Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Published by The Oregonian Pub. Co.,
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The homicide record for 1921 in
twenty-eight American cities, just
compiled for the Spectator, an in
surance Journal, contains much
material for reflection. Not only
the actual number of murders com
mitted hut comparison -with previ
ous years will cause the thoughtful
to pause. The cities in question
had in 1921 a total population of
20,558,770; the number of persons
unlawfully slain was 1910; the rate
per 100,000 was 9.3. The striking
fact is that in 1901 the rate was but
4.9. Incidence of murder has nearly
doubled In two decades. Nothing
in the statistics warrants belief that
the end has been reached. Each
five-year period shows an increase
over its predecessor. Moreover,
there is reason for supposing that
the official records do not tell the
whole story. "They fall short of
the truth," observes the compiler,
"since to an increasing extent the
facts or statistics are confused,
leaving a doubt in the classification
us regards deaths attributed to sui
cide or accident, but that were
possibly homicides."
' There is a fruitful field for spec
ulation in the comparative figures,
not only of periods but also by
geographical divisions. Thus, the
south, the home of one of our older
civilizations, holds the palm with a
rate of 11.8 per 100,000, while the
Pacific coast states, last to be set
tled, are third on list, with 8.4. But
the New England states, also homes
of pioneer immigrants, to these
shores, make the most favorable
showing of all, their rate being only
2.7, despite a recent influx of alien
inhabitants. Among the cities,
Memphis, Tenn., continues to lead,
as it has done for lo! these many
years, its record as a whole measur.
ably offsetting a slight improve
ment observable in the figures for
1921. The latter show 56.8 mur
ders per 100,000 of population. For
the five years, 1916 to 1920, in
clusive, there were 60.9 per 100,
000; for the five years before that,
69.7. Another southern city, Nash
ville, holds the unenviable distinc
tion of being second in the line.
If it were possible to arouse pub
lie indifference to an aggressive at
titude in dealing with the subject in
proportion to Its importance, it
would seem that the totals for the
nation which are deducible from
the foregoing would be effective
The number of homicides in the
twenty-eight cities in question at
the beginning of the century, in
1901, was but 609, when those
cities had a population somewhat
short of 12,000,000. In 1921, with
a little more than 20,000,000 inhab
itants, an increase of two-thirds,
there is an increase in murders of
1300, or more than 200 per cent.
The total for the whole country
from 1916 to 1920 was 8776. The
total for 1921, if maintained at the
rate prevailing in the cities, would
be 10,028. This In all probability
is not far from the truth.
Perplexing details of the admin
istration of justice, as was held by
a committee of the American Bar
association not long ago, are in
volved in solution of this most seri
ous problem, but the layman will
incline to believe that the real cause
lies deeper than that. Yet even this
will not be ignored. The bar as
sociation is on record as stating
that much remains to be done to
improve our judicial procedure, "to
the extent that punishment shall be
more swift and more certain in
cases in which the evidence seems
sufficient to warrant a conviction.'
The low record of New Jersey,
with its proverbial Jersey justice,
would seem to bear out the as
sumption that speed and certainty
help, for with a few exceptions it
makes the best showing among the
states. It is incidentally interest
ing to learn that Oregon, with 4.4
murders per 100,000 population, is
the most favorably situated of the
western states. Its neighbor, Cali
fornia, has more than twice as
many, or 10.1.
It is nevertheless open to ques
tion, as we have previously pointed
. out, whether the proposal of the
bar association to prohibit the sale
of firearms, or whether another
suggestion that "indiscriminate sale
of poisonous substances" be prohib
ited will prove the panacea that
their advocates believe them to be.
' The efficacy of a murder pre
ventive which disarms the pros
pective victim, while it leaves with
the outlaw the advantage which
his superior cunning and want of
restraint give him, is at least dubi
ous. But there are possibilities in
the method now being tried in Eng
land, which assumes, as the Lon
don Times says, "that the only ef-
- fective deterrent against the misuse
of firearms is the knowledge that
if the unauthorized individual is
caught with arms in his possession,
whether he uses them or- not, he
will be treated, without possibility
; of escape, with the utmost rigor of
the law." But here, as the Times
points out. It is also a long way
from the passage of a law to its en.
forcement with the relentlessness
, necessary to drive its purpose home.
Law officers not much less fre
quently than juries are prone to
ignore the underlying principle of
... a statute and to be swayed by the
circumstances in particular cases.
The new English law makes it an
offense punishable by penal servi
tude for twenty years to be caught
in unauthorized possession of arms.
Its design is to make the carrying
of firearms so costly that "every
motor thief and burglar and violent
criminal, knowing that if caught
with a revolver on him he will in
fallibly go to penal servitude for at
least ten years, will leave his re
volver at home." In practice, how
ever, there is reluctance to prose
cute unless actual violence has been
committed and juries incline to
leniency to the prisoner in entire
forgetfulness of their duty to soci
ety as a whole.
It comes then to an issue of re
sponsibility of the people in the
mass, which does not greatly clar
ify the situation or present a con
structive solution. Undoubtedly it
will be desirable to awaken the
public to an understanding that
the essence of crime is the intent
to commit crime, that by going
armed and by being willing to com
mit murder if thwarted in a lesser
design the criminal forfeits claim
to consideration and that thajnter
esU of people who live in homes or
walk the streets are paramount tol
those of any plotter against the
security of-life and property who
ever lived. ' And If there are any
who seriously believe that the now-
prevailing practice, largely based
on a misdirected emotionalism, is
getting us anywhere, these are ad
vised to consult the record of recent
events. .
It will bear repetition: There
were more than 10,000 murders In
the United States In 1921. In pro
portion to population, the number
was nearly double that of 1901.
The man who contests the elec
tion of Senator Lodge asserts that
his motive is "to unseat a man who
has accomplished more harm as
an obstructor of worid peace and
the natural expression of human
thought than any man since Nero,"
hence he does not care about seat
ing the man who had an honest
majority of the votes. -
World peace was not obstructed
in the debate on the league by Mr.
Lodge and his associates. They
sought a basis of compromise on
which republicans and democrats
could unite to ratify the Versailles
treaty, and half the democratic sen
ators voted for that compromise on
the final ballot; the other half
of the democrats, in submission
to President Wilson's dictation,
voted against that compromise, to
gether with the republican and
democratic irreconcilables who op
posed the league on any terms. Be
cause Mr. Lodge led the forces
which refused 4c accept the treaty
in the precise form in which
Mr. Wilson brought it home from
Paris and insisted on amendments
both to satisfy their scruples and to
secure the votes needed to ratify,
he has been singled out by the Wil
son die-hards as the particular ob
ject of their enmity.
Mr. Lodge may not move polit
ically as fast as the political speed
ers of the present day would like,
but he was progressive enough to
be the trusted lieutenant of Presi
dent Roosevelt. He has rendered
distinguished Bervice to the nation
and he well represents his state.
The contest of his seat reflects on
its instigators rather than on him.
The immigration restriction law
is under fire from farmers, manu
facturers and financiers on the
ground that unskilled labor is
scarce, wages high and industry
cramped. They suggest that emi
gration of each nationality should
be deducted from immigration in
calculating quotas under the 3 per
cent law; that selection should be
practiced at the port of embarka
tion; that the secretary of labor
control immigrants after arrival,
both for the purpose of education
and to prevent congestion near the
seaboard; that the secretary of la
bor ' be given authority to exceed
the quota when shortage of labor
is demonstrated. One manufac
turer would abolish the literacy
test and would exclude only the
diseased, criminal, defective and
enemies of government.
On the other side of the case
Representative Johnson of Wash
ington contemplates a bill "which
will correct the present quota act,
further restrict immigration of tin
desirables, avoid the splitting of
immediate families, increase the
mental and health tests and carry a
clause denying permanent residence
to aliens not eligible to citizenship."
He says that the care of the for
eign born in state prisons and
eleemosynary Institutions costs 7
per cent of the gross income of the
states and twice as much as their
interest charges. He asks what are
those people thinking about who
cry for more Immigrants "in order
to supply us with more and cheaper
labor profits, population or pos
terity?" The farmers would not be
relieved, for of the immigrants who
came -in the year ending June 30,
1921, only 2 per cent were farmers
and 3 per cent farm laborers. To
the tailors who complain of labor
shortage he replies that clothing Is
now manufactured, that the indus
try is largely recruited by Russian
immigrants and that it is controlled
by a union whose organ is the red
dest in America. The quotas from
northern Europe are unfilled.
Those who call for more immi
grants think chiefly of a supply of
cheap, unskilled labor. From the
ranks of immigrants have been re
cruited the revolutionary societies
and conspiracies which aim at rev
olution. Immigrants are more than
labor; they are the material of
which we make citizens. The quan
tity and quality of this material
that we admit and the care we take
in handling it will decide the char
acter of that posterity of which
Mr. Johnson speaks.
The literacy test was adopted as
the readiest means of selecting
those immigrants who shall be ad
mitted and of excluding the unde
sirable. The nations of southern
and eastern Europe have both the
largest proportion of illiterates and
the strongest disposition of violent
revolution among their working
people, and from them had come
the bulk of our immigration during
the twenty years preceding the war.
The more educated and less revo
lutionary peoples of northwestern
Europe are more desirable, both as
workmen and citizens, being more
readily assimilated, but they do not
come in sufficient numbers to fill
their quotas. If we should let down
the bars, more of the unassimilable
would come, but no more of the
class that we most desire.
The law might well be amended
to avoid division of families, but
the literacy test would better be
more severe, and greater precau
tions are needed against admission
of criminals and defectives. Em
ployer! who call for immigrant la
bor should remember that , their
worst labor troubles, growing into
destructive conspiracy and open in
surrection, have sprung from that
source. Better be short of labor
and grow more slowly than open
the gates to the kind of labor which
would work overtime to overthrow
the republic.
A contemporary which has wept
many a tear over the brutality and
vulgarity of capital punishment is
now moved to admit that a life
sentence in the penitentiary "has
come to be a mere joke. Almost
before the body of the victim is In
the grave the guilty murderer be
gins to anticipate a pardon." It is
further regretfully observed that
"that is one reason why Oregon has
capital punishment."
When Governor West made his
sensational last minute rescue of
Jesse Webb from the gallows, by a
commutation of sentence to life
imprisonment, he required a def
inite verbal contract from the mur
derer and his family that they
would never ask for a pardon, and
would discourage any such effort,
by their friends. Yet the move
ment to release Webb from prison
was actively under way before
West retired from office, a year or
two later. It was a clear sign of
the general opinion that no one
can be made to spend all his days
behind prison bars in Oregon. Jesse
Webb served eleven years. The av
erage for convicts guilty of murder
is seven years, or less.
The Oregonian has never insisted
that capital punishment is more of
a deterrent for crime than life im
prisonment. But it believes . in
justice, and thinks that the man
who slays in cold blood of right
forfeits his life. But who does not
know that twenty murders are
odmmitted where one murderer Is
hanged? The noose has no terrors,
for it is mostly a phantom. Juries
are lenient and acquittal is not only
possible but probable. The man
with the pistol, or the knife, or the
ax, which he plans to-wield on his
enemy, knows consciously or sub
consciously that even if he is dis
covered the chances of acquittal
are favorable.
If juries would convict and if
governors would not pardon, life
imprisonment would be a reality,
and crimes of the blood fewer. But
governors are human, and will not
to the end resist persistent appeals
for clemency. The pardoning power
is a great privilege, but it is also a
great burden. Most governors
would be glad to be rid of it.
It might be of service to the ef
fective administration of justice if
the right to pardon in capital crimes
were to be taken from the governor
and placed with the supreme court.
to be exercised only after formal
public hearing.
Senator Borah's proposal of an
international conference on both
the economic situation and dis
armament recognizes the close re
lation between the two subjects and
the necessity of carrying agree
ments to reduce armament farther
than was provided by the Washing
ton naval treaty. Though the three
principal powers signatory to that
treaty hav begun to dismantle
capital ships that are obsolete and
though some have halted construc
tion of those on the ways, they
postpone carrying out the pro
gramme in full until France and
Italy ratify. Britain improves guns
and armor to the limit agreed on.
both Britain and Japan add auxil
iaries on which no limit is placed,
and the navy department of the
United States submits an enlarged
programme for ships of that class
in order to keep on even terms with
them. If France or Italy should
refuse to ratify, the hopes that the
treaty has raised will be blasted,
ana ii Dotn snouia ratify, a new
race will begin in improving guns
and armor of battleships and in
building cruisers, destroyers, sub
marines and minelayers, to which
the war gave added importance.
Evidently limitation is Impos
sible unless France and Italy par
ticipate a: d it may give slight relief
if they do participate unless it be
extended to auxiliary craft. In
order, that the five leading powers
may thus extend it, others must
join in the agreement, for the
minor powers would be able to
build a disproportionate number of
less costly ships, and several of
them might, by uniting their fleets.
attain equality with one of the
great powers. Hence the Washing
ton treaty may prove to have only
prepared the way for a compact
covering the whole field of naval
armament, to which practically all
maritime powers, great and small,
would be parties. The broader the
scope of such an agreement and the
larger the number of nations that
must necessarily be parties to it,
the more will be the national
hopes, fears, ambitions and grudges
that will stand in the way of its ac
complishment. Obstacles delay
final consummation of the Wash
ington treaty, in which only five
powers are concerned. How much
greater obstacles would a treaty
encounter that must affect the en
tire naval force of many more na
No reasonable doubt exists that
France hangs back in hope of gain
ing an equivalent advantage from
the United States. The French
navy has been terribly reduced, and
France feels need of its expansion
until secured against danger of
war. France would need warships
to protect transports bringing
troops and munitions from distant
colonies, to protect its merchant
ships and to guard its coast. Italy
insists on equality with France or
any other Mediterranean power
and, though willing to ratify the
Washington treaty, would not act
upon it unless France should ratify.
Though all navies should be lim
ited as to all types of ships, the
greater part of the disarmament
problem would be untouched so
long as armies were not reduced.
So far are many nations from being
ready to reduce armies that a pro
test from France sufficed to ex
elude them from consideration at
Washington. Until armies are re
duced, their size will limit the ex
tent to which navies can be re
duced, for nations with, oversea
possessions want naval force to
protect them and communication
with them.
Excessive armament on both
land and sea, but on the continent
of Europe principally on land, is
the chief cause of Europe's eco
nomic distress, of restriction of our
foreign trade, of the low price of
farm products and of the idleness
of two thirds of our ships. Reduc
tion of armies and navies would not
only cut down the direct cost, but
would increase wealth, consequently
public revenue, with the produc
tive labor of men now In military
service and uselessly employed in
producing implements of destruc
tion. By including economic
troubles among the subjects of the
proposed conference, Mr. Borah
recognizes the close relation be
tween armament and economic dis
tress, and he admits that it reacts
injuriously on the United States.
But those twin evils cannot be
successfully attacked unless we un
cover and remove the underlying
causes. These are disputed fron
tiers, unfulfilled treaties, national
hatred and distrust, desire of the
defeated for vengeance, determina
tion of the victors to hold what
they have won. France will not
disarm while Germany welshes on
reparations and maintains cam
ouflaged armies and secret stores
of arms far in excess of treaty lim
its in preparation for "the next
war." Poland will not disarm
while menaced by Germany on the
west and Russia on the east. The
little entente will remain armed
while Hungary nourishes hope of
recovering lost provinces, while
Russia threatens to retake Bessari
abia from Roumania and while the
only limits to Turkish designs of re
conquest are those of Turkey's mil
itary powers and of unity among
its enemies. Until all these causes
of conflict were removed, a confer
ence would be apt to degenerate
into an angry debate on all of
As the armament problem is
hopelessly involved with' that of
economics, so are both with the
political problems which divide
Europe. Since the United States
withdrew from the peace councils,
no decision has been accepted as
final, for the nations whose com
bined power should ' have made
them final have drawn apart from
one another and have become more
ngrossed in their internal troublesAing, ut it is distinctly a physician's
which have been aggravated by dis.
cord. They need the aid of a na
tion which is the friend of all of
them in bringing about agreement
among them,
It would be useless to go half
way in response to Clemenceau's
appeal to come back. Discussions
of economics would surely lead to
that of armament, of armament to
that of economics, and both would
lead to that of politics. The dis
putants would be likely to call on
the United States to arbitrate or
mediate and, if they should not,
our government would be impelled
to offer its services lest another
conference fail.
Senator Borah should recognize
this logical sequence when he re
calls the results of his efforts at
naval disarmament in 1921. He
proposed action by the United
States, Britain and Japan, but Pres
ident Harding found it necessary to
call in France and Italy also, then
to expand the programme to cover
far eastern affairs, for a political
settlement was indispensable as the
basis for a naval limitation treaty.
It now develops that, lest that
treaty fail, the affairs of Europe
must be set In order, and all na
tions turn to the United States as
the only one that can break the jam,
Not even the Christmas stories of
Dickens carry the appeal of a little
poem of which the present holiday
season is peculiarly a reminder. It
is just a century this week since Dr.
Clement C. Moore, a Chelsea col
lege professor, head of a large fam
ily, framed while returning home
from a shopping errand the verses
to which he gave the title "The
Visit of St. Nicholas," but which
have become better known as "The
Night Before Christmas." Like that
other creator of delightful reading
ior . cnuaren, .Dr. C. L. Dodgson,
Moore's vocation was far removed
from the field of juvenile litera
ture. He was professor of Greek
and oriental languages in a theolog
ical seminary. Like Dodgson, he is
famous for his avocational work,
while in the field of his chosen pro
fession he is practically unknown.
The turkey shoot is survival of
the custom of sallying forth in the
early morn with the old muzzle
loader and powder horn and bring
ing home a wild gobbler before
noon. Some of present-day ama
teurs could not bring home one
before the next week.
If this foggy weather continues
somebody will be introducing a law
in the legislature requiring auto
mobile drivers to equip their cars
with compasses anH learn seaman
ship and navigation.
Pink sunsets are common, but
only in Portland is there a pink
sunrise when the sun swings around
Mount Tabor and shines through
the fog.
Make the mail carrier load both
ways on that single trip Monday.
Hang something on the mail box
for him candy perhaps, or a
smoke. He's a good fellow.
"California dry law becomes ef
fective," says a headline. More to
the point is whether drought con
ditions will actually prevail.
Dr. McElveen would have most
of us meditate more. Not just
now, doctor, but when the Christ
mas bills come in.
Nearing the end of the seals sale.
Put her over. The pennies, nickels
and dimes will do it.
The Denver bandits will be found
by means of airplane if somebody
will hurry.
Fire Chief Young says don't put
a lighted candle in your window.
He knows.
Many who put on the bravest air
are the poorest in Christmas time.
Old Dr. Stork is the best Santa
Claus and a welcome one.
Be on hand at opening time last
day for buying.
This is the season for giving and
for getting, '
Burroughs Nature Club.
Copyright, Houghton-Mifflin Co.
TIONS? 1. Can you identify from enclosed
drawings, the insect represented?
2. Do they still get eider down
from duck's nest9, and how much
down will a duck give at a time?
3. Are any fishes nocturnal?
. Answers in Monday's nature notes.
Answers to Previous Questions. '
1. How did codfish get their
Some writers go into a rather in
direct explanation to connect "cod"
with the Lattn. name of Gadus, which
means a rod or stick. The most
plausible suggestion we know comes
from Thoreau's book, "Cape Cod," in
which he says "cod" comes probably
from the Saxon "codde" meaning a
case containing seeds. (The old
fashioned "pease-cod" is an example
of this use). The fish, Thoreau
things, might have acquired the
name from the resemblance of its
body to a codde or pod; or from the
amount of spawn the cod contains,
which might suggest a pod full of
seed. -
I. Do vegetable-eating animals
ever consume their own young? I
ask because our young rabbits sud
denly disappeared.
Animal parents often 'kill their
own young, but not to eat them. The
object is to dispose of them when
apparently some foe threatens. In
the case of the rabbits, it is more
likely a roving cat killed and ate
the babies. Rat parents might
actually eat the young they had
3.. How big is the sparrow hawk,
and does it live on sparrows.
About ten to 11 inches, smallest
of our hawks. It kills various small
birds, but also eats quantities of
beetles or similar insects of any
size, and mice. Considered very ben
eficial, and should be protected, as
the vermin it eats more than bal
ances the bird part ot Its diet.
Better Crime Curative In Schools
Than In Marriage Restrictions.
CANBY, Or., Dec. 21. (To the Ed
itor.) Dr. Owens-Adair's article on
the "crime wave" is indeed interest-
point of view.
Stringent marriage laws, prevent
ing incompetent parenthood, would
no doubt insure better offspring and
partly cure the divorce evil, yet the
doctor's suggestion all the way
through is only a one-sided solution.
Too stringent marriage regulation
would add immorality and crime, at
one end of the scale while it is being
subtracted at the other.
But hereditary influences are not
our principal crime breeders. Nine
ty per cent of our crime is only a
foul contagion which is part and
parcel of an unjust social system.
Extreme poverty on one hand and
"married" profligacy on the other
are the chief causes of criminal law
lessness. It 1b the environment into
which children are born rather than
pre-natal influences that offer the
gravest dangers.
Experience a.9 a school teacher
has thoroughly convinced me of the
need of educational reformation.
Through establishing a definite
moral, spiritual and social ideal, the
school offers one of our best "crime
wave" curatives.
This, of course, does not pre
suppose the necessity of inane Ku'
Kluxism, but a broad progressive
pedagogical programme which will
make the public school system what
ltJihould be. JOHN H. BATES.
Pork No More Harmful Than Other
Meats, In Opinion of Specialist.
NEW YORK, Dec. 16. (To the
Editor.) My attention has been
called to an article in The Orego
nlan of November 29 in answer to
a letter of R. H. Tate in regard to
the relation of pork-eating and can-
C6l' note the very kind references
you have made to my book on "Can
cer and Its Non-Surgical Treatment"
and the chapter on "Relation of Diet
to Cancer," and I compliment you
on the very clear way in which you
have put the matter.
I cannot eay that I nave ever od-
served any connection between
pork-eating and cancer. I see many,
many cases of cancer in the Jews,
who do not eat pork at all, so that
I think that really it is only the
meat substance that is of harm, as
are also tea, coffee and alcohol.
Of course, I am particularly glad
of your little article, in view of
the recent campaign which has been
held by the American Society for
the Prevention of Cancer, which has
done so much harm by its terrifying
everybody and driving them to un
necessary and often harmful oper
ations. When it publishes the real
truth In regard to cancer and its
proper treatment I am very sure
there will be a great reduction in
the terrific mortality which is such
a scourge to our country.
Senior Physician to the New York
Skin and Cancer Hospital; Mem
ber of the American Society for
Cancer Research, Etc.
Marrlaee to Allen.
ORCHARDS, Wash., Dec. 21. (To
the Editor.) Kindly let me know
whether I can take homestead re
linquishment, as 1 was born in
America and have never been out of
it. But I am married to an alien,
He has applied for his first papers,
I have never used my rights.
Marriage to an alien annuls your
American citizenship and makes
void your homestead right. It will
be necessary for you to file a peti
tion, meet all the requirements of
the naturalization laws and take the
oath of allegiance before you can
take -up a homested. You may se
cure application blanks and file your
petition in the naturalization office
on the second floor of the old post
office building., The customary fee
of $1 for declaration and H for a
petition will be charged.
How to Grow Seedless Apples.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Dec. 21. (To
the Editor.) In the Burroughs club
nature notes a question was an
swered regarding a seedless apple.
This can be produced by budding.
Simply insert the bud up end down,
when budding will reduce the
amount of seed from one-third to
one-half the original amount. On
a second or third repetition of the
operation you get the seedless ap
ple. Do you get the Idea?
A watermelon can be so done by
covering the young vine for a foot
or more along the runner and keep
ing it damp until it takes root
and cutting loose from the mother
root between it and where it has
taken root. If this is done before
the blossom sets the melon will be
, seedless.
Those Who Come and Go
Tales of Folks at the Hotels.
Not one vote was cast against
R. A. Ford for representative for
Grant and Harney counties, which
shows how Mr. Ford is thought oi
"in the community in which he re
sides." Representative Ford arrived
in Portland yesterday and will re
main here until it is time for him
to go to Salem and answer the roll
call on January 8, 1923." I am for
economy," explained Mr. Ford yes
terday. t"Last summer we could
have used two men riding on the
range,' but we didn't hire them be
cause we couldn't afford to. That
was economy. I don't care how
high my taxes are when I am get
ting a big price for cattle, but when
I have to sell a score or more of
head to get enough money to pay
taxes, then I become interested in
the subject. As I view it, the way
to reduce taxes is to economize by
cutting down the cost of operation,
the -way we did on the ranch last
summer. This will not be popular,
for no matter what item of expense
the legislature tries to eliminate,
there will be someone ready to pro
test, yet that is the only way to
cut down taxes." Mr. Ford favored
not less than 1 5000 a year-for a
state highway engineer in the 1917
session, and he wanted to pay high
way commissioners a good salary,
for he supposed that the right kind
of men could not be induced to give
their time to road building. Now,
however, having watched the devel
opment of the road programme dur
ing the hardest-days and observed
it reach the point where the duties
of a commissioner are becoming
routine, he has less sympathy than
ever for the plan of paying the
members of the commission. Mr.
Ford was one of the pioneer advo
cates of the John Day highway. He
says that, at Dayville, he can get
The Oregonian when it is only one
day old instead of three or four
days old, as was the case before the
highway was built, and there is now
a saving of $2 per hundred on
freight, thanks to the highway.
Towns once having 1500 popula
tion have dwindled down to three
or four old-timers who have at
tained the reminiscent mood, and
these sourdoughs pan enough to
make a living: and put in the rest
of jtheir time telling of the glories
of the days that were. There are
many such places in Alaska, according-
to J. C. Anderson who has ar
rived at the Multnomah from Ju
neau, where he was engaged in road
work. Under the direction of the
United States bureau of public
roads, Mr. Anderson has been con
structing about seven miles- out of
Jun'eau, four miles out of Seward
and four and one-half miles out of
Cordova. In the days of long light
it was possible to work two crews,
thus getting in 16 hours a day; but
now the daylight Is confined to six
hours, so work has stopped. White
labor was used on the Cordova and
Seward jobs, but natives were also
used on the Juneau road work. The
roads built have been surfaced with
gravel. The main road problem to
contend with In that section of
Alaska is the excessive rain. Mr.
Anderson is employed by the con
tracting firm of Siems & Carlson of
I'm a refugee," announced Peter
Grant, when he arrived in Portland
yesterday. "We lost a couple of
buildings on Commercial street, in
Astoria. The 'town looks like San
Francisco did after the fire there,
and if Astoria builds up like San
Francisco did then the fire will
have been a good thing. The gov
ernment should aid Astoria by fill
ing in the streets with a dredger.
This could be considered as a har
bor improvement. Then, too, the
state of Oregon should help, and I
believe the sentiment throughout
the state is to aid Astoria." This is
the first time that Mr. Grant has
visited Portland in a year. .He is
here on his way to Astoria to spend
Christmas with his mother. Mr.
Grant has been making his head
quarters inSan Francisco. He says
that Frank M. Warren of Portland
has bought a steamer in San Fran
cisco which will be worth $1,000,000
when about $20,000 in improvements
are added, and the price was very
In the fossil beds of Grant county
It is more profitable, at this time,
to raise turkeys than to raise cat
tle. A. C. Munro, who, with a part
ner, runs a herd of about 450 tur
keys, brought a shipment to Port
land for the holiday market. These
birds were raised' near Goose Rock,
which for generations was used as
a nesting place by wild geese, but
these fowls have somewhat neglect
ed the rookery in recent years,
probably because the sportsmen, are
killing oil the geese, mere is very
little trouble in raising turkeys in
the John Day valley, for the birds
are permitted to roam at will and
there is no expense about feeding
them until a couple of weeks be
fore they are brought to market.
Not far from where the Munro birds
were raised an immense mammoth
tooth was unearthed a few days
ago, and was taken, away by a man
from Idaho. Mr. Munro is regis
tered at the Imperial.
Whitefield Stone, garaga man of
Dayvule, is registered at the Im
perial. Although of small popula
tlon. Dayville is incorporated, this
having been done in the days of lo
cal option, so that the saloons could
be retained. When the oone-ary
act became effective the saloons
were converted into "pastimes" and
hard liquor was replaced by soft
drinks. Small though Dayville Is,
it is large enough to have lively
elections, and Mayor Snow was re
elected by six vo.tes after a hot cam
paign. There is a community hall
in Dayville which is so well patron
ized that it nets the stockholders
about 10 per cent. The stock Is
owned mostly by people living out
side of the city limits. The next big
event at the hall will be the Scotch
American celebration on New Year's.
When Fremont, the pathfinder,
was exploring south central Oregon
he climbed over mountains covered
with snow and so called them the
Winter range. Along the foot of
the range was a lake, the shores
of which were green as though in
June, so he named it Summer lake.
John Crump, of Summer Lake, is
.among the arrivals af the Imperial.
The highway commission would like
to locate the highway north from
Lakeview on the west shore of
Summer lake, but the land there is
so fertile and valuable that the
farmers do not like to sacrifice any
of their holdings, for a right of
way. Unless the right of way is
obtained the commission will have
to make the location on the east
shore, which is very cold, and a road
there will not serve the people so
To do a little Christmas shopping,
Hamilton McCormack of St- Helens
is at the Benson. The McCormack
outfit has a fleet of 20 vessels in
the coastwise trade, all making
money. It Is not generally known,
but St. Helens has probably the best
dance hall in the state, and the
equipment of furniture and lights
alone represents more than $2500.
There is to be a great pre-Christmas
celebration in the hall tonight.
George E. Streeter, formerly of
Portland, but now receiver for the
lumber concern at Bunker, Wash.,
has arrived at the Multnomah with
I Mrs. Streeter for-tha, holidays.
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Montaarue.
(In Maine the use of ice in bever
ages is forbidden because it was
formerly used with liquor).
A little ice," implored the guest,
"I'm burning up Inside."
T can't comply with your request,"
The waiter girl replied.
For ice once made the highball cool.
And chilled the foaming beer;
I'd break a legislative rule
were I to serve it here."
"You bring that ice, and bring it
The guest cried, loud and plain.
"You know there isn't any "kick"
In all the ice in -Maine!"
Tee," said the girl, "in ardent drink,
Moved men to ribald song,
And so our legislators think
To serve it would be wrong!"
"But ice is frozen H-2-O,"
The guest said with a grin,
It is an antidote, you know,
For whisky, rum or gin."
Replied the girl: "Young gentle
All this is very true.
But ice is placed beneath the ban
For what it used to do.
"Why not prohibit glasses, then?"
The guest said, with a sneer,
"They once were used by drinking
For liquors, wines and beer."
The girl observed: "Be patient,
They meet again next spring.
And I have heard that they intend
To do that very thing!"
Hard Job.
Every time the president names a
man for the supreme court he is at
tacked either because he is not well
known enough or is known alto
gether too well.
The tiniest elephant in the world
has arrived in New York. Perhaps
it is to be used as the new emblem
for a certain national party.
A Hot Competition.
The football season is ended, but
the race between Santa Claus and
the income tax collector to get
father's bank roll is providing con
siderable excitement.
(Copyright. 1!M, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
It Isn't Life: It's You.
By Grace E. Hall.
Be glad each day for something
It may be hard to find
A cause for real rejoicing
Amid your sordid grind.
You may indeed be bitter
And say there's not a thing
For which to be just pleasant
So tortuous life's sting; ,
But somewhere in your being
Some cheering thought must be,
If you will go a-searching
For it right honestly.
Be glad each day for something
It isn't life that's wrong.
But only that we humans
Forget our smiles and song;
The world is full of beauty
It has no sordid thing,
But, once we bend to burdens.
We straightway cease to sing;
The creatures in the forest
Have, too, their part in life.
But with a super-knowledge
They work with naught of strife;
And if each man would alter
His views so hard and grim,
And search for bits of gladness
Twould change the world for him.
In Other Days.
. Twenty-Five Years Ago.
From The Oregonian, December 23, 1897.
Owing to the supplies of various
kinds dealers have laid in for in
tending Klondikers, Portland Is in
better condition to enjoy a spell of
snowy weather than ever before.
Cold weather is predicted and
skaters are hopeful of the ponds
and sloughs being frozen sufficient
ly for skating soon.
Oregon cattle stand to bring bet
ter prices next spring than during
the past season. Cattle buyers are
in all parts of the state, not so much
for the purpose of making immedi
ate purchases, as to take in the sit
uation and learn what number of
cattle can be had when wanted next
Washington The reciprocity ne
gotiations between the United States
and Germany are practically sus
pended. They never got beyond the
initial stage.
The report of Agent Emery shows
a total of 1020 Indians on the Kla
math reservation, an increase of 59
over last year. These red men have
been deprived of allowances for the
past 12 years, and most of them are
supporting themselves well.
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oregonian, December 23, 1872.
The most disastrous fire which
has, without exception, ever taken
place in the history of Portland, oc
curred yesterday. Over two square
blocks of Front street from Morri
son to Washington were completely
razed. The loss will reach half a
million dollars. The fire originated
in the back part of a Chinese wash
Stores in large quantities were
shipped up the east side road yes
terday fr the scene of Indian
Notwithstanding the advanced
period of the rainy season the Wil
lamette river is very low, and the
boats on the upper river have much
trouble in getting up and down.
Stockton, Cal. The Hercules Pow
der works exploded yesterday, kill
ing ten Chinamen and seriously in
juring a white man, named Cook.
Astoria u a Warning.
PORTLAND, Dec. 22. (Tothe Ed
itor.) The feeling of sympathy
which is aroused by the Astoria cal
amity should not blind our eyes to
the fact that the calamity itself is
largely due to the community which
now suffers. Can anything be more
insane that erecting hotels, ware
houses and public buildings on a
foundation of creosoted piles filled
in with sawdust? If the piles could
not be made fireproof (and no doubt
they could), then at least the spaces
between them should have been
filled in with stones or rubble or
sand, properly banked up. Of course,
it is always easy to be "wise after
the event," but here the danger has
been apparent for more than thirty
We have a somewhat similar con
dition on our waterfront; not as
bad, but still, bad enough. The
wharves on the left bank of the
river are disgracefully insecure in
respect of fire risk; and if a fire
were to break out there it would
sweep a great part of Front street,
and might, with an east wind, ex
tend much further how far, no one
Let our city authorities take the
matter in hand, and be wise before
the event, not after it.
The Spirit
All the romance and joy of
Christmas will be told in nu
merous articles and illustra
tions to appear in The Sunday
'The Sea King's
Christmas Carol"
Christmas poem by Ben Hur
Lampman set in beautiful
color art page by C. L. Smith,
in tomorrow's paper.
Portland Observance
to Be Musical One
Department in the Sunday
paper to give details of va
rious musical features in ob
servance of Christmas.
Christmas Candies
Made at Home
Lilian Tingle, The Orego
nian's cookery expert, tells
how candies may be easily
Christmas Poem
Has Centenary
"Twas the Night Before
Christmas" occupies unique
and lasting place in Yule lit
erature of world.
"Scarab's Luck"
Is Christmas Story
Pretty girl was 21 and had
never had a real Christmas
and then something happened
which changed everything.
Churches to Observe
Birth of Christ
Elaborate programmes have
been prepared for various
Portland churches.
Brokers Finance
Grand Opera
Down dim canyon ways of
Wall street St. Cecelia sings
as sweetly as in less re
stricted neighborhoods. -
"Puppy Love"
Elopers Many
Shall children be spanked or
their parents? asks Chicago
judge in discussing epidemic
of runaway matches.
Jungle Vine
Cures Fear
Medical science feels that it
has found non-habit forming
draught to overcome dis
agreeable emption.
Dogs May Have
Artificial Legs
San Francisco physician in
vents artificial limbs for
canine pet.
Hill's Sketches
Feature Christmas
Page production by popular
artist shows how Yule spirit
affects different types.
What Makes
Beautiful Girl?
Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., beauty
expert, in another of his se
ries of articles answers that
Luckiest Woman
Is Found
Admirers thus describe Maria
Jeritza because she has youth,
beauty, wealth, a voice in a
generation and a titled hus
White House to
Burn Candles
How Yuletide celebrations
will be observed in the Hard
ing family told with illustra
tions. How Auto
Helps Santa
Art views in auto section
show how reindeer have been
replaced by gasoline-driven
Frances Fairchild
Famous Beauty
Buyer for New York depart
ment store called one of 12
most beautiful women.
Princess Alice
in Banishment
With Prince Andrew of
Greece, she boards British
warship for tnp to England.
Portland Radio
Heard on Train
Fair passengers on transcon
tinental trips may now enjoy
local concerts. -
This Is Decade
of Big Events
World activities which will
go down in history told as
they occur in The Oregonian.
' All the News of AU
the World Told in
Sunday Oregonian
Just Five Cents