Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1922, Page 17, Image 17

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Bantam Title Holder Has
Hard Time to Win.
Midget Haiiimers Champion All
Over King and Joe Comes
, Back With Same Stuff.
r (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
New York. Dec. 22. Jos Lynch re
tained his bantamweight 'champion
ship by receiving the decision over
Midget Smith at the end of 15
rounds here tonight The- decision
was received with hoots and booes
which continued for several minutes
after the verdict
Smith had all the better of the
early Tounds, in the- opinion of ring
eide sharps, and held his own in a
furious finish. Newspaper critics
gave Lynch but one round and five
were about even. The rest were
easily Smith's. The champion did
most of the leading after the ninth
round, but Midget's hitting was
much the more effective.
However, the majority of the fans
present evidently "did not concur in
the opinion of the judges.
Although Lynch carried the fight
to the tiny Harlem battler, he re
ceived many a hard blow while
tearing in. In pur opinion Smith
was entitled to "the decision. At
the least a draw verdict was due.
It would not have injured either
man, and, as It happened, the de
cision announced sent 12,000 boxing
fans home very much dissatisfied.
When Lynch left the ring there
.was not. a semblance of a cheer to
follow him into his dressing room,
but the crowd stood up and cheered
the challenger.
The last round was one of the
fiercest scrimmages ever seen in the
local ring. sThe two little Irishmen
stood toe to toe whaling away in a
desperate effort to connect for a
knockout. In that frame Smith had
Lynch dazed several times, but the
wonderful fighting instinct of the
west sider kept him fighting back
like a real champion. " "" '
Bound 1.
Lynch sent a left into midget's face
nd the midget crossed him with a right
to the ear. The midget sent a hard right
back of Lynch's ear. They clinched.
Smith sent another right back of Lynch'a
ar and rushed the champion to the
ropes. Lynch missed a terrific rlgut try
to the chin and then got very wild.
Midget missed with a hard left to the
face and then plastered Joe with two
r.shts to the mouth.
- - - Bound 8.
Midget tore in hooking his left to
Joe's wind. In a clinch 8mith had the
x hitler nf the going at close raai. Smith
rapped the champion hard win: a right
over-hand smash to the chin. The cham
pion landed a light left to midget's face
but the tiny fellow came back with two
to Joe'a mouth. Lynch , forced Smith
lin Smith's corner and rapped him sev
eral times with straight rights to the
mouth. Smith hooked a left to Lynch's
jaw just at the bell.
Bound 3.
Thev clinched, both getting in some
rood body blows. Joe missed several
lefts for the head and another clinch
followed. Lynch sent two lefts to
smith's face and they exchanged rights
to the head. Smith landed a hard right
swing to Joe's head, forcing Joe to
clinch, and sent another right to Joe's
head and followed it up with another
Shot on the same spot, staggering the
Round 4.
Right, off the reef they clashed into a
clinch, both pounding at the body. Lynch
sent two lefts to Smith's face without
a return, but Smith swiped him a mo
ment later with a right to the face.
Smitn drove three lefts to Joe's mouth
and Smith sent another left to Joe's
mouth. Joe jabbed Smith with left to
mouth. Midget sent a hard right to
Joe's head, sending Joe back on his
heels. Lynch was very wild.
Bound 5. ...
They clinched. Lynch missed several
left leads for the face. They exchanged
right-hand punches to head. Lynch
missed several more left leads for the
head, fcynch missed with a right for
the head and Smith rapped him with a
blow to' the ear. Joe landed a" stiff left
to Smith's mouth, which was bleeding
Bound 6.
Joe was missing continually with his
left trys for the face. ' Smith snapped
two lefts to Joe's mouth and escaped
without a return. Smith shook Joe with
a snappy right-hand punch to the jaw.
They exchanged rights. Smith again
sent Lynch back on his heels with an
other right-hand smash to the chin. The
champioa was very wild trying to nail
the tiny fellow. The midget drove an
other left to the mouth and Lynch nailed
Smith with a bard left to the mouth.
Round 7.
After considerable feinting: Lynch
landed a left to Smith's mouth and the
. latter countered with a right to the ear.
Smith sent a left to Joe's mouth and
then brought his right over to Lynch's
head forcing the champion to break
ground. Smith sent an awful low with
his right under Lynch a heart Smith
missed a right try for head while Joe
landed a short right-hand: drive tfc the
midget's ribs.
Bound 8.
The midget rapped Lynch three times
witn rights back ot the ear and a clinch
followed with both men on ropes pound-
lue away for dear life. Lynch sent
several lefts to Smith's mouth and
forced him into a 'corner. Lynch sent
mother left to midget's mouth. A
clinch followed and Joe had better of
exchanges. Lynch sent another left to
midget s meutn just pt the bell.
Bound 9.
Smith clipped a loonine right-hand
smash to Joe's ear, nearly upsetting the
cn-mpion. omiity men nooKed a lett to
Joes wind. The midget missed a hard
right-hand try for the button. Smith
rapped Joe with three hard rights to the
chin and the champion threw all caution
to tne wind. A fierce clinch followed.
Lynch was desperate and kept missing
icii-uami ii s tor tne neaa.
Bound 10.
Smith rap"ped Joe with three rights to
the head. Once more the midget stepped
In with a right to the head and two
lefts to the body. Lynch's aim was still
bad and he missed several to the face.
Midget sent a hard right under Joe's
heart. Smith sent a hard right to Joe's
ice j ufct as tne Deu rang.
Bound 11.
Smith sent s left hook to Lynch's
moutn. ine latter leaped around like
wild man. Joe sent a stiff ieft to the-i
. miaget s bleeding mouth. They ex-
cnangea ngnts to the head. They both
got in some good body blows in &' series
or ciincnes that followed. Smith missed
a rignt lor tne Heart and a fierce scrim
mage followed with honors about even.
Bound 18.
Smith threw a left to Joe's mouth and
a furious clinch followed, the pair stood
tn the center of the ring exchanging
smashed to the head. Clinch sfter clinch
followed. With the boys pounding easy
at the body Smith's face was smeared
with claret which flowed freely from
his mouth, but he was strong and sent
b naro. riKnt to joe s ear. Lynch hooked
over a left to the mouth. Lynch did
the forcing at this stage but took many
a crack while tearing in.
Bound 13. . '
Lynch missed with left to the face and
midget dTove a straight right to Joe's
chin. They clinched. The midget con
tinued trying for a haymaker at every
ehif-t while . Lynch locked like a tired
old man. He was plainly worried with
the way the title seemed' to be slipping
from him. Lynch missed repeatedly
with lefts to the faoe while the midget
played to Jo's , body. Smith nearly
knocked Lynch's head off with a right
emasn Dactt oi uie ear. joe sent
crashing blow to midget's head but the
latter responded with a right to the
mouth at the bell.
Bound 14.
They tore into a clinch. Lynch was
cautioned for holding. Lynch drove a
h-ft to midget's- mouth and the usual
clinch followed. Smith crashed a right
to the champion's ear and-followed it
wltu a left to the mouth. Lyncn seni
through a stiff left to Smith's face. In a
fierce mix-up Smith slipped to the floor,
Lynch desperately tried to land a blow
that would efface the lead piled up by
the challenger and a fierce exchange of
right-t and punches to the head result
ed. It. was the best round of.-the bout.
Both men were trying hard for a jtnoca-
Bound 15.
Both men tore in swinging desperately
nd throwing all caution to the wind.
They -whaled away, each seeking to land
a knockout punch. Midget connected
with Joe's chin, but the latter refused
to back up, and they pitched into it
with renewed fury. The acftion was so
rapid it was impossible to record the
blows. The midget cracked Joe again
with a hard right to the chin but Lynch
was back with two terrific rights to the
mouth. The referee had great difficulty
in separating them. They fought all
over the ring exchanging rights and lefts
to the chin. Lynch was reeling, but
desperate and trying to get home a ae
cisive punch. It was one of the greatest
fights ever seen In a New York ring.
Coach Skadan Picks High School
Basketball Team.
OLTMPIA, Wash.., Dea. 22 (Spe
cial.) Coach Skadan of Olympia
high school today announced his
squad for the basketball season.
Members of the squad, many of
whom played last year, are Ole Ber
lin, captain; Joe Koenlg, Anderson,
Mills. McGuire, McKinney, Van
Vlaek, Ernenwein, Palmer, Richard
son, White, Lamgum, Munro, Saeger,
A. Ditmars, F. Ditmars, (jhamDers,
Ralston. Winters, Foster, Deming.
Kelley, Taylor, Henry, Hinkle and
The team has scheduled its rirst
game of the season with the 6th en
gineers of Camp Lewis. The game
will be played on the American
Legion floor here.
Warren Lassiter to Pilot 1023
Washington High Eleven.
Warren Lassiter, star end of the
Washington high football team, was
yesiterday -elected to captain the
1!)2'3 eleven. Lassiter is the lightest
player on the 1922 Washington team.
Although this was" his first year as
a regular, he held down one of the
wing positions as a veteran.
Harry Lady at the same time was
elected captain of the 1922-23 bas
ketball team. Lady also is a star
football player and is the president
of the une, '22, class. Dr. W. A.
yenstermacher will coach the bas
ketball five.
Connection With State College
Football Team Ended.
" PULLMAN, Wash., Dec. 23. Gus
tavius A. Welch, since 1919 coach
of the Washington State college
football team, resigned today and
his resignation has been accepted,
acording to announcement by the
college athletic council.
It was stated that Welch's agree
ment with the institution under
which he received a salary of $4500
a year provided that it was to be
terminated upon his request
Albany Juniors Win Honors.
ALBANY. Or.. Dec. 22. (Special.)
The Albany high school junior
basketball quintet yesterday won
the rieht to wear numerals Dy ae
feating the senior class team in the
second hoop tournament of the local
institution. The score was t 24 to
14. This gives the juniors both the
class numerals and the silver tro
phy cup awarded for the class
chamoionshiD. In the first two
games of the series played Wednes
day the juniors won from tne sopn
omores, 23 to 10, and the seniors
won from the freshmen, 19 to 11.
Albany Grappler Victor.
ALBANY, Or., Dec. 22.: (Special.)
Charles Olson, local middleweight
wrestler, won from Earl Forster,
Lebanon 160 - pounder, in two
straight falls here last night. Olson
took the first fall with a toe hold
after 49 minutes of mat work. The
second fall was secured by the local
grappler .with a wristlock and body
scissors after 25 minutes. Vic Ny-
gren, local amateur, 'won two
straight falls from Richards of Scio
in a preliminary match.
Swimming Splashes.
J. Von Schelle of Belgium won the
100-yard swimming championship of
Britain at Belton recently, covering the
distance in 56 2-5 seconds in the decid
ing heat. C. K. Bailie, champion of
Scotland, rated favorite by many, suf
fered a slump on reaching England and
swam unplaced, but proved shortly that
the. - claims made -arers .. sell
founded, for he did the century in &6 1-5
at Liverpool a couple of days later.
The classic British eprint, which set
tled the question of European leadership,
again called attention' to the runner-up,
Bailie, who is regarded in his country
swimmer of International possi
bilities. A boy of 18, Bailie captured
the Scottish title in 56 2-5 seconds and
this in spite of a poor stroke. He swims
awkwardly, with muscles tense. But
after 'the British championship test one
of England's foremost experts expssed
tne Deuet tnat tne nigniana youtn soon
will do the hundred in 54 -seconds or
better. If he learns to relax. At Bailie's
age'lt is not difficult to overco'meTaults.
Says one of the New York dailies in
regard to competitive swimming for
school girls: Water sports are grow
ing increasingly popular with the student
lassies, and it teems a pity that the
local public school athletio league, whose
aquatic activities for boys have been so
wondertuiiy successful, not en
courage girls with similar events. Actu
ally swimming is a branch of athletics
in a class by Itself, not only because
ability in natation Is the. means of pro
tecting and saving life, but there is no
more beneficial form of exercise. There
i particular reason, therefore, for offer
ing young girls an Incentive to practice
and develop the proficiency necessary to
meet emergencies adequately. The great
est -of incentives is afforded by competi
tion." That applies not only to New York,
but to every city and town in the coun
try. While many schools for girls teach
swimming, experience has demonstrated
that mere instruction does not attain
the aim in view. A large percentage of
th students learn to - paddle a - few
strokes and go no further. ' This does
not help them In case of danger. To
make them persevere until they gain
real skill some Inducement is Imperative.
Competition is the logical solution, tor
school girls are keenly interested in
sports nowadays. If air schools for girls
were to foster competitive aquatics loss
of life by drowning would be reduced
The recent offer of the Illinois Ath
letio club to guarantee $2000 for the
trip of the Olympic club water polo team
to the 1923 national amateur athletic
union championship tournament in Chi
cago baa been -declined by- the Sail Fran
cisco organization. The reason assigned
is that some star members of the team,
Including Gardner, Netherington, Carson
and Howell, are either at college or in
business and cannot spare time for the
Meanwhile Stanford university has re
quested permission to stage th junior
national water polo title tourney for
1922, relinquished by the Pacific North
west association owinr to Insufficient
entries. If the request is granted the
championship fixture will be held in the
college pool shortly and- -the teams- of
California, Olympic club, Neptune Beach,
Pacific City Swimming club and Stan-
I lord have promised to take part
Cardinal Player Now Likely
to Become President.
Suggestion of General Strike to
Force Minimum Wage Scoffed
at by Owner of Giants.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK, Dec 22. It begins
to look as if Jack Fournier, the first
baseman of the St. Louis Cardinals,
will be forced to accept the presi
dency of the players' union by de
fault Frank Frisch of the Giants
has already declined to be a nomi
nee for the office, and today it was
learned that George Burns of the
Reds, the leading candidate, has- also
notified the union that he would
not consent to holding the chief
Two Refuse Honor.
According to John J. McG-raw.
Burns made this statement to Hans
Lobert, ex-hird baseman of the
Giants, and George is now said to
have withdrawn from the race. This
puts the issue squarely up to Four
nier. The odd part of this develop
ment is that the Cardinals asked
waivers on the Frenchman three
times last season and recently tried
to trade him to Brooklyn or Boston.
There is'a probability that Fournier
will be sent to a minor league team,
which would be a queer fate for the
prospective president of Jhe major
league players' union.
Nominee Withdraws Name.
Arthur Fletcher, one of the three
nominees for vice-president, also
has withdrawn gracefully from the
race. Fletcher is now manager of
the Phillies, and he considers that
it would be a quaint performance to
be an officer of the union, and head
of the Phils at the same time.
President Baker Is understood to
have the same ideas on the subject.
McGraw scoffed at the suggestion
that' the union might call a general
strike or demand a minimum wage
of $5000. He gave it as his opinion
that the players could never hold out
against the magnates if the latter
should threaten to cut the athletes
off from their bread and butter.
Oregon Wild Ducks Said to Have
Died of Starvation ; Biolog
ical Report Is Issued.
Western water fowl have in
creased to such an extent through
the enforcement of the migratory
bird treaty and Lacey acts that the
maintaining of adequate .breeding,
nesting and feeding places is be
coming a serious prooiem for tne
government. This Is the statement
made in the annual report of the
chief of the bureau of the biological
survey at Washington, D. C. just
issued to United States Game War
den Steele, whose headquarters is
In Portland.
"Cordial co-operation extended by
state game officials and sportsmen
from practically every state has
contributed in a large measurA to
the results achieved, not only in the
enforcement of the law, but in
creating favorable opinion toward
Its observance " the report reads.
"Without this co-operation the bu
reau, with its slender force of war
dens, would have been desperately
"The great increase in ducks has
brought about actual embarrass
ment for accommodation in natural
feeding in some instances. Reliable
information is at hand from Ore
gon, for instance, that large num
bers of wild ducks died of starva
tion and others were in an emaci
ated condition after having eaten
all the vegetation from the ponds
in the locality in which they were
found." .
Violations of the acts, however,
have been numerous, the report
states. Georgia leads the list in tlje
number of convictions of violators,
with 59. A great many Infringe
ments also were recorded in Tennes
see, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ar
kansas and Missouri. Oregon re
ported only eight Washington 18
and California two.
Pacific Coast Featherweight Title
Will Be Decided in Clash
at Armory 1
Danny Kramer and Joe Gorman
will battle ten rounds or less in
the armory ring New Year's after
noon for the Pacific coasf feather
weight title. This match, the final
tilt in the tournament which has
been running several months, was
closed yesterday by Matchmaker
Harry Hansen.
Kramer by his decisive victory
over Weldon Wing Thursday night
won the right to fight Gorman on
the New Year's card. Gorman has
won "two bouts In the tournament,
beating G-eorge Burns and King
Leopold. Gorman has been train
ing at his home in Grants Pass for
thf last two weeks. He will come
to Portland Sunday to finish train
4g for the Kramer bo-ut. ,
With - the main event all set
Matchmaker Hansen is lining up his
preliminary card. Hansen will at
tempt to bring Roughhouse George
Burns of Portland and Roughhouse
Charley Burns of Vancouver, B. C.
together in the seml-windup. This
will be for the roughhouse cham
pionship of the northwest
Bout With O'Rourke to Be Called
Off Unless $25,000 Is Taken.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22. Tom
O'Rourke, New York boxing pro
moter, today cabled Eugene Criqui,
European featherweight champion,
that plans to match him with Johnny
Kilbane of Cleveland, world's title
holder, next Decoration day at the
Polo grounds, would be canceled
unless Criqui agreed to accept a won a place on the mythical. All
guarantee of $25,000 or 20 per cent, 'jVestern. eleven v ' -.
I of the gate receipts. O'Rourke's I
cablegram was in answer, to one
irom ttooert jiuaeune, (jruiqui s
manager, demanding 22 per cent
of the gate receipts as the French
man's share.
"I also informed Cruiqui's man
ager," O'Rourke declared, "that if
he fails to accept my offer I will
match Johnny Dundee of New York
for a title contest with Kilbane. I
have Kilbane's agreement to fight
on that date' with any opponent I
may select."
Dundee is recognized as the fea
therweight .champion by ithe New
York state athletic commission,
which ruled Kilbane had vacated
his title for failure to accept Dun
dee's challenge. '
O'Rourke also announced he was
angling for a championship heavy
weight contest at the Polo grounds
next July 4 and had communicated
with Tom Gibbons, Jess Willard and
Joe Beckett, the Englishman, in an
effort to match one of them with
Jack Dempsey.
: '
Letters Are Presented to 1 6 Play
ers; Only Three Letter Men
Back for Hoop Practice.
At a meeting of the Columbia
football lettermen Thursday night
at the school, Jerry Ransavage, two
year letterman, was elected captain
of the 1923 team. Letters were pre
sented to 16 players Joe Doherty,
John Curran, Frank Haner, Jerry
Ransavage, Van Orden, Cooley,
Homer Hicks, Roland McElhany,
Cqrnelius Haggerty, Norbert Kava
naugh, Raymond Cudahy, Wesley
Schulmerich, Fred Collins, Jack
Johnson, Geenty and John Logan.
Captain-elect Ransavage is from
Wilkes-OBarre, Pa. He is a junior
at the Peninsula Institution and has
Ptwo years more of football there.
Wesley Schulmerich, 1922 captain,
graduates in the spring. Schulimer
ich and a couple of other Columbia
graduates plan to go to Notre Dame
in the.fall.
f!asketball practice at Columbia
rted this week under the direc
tion of Maurice Clipper Smith, coach,
who formerly played on the Notre
Dame quintet. Only three lettermen
are back. Coach Smtih has decided
to do away with a permanent bas
ketball captain and will appoint a
captain for each game.
Cudahy, center, and Schulmerich
and Logan, guards, are the men
around whom Columbia hopes to
build a winner. Murphy and Geenty
look best .at f orwards. They played
on the second. - team laBt year.
Cudahy will have competitors In
McClellan and Sweeney. Beet and
McDonald may make the team.
Columbia's regular schedule does
not begin until the latter part of
January. The school is after prac
tice games with the Portland high
schools. Last year Columbia played
Jefferson, losing to that school by
a small score.
$100,000 TAKEN ON GENE
Professional to Be Insured by
Club He Will Represent.
(Bv Chicago Tribune Leased. Wire.)
NEW YORK. Dec. 22. -In, addition
to his many "firsts" in golf affairs
during the past season, Gene Stfra
zen, national open and professional
golf association champion, doubtless
soon will be the first of the golf
profession to be insured for $100,000
against accident or death. As soon
as Chauncey Depew Steele, manager
of the new Briar Cliff lodge at
Briar Cliff manor on the Hudson,
got Gene's signature attached to a
two-year contract to represent the
club as its professional, he sum
moned a life insurance agent and
applied for a $100,000 policy on the
life of his "star." ,
"Sarazen is going away on a long
trip,'.' said. Mr. Steele today, "and we
want to make provision against any
emergency that might arise. It
seems to have become the practice
of baseball clubs to Insure their
star players and I to be
only good business."
Dorais Declines Offer to Go to
University of Detroit.
SPOKANE, Wash., De.c 22. Coach
Dorais has declined an offer from
the University of Detroit to become
athletic director and football coach
at that institution, it became known
i here today following the departure
of the Gonzaga mentor for San
Diego, CaL, where his football team
will meet the University of West
Virginia on Christmas day.
Dorais has decided to remain at
Gonzaga. .
Rogue River Hoopers Beaten.
ALBANY, Or., Dec. 22. (Special.)
The scrappy Rogue River high
school basketball team which is
making a barnstorming tour Of the
Willamette valley was defeated here
last night by the much heavier and
more experienced Albany college
freshmen. The score was 29 to 27.
Three lucky field goals from mid
fioor by Steincipher turned defeat
for the freshmen Into victory during
the last few minutes of play. The
boys frm Jackson county outplayed
the local quintet and was ahead at
the end of the first half, 17 to 10.
Law, diminutive forward for the
'isitors, was star.
Girl Hoopers Selected.
HOQUIAM, Wash., Dec. 22. (Spe
cial.) Lillian Anderson, coach of
the high school, announced today
the girls she had selected for the
basketball team , and substitutes.
The selections were made after she
had witnessed play by nearly all of
them in interclass games, which the
freshmen finally won from the ju
niors, 23 to 14. The team ia June
Stevens and Addid McKash, for
wards; Edna Jolly and. Georgia An
trim, guards; Evelyn Wilson and
Dora Convis, centers, and Ruth
Franklin. Marian Iverson and Ruth
Levi, substitutes. The first game
will be January 15.
' McGraw to Have Operation.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased W5re.)
NEW . YORK, Dec 22. John J.
McGraw is going to have a section
of cartilage removed from his nose
next week. He has been suffering
from a chronic cold and the sur
geons have told him that the nasal
passage is blocked, preventing full
breathing. The trouble comes from
an accident 15' years ago when
Dummy Taylor, the Giants' mdte
pitcher,, threw a balL which hit Mc
Graw on the side o the nose. The
bone was broken and an artery in.
the throat also burst
Stanford ex-Coach III.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22. Gene
Van Gent former head coach of. the
Stanford university football and
basketball teams, is seriously "ill
here with sleeping sickness, it was
announced today by his physielan.
Van Gent is a former University of
Wisconsin football star and twice
Case Appealed by Interna
tional Mercantile Marine.
Plea Declares Congress Would
Not Mean to Hamper Vessels
Flying American Flag.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 22.
A plea that American ships cannot
justly be prevented from serving
liquor on the high seas, under the
prohibition laws, was eet forth in
a brief filed in the supreme court
today by the International Mercan
tile Marine in support of Its appeal
from the interpretation" given the
Daugherty bone-dry ruling by Fed
eral Judge Hand at New York.
' The brief also declared it Is not
unlawful for vessels to bring their
ship stores of liquor into American
territorial waters. In this respect
the position taken by the Interna
tional Mercantile Marine is similar
to that eet forth by the foreign
shipping concerns in a brief filed
recently with the court
Declaring that should the decision
of Judge Hand be sustained, "it will
be Impossible commercially to oper
ate American flag steamers in the
passenger trade of the world," the
brief set out that the great foreign
trans-Atlantic liners will always be
able to sell liquor on their west
bound voyages and against such
competition the American lines will
be seriously handicapped because,
it says, Europeans will not travel
by American steamers when they
can come by foreign ships and en
joy their usual wine. ' '
Condition Are Similar.
Similar conditions, it adds, will
prevail in the South American trade
on the northbound voyages, while
vessels southhond iu that trade can
stock up with liquors at Bermuda
or Havana. The most serious com
petition will come, it asserts, on the
-facmc, where in the far eastern
trade ships sailing from Canadian
ports would have diverted to them
practically all the passenger busi
"It seems inconceivable that con
gress would have intended to ex
tend prohibition to ships," the brief
asserted, "when the result of doing
so would be to nullify the national
po'.icy of the United States with re
spect to shipping so far as passen
ger traffic is concerned."
Whatever one's personal views
may be on the subject of prohibition,
"it must be admitted that it is not
possible for American passenger
vessels which are dry," the brief
continued, "to seek in foreign ports
tne patronage of subjects of those
foreign nations whose customs and
diet prescribe wines and other
Liquor of Foreign Make.
The liquor which it is proposed
to exclude from American ships was
not manutactured, sold or . trans
ported within the territorial limits
of the United States, the brief de
clared, and none of it is imported or exported from the United
States. The liquor, embodied in the
ship as part of its sea stores, never
leaves the ship, the brief states, but
is consumed wholly upon the high
seas or in roreign ports.
- Unless the supreme court re
verses the action of Judge Hand
steamship owners believe, the brief
declared, "that a majority of the
stewards and other minor employes
of American vessels will become
- "It is lawful," it added, "to pur
chase liquor in foreign ports. To
smuggle on board, and hide it there
would be easy and practically im
possible of detection. Stewards and
other minor employes of American
ships, tempted by large gains, would
undoubtedly have available a plentl
ful supply of liquor foF any of the
passengers who might wisji it In
any event, the crews of American
vessels, so soon as a ship touched a
foreign port, can reasonably be ex
pected to stock up with whatever
they may wish, at least for their
own consumption."
Menace to Flag Cited.
Should Judge Hand'B decision be
sustained by the supreme court
there would be a "gradual elimina
tion of the American flag from pas
senger trade on the high seas," the
brief said. Congress did not state
in the constitutional amendment or
in the prohibition enforcement act
that either was to apply to American
vessels on the high seas or in for
eign porlts, it declares, "and prohi
bition, it adds, should not be extend
ed by implication when congress has
the power to legislate expressly on
the subject but has not done so."
Owner Protests He Didn't Know
Borrower's Purpose.
By a narrow margin, which In
cluded the benefit of the doubt, F.
M. Larson regained his auto-truck
yesterday through a plea to Federal
Judge Wolverton. The court's warn
ing was that hereafter he must be
very careful of the company kept by
the vehicle.
The truck was seized recently by
federal officers and held for libel
proceedings, in the arrest of H.
McCabe, who employed it for the
delivery of 60 gallons of moonshine,
Larson, as owner of the -truck, prS
tested that he did not know the pur
pose for which it was borrowed.
A fine of $200 was levied upon A.
Weinstein, In federal court, for a
violation of the prohibition law.
Additional convictions for the same
offense were those of P. T. Depp'er
and S. L. Solomon, who were each
fined $250.
Amendment to Constitution Is
Planned to Restrict Japanese.
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 22.
United States Senator Jones an
nounces in a letter received here by
Captain Ewing D. Colvin of the
American Legion that he will pro
pose in congress that the constitu
tion of the United States ' be
amended to end automatic bestowal
of citizenship on children of aliens.
Captain Colvin :: said .that the
amendment would be aimed at the
children of. alien Japanese. The
amendment would include a. pro
vision that none could be natural
ized if his parents were ineligible to
naturalization, he added.
Japanese Smugglers Sentenced.
K. Takira and Jutara Kajino, Jap-aese-B.aUoss,
.w&o ..pleaded guilty
the charge of smuggling five Jap
anese into the United States, were
g'ven federal penitentiary seiterces
yesterday by Federal Judge Wolver
tcn. As leader of the smuggling op
eration, Kajino was fined $500 and
sect to McNeil's island for two
years for smuggling. On a second
charge of helping to conceal the
men in a Portland hotel he was
fined $250 and 13 months was added
to his sentence at McNeil's. Takira
received a sentence of 13 months
to McNeil's and was fined J260. To
shitsuga Nimura, third member of
the gang, pleaded not guilty and will
be tried January 22.
New York Banker in Message to
President Calls Attention to
Danger He Discovers.
NEW YORK, Dec 22. Lewis. E.
Pierson, president of the Merchants'
association and chairman of the
board of the Irving National bank,
wrote President Harding that there
a "feeling of profound alarm
among merchants or tne uniteu
States lest changes in the federal
reserve system may work harm to
the country." - ,
He said that unless a determined
effort was made at once "to arrest
present efforts to bias the minds of
a large portion of our people," the
federal reserve system might be
come so disorganized that "a repe
tition of the disastrous history ot
the first and- second banks., of the
United States'' might occur.
The reserve system can. survive,
the banker declared, only if Its man
agement is continued in the hands
of men of courage, -expert training
and moral independence.
The Merchants' association real
izes the great difficulties that con
front you at this itme in protecting
the federal reserve system," the let
ter concluded. "But it hopes that
you may, succeed in training or se
curing for the system men of the
best training and outstanding abil
ity necessary to discharge the duties
of their offices." '
Boom in Building Predicted for
Spring of 1923.
NEW YORK. Confidence in the
outlook for an unprecedented build
ing boom in the spring of 1923,
based on an exhaustive trade survey
conducted through 55 branch offices
in the United States and Canada, has
led executives of Johns-Manvilie,
Inc., producers of building material,
to order substantial increases in the
output of the . company's existing
factories and to rush to early com
pletion two new plants, one at
Asbestos, P. Q., Canada., and the
"her at Waukegan, 111.
The working forces at the com
pany's various factories are to be
increased shortly by 15 per cent
and in order to create reserves for
next year the production of insu
lating and roofing material is to be
Increased by 26 per cent.
Fisli Dealers With Liquor Fined.
Upon their confession that they
had virtually made a liquor market
of their place of business, P. T.
Deper and S. L. Solomon, fish mer
chants at 149 First street, were
fined $250 apiece by Federal Judge
Wolverton yesterday. Their arrests
were the result of the finding by
federal agents of six pints of moon
shine on their premises. Mrs. A
Weinstein,' who last week was ar
rested following her selling the
agents several - bottles of whisky,
pleaded guilty yesterday and was
fined $250.
Lumber Plant Will Resume.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Dec. 22. (Spe
cial.) After a shutdown since Oc
tober 1, the Snow Lumber & Shingle
company's plant will resume opera
tions January 2, at Littell. Both the
mill and logging camps will be put
to work. Manager Dunlop reports
the car situation as somewhat more
promising and hopes to be able to
get sufficient transportation to en
able the plant to run steadily.
Election Fraud Charged.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Dec. 22. Pe
tition for a new election to choose
a mayor for this city was filed -in
supreme court today on behalf of
L. D. Taylor. Mayor Tlsdall was
declared elected in the voting De
cember 13. Mr. Taylor, former
mayor, asserts that some citizens
voted twice, and that other irregu
larities occurred.
New Year's Oregonian
Annual Number January 1, 1923
You will want to send copies to your friends in the east. Order now
for delivery on January 1. Single copy 5c; postage, 6c in United
States and possessions; foreign 12c. Fill out blank form and send
to Oregonian Office, Sixth and Alder. ;
THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find ......... . for which mail The Ore-
gonian's New Yearns Annual to each of the above addresses. (In
close 11c for each address in -United States "or Possessions, 17c for
each foreign address.)
I m-iT mi T r ii i 1 in i t r m r jvvtm
J 4t pj? "r' '-'j'.
There's no gilt more acceptable to
than a box of fine cigars and the
POINT Havana is blended just right
delightful smoke.
Veteran General of Ring Stages
Remarkable Comeback After
Defeat by Lynch.
(Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wife.)
CHICAGO, Dec. 22 Pal Moore of
Memphis showed some of the form
that made him famous as conqueror
of bantam titleholders by whipping
Bud Taylor, budding champion, in
ten rounds of the fastest milling
ever seen aboard the Commodore,
or anywhere else, for that matter.
The veteran, who has made so
many classy boxers look like sell
ing platers, demonstrated to the
crowd that packed the good ship
to the rub rails that he . is right
back where he was before his dis
astrous meeting with Joe Lynch at
Michigan City.
Pal outboxed, outgeneraled and In
many of the too-numerous-to-men-tion
slugging bees gave as good as
was sent, and was right on the job
for more. In praising the exhibition
of Moore, Taylor's work should not
be overlooked. With probably any
other real 117-poundcr now sport
ing gloves he would have been re
turned the winner, and had Pal been
less smart he might have been
turned over. Taylor tried every
minute from the tap of the gong,
but, try as he could to reach a vul
nerable spot on the Memphis boy,
he was outmaneuvered and his
blows, which carried knockout drops
l-?Sfi In boxes of
I !
4 m Kg
a man
for a
50 or 25 or In the
box containing; ten cigar
Insist on BLUE POINTS ' . ' f
Brown Cigar Company"
124 N. Broadway . ,
in them, either landed on Moore's
arms or gloves or in thin air.
National Guard Officers Must
Refund to Government.-
BOSTON, Dee. 22. Uncle Sam be
came the antithesis of Santa Claus
today in the minds of 400 officers
o the Massachusetts national guard,
when they received notice to turn
back to the federal government
sums from $20 to $60, paid them in
error. !
In Massachusetts It was learned,
$11,000 must be returned to the fed
eral quartermaster on account'Of
misinterpretation of the national de
fense act. when the national guard
officers were in camp last summer.
Best Film to Win Medal.
PARIS, Dec. 22. An association
bearing the name "Friends of the
Cinema" has decided to award" a
gold medal each year to the film,
B'rench or foreign, which it judges
has best contributed to the progress
of the motion picture art. The
French newspapers welcome the
idea as supplying to the cinema
what the Goncourt prize is to the
Four Ask Divorce.
Divorce suits filed yesterday in
circuit court bore the following
title: Vida against Nathan "A.
Gage, Thomas- J. against Lola !A.
Stamp, Virginia against RHey
Augustus Bruner and Charlotte 'M.
against Ernest Parker Smith. ,
Read The Oreeonian classified adis.
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