. NEWMAN, 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. Typewriters. A FEW PRACTICALLY NEW REMING TON PORTABLES.. ALSO SOME REM INGTON STANDARD MODELS, SLIGHTLY SHOPWORN. AT BAR GAIN PRICES WHILE THEY LAST. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 BROADWAY. PHONE BDWY. 062L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50. com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. ' Bdwy. 7169. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT. 85 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturer's price; TERMS $5 monthly if desired; LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821' Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. TYPEWRITER, L. C. Smith No. 3, good condition, writes fine, cost $60 ; will take $22.50. Phone Sellwood OS75. ... REBUILT GUARANTEED TYPEWRIT ERS, all makes; CASH PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. DOAWE'S. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell supplies. Type writer Insp. Co.. 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7549. $3 RENTS Underwood, Remington, Em pire Transfer. 145 11th. Bdwy. 0155. REBUILTS, 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. a Co., 240 Wash. Bdwy. 7507. UNDERWOOD typewriter, rebuilt, A-l condition, cheap. O 119, Oregonian. UNDERWOOD No. 5.. good condition. 3011 Lumbermen's bldg. Poultry. OREGON Agricultural College White Leghorn baby chx from 1500 selected hens mated to nicies with records from 240-280. Breeding cockerels. O. A. C. and Hollywood sires dam 298-307, $5 each. Write The Chief Bird for free catalogue. Rusch Poultry Farm. Juno tion City, Oregon.. BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs. Dr. Duganne's trapnested White Leghorns and J. M. HcCateb's pure Hollywood stock; also the best O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Rock baby chftks. Catalogue on request. Mark A-Webster, Cor vallis. Or ' - - WHITE Leghorn baby chicks for sum mer and fall months from stock ac credited by Sonoma county farm bu reau. We guarantee safe arrival. Write for pr-ses and literature.. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th at, Peta luma, Cat FOR SALE White Leghorn and Ancona chickens. Tabor 7371. LAYING White Leghorn pullets, $1 each. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon St.. WHY" NOT a capon for Xmaa dinner? Order now. Aut. 630-50. iiegs ana Bun-el. KECxS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. ' Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th St., ' near Pettygrove. Phone Aut. 619-19. Boats. Launches and Murine Equipment. FOR SALE Two scows on Willamette river at Salem, dimensions 20x80 feet by 30 inches deep; also one 8x20 feet by 80 inohea deep. West side Gravel Co.. Salem, Or. Fruits and Vegetables. BEAUTIFUL Delicious, W. Bananas, G. Unlden. 81 and up. 1560 B. Davis st. Kiinm Kqulpinent. FORCED to sell. Very sensitive radio receiving set, cost sr.iu. will sacri fice for $5., Phone A-twater 2316 aftrr fi P, M. MY FINE V. T., receiving set, $30. Call East o.-30. llugn. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. IRISH setter at stud. Red Wing s Don aid, registered? H. Rorabaugh, .Bristol hotel, ll'tn and btarK. BEAUTIFUL pups, all breeds. Get your kiddie one for Christmas. 1S6 Madison, pear Front. "' BOSTON terrier puppies and grown dogs, pedigreed, $30 up; also Australian shepherd pup. $10. Tabor 3156. BOSTON bull puppies, pedigreed, none better in Portland, $35 and up. 421 East 38th st. N. BEAUTIFUL white collie puppies for sale.-Oregon Seed Store, 224 Yamhill. Main.6J3S. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers and Hartz mts. "for sale, $5 and up. Oregon Seed Store. 224 Yamhill. Main 6S3S. FOR SALE One fine silver gray female shepherd, also 3 puppjes. John L. Pearson, Shelton. Wash. RED COCKER Spaniel puppies, eligible to register. Wah-kee-na Kennels, 1693 E. 8th st. Sellwood 2005. - IMPORTED Andreasburg roller, good ' trainer; also young singers, femalea Walnut 8652. THOROUGHBRED IRISH TERP.IER pups for Christmas delivery. Tabor 4469. 4-MO.-OLD pup, $26. 82d St. thoroughbred male collie 8004 S7th ave. S. E.', near YOUNG canary rollers, singers and fe males. East 6949. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, singers, fe males. 227 H Wash, st. Bdwy. 7221 BOSTON bull pups, pedigreed. Walnut 3555. Phope NEW ZEALAND red rabbits for sale. $1 and up. 4106 Woodstock ave. BKAUT1'LL ttained St. Andreasoerg rollers, cheap. 821 N. 22d st. AMERICAN singers, guaranteed, $4 and up. - 186 Madison, near Front. ANDREASBERG rollers; for satisfaction buy a real roller. 436 Rodney. E. 4529. ST. ANDREASBURG roller. 649 Nehalem ave. Sellwood 1520. BUY your youngster a fox terrier puppy for Xmas. 37th st. and 56th ave. s. E. TOY FOX terrier puppies, beauties. 0660. 224 E. 2d stN. B. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers. $3. 1202 Si,, cram ave. E. St. Johns. Empire 2026. FOR SALE Thoroughbred- Airedale puppies. Jtio S. tun st. i. Tabor 4591 ST. ANDREASBERG ROLLERS, female - free. 90 E. 68th st. N. Tabor 5219. BLACK and white fox terrier puppie males 2 mo. old, $ff. East 8431. FANCY CANARIES. $5 and $10. East 2034. THOROUGHBRED toy fox terrier pups, 3800 E. 5th st. 619-65. MALE fox terrier puppies, cheap. East 8th street. 240 SPECIAL sale Saturday, choice canaries. $5, rolle-rs and whistlers. 294 Jefferson. GREAT DANE at stud, eouver. Wash. 989-1 Van- BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES -pedigreed stoek. Walnut 7520. ST. ANDREASBERG night singer, also rema les for sale. Tabor 1 FOR SALE 7 , Main 2293. -White Maltese poodles. -ro w. rant. FOR- SALE Shepherd pups. Morrison. E. 6374. THE GUMPS FOR BALE. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. BIG CHRISTMAS shipment of St , Andreasburg rollers, "the canary . with a college education;- $10 each; Harts Mountain rollers, $8; Cuban parrots. $10; blue Java love birds,. $3 pair; prompt shipment; will exchange If not pleased. FLAKE'S FETLAND. 278 State. Salem. Or. WHEN YOU WANT a pup of any kind, a canary bird, rabbits or a pet or pet stock supplies of any kind, foods or "remedies, call, phone or write. We are headquarters in the northwest. Rout ledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d St., near Alder, or Routledge Bird, Pet & Animal Co. (east side store), 174 Union ave., cor. Oregon St., Portland, Or. HIGH-CLASS St. Andreasber? rollera, full of musical pep, none better, $10 to $15. Genuine roller females $3; solid green, $5. Phone East 6874 or call at 687 Multnomah st. THE BOSTON KENNELS of Portland. 407 Ainsworth ave.. Walnut 5284. Bos ton terrier puppies for sale; males for service. Coast amt, 60-Minute worm remedy for dogs and cats, taste less, harmless, easy to administer, guarai-teed results, 50c a box. AIREDALE PUPS. Order your Christmas pups now; thoroughbreds with papers, $15 and $25. . Tabor 6014. GERMA?t roller canaries, orange green, spotted and pure yellow, $8 ana up; females $1. Mrs. Geo. Townsend, 414 Division st. ROSE CITY BIRDSEED CO., '. 186 Madison St., Near Front. Canaries, beautiful singers, ail guar anteed. $5 and up. x FOR SALE 4 full-blooded Boston bull : terrier puppies. Sellwood 1533. : 609 Elliott avenue. CHRISTMAS present Beautiful Im ported German rollers, $8 and up. 180 Madison, near Front. ' CHIX! CHIX! CHIX! CHIX! CORVALLIS CHICKBRY, 736 17TH, CORVALLIS, OR. Coal and Wood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. IN 2-LOAD LOTS. . 16-Inch fir block and slab, partly dry, for furnace or heater. HEAVY 12-IN. SLAB, $6.50 PER LOAD. $14.50 PER TON $14.50. BEST GRADE ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Delivered from car to your bin. OREGON FUEL CO., Walnut 4102. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. IB-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. COAL $10 PER TON COAL. ' - Good Washington lump coal -deliv ered direct from car to your Din, BEST OLD-GROWTH FIR, $8.50. Dry shortwood, prompt delivery. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 149Q. BLOCK and slab, $5 single load, $9 dou ble load. Planer wood $5.50 a load. Seasoned wood, runs partly inside wood, $6.00 a load. Block wood $6.50. NORTH. PORTLAND FUEL CO. ; .. 320 B. Tavlor. E. 9882. WOOD SPECIAL SALE. . -Dry 12 . or 18-inch heavy country slab wood. $7 a load; double load $13, heavy 16-in. block and slab mixed, half green and half bone dry, $6.50 a load. Sumner Woodyard. Atwater 2855. HOLMAN FUEL CO. Largest supply dry slabwood and. blocks In city; S. & H. green stamps for cash; green short wood from $3.50 up. Coal, cut fuel, 4-foot slabwood. Bdwy. 635S. 5th and Stark sts. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50 in two-load lots; singles, $5; near two cords in double load; all kinds dry wood and coal. Phone Walnut 4316. Sunset Wood Co. 16-INCH slab, $3.50 and $4; box. H4-in. thick, $6: heavy 12-16-inch block slab, $5.50. Anywhere. Bargains. Heavy 4 foot slab. Paul Fuel, Sellwood 1769. tlRST growth fir, cut 16-ia., 2 cords or more, $9 full cord; 4-foot, 2 cords or more, $7.75. PEACOCK FUEL CO.. MAIN 6104 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. "No. 1 dry cut cordwood, tie blocks, dry oountry slab, ash. Phone East 1759. HEAVY BLOCK and slab mixed; runs partly dry and about half inside wood. Immediate delivery. Walnut 2019. FINE for your furnace or heater; big loads of block and slab mixed; one load, $5, 2 loads $9. Walnut 1890. COAL COAL COAL. Utah King, that's the coal for heat Ask about it. East 8984. WHEN' ordering coal ask for Utah King. It's the Utah coal with more heat and lesa ash. East 8984. FOR BONE DRY wood call Long's Transfer & Wood Co.; small or large order delivered. East 8487. FOR WOODSAWING call Main 8124. Go any place. Work and prices right. DRY WOOD from $4.50 to $6.50 Call W'ainUt 3HU4. DRY FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $7.50 a cord. Call Auto. 525-65. WOODBAWING. PHONE EAST 7989. DRY country slab, inside block, and cord vood. Main 2876. FIRST-CLASS fir ana hardwood. S. R. Howell, 696-Y. Vancouver. FOR BEST old-growth dry fir and good coal. C. H. Burbott. Sellwood 0314. SPECIAL bargain on Utah coal, $13 per ton ; - tons, ao. &ast so34. VICTORY lump coal, $9.50 per ton, de livered. East 8984. 4-FOOT heavy block and slab, 1 cord or carload. East 9682. UTAH coal. $13 per ton. delivered. East S984. DRY BOX WOOD. MAIN 6588. FOR DRY fir, slab or, oak' wood call Walnut 8113. KEMMERER, Rock Springs or Castle Gate coal. Call Walnnt 3113. DRY CORDWOOD, ash wood, Utah and Rock Springs coal, $15. East 7921. 12-IN. and 16-IN. fir In small lots; west side. So. ot Morriaon. oaa-io. HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load, $6.6 28th and Holladay. East 7921. BONE dry block and slab wood, single load $6.50. double load $12. Atw. 2884. UTAH coal, 5 sacks. $4. i delivered. East 8084. 1 sack $1, UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. OLD GROWTH cordwood, $7.50 Main 6010. WOOD SAWING. - MAIN 3465. BUY your coal and wood from Schultz. Walnut 6812. Prompt delivery. ALCO COAL CO. For better prices East 7787. DRY block and slab, $5 a single load; $8.50 double Broadway 2545 . Machinery Wanted. WOULD like to buy second-hand Univer sal wood-working machine with bor ing machine attached. Please send full description and price to Ben Hunt, 14 South Palouse at.. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED 2 H. P. 3-phase electric motor, small power lathe, small power drill press, small power emery head. Larrabee. at Albina. East 1200. Christmas Gifts. ROSA VERA Havana cigars, $1. $2. $2.60. X $5 box postpaid. J. Heitkemper, maker, 151 Porter St. FOR SALE Pedigreed Persian kittens. Walnut 0980. ALL THE WORLD IS SAD AND DREARY FOR SALE. Christmas Gifts. FREE CHRISTMAS GIFT of 25 10-inch double disc records with every Victrola and Colum- -bia Grafonola sold before Christmas; $60 to $150; $10 down, $5 a month; no interest. Your choice of walnut, mahog any or oak finish. MISH FURNITURE CO., 168-190 First St GIVE SOMETHING USEFUL. FIFTY SLIGHTLY USED AND RE BUILT CORONAS. AT VmRY REASONABLE PRICES. Also New Coronas $50. An Ideal Christmas Gift. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 6TH, BET. STARK AND OAK STS. TOYS BOOKS DOLLS. Everything for the kiddles and at prices 'that are far below, what you would pay any place In the city. A large selection of ail kinds of novelties as well as stationery and clothes. We are out of the high-rent district. Pay us a visit.' CONSOLIDATED SALES CO.. 226 Clay St., bet. 1st and 2d'sts. GIVE HER A DIAMOND FOR XMAS. Through- our loan and brokerage de - partment we are in a position to save you from 25 to 35 on a diamond. It will pay you to investigate. ZELL BROS, ik CO.. 28S Washington St., near Fourth. The leading diamond brokers in the city. BUY HER THAT RING. Meaning there is ultimately only one store to look for a diamond, and that's Miller's Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR PARK. -Your "Favorite Organization" Votes. GIVE THEM A VALUPHONE. ' BEST BY TEST. -Used phonographs, $15 and up, with 10 new records free. PERRY MUSIC CO.. The Home of Value. 4th Floor Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak. START paying now on a Columbia bicy cle, velocipede, sheepskin coat, gloves, puttees or Harley-Davidson motorcycle and have It laid aside for Xmas deliv ery Easy terms. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 200 Third st. . GIFTS for friend's auto: Robes, spot light, mirrors, motometers, windshield . cleaners, bumpers, radiator caps, cov ers, step, plates, skid chains, driving gloves, etc. General Auto Supply Co., Broadway at Couch. KIMBALL -PHONOGRAPHS AND PIANOS. Exclusive Agents In Oregon. Mccormick music ca, use.. 429 Washington St. A XMAS GIFT. A classy Ford bug or a light road ster, closed cars or tourings; 40 to choose from. 530 Alder st. . Bdwy. 1852. . DAYTON. Hudson, Pierce, Reading bi cycles; gloves, . leather olothing, put tees and accessories: cash or terms. In dian Motorcycle & Bicycle Co., 209 3d st. Fred Wyatt, manager. WE CAN solve the problem tor you; in expensive, appreciative holiday gifts. THE TOY AND NOVELTY EMPORIUM. 464 Washington, bet. 13th and 14th Sts. BIG MUSICAL Instrument sale now on. Buy Christmas gifts now and save 20 to 50. Free lessons. McDougall Conn Co.. 129 10h st. ELABORATE Havlland china dinner set, 93 pieces. Leaving city. Will sell reas., tiled, folding lunch table, rock er chair. 7S E. 28th N., cor. Everett. FOR SALE Genuine sealskin coat, beautifully lined and trimmed; original cost over $800. Will take $200. 480 . wasnmgton st. FRAMES, PICTURES. MIRRORS made to your order; highest - class workmanship at reasonable prices. Ashford. 469 Washington st. BUY her a renewed Dodge Brothers' touring car. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., Bdwy. 8281. 11th and Burnslde. ENTIRE stock of house necessities. Christmas gifts, dolls, tree ornaments and furniture at almost cost. 661 South First St. DINING TABLECLOTH, with white cro- cHeted lace and cross-stitch embroid ery; lunch set, centerpiece, bedspreads, yokes and caps: cheap. 590 1st st. NEED cash, must sacrifice at once, beau tiful white fox fur, like new; will make an excellent Xmas gift. Main 8907. GENEVIEVE BARNES GIFT SHOP. 506 Merchants Trust Bldg. Bdwy. 7794, China lessons, orders and firing. BEAUTIFUL hand-painted china, cut glass and silverware at sacrifice. 171 Green ave.. upstairs. Main 8334. BAGS AND SUITCASES FOR LESS. 18-inch leather lined cow hide bags, $7.50. Baggage Shop, 288 3d st. IDEAL Christmas gifts for maid and matron can be obtained at Palmer'B, 390 Morrison, near Tenth. ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Handmade to your special order, 401 Alisky bMg. ORDER your Ford for Xmas delivery. Wm. L. Hughson, Co., Broadway at Davis. J. -O. BOTHWELL ART SHOP, Choice oil paintings at special prices. Holly wreaths. 40314 Burnslde. E. 9896. CHINESE rug, 12x15, bargain; oriental lamps, beads, incense burners, coats, etc. Tabor 704S. BOOK-ENDS, piano lamp, decorated candles and art pieces. 24S 3d. Main 8205. . REAL nice 4 Strad. violin with casv - and bow; also tun size violin, ukelele, bicycle, cheap; 48 E. 8th st. N. SET of Dickens. 80 vols., red cloth bind ing. $15; call East i960. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES Best pedigreed stock. walnut 7a20. CHRISTMAS TREES. DELIVERY OR DERS. 151 Front. Main 8022. FOR SALE Hot-point vacuum sweeper, first-class oondition. Tabor 7072. CHRISTMAS trees for sale, 50c, 75e and (1. Atwater 2526. BLACK leather couch and chair suitable for office or aen, 4Q. East 1432. XMAS cards. Col. highway. Reduced price. Anstey rag. 10.. so.- wash DOLLS CLOSING OUT AT COST. 3 prices $2, $2.50, $3. 401 Allsky. GIFTS in embroideries, laces and paoi- lngs. uraen Kamca. w asp. ORIENTAL Indestructible pearls, $3 a string. 145 11th st. Broadway 0155. J1AND-PAINTED china gifts, $1 up. China nring oiuei-g. ro jeruiiger niag. NEW ZEALAND red rabbits for sale, $1 and up. -tiun vvooastoca ave. 'G. -L." ENGRAVED monogram for sta tionery :cot$Bjsell$2;Bi1wy!13 BEAUTIFUL cameo ring, $25. Phone Bast 8228. 148 Grand ave. IRISH MAIL speed wagon, like new Phone Walnut 2049. BABY buggy, bicycle. 1080 Clinton and IS, 361H St. NEW collapsible electric table lamp, silk ShS d e; complete,' E.nst oqy. FINE cut holly, cheap. Call Automatic 627-20. . MAH JONGG $50 sets, special this week $20. Tabor 'iu. $50 LONG SEAL SCARF, brand new handsome gift, $20. Bdwy. 8138. WHlTB Maltese Doodle pups for Rale smallest size. Main 229S. 4S5 W. Park. FOR SAT.E. Christmas Gifts. MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRY WITH MUSIC. Ukuleles. Adjusted to play in tune $ 2.25 Banjo nkea. A real Christ mas gift 4.00 Violins. See our display ad in today's paper 5.00 Junior drums. Have hick ory sticks. Just the thing for that boy. Give him a present that will start him on the road to suc cess. Good drummers are in demand 5.00 Boy Scout drums. Real drums, not toys. The finest drums made ...... 16.00' Accordions 8.00 up Guitars. Genuine Koa wood guitars with case and extra set of strings 12.00 Genuine leather . music bags for the student. . Miscellaneous Christmas Trefe Surprises : Song Whistles. Swiss Muslo Boxes. Banjos. Metronomes. Instrument Cases. Harmonicas. , Mandolins. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY on all musical goods if you buy from us, and our service is better, too. Let us prove this to you. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO., Broadway at Alder. BEAUTIFUL Ivory and sold elec tric candlesticks $3.50 each Electric cleaners, the New Bee Vee. for only $35.00 New chandelier for the dining or living room, priced from $3.50 up. Hand-painted boudoir or library lamps $10.00 up Large selection of dressers or mantles in - all newest finishes (without shade), priced now from $2.50 up Have your old chandeliers and lamps reflnlshed in the latest colors and styles at very small cost Phone for estimate. STANLEY LUTZ. 200-8-5-7 Cham. Com. Bldg. Broadway 4253. - Miwcellaneous. 16-FT. OAK BAR. COMPLETE. Bargain. NEWMAN, 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE Small stock of Acme paints; can't handle same in grocery store. Phone Empire 1217. 1185 Lombard st. GENTLEMEN'S iong, heavy winter coat, collar slightly worn; raglan sleeves. Fit 200-lb. man. $10. C 65, Oregonian. HAH JONGG 2 expensive games, $30 each, both for $55 if taken before Christmas. Walnut 5775. $260 BRUNSWICK, almost new, sell with 50 records for $200. At. 0345. Call evenings. PARTY who took shoe by mistake last Sunday P. M., kindly return to owner or come and get other. 425 W. Park. FOR SALE Very fine diamond, weight 1 90-100; will sacrifice for $450. Bdwy. 3943. FASHIONABLE first quality Hudson seal coat. Very smart for cold weath er. Size 36. Bdwy. 8380. 10-FT. BUTCHER DISPLAY FLOOR CASE BARGAIN. NEWMAN, 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. PRACTICALLY new pins: tatleta party dress, size 14-16; also girl's brown Bo livia coat (used), $4. East 3207. ONE Toledo butter print scales, run In oil and nearly new, cost $175, will sell for $60 cash. Call Bdwy. 4021. CLOSING out entire stock of beauty par lor equipment, chairs, dryers, vibrators, etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 Sixth st. $150 RADIO with tubes and batteries, ou; fiou gas log iirepiace, 910. At water 8063. PILES can be permanently cured with out operation, call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. 226 Stark st. Broadway 7634. POY'S large red coaster wagon (Red Devil). 6 it. long, cost jio, sell lor $10. East 8207. LADIES' GOOD LOOKING CLOTHES, used bargains, come ana look. raDor 2825. KODAKS. We buy,- sell, rent and exchange kodaks. Sandy, 124 Broadway. $17.50 FOR PERMANENT waving your whole head; si ror nan neaa. pnone Bdwy. 6902. Sanitary Beauty parlors. BUY, SELL. RENT OR TRADE Shotguns or Rifles. NEWMAN, 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. BEAUTIFUL blue evening gown, never - worn, will sell Just one-half. Atwater 1654. . BICYCLE. 22-inch frame, excellent Con di 1 1 o n , $20. MSThompjonstSjr 7 1 . RADI OPTIC AN, nearly new, $25 for. $12,50. 515 Thompson st. East 1171, - NEW BEAVER neck piece for about half value. Walnut 5794. NEW lace and satin sample blouses, all sizes. East 7347. FINE heater, coal or wood, cheap. 1309 E. 18th st. S. Sellwood 2028. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machines, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. ORIENTAL indestructible pearls, $3 string. 145 11th st. Bdwy. 0155. FOR SALE Counter and showcase. 511 Union ave. N. Phone East 4937. NBW bicycle in first-class condition, $29.50. Phone East 4159. APPLES, Spitz and Newtowns, 85c to $1.10; bring cont. 80 Mason. Wal. 7500. TRADE or sell stump puller, cables and block. Walnut 0379. NO. 5 Wonder concrete mixer cheap. AK 141. Oregonian. FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASHING MA CHINE. PHONE EAST 681! FuR SALE Invalids' wheel chair, good condition. Phone Walnut 5781. FOR SALE Lloyd buggy, almost new. gray - wicker Bdwy. 2043. baby 1 DUN'i'lEy; pneumatic vacuum cleaner, exceedingly cheap. Call Bdwy, 2333. FIX IT Carpenter repairs, alterations, built-ins, leaky roofs. Tabor 6778. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 'o. 1 1st at. WUILT patches 25o a package; factory sample garments cheap. 284 2d at. MIRRORS RE-SILVERED, 40c SO. FT. Work guar. J. Falvre, E. 2948. . SAFE Heavy wall, 142, Oregonian. fireproof; cheap. B CANNED fruit for aale, 30c a quart. Tabor 8709 LARGE -eed baby buggy. reversible E. 0705. body, good conoition, o. GOOD drophead Singer sewing machine, $12. East 3769. 592 Williams. GOOD CAKES MADE TO ORDER. PHONE EAST 2672. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c per day, delivered. Tabor 8531. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to ,$15. Broadway 4492. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow manure delivered. Wal. 8238. RUGS washed on your floor. Hamilton Beach carpet washer. East 4045. HOLLY for - sale. 1225 Montana ave. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. HOW MUCH IS YOUR DIAMOND WORTH A YEAR FROM TODAY? We uy our diamonds through our loan and brokerage department for cash. We buy bargains and sell bar gains. In many instances the price is below the wholesale. Diamonds bought from us have a 75 per cent loan value in our loan department, which is con ducted for the convenience of our patrons. Written guarantee with all diamonds. ZELL BROS. & CO.. The leading diamond brokers In the city. 283 Washington, near rounn FOR SALE Beaver coat .of highest quality selected skins, in latest style for lady. This coat was Just made to order for lady who unexpectedly leaves for southern California imme diately after Xmas and never worn; size 40-42, about 38 inches long with 75-lnch sweep in skirt. Cannot be du plicated for less than $875. Will sell at big sacrifice; a wonderful Xmas gift. 210 Corbett bldg ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles; finest selections. Come in and sea. You are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. SEWINO MACHINES. Latest drophead gingers. Whites, New Homes. $18 to $30; all other makes of dropheads, $12 to $22. ALL STRICTLY GUARANTEED RENT ALS, $3 PER MONTH. WE REPAIR ALL MAKES. Singer Store. 193 4th, at Taylor. Main 6833. COMBINATION library, billiard and pool table, like new, two sets Monarch cushions; balls for billiards, pool and snooker, oak library top, cheap for quick sale; also have steel range, elec tric washer, some furniture. Ford car, roli-top mahogany desk, chairs and filing case. Empire 0151. FOR SALE l automatic Rudd heater, 1 Thoi- No. 86 electric washing machine (large hotel size), 1 G. E. 15-h, p. mo tor, 1 shoddy picker, scales, trucks and miscellaneous equipment. Western Paper Stock Co., 32 Front St. Bdwy. 3698. SIMPLEX IRONER - (USED). Used hut short time, cost $220. will sell for $120, terms; these are sold and serviced by Gas Co. and dmonBtrator will come to your house and instruct In use. A wonderful gift. Mr. Babcock, 24 N. 5th. Broadway 4775. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE, SAVE MONEY ON' XMAS GIFTS. Miller's Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last Next Door to Majestic Theater. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR PARK. Your "Favorite Organization" Votes. DOORS, windows, cupboard doors, flour bins, sash for sleeping porches, mold ings, millwork. glass roofing, hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash "and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. We specialize on repairing electric ranges, heaters, motors, sweepers, vibrators, irons, toasters, mixers or anything electrical. Vases, statues, etc.. electrified and refinished. 486,4 Washington st. Phone 630-50. SLIGHTLY used hotel or restaurant ranges, 30-lnch single oven, $75; 24 inch double over, $125; Burroughs Ad ding machine, 1 6-row Burroughs add ing machine, $110. MAY HARDWARE COMPANY. 124 Front St. SEWING machines, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents em ployed: complete line of parts for all makes, machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 10 3d St., Near Taylor. Main 9431. FOR SALE Specially prepared ironclad chattel mortgage blanks for automo biles and truci , made in triplicate; price 15c per set, including note; sam ple mailed If desired. W. H. Treece, 84 6th St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE $85, one more electric phonograph, beautiful Stradivara cab inet, guaranteed perfect condition and brand new; a real bargain. Phone 530-60, The Electrlo Shop, 486 ft Wash ington st. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, New Home, Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave., at Belmont. Phone East 2359. JACQUETTE blouse, $5; wool slipon sweater, $2; black satin skirt. $3; blue corduroy bathrobe, $3; party dress, $2; velour sports hat, $2; black hat, $3: Edison records. $2.60. Phone East 8228. CHINESE RUGS. PERSONALLY SELECTED SHIP MENT OF SMALL RUGS WITH A FEW LARGE ONES. 53 FOURTH ST.. 2D FLOOR. OPP. MULTNOMAH HOTEL. LADIES Let the Vogue sell your mis fit, slightly used clothing on commis sion. We have some good bargains in girls' coats. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg., 3d. near Morrison. OFFICE FURNITURE LINOLEUM. There are a number of things for the office that make wonderful gifts. We rent office equipment. D. C. Wax. 21 26 North Fifth. Broadway 2739. CARPET cleaning; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, $1.25; mattresses made over; feathers renovated: fluff rues woven. Pioneer Mattress & Carpet Cleaning wonts, 3tiij c;, Lincoln st. Tabor 1H02. 110-VOLT standard make carpet sweep er $25. Also three 32-volt Western Electric sweepers $25 each. - Guaran teed 1st class condition. 486 Wash ington st. Phone 530-50. WEEK-END SALE. Showcases and wall cases, ail sizes: cash registers, scales, safes, all kinds of store equipment. Big reduction. 129 First street. $35 CEDAR chest, $18; $42 seal travel ing bag, $20; New Home sewing' ma chine, drop head, $:I0; small steamer trunk, $8. Bdwy. 5047. B'OR SALE Genuine sealskin coat, beautifully lined and trimmed; original cost over $800. Will take $200. 486 Washington st. DIAMONDS Physician has three abso lutely perfect stones for sale cheap; twe perfectly matched, 134 karat each, .other to T, karat. Main 0741. SAFES, SCALES. CASH REGISTERS, FIXTURES, bought, sold, exchanged. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. 46-48 Front St. Bdwy. 1966. WILL sacrifice almost new two-oven Lang range, 20-inch ovens, also Cres cent electric dish washing machine. Call Bdwy. 4021. FOR SALE Gem earphone, like those sold at Woodward-Clark; almost new; also headpiece and hand attachment, $25. C 64. Oregonian. , FOR SALE Boy's bicycle in fine con dition, brand new tires, 22-inch frame, $10. Tom F. Cowing. Base Line road, 1 mile east Twelve Mile bouse. FINE Chelsea mantel clock. . heavy bronze case, strikes ship's bells, accu rate time piece, splendid holiday pres ent, $80. Inquire clerk, Hotel Clifford. PURE SWEET homemade apple cider, 50 cents a gallon delivered. Apples 85c to $1.25, Order your holldav cider now. 1635 E. Davis or Tabor 6988. DIAMOND ring, ?i, absolutely perfect; blue-white, Iso 1 slightly smaller, cheap for cash. 407 Washington St., room 481. GEARHART knitting machine for sale or trade for cow, chickens, wheat, tires or anything I can use. Price $60. O. H. Lindell, Llnnton, Or. RADIANT fire heater. like new. East 3990. FOR SALE AITTOMOBII.ES. 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Run only 7500 miles. 530 Alder st. Bdwy. lWi2. 1920 FORD roadster, good condition, $100 cash, easy terms. East 5534. FOR BAQ5 A17TOMOBTT.ES. FORD. FORD. If you want a Ford remember these things: We are a reliable institution. Our cars are thoroughly recondi tioned. They are priced always a little lower than elsewhere. We will not misrepresent. We are FORD DEALERS. We have a complete- stock of used Fords at all times. Remember these things: Don't gam ble. Buy from a house whose policy is satisfaction to the customer. DUNNING MOTOR OS., East Third and Broadvey. Phone East 0303. This month w are giving a Free 192S license with each used car sold. HUGHSON'S FORD CORNER. He Profits Most Who Serves Best. Day and Night Service. 19 Years of Ford Business Your Guarantee. USED CAR SPECIALS. 1917 Roadster, disc wheels $ 05 1920 Coupe, starter, dem. rims... 275 1921 Touring, ctarter. dem rims,. 260 1920 Sedan, starter, dem. "rims... (new paint) 315 1921 Sedan, starter, dem. rims... 875 1914 Touring 45 1920 Chassis, starter 175 No Brokerage You Name the Terms. WILLIAM U HUGHSON CO., Broadway at Davis. WHERE IT'S HANDY. WHY NOT A GOOD USED CAR FOR CHRISTMAS? Why not make the whole fam ily a Christmas present by pur chasing one of Mitchell's good used cars at present low prices? We have Fords. Chevrolets, Bu cks, Gardners. Mitchells and Jordans and many other makes for as little or as much as you want to pay. A small payment down and the balance monthly while you r!de. SEE MITCHELL'S STOCK FIRST. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., 40 Years In the Northwest. Broadway and Everett. 3 OVETOJLNDS. - t Your ctniee for $150 cash or terms. Take your pick. Ono model 75 touring, good shape, new top and- paint. One Country Club, fine condition. One model 90 touring, looks good, runs fine. PREMIER SALES CO., i Ninth and Couch Sts. LATE WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. One of the famous sleeve valved motor cars. This car hut been used as a demonstrator and carries a guarantee. You will have to see this to appreciate 11. WILLYS-OVKRLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway and Davis Sta Phons Bdwy. 8535. OLDSMOBILE USED CAR DEPT. BEST BUYS IN THE CITY. CASH, TERMS OR TRADE. OLDSMOBILE CO.. Broadway and Couch. ORB ATEST used car value for the least . money, that is Just what we sre offer- ing and we Intend to keep our prices below what others offer at their Used. Car Saies. C X. BOSS AUTOMOBILES CO., Uld-it wasmngto: at., rur.id.iu. A REAL BUY. Scripa-Booth 6-cyllnder car, 5 cord,, k ttres, spotlight, just been thoroughly overhauled, first-class condition ; pric ' only 575, $150 cash, balance very easy ICI IU rrBlrUHSiUir uni if. i' u ui vis. at. garage. Fourth and Lincoln. LATE 1U20 Ford coupti that has Just had a complete motor and transmis sion overhaul thie week; tires are good, 2 cords, upholstering clean and the car is in good shape all through; has H. i 1Tnt lll,Ciar, lUlll jJ'l C Hun. 1023 LICENSE. REO SPEED WAUOX. Thoroughly reconditioned, cord tires, $5u Five days' free trial. BRALEY, GRAHAM : CKJLD, INC., 11th St. at Burnside. LOOK ! If you want a good Ford at the right price SEE WILLIAMS MOTOR CAR CO. 28 N. 11th St. Bdwy. 3'J14 li23 LICENSE!. rorOE PANEL DELIVERY. REBUILT, REKINISHKD. $050. Five Days' Free Trial. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., J1th St.at Burnside. imi FORT COUPE. Cord tires, refinished, many other extras. $40. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. IIS Bdwy. SiWl. 11th and Burnslde I- NEE! some cash and will sacrifk-s 1 my li21 Overland 4 coupe, in finent condition, driven only 7000 mites; take small cash payment and give terms on balance. Call Mr. Rice. Bdo-y. BUM DODGE TOURING. Out down for camping-; can offe, attractive price. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., , Bdwy. 32S1, 11th and Burnside Hts. " NEW 1923 Ford coupe at a good dls-' count for cash. This ceupe was won at the Moose carnival Monday night. Call Tabor 1)562. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 1!20 Dodge touring, $475, cord tires. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC., Bd-wy. 3281. 11th and Burnside Sis. HAVE 1016 Chevrolet Baby Grand that will live- a lot of service: the tires; are gond. Price 175. Bdwy. 4675. Call Fropst. 1923 LICENSE. $BH5 11121 VELIE 3fl. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.," 11th St., at Burnslde. FORD roadster and Chevrolet touriiiK. DOifl lu. u inuuci. , win rmu niinar ui IhsiiB ninelpnpri ur phAnn with tArmi and guarantee. East 55418. ESSEX TOURING. $650. Newly painted, overhauled and good cord tires; terms to responsible party , Call prlv. phone. Wa'nut 5!13. 11121 FORD touring, starter, dem. rims. shocks, spotlight, speedometer uphoi ' stery, top and curtains, like new, $2115; 8ometerm. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 3214. FORD ROADSTER with p:lc-up box on rear. Price $100. The tires are alffnost new and It runs fine. Bdwy. 4875. Call Propst. NEW 400 CHEVROLET. $5,10 Tourti.g Car. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. ' Bdwy. 3281. 11th and Burnside 3ls. ; LATE 122 Chev-rotet touring, lust llk new, run only 124 ml., some terras. 2S N. 11th. Bdwy. 3214. Evenings, Wal nut 7201. 1920 CHEVROLET touring in excellent ' condition; must be sold at once; will-- sacrifice for S22K and giv terms; caU, owner, Walnut 5019. 1921 MODEL FORD coupe, good shape and good tires, $385. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy.' S214. OAKLAND LIGHT . nui: uui law uuic. , fnu, odu Alder st. 1921 FORD SEDAN. Leaving Saturday for California, sac- rmco w unit jii.c. .ami auit. iFORD touring, tires, fair running con- -Call Propst. WILL TAKE $a5t lot or light car for eauily in nearly new Oakland tourinff. M-ain 80(12.. Sunday Tahor 7527. IfAROAIN in 1H21 Ford touring. Car in first-class condition. Including good tires and starter. Wal. 8502. . 192R ESSEX coach for sale at a sacrifice. Inquire 23d-st. garage. 65 N. 23d. At- water tis:t. 1920 HUPMOBILE, just like new; must be sold at sacrifice. Call private phone. Walnut num. 1920 DODGE louring, looks and runs like new: bft bnv in city Walnut Mill DANDY 1919 Chevrolet touring; only run 12,000 miles. Tabor 8897.